Test type Connect

English Deutsch Polish

This type allows to create several pairs, which are then randomly messed up and student has to re-couple them.

1. Choose type of the test.

2. Create particular pairs, each row in the table corresponds to one pair. Word in the left column will be on the left side in resulting test, similarly word in the right column will be on the right side in the test.
You can also create "fake" impairs, which make pairing harder. To create such impair, just leave the other column empty (the word will be displayed on the left side if it is in the left column and vice versa).

3. In the test settings, type the test name, number of questions, optionally test question, choose how many pairs will student have to couple and how many fake impairs will the system randomly choose.

4. You can find your test and try it out in the section Existing tests: