Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Payments module
...the Payments module be found? ... for ... teacher ... via e-mail ... import from ... students ... plan ... other payment data...

(payments, fees, payment plan, ID numbers, import of bank statement, automatic assignment)

1 Creating a new payment plan
...payment plan ... Payment plan is the ... students and parents ... The best name for ... You can choose one from ... The Payments module ... Please see also other...

(school fee, payment plan, trips, school club, specific symbol)

1 How a user sets up a bank account information for return money payments
...the ... module ... students' ... from ... payment received and assigned ... For...

(payments module, payments settings, )

1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
...the "Payments" module ... - Payment plans created by the teacher ... for ... Check also other...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 How to display the payments and fees to students, parents and teachers
...the ... for ... VISIBILITY OF PAYMENT ... students ... teachers ... PLAN ... - payment plans hidden from ... Please see also other...

(visibility of payments and fees, visibility of payment plans related to specific bank account, visibility of payment plans)

1 Administrator's rights for Payments module
...for ... the ... module can handle the Payments module as the administrator ... add it via 'Select columns'...

(right to administration of payments module, user rights, )

1 Setting up automatic assignment of payments to users and payment plans
...the ... ID), the information for ... from previously assigned payments ... students' payments ... The "payments plan ... Explanation and Payments module in use: ... Please see also other helps - ...

(variable symbol, specific symbol, information for recipient, account number, fixed assignment, flexible assignment)

1 Modifications of payment plans
...payment plan for students ... a discount in tuition fee) than stated in the original payment plan ... Please see also other helps in this category - ...

(how to add a modification, assign a modification)

1 How to assign a payment plan (modification) to a student
...payment ... plan ... the ... module: ... for them ... other students...

(assign of payment plan, assign of modification, individual assignment, mass assignment)

1 How to remove payment plan/modification from student
...the ... payment ... plan ... other payment plan - ... for specific student: ... from a specific student ... students...

(removing of payment plan, individual removing, mass removing)

1 How to assign payment plan modification to students under/over 18 (3,4,5...)
...the student's age ... payment ... plan modification ( ) based on the student's age ... In our example students ... for the swimming course ... Please, see also other...

(payment plan, modification, birth date, assign the modification, students over 18, students under)

1 Change of payment's assignment
... the ... the system assigns the payment ... other payment plan ... for school club ... module and automatic orders suspension is on...

(payment´s assignment, change of assignment, flexible assignment, permanent assignment)

1 Assigning payment to multiple users
...payment ... --> parent pays one payment for two/more children ... students in one payment ... the Tools-->Edit: ... plan ... Please see also other helps in this category - ...

(payment can not be assigned, manual assignment, assignment to multiple users)

1 Return payments - How to enter the account for refund
... Users/parents Parents can set up the ... from bank statement ... payment received and assigned ... via ... manually Please see also other...

(bank account information, parent, user, school, system, employee, non-refundable accounts, import from excel)

1 Return payments - How to generate a batch payment order for the bank
...the bank ... for ... via ... payment ... module ... from ... students - e ... plan ... 01; or another amount...

(batch payment, overpayments, payment plan, bank account details, credit, debit payments)

1 Return payments - How to record return of overpayment/payment
...the ... payment ... plan to individual users ... When returning overpayments for ... Returned payments can be imported from ... module ... Returned payments are located among other...

(refund, returned payment, entered manually, import from bank statement, debit payments, )

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection on the web
...teacher ... for different purposes (e ... the ... module logged in as a teacher: ... from ... students) ... payment ... plan after clicking on button Users:...

(cash collection, web, teacher´s payment plan, cinema, workbooks, photo shooting)

1 Teacher - creating a payment plan via the Registration module - even for students from other courses
...teacher ... for ... students ... from ... the ... payment ... plan ... module ... Creating ... even ... Registration ... If another...

(payment plan, registration, manage actions, modifications)

1 How to delete/restore a user in Payments module
...Payments module for various reasons (e ... Deleting a user is possible just for the ... returned or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit)...

(delete a user, deleted user, restore a user, )

1 Canteen module and user access
...the canteen menu and utilize other options of the Canteen module ... Help content for 'Canteen' module...

(activate module)

1 History of the payment plan with the possibility to restore the previous settings
...the ... module ... for each payment plan ... ) -> red = user was removed from the payment plan (d...

(payment plan, history of the payment plan, date of change, time of change, author of change, restore settings, restore)

1 Automatic sending of notifications - related to changes in payments plans and visibility of payment plans
...the ... payment ... plan is created Users receive the notification ... - with each change of visibility for the specific group of Users ... - when school removes the payment plan from this specific User; ... module...

(notifications, stop sending, restart sending, payment plans, visibility of payment plan, )

1 How to add refund to the payment plan (for trips, excursios, etc.)
... Sometimes is the ... students ... payment plan ... ---> sum for ... from the original one to the reduced one ... other...

(refund of the whole fee, refund of the part of the fee, reduction of the fee)

1 Substitutions during quarantine
... do not enter the ... If a teacher has been quarantined ... look the lessons up via "Tools" - "Change other lesson" ... For the attendance of staff record...

(substitutions, teacher in quarantine, class in quarantine)

1 How to change the fee in the payment plan
...the ... for all payers or only for specific payers ... If you make any changes in payment ... If you make any changes in payment plans ... Change of the fee for all students in payment plan ... sport courses, visits of theater or cinema ... another...

(change of fee for one particular student, change of fee for all students in payment plan)

1 How to pay school fees from EduPage mobile app
...the ... module ... How to pay school fees from the EduPage application ... You can see payment ... You can see payment plans ... via ... Teachers ... for ... Please see also other...

(fee, payment plan, maturity date, variable symbol, QR code)

1 Payments for parents - basic questions
...module - can be seen: ... - on the web - just log in to your parent´s account - ... I have got/haven´t got VARIABLE SYMBOL (VS) for my child ... - VS is automatically inserted in each payment made via EduPage...

(parent, parent´s account, payments module, variable symbol, bank transfer)

1 Quick start with payment module
...for Payment module can be made in 2 steps: 1 ... After clicking on Payment settings fill the required fields ... To add another ... To create a new payment plan...

(bank account, payment plan, to create a payment plan, school fee, cantine fee, excursion)

1 How to confirm the imported payments
...the ... from ... ID), the information for recipient and account number ... Payment ... Please see other...

(individual confirmation of payment, mass confirmation of payment)

1 Administration of several payment plans linked to one bank account - use of specific symbol
...the ... for ... payment ... plan ... creating ... via ... Import of payments from...

(bank account, payment plan, specific symbol, payment matching, several payment plans)

1 Mass reassignment of already assigned payments from one payment plan to another
...the ... from ... payment ... plan to another we can use the button Tools ... For...

(payment, assignment, payment plan, change of payment plan)

1 How to enter the different fee for each user in one payment plan
...payment ... plan ... for ... the ... students ... creating...

(payment plan, different fee, import of fees, Excel)

1 How to set own maturity date in the payment plan
...the ... for ... ) you can do so when creating ... ) you can do so when creating a new payment plan or editing the existing one ... Please see also other...

(payment plan, creating a new payment plan, editing the payment plan, own maturity date)

1 How to add a guest in payments module
...payments module can be done in section Users ... You can add one guest or more guests by pressing the button +Add or import the list of guests from Excel ... Do not forget to save the changes...

(guest, guest account, payments module)

1 How to access the list of parents' accounts
...Select the "Setup wizard" option on the main page ... Search for "Basic school data" ... Class teacher: Select "Settings" in the left menu on the main page...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
...module ... for ... you can do it from ... the same time ... or print notices - your teacher ... students ... other PC...

1 How to access online substitution
...from "Start page - Substition" or from main menu "Substitution" ... You must be logged as administrator or as a teacher with user's rights to do substitution administration...

1 Where can the teacher see the students results during an interactive lesson?
...the students icon in the top right corner of the screen ... If a student has already answered the teacher's question a blue round appears by their name ... Apart from the results of individual students ... for submitting an answer...

1 Where does the teacher find the students' results after the end of interactive lesson?
...the ... teacher ... from which the presentation had been launched ... The teacher can award the students ... The teacher can award the students extra points for...

1 How can a student with unknown EduPage login data connect to the interactive lesson?
...the interactive lesson ... the students have to be logged in to their EduPage accounts ... The best option is to log in via (updated) EduPage mobile application ... If for a reason...

1 Operating elements of the interactive lesson
...the teacher launches an interactive presentation ... In the former ... The presentation can be managed from any of these windows...

1 How do students connect to interactive lesson?
...the teacher launches projecting a presentation on an interactive blackboard or projector ... Clicking this notification connects the students to the interactive lesson...

1 Various approaches to running an interactive lesson
...the ... teacher ... for ... via projector ... The advantage being, the students ... If the teacher needs to do some other work on their computer ... even an anonymous login...

1 Interactive lesson
...EduPage interactive lessons enable the ... EduPage interactive lessons enable the teacher ... students attention and engage them in the topic ... the students can answer it via the mobile application ... for their activity...

1 How to print out the Agreement on personal data processing (GDPR)
... Press the Start button in the top left corner, select the Security tab and click GDPR...


1 How a user sets up a bank account information for return money payments
...the ... module ... students' ... from ... payment received and assigned ... For...

(payments module, payments settings, )

1 Mobile application EduPage
... you can download EduPage mobile app: for Android at GooglePlay for iOS on iTunes Whether you are a teacher...


1 How can I specify class main teacher?
... who is responsible for the class during the school year ... This teacher usually deals with e ... students attendance ... You can link the class teachers with their classes from the dialog "Class": ...

(class teacher)

1 Two days timetable
... then you can set it so in this way: Note Do not forget ... from Monday to Friday)...

(Day A-DayB, alternative days, )

1 Download & Installation of PC version
...the latest version of aSc TimeTables from our web page: 1 ... Download installation file for Windows computers...

1 Class time off
... you can specify when a particular class can or cannot have the lessons ... For example, if class 8...

1 Divisions
... Each division can divide the ... When creating a lesson ... you always specify a group for this lesson ... that only lessons for groups from ... even ... You can also create other divisions, e ... Division 5: English students / German students Again ... (via...

1 Class lessons
...the class via Classes - select the class - click Lessons ... In this dialog you can: For Timetables ONLINE users: ...

1 Class - constraints
... In dialog "Classes", select the class and click on the button "Constrains" ... See: E: Decide if the groups of students have to finish the day at the same time ... See: F: Allow one free period for Lunch ... See: G: You can set that the Class teacher must teach the class in a specific time during the week...

1 What are classes (grade levels).
... with mostly the same timetable during a school year ... - all students ... for ... event ... teacher ... So for example John from 4A or Tiffany from 9th grade...

1 How to specify when a class can have a lunch?
...students ... the ... If all classes have lunch during 6th period, you can define this with Time-off for classes...

1 Number of students in class and groups
For each class you can specify number of it's students: ... You can also specify the size of each group if you are using the groups:...

1 Subject's classrooms
... You can set it in the ... The second option is to use the button "Set for all lessons of this subject"...

1 Time-off
... So if your teacher cannot come on Friday ... So if your teacher cannot come on Friday, simply click on the Friday's row header and the whole Friday will be blocked ... Notes: - Every lesson has multiple Time-offs - from subject, teacher(s), class(es), classroom(s) ... the position is disabled also for this lesson...

1 How to specify that class can have max one 7th lesson or max one 0lesson?
...First define the quesion marked positions: ... For example the class has to have max one zero lesson and max one 7th lesson ... Notes: - you can use the same cardrelationship for teachers, just change 'Apply to' combobox...

1 Education block - allow some classes to come later or to leave school earlier.
...the amount of lessons per each day automatically ... If you for ... teachers shortage ... from 5 ... while the other ... You can specify it even furher if necessary...

(manually set educational block,)

1 Can I set the min/maximum number of lessons per day for one class?
...for each class ... However please note that by default the software calculates this for you...

1 Education block - Checking of gaps in class timetables
... For example it may mean ... other lessons without complement ... where N is number computed from total number of lessons in class ... where all students in class must have education ... program will report it as window even in cases when it is not really window...

1 Avoid single lesson after lunch break.
...Question: On our school students have 6 or 7 periods in a day ... In case of 6 lessons, they are on periods 1-6...

1 Both groups have to finish the education at the same time!
...the ... while the other half goes home after the 5th period ... However if some teacher ... for you...

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
...the software tries to create a timetable for each class that starts with 1st lesson ... So it's lessons do not have to be from 1st period, they can be at any time during the day...

1 How to apply constraints to whole grades
... that all "Music" lessons from ... the same day in the week ... Similar for all classes from 6th, 7th and 8th grade ... other classes ... creating more similar relations ... this can be even more helpful...

1 Class can have max 2 gaps per day
...for classes and students by default ... but calculates the average number of lessons per day and then it places them consecutively...

1 Children can come to the school on second period, but only once per week
... First you need to allow that students can arrive on the second period: 2...

1 Our school works in two shifts, some classes come in the morning, some in the afternoon
...the morning and which in the afternoon ... Do not forget to check teacher's gaps...

1 Optimizing the room usage for students
...The software allows you to input several constraints to improve the usage of the rooms, depending on what is important to you: 1 ... If certain room is better for specific subject: 2 ... from the list of available rooms for certain lesson ... You may even add two cardrelationships...

1 At least one lesson per week has to be in certain classroom
...for your Physical Education lessons (few Gyms with different sizes -"big and small" ... Fitness gym with specific equipment in the school basement)...

1 We have 3 lessons per week and they shall be in the same classroom
... Biology lesson can be in BioLab1 or BioLab2 or BioLab3, the generator can choose one, but it has to be the same room for all 3 biology lessons...

1 Lesson can be only once per week in certain classroom
... so in some cases you allow the Gym to be in the cellar in the basement ... So you can simply say that this room can only be used for example 5 times per week: Notice the 'Apply Globally' ... However it can happen that even though this room is only used 5 times...

1 Reducing the room usage
...shall help you to achieve the ... from the timetabling point of view ... for ... teachers ... students...

1 GymRoom can only be used 4 days per week(GymRoom has to be free on 3 afternoons)
...If you specify only the afternoon lessons in the timeoff map, then the constraint will only count days where the classroom is used in the afternoon ... So you can specify for example max 2 on afternoon lesson, this would mean that the classroom is free on 3 afternoons per week...

1 Concentrate groups of lessons into fewer classrooms
...the ... for example to reduce cleaning costs: ... from the school ... if depending on other constraint it is not possible to use just 2 rooms ... Note: -the affected labs were specified indirectly via the subjects that use them...

1 Student has to finish Biology before he can attend Biology practice
...another you can use one of the following cardrelationships: ... Then just specify the two courses:...

1 Subject has to be in consecutive weeks/terms
...So you define that lesson as 2 times in "Any term" and add the above constraint ... The same can be used when you have for example 20 week timetable and certain course has to be in 8 consecutive weeks...

1 Two subjects have to be at the same time in both weeks/terms
For ... The software may put them on different days, which is usually not a bad thing ... However if you want them to be on the same time in each week, because teachers might swap kids...

1 Is it possible to prevent two specific lessons from being taught simultaneously?
...from ... If for example Math and Physics are taught by the same teacher...

1 Specify how many lessons shall be before certain position
... For example this picture defines a cardrelationship for all classes that have 1,2,3 or 4 biology lessons ... For these classes the generator shall always place at least 2 lessons before 4th period: ... For classes that have more Biology lessons per week you can specify another card relationships...

1 Groups have to start at the same time
... If you need two subjects from different classes ... please see: Now: how to make sure two groups start at the same time: Please check this picture ... So the software will not put Spanish for Group1 together with PhysicalEducation for Boys ... On the other...

1 The children cannot finish after 8th period, there is no bus after period 8 on our school...
...the children cannot finish the school after 8th period...

1 I have double and single lessons but doubles cannot be on Monday
E.g you have e.g 3 single Math lessons and one double Math lessons. You do not want that double to be on Monday or on Wednesday...

1 Maximum one planning time lesson per day
...planning time lessons can be inputted as lessons without class ... They are shown in teacher's timetable and they are independent from any class...

1 Biology in 5A has to be only on Wednesday (or Biology cannot be on Wednesday)
...Basically it says you want 0 periods of biology in 5A on the marked days...

1 What does the time map in advanced cardrelationships mean?
... it says that each teacher can have max one day per week with lessons placed on 6-10 ... In other words it means each teacher will teach only once per week in the afternoon...

1 What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?
...the Apply to commbobox ... If Teacher Einstein have Math on Monday ... no other teacher can have Math or Geom on Monday ... for different students ... courses...

1 How can I define that teacher can have max 3 consecutive periods(but he can have 2 doubles)
...teacher can have max 4 consecutive lessons: ... so that for example teachers preparation time and lunch are not counted into the consecutive periods count...

1 Double lesson cannot be over certain breaks
...the best solution is to define breaks between lessons ... lessons etc: Adding this constraint will prevent any double lesson from crossing the break between 2nd and 3rd period...

1 Double lesson cannot be on Monday (specific days/periods/part of the day)
...the menu "Main - Relations - Advanced" ... ) (or other required possitions, where you do not want your lessons to be) ... Important for this specific case is to use the "Options" button (7...

1 Checking room capacity
...students it can hold: ... Then for ... The software then check this capacity during the generation and it also can warn you if you manually put bigger class into smaller room:...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)
... At first, define these questionmarked possitions in "Time-off" for subject ... Then the teacher can complain that he cannot teach history in that class...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th position in each class (solution 2)
...the 6th and 7th period in the time map: Do not forget to set "apply to selected subjects in selected classes"...

1 Two subjects cannot follow/Cannot be on the same day.
...another or they cannot be on the same day:...

1 Distribution of subject over the week
... program tries to distribute subject in class's timetable equaly over the week ... 8 single lessons and 5 days), it will distribute it so that number of periods with this subject per day is nearly equal for every day (in our example of 8 lessons, it will require 1 or 2 lessons per day)...

1 I do not want my geography to be on Friday and then on Monday
...the week, not on consecutive days...

1 I want subject in one class to be on the same positions as subject in another class
...A on the same postions as English lessons in 5 ... B Answer: You have to define new advanced card relationship (menu Specification/Card relatioships/Advanced) for this purpose...

1 What if 2 specific subjects must be taught simultaneously?
...from different classes check this article: ... If they are from the same class: ... In this case you have to use another division for math lessons...

1 I need subject Math to be on the same position in classes 5.A and 5.B
... Use card relationship: "The selected subjects have to be at the same time in all selected classes ... " See picture: Notes: 1) For 5C+5D, you will need to specify another card relationship...

1 Two subjects must follow each other
...another (in arbitrary or specified order):...

1 Spreading lessons on different periods each day
... 5 math lessons over the week so that they are on different periods each day ... This will ensure that there is max 1 Math (or some other selected subject) on each period ... You shall only add it when necessary, for example when previous generations tend to put some lesson on the same position over the week...

1 I want to have Math lessons in a class on the same period every day
...the same period every day ... for example Math and English ... For example if class has 2 English lessons with teacher...

1 I need subject Geography to be last lesson on a day in classes 5.A, 5.B, 5.C...
You can specify this with card relationship: ...

1 Modifying the default card distribution per week for the subject
...for modifying the default card distribution for the subject ... Values for these two constraints program evaluates from ... The more the slider is to the right the more evenly the subject is distributed within a week...

1 I have Geography two times per week. It shall not be on consecutive days.
...the subject list and press button "Constraints"...

1 How can I define lessons that can be outside teaching block(in the afternoon)?
...the afternoon you can add this cardrelationship: ... Now the selected subjects can for example be on 8th period, while normal teaching ends at 5th period ... Without this card relationship the software will never create 3 period gap for the students...

1 There can be two maths on one day, but not consecutivelly
... If these cannot be one behind another you need to add this advanced cardrelationship: ... if you for example already have double lesson from that subject...

1 There can be two math lessons on one day, but they need to be placed consecutivelly
... In this case you can tell the software to place these consecutivelly: Add a new cardrelationships and select entries marked by red color: The green color is optional ... if for example you have 6 math lessons, the software will by default spread them on 5 days(one day will have two lessons)...

1 Biology cannot be on the day after Chemistry
...the following cardrelationships: ... -you can use the map bellow to specify that for example class cannot have biology in the morning when it had chemistry in the afternoon on the previous day...

1 Double lessons must be before single lessons
... We need that these cards are distributed over the week in this order: 2,2,1...

1 Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
...for Biology, it then affect all Biology lessons in all classes ... So in other words biology in these classes can only be on the unmarked positions...

1 5A has to have Biology right before or after biology in 5B (the two classes have to have biology lesson on consecutive periods)
...for this: 1 ... First specify that there shall not be a gap between lessons from certain group...

1 We have teacher who teaches only 2 days per week and it doesn't matter which
...the teacher - Constraints ... be careful not to specify other teachers similarly...

1 Windows (gaps) in teachers timetables
...the teachers complain about the "windows" in their timetable ... other lessons later ... At first, set the default value for all teachers...

1 Teacher is teaching 2 lessons per week in class 5A but both are in the afternoon.
...the ... teacher is teaching only two or three lessons in one class they shall not be placed every time late in the day...

1 We need one free Math teacher for every period in week
... when there ... when there are 5 Math teachers ... for substitution purposes) ... - change teachers - specify all these 5 Math teachers all other settings you can leave to default...

1 How could be distributed the first/last lessons for all teachers in equality?
... Example for first lesson: You have to set for all teachers constraint "Max number of first period lessons" as advanced card relationship...

1 Our class teachers always have to teach the 1st lesson
... see this article first: If this class teacher teaches only one subject, you can simply lock their lesson on that position ... So, even in case, you select two periods (e...

1 Our teachers cannot teach more than 6 lessons consecutively
...If this value is set to 6 then your teachers cannot teach from the 1st to 7th period in a row ... You can also specify this maximum consecutive lessons for individual teacher (the global value must be set first): ...

1 How to specify a teacher can teach only one 7th lesson
...Define the question marked positions: then define max ... specify that the teacher have 6th lesson question marked and max is 2...

1 How to specify min and max lesson teacher shall have on one day?
...- you can specify to not to check these values on the Saturdays/Sundays ... So the teacher shall have 2 lessons each day on the Monday-Friday, but they can have 0 or 1 on Saturday ... If it is not possible generate a timetable, it will be even...

1 We have 10 day timetable (two weeks), I want to spread teacher's lessons equally into these 2 weeks
...If your teacher ... If your teacher is teaching for ... the software generates 30 lesson in one week and 16 in the other week...

1 How to ensure lunch break for teachers
...teacher has at least one period free during lunch time for lunch ... This means there are 3 periods available...

1 Each teacher shall have one or two free afternoon
...teacher has 2 free afternnons: Basically it says ... teacher can have max 3 days with lessons on the positions marked on the time map ... - same condition can be defined for mornings...

1 Two teachers cannot teach at the same time
... since most cases are solved by the fact that the teachers have to use the same room or they teach the same group of students...

1 Teacher cannot teach 4th in Grade 5 and 5th lessons in Grade 6
This constraint can be usefull if you have a situation that you have different bells in grade 5 and grade 6th...

1 Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
... that each teacher has to have at least one lesson on periods 1 ... 3: Notes: - you can of course change the time map to better reflect your definition of morning...

1 We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions
...The number 28 specifies the maxiumum number of teachers that are teaching at one time ... - This solution can generate a timetable where for example one teacher will be responsible for most of the "free" lessons...

1 Teacher cannot teach both in the morning and in the afternoon
...Apply it to teachers - so that it is checked for each teacher indivdually and mark the the two timeoffs the corresponding periods...

1 Our teachers have substitution duty lessons, we need min 2 at each period
... Then add this card relationship: You can mark some periods in the timeoff map ... On other periods there may be just one, or none ... teacher shall have substitution duty...

1 Teacher cannot teach in two different classes in one day
... teacher cannot teach in 5A and 5B in the same day: If you have more classes you will need to add more cardrelationships...

1 Teacher can teach max 2 periods per day in one class
...Select Max periods per day and set the number ... This means that this rule is applied to each class where each selected teacher is teaching separatelly ... If you for...

1 Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)
... so - create lesson with one teacher - two times per week ... lesson with two teachers (via "More teachers" button) - three times per week See: ... from the same subject...

1 Teacher cannot teacher more than 3 consecutive periods in one class
... This will make sure the rule is applied to each teacher in each of his classes separatelly ... If you use for example Apply globally, then there could not be 3 conscutive lessons in the whole school...

1 Teacher cannot have gap of length 2
You can add this cardrelationship Notes: - use this only when you have some timetable generated See also: ...

1 How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
...- you can select the teachers and select only the teachers that have enough lessons ... when you for...

1 Teacher cannot teach both 6th and 7th period. He can teach only one of these two.
...Select only those two periods in the timeoff - the constraint max 1 per day is applied only on those lessons that are marked as green...

1 Teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day, but only twice in week
...these two constraint ... At first set, that teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day...

1 Working with timetable - general information
...1 - Menu - contains commands for program control ... 2 - Toolbar - keys for quick selection of the most frequently used commands ... The color of a card indicates the teacher who teaches the particular lesson...

1 Control panel
...the bottom of the screen ... 2 - The button for viewing the timetable of the current teacher or class...

1 Moving the cards manually
...the timetable by simple movements of cards ... Of course, the program checks for collisions of classes, teachers and classrooms ... The program will not allow you to place it in another row ... from the list of available classrooms...

1 Removing placed cards from the timetable
...from the timetable...

1 Right-click on card or free positions
...the certain object (a card ... for that particular object ... Remove - unplace the card from timetable ... another (classroom has to be assigned for the lesson first) ... There you can edit the lesson via lessons grid features...

1 Locked cards
... Locking a card on an unlucky position can prevent your timetable from being finished ... then it is better to explain the generator where the cards might go ... You can do so via hundreds of constraints and relations you can set in the timetable ... Timetable for individual periods (represented by columns) can not be locked...

1 Working with classrooms
...the classrooms and also while manually moving the cards the classrooms are automatically assigned ... Other lesson is already taught at that time ... Releasing a card from a classroom: Right click on that card and choose Empty classroom...

1 Custom views
... which displays the complete timetable, is always available for each timetable ... Defining views You can define your views from menu View - Define ... Select if you wish to create new view for classes or for teachers...

1 Right-click on row headers
...the row headers you will see the context menu: Here you can quickly: A - Test the selected item ... See: B - Open dialogs for item's details, time-offs, constraints, lessons and in case of classes also divisions...

1 Undoing and restoring operations
...the timetable by menu View - Undo/Redo: Please note that this only affects the positions of the cards...

1 Classroom view
... then only the classrooms are changed ... So for ... from Small to Big gym room:...

1 Filter function
...the unplaced cards section ... like show only double lessons or show only lessons that have only one section: So if the school wants to create a timetable by hand from the scratch, they can filter only lessons with one section only and start with these...

1 Working with days in the main view
... the software shows all the days on the main screen, usually from Monday to Friday ... If you for example want to see only one day, you can do this in the days combobox...

1 We have the same timetable each day in given term or week
...the same timetable each day then you probably don’t need to see in 5 columns at them main screen ... Combine this with the “show all terms separately” in the combobox for terms and you will get a view with one column for each Term and with this column all days are merged, so you have only the periods as subcolumns...

1 Quick modification of the onscreen view
...the current view of your timetable in this way: You can specify the texts and colors, which will be used on cards ... For example by choosing classroom as color...

1 How can I filter cards displayed in the list on uplaced cards
...the bottom part with unplaced cards...

1 What happens when I change school type?
...the school type combo box ... If you have inputted students ... Timetable based on students picks (Master) – shows all courses in one row, regardless of grade ... for each class(grade)...

1 What does the stripes on the cards mean?
...Purple stripe - visual indications for cards that are over capacity ... Blue stripe - this subject has some pending students ... Small stripe in the lower right corner - locked cards...

1 Why to test the timetable?
... it needs to pass the basic test ... because if it is not possible to generate timetable for ... teacher then it will not be possible to generate whole timetable for sure ... that there are no other problems...

(basic test)

1 Test says there is some problem. What next?
... see this article: When the test fails ... The complete guide is here: Test this item AGAIN - maybe the timetable for this item is just too complicated to generate and this is the reason why the test failed...

1 Checking and Fixing example
... Test shows us what it was able to achieve and also gives us the card it was not able to put into the timetable ... for the GE lesson: 6 ... You obviously have to allow some other classrooms for these divided lessons ... from the start...

1 Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
...classes/teachers/classrooms/subjects/students this way: First go to corresponding view (Whole/Teachers/Classrooms/Subjects/Students) ... Then right-click on some selected row header and choose Test...

1 Generate draft timetable
... This is very usefull, because it makes no sense to generate complete timetable with all the inputted constraints if there is some basic problem in the input...

1 How can I test just some lessons, for example all double lessons or all PE lessons
...the timetable ... For example put in all double lessons or all divided math lesson...

1 Testing card relationships
...You can do this by right clicking in the upper left corner of the timetable, then choosing "Test - Card relationships" and choose one of the relationships ... This will generate all cards from that relationship, which can help you understand whether the card relationship does what you want or if there is some problem with it...

1 Analyze the timetable by generation
...the ... for ... but also with all the cards of teacher "Chloe" ... other class...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
...the full generation still fails ... You can run it via menu TimeTable - Analyze - Extended tests: ... For example on this picture ... 1: Then the software added time-off of teachers ... You can even use button "Show me"...

1 Starting the generation
...the following dialog will appear: If you have not yet tested the timetable, or you made a significant changes in the entered data, it is a good idea to test it every time before the generation...

1 What does the complexity of generation mean?
...the generation means how much time the computer shall spend checking your timetable ... Normal Complexity This option is good for initial generations, where you want to check if your timetable is good inputted and generate-able...

1 Constraints relaxation
...the timetable ... it will put it into timetable even if it means that some constraints will be broken...

1 A good way to generate your timetable
... Test the timetable before the first generation ... teacher to be able to teach more consecutive lessons ... Now you can add constraints one by one, from ... even...

1 What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
...the ... For example 3/768 ... it can even go back ... throw a few cards out of the schedule and try some other way ... What can you learn from this graph? If the green vertical bar is near the top...

1 Generation has finished and the program tells me it had to relax some constraints.
...the generation it is possible that you will see this dialog at the end of the generation: What does it mean? It simply means that computer was able to put all lessons into the timetable but it had to relax some of your constraints...

1 Can I force the generator to place certain lesson on certain position?
...the lesson into the timetable before the generation and then lock them ... It is better to specify the timeoffs for teacher, classes, subjects etc...

1 Multiprocessor generation (dual-core...)
... Processor is central part of computer that does most of the computation ... From our measurements, multiprocessor generator on dual-core computer runs cca 50% faster than single processor version...

1 Testing was sucessfull, but the generation fails
... You can also try to test bigger parts of the timetable ... or even half of all classes, etc...

1 What happens when I cancel the generation?
...the cards into the timetable ... So if the generator has already placed 90% card but for the last few he had to explore different possibilities ... Once it finds timetable, the button bellow changes from cancel to stop ... It still tries to find better solution (usually this means less students choices unrealized)...

1 Cloud generator
... The cloud generator is especially useful if you are not sure how to generate your timetable, what parameters to use or if you simply have a very complicated timetable...

1 Verification of timetable
...the created timetable ... You can run verification from the main menu via button Verification...

1 Statistics
...the timetable by choosing the menu item TimeTable - Statistics:...

1 Class XY contains a window
...the class MUST have lessons and when it CAN have lessons ... So the software alerts if there is a group of students that doesn't have lesson in the MUST section...

1 Divided cards are placed on too many positions in class XY
...Program automatically counts for ... There are some positions in the timetable where all students must have lesson, e ... If you place cards from division on more such positions than can be fully occupied...

1 Verify just one class/teachers/subject
...teachers in the current timetable you can right click on its/his row headers and select "Verification"...

1 Advisor - Overbooked class/teacher/room
...for one teacher/room or class than you actually have positions per week ... This can be either a mistake in input, or misunderstanding of how the software interprets your input ... Another example: This teacher teaches just 20 lessons per week...

1 Advisor - No lessons for certain period
...the class simply doesn't have a lesson that can be on certain positions ... For example this school has forbid all subjects to be on 4th period: ... teacher or subjects cannot go there...

1 Advisor - Different number of lessons for groups
... but many times it is a mistake in data input and the advisor tries to warn you about this ... Please remember that the software can only put lessons for the groups from the same line onto the same period ... Thus if one group has 8 lessons and other...

1 Advisor - Lessons of different length
...the same subjects ... If both situations are ok for your school, then it is better to leave the decision on the generation ... Because if you define them all as 2+2+1 - such a timetable might not even exist, but if you allow the software to go for 2+1+1+1 it may find a solution...

1 Advisor - More lessons than days
... the software will try to put at least 1 Math lesson on each day ... However for some schools this is not exactly what was needed, there can be two problems with this input...

1 Advisor - Teachers have many blocked days
... This of course may be legitimate request and the software can cope with this ... However many times if you block different teacher on different days, the timetable may become impossible to generate ... Since the software cannot decide this for you - you need to tell the software what is acceptable solution on your school...

1 Advisor - special classrooms are not defined
... Each group can either stay in the the homeclassroom ... or can go to the teacher's room: ... But when you forget to define the rooms for your teacher ... other words these two lessons cannot be on the same period...

1 Advisor - These teachers have to teach in too many classes at the same time
... 3 classes and 8 teachers ... Then we want to create some free lessons for teachers ... As solution, we have to check time-offs of all other teachers...

1 Blocked part of the day
...the day to any number of objects in the timetable ... except for Thursday ... You can for example tell the software that teacher shall have only 2 days ... Once you generate initial timetable you can try to please other teachers...

1 How to print in color and define colors in printouts
...the Print preview click on the icon Colors ... In the first area you can specify colors for cards and they backgrounds ... classrooms and subjects will be colored with the teacher's ... You can specify colors in the different way by selecting from dropdown list...

1 We need Day 1, Day 2... rather then Monday - Friday
...the menu Main - School:...

1 How can I print days in columns and periods in rows?
...the software prints individual schedules for teachers ... More complex solution is via "Modify structure" button...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 How can I print Lecturer or Professor instead of Teacher?
...the text and type the desired text:...

1 How can I change the color of class?
...the pre-defined color of the class in this way: This color then can be used for printed layouts...

1 Print teachers' contracts
...the contracts to MS Excel ... adjust to your needs and print from Excel:...

1 How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
...the texts in the printed timetable ... For example Grade5 instead of 5A/5B/5C...

1 How can I print timetable for individual students
... you have inputted list of students in your timetable ... then you will be able to select the printing report "Timetable for each student"...

1 How can I select what printout will be printed?
...the main toolbar select print preview: ... Once you select the report you can move between all pages via button Previous Page, Next Page ...

1 I want to have periods running from top to bottom, not from left to right
...the layout of timetables for ALL printouts ... Go to global settings and choose that lessons shall go to top from bottom: All the printouts will be changed accordingly...

1 How to print lessongrid?
... Then select the Print lesson grid from the list of available printouts:...

1 I want to change the header above printed timetable
... The dialog is shown where you can write your own header: Then the result will look like:...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 How to print wallposters, for example 3x2 papers
...from the list of available reports:...

1 Customizing printouts
... There are two main things you can customize: - Customizing the timetable - Using Printout desings 1...

1 I want to print also teachers' names in timetable printout/ need bigger font size
... Use the right mouse button on the desired card: 3 ... You can also specify the font sizes and positions for each element that you want to print ... On the other hand, if you want the same settings on every type of cards, you can use Set for more button...

(font size, print,)

1 I want to print also classroom/teacher/subject for each lesson
... classroom and for each object you can also specify position of each element ... For example on the above picture the subject is printed in the middle, teacher in the bottom right corner...

1 Printing pictures of subjects
...the thematic picture for each subject and not just color ... So if you want to print the timetable on some other PC you have to copy this folder before printing...

1 Can I load a custom printout settings from another timetable?
... Not the printout designs...

1 How can I display capacities and students counts on the cards?
...the count of students on cards...

1 How can I set the width of the lines?
... Then click on the icon Colors ... One for main lines between days and one width for less important lines usually dividing the periods during each day...

1 I want to print summary timetable of teachers with teachers' colors
...the summary timetable of teachers is printed using colors of classes...

1 How can I define Extra columns?
... Click on firs row for columns or rows and choose one of available option ... Summary timetables for teachers, many more options for extra columns/rows will be displayed...

1 Printing multiple timetables on one page
... This can be good to save paper when printing timetables for students or classes...

1 How to register the software?
...You do not need to register the online version ... Once you see that the software is suitable for your school, you can purchase your copy at the Internet site www ... com and you will receive the registration details (registration name and the code) ... from our webpage...

1 Modify the heights of rows or widths of columns
... you can drag the lines between the timetable ... For example, summary timetable of teachers is fit to width, but not fit to height so you can set the height of the rows...

1 How to print only certain classes or teachers?
... Here you can specify for each type of the objects allowed values that you want to see in the printouts ... In timetable for each teacher it will print 3 pages...

1 Modifying the structure of the printouts
... the software provides the most common report types ... For example, Printout for each class, or summary timetable for classes ... Typical example might be to modify the report for each class or students, so that it doesn’t show days/periods but rather terms/periods ... In this case, it is better to modify the original for each teacher report...

1 How to print report for Monday AND Tuesday only?
... Go to Days dialog box via "School - Rename days" ... Then select more days with holding the ... other table) and confirm by "Combine" ... for selected combination) and confirm with "ok" ... you can even...

1 How to print reports for DayA/DayB? (available in version 2009)
... you can define these special days in the Day definition dialog, see above ... for example this is report that prints terms and days at the top...

1 How can I print summary timetables for teachers/classes/classrooms?
...the marked combobox, select your report...

1 How to print room supervision in teacher's and classroom's timetable?
...the room supervision in the timetables for the teachers or classrooms...

1 Is it possible to print consecutive single lessons as one lesson?
... there is a global setting in menu Options/Customize the software: When check the software will print all consecutive single lesson as one longer lesson...

1 Printing different bell times for school sections/days
... By default the software print the bell times bellow the period number ... in teacher's timetable this can happen when the teacher is teaching in school section with different bell times...

1 Printing weekly timetables
...the software prints the two weeks (or two terms) timetable on one sheet, with the row divided into weeks (terms)...

1 How can I print bell times in timetable header?
...the lesson number in print preview and allowing this option "Print time intervals":...

1 Print the color only in the left part of the cell
...the timetable in full color you can print the color of teacher only in the left part of each lesson:...

1 Print date or remark bellow timetable
...the software prints date of last change in the bottom left corner of the timetable...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 Print different bell times for teachers
...for different parts of the school ... Eg if the teacher has all the lessons in one part of the school, then that bell is printed...

1 How to print timetables with school's logo
... you can add it in print preview - Design - Print logo - Browse and select the path to the image file with your school's logo...

1 Print-out designs
... You can also modify any design and create your own, customized for your school with your school's logo ... You can also modify any design and create your own, customized for your school with your school's logo, address headers and all the information you might need on the printouts because your education ministery requires it...

1 How to apply a print design
...the class, teacher or classroom to which you want to change a design...

1 Print legends below timetables
... teachers ... teachers or classrooms so that your students will understand the abbreviation in the timetable ... You can also add other legends(teachers...

1 How to add class name, classteacher, homeclassroom to my print design
... Add custom fields with this information to the design: 3 ... Type your text before "{Class:Class teacher}" ...

1 I want to print different texts for each teacher. Do I have to create design for each teacher?
... You can define your custom fields and then fill them for each teacher...

1 Design object properties
...the design can have text ... So instead of creating design for each class with hardcoded class's name...

1 How can I modify the print-out design?
...You will immediatelly see the current design in Edit mode ... This will display all other objects above this one ... So for example if you change design named 'Our super cool design'...

1 How can I change/remove the design?
...the selected design, you can simply press right mouse in printpreview mode and select Remove design ... From now on the selected page will be printed without any special design:...

1 I get error message: design file is missing on this computer
...another PC ... You can either copy the whole folder c:\timetables\designs\designname from one PC to another...

1 What is room supervision and how to input it?
...the school (e ... This information is helpful during assigning of teachers for ... From...

1 Choosing teachers for room supervision.
...for supervisions ... Then you can choose a teacher ... Teachers are sorted according the best candidate for the selected supervision ... Blue - means that teacher is teaching in some other classroom (not nearby...

1 Generate room supervision
... which we developed directly in the software ... These criteria are linked with actual teachers' timetables ... Choose "Generate" from the popup menu ... Red part means that you do not want the situation happen, on the other hand the green part means that such situation is preferable...

1 Is it possible to have two teachers supervising one room?
... You can define the number of teachers needed for one duty ... Just click on the supervision, from the meanu use Count and select the number...

1 Can I define min/max supervisions for the teachers?
... you can define the limits for supervision for certain teachers ... This feature is usefull, if you use the duties generator, but even if you are assigning teachers for supervisions manually...

1 How can I export duties timetable? (available only in the offline version for Windows)
...the generated supervisions into the XML file ... This feature is available only in the offline version for Windows...

1 Can I export the lessons, teachers, subjects to MS Excel?
...the data you have inputted to MS Excel ... This export all the data into several sheets for each list...

1 Export to XML
...for IT personnel of your school ... Please see this topic for simpler way of exporting data from aSc Timetables: ... These ids may change over the lifetime of timetable (they are not persistent, they can change e ... Creating combined XML import + XML export configuration file...

1 Export limited to max 10 cards/lessons
...This help is only valid for PC version ... The TimeTables online version doesn't have limits ... To bypass this limit, you will need a special registration code for one computer only ... You can ask for it via email to support@asc...

1 Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
...from ... other program ... or only teachers ... Once you have specified a meaning for each column, click the buttom 'Import'...

1 Synchronization with database
...other timetable files) ... for different object types (e ... for teachers, students, groups, ... add new teacher from database to aSc Timetables, or vice-versa)...

1 Import from XML
...for IT personnel of your school ... aSc Timetables can import data from "aSc Timetables XML" file ... 2) You can also add new tables to import some other data (e ... we can enhance XML import with class teachers for classes...

1 ID numbers in import/export
...When exporting from aSc Timetables to XML file ... you may get different temporary id for the same object exported ... teachers ... When creating XML you wish to import to aSc Timetables ... if you want to store id numbers for students in "number" field...

1 Import sections from clipboard(Excel)
... Open your excel file and select the data ... then press CTRL-C: You can use this excel file for tests, or you can add your data into this excel file ... Then go to File/Import/Import from clipboard ... Notes: - if your timetable already contains teachers ... courses, classes etc, the import will try to match them...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
... Open your excel file and select the data ... press CTRL-C: You can use this excel file for tests, or you can add your data into this excel file ... Then go to File/Import/Import from clipboard ... Notes: - if your timetable already contains students classes, courses the import will try to match them...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 2
...the ... students and their seminar choices from program MS Excel ... Data for import must be exactly in this format ... The software will even add subjects...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
...the Import function ... for different part of your school - e ... - every lesson (for every class or teacher) ... from all - this is very important ... use this file as the "base" and import other timetables into this particular file...

1 Swap two days in timetable
...the timetable and suddenly, due to some reasons, you just need to swap two days ... It means that you want to move all cards from one day to another and vice versa...

1 Delete all unplaced cards
...from timetable completely ... Type following in the Advanced field: !deletependingcards Then click OK ... Program just change the definitions of the lessons for classes and teachers in a way that there will be no unplaced cards...

1 I need to move all lessons within a day
... The lesson number from which you want to make the move ... If you type for example 3 then lessons 1 and 2 will stay on the same position...

(move lessons, advanced functions)

1 How can I swap all the lessons from one period to another
... you wish to swap second period in Monday with fifth period in Tuesday you can do so in the menu Options - Advanced and type following in Advanced field: !swapdpd 1 2 1 2 5 press OK...

1 Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule
...teacher shall do ... but you want to add them AFTER the timetable is created ... At first define that subject is temporary and for quick manual placing the unique "hotkey": ... from context menu ... planning time lessons...

1 Local backup
... it's copy is saved to the local backup storage on your PC ... you can just go to "File"-"Open from local backup" ...

1 What’s new in version 2016
...the ... New dialog for ... courses ... For example teacher ... students signed in ... others etc ... so you can use it from ... New modules ... plans ... payments and more...

1 What's new in version 2007
...for your ongoing support ... praises and comments from all of you ... the ... your school logo or other necessary text: ... teachers ... rooms or even the school ... - we also plan...

1 What’s new in version 2009
...for student based timetables ... The timetable can handle all the ... optional courses etc ... So now the software shall help even Universities ... from students picks ... while another ... You can also sort by teacher/class...

1 What's new in version 2008
...thank you for ... So here is the list of this year's additions: 1 ... from different countries ... teachers or classrooms used in the timetable ... See: Other notable additions: ... Improved import of students/seminarsClassroom...

1 What's new in version 2010
...the timetabling application ... teachers daily plans ... for ... from one grade or to specify e ... we have added other ... customizabled export of students in seminars and more...

1 What's new in version 2013
...for ... the support and interest we receive ... from our main download page ... also the import of students ... Subjects/courses distribution during the year ... So even ... Other small improvements ... teacher for the substitution...

1 What's new in version 2012
...the ... for ... plans/attendance ... from your smart phone ... module ... courses in one row ... teacher ... students ... New events: ... so that other...

1 What's new in version 2014
...Thank you again for ... Thank you again for the ... teacher ... other constraints ... The Substitution module ... from any place...

1 What's new in version 2015
...Thank you for ... from you ... It is important for us to make the software better ... The students can view homework or exam dates ... courses into one entity ... teacher into the same room at the same time...

1 What’s new in version 2017
...the draft generation to obey ... The constraints for ... teacher ... students ... other ... Substitution module online ... events from EduPage ... plans ... courses...

1 What’s new in version 2018
...the timetable from your browser ... test and even generate the timetables online ... teacher ... New timetable viewer for web pages ... Or, you can specify that some students ... courses...

1 What’s new in version 2020
... The ... for other tasks ... It has some experience - collected from ... even your headmaster can use it ... you can immediately notify the teachers or students...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
...the ... students ... for the the same subject ... So instead of groups from divisions ... or language courses) ... even ... other constraint ... teachers - use divisions...

1 How can I input individual students
...the ... students ... for ... other ways ... Import You can input students also via "Import" function...


1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection on the web
...teacher ... for different purposes (e ... the ... module logged in as a teacher: ... from ... students) ... payment ... plan after clicking on button Users:...

(cash collection, web, teacher´s payment plan, cinema, workbooks, photo shooting)

1 How to delete a course
...the mouse over the course tile and the setting wheel appears in the lower right corner ... If you have deleted the course by mistake (with plan and preparations), please contact your EduPage Administrator who can restore the deleted course...


1 Mobile application EduPage
... you can download EduPage mobile app: for Android at GooglePlay for iOS on iTunes Whether you are a teacher...

1 Student - How to submit HW with attached file
... You receive a notification about the homework in EduPage application and on the web page: Prepare the file in your computer...

1 Student - What does "Play online" in the test or homework mean?
...the "Play online" information displayed, click the message and select "Play material"...

Input the data - Substitutions / cover

1 Teacher details
...for each teacher in menu Settings/Teachers: ... A: First column specifies if the teacher can do substitutions at all...

1 Subject details
... For example your classis divided into English and German and the German teacher is ill...

1 Defining reasons for absence
...teacher is absent you can specify the particular “Reason for absence...

1 Defining types of substitutions
...the similar way as Reason of absence ... Later, each time a teacher does substitution, you can select specific type for this particular substitution...

1 Approbation
...the approbations directly in aSc Substitutions Online ... Choose one or more subjects from the list of subjects: Add the teachers: If you need ... These information will help you to determine appropriate replacement for the missing teacher:...

1 Copy duties
... which have been already set in online substitution for previous timetable ... There you can choose your targeted timetable (into which you wish to copy these duties)...

1 Events in substitution
...events in your school's calendar for some classes ... with supervising teachers it will automatically appear in daily substitution ... Program then...

1 Events in substitution
Insert text here ....

Testing the timetable - TimeTables

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
Insert text here ....

Other - Constraints

1 Double lessons can not start on even periods
You can use advanced card relationship #32 (or #33)...

Other - TimeTables

1 Timetable files - making backups, problems opening files, etc...
...via menu File/Save as ... To transfer this file to other computer ... please download and install latest version from our web site ... Or you have forgotten...

1 Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
... that you are trying to display count of students on each card ... while there are no students inputted in your Timetable ... or there is no such information in divisions for classes...

1 Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
...With Timetables Online you can add events ... from ... plan to your calendar application ... teacher ... due to substitution or change of the ... for you calendar ... Mozilla Thunderbird and others...

Other - Substitutions / cover

1 How to set teachers right for Adminsitration of substitution
...teachers ... but you do not wish to give them the full access, you can allow them access only into this module...

1 Is it possible to use both online and local version?
... So, if you make a substitutions for Monday in the online version ... you will first need to delete the online changes for this version from the online version: Important: If you do changes online...

1 How to get interest group's teacher to substitution
... By default, lessons from individual timetables do not appear in the substitution ... Such teacher then appears in the list of teachers that can be added to the substitution...

Attendance of students - Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to grant right for attendance to the teacher?
...modules on the EduPage: ... Any teacher can enter attendance of students in Class register ... However, if you need another teacher (not a class teacher) to excuse absences...

1 Are electronic excuse notes safe, can't they be falsified?
... Only a parent from a parental account may enter electronic excuse notes ... There is no such function in the student's account ... If an excuse note is accepted or rejected by the teacher, it can no longer be deleted from the excuse notes list...

1 Administrator - Setting the notifications preferences for reminding parents to enter the absence note
...the school allows electronic absence notes, the system will automatically notify parents to enter electronic absence notes...

1 Overview of students' attendance for a specific day
...You can find an overview of students for the entire class in a given week as follows:...

Parent-teacher meetings - Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Consultation hours
...module is designed to set up a meeting between the teacher and the parent ... The teacher or the administrator create time intervals for consultations with parents...

1 Administrator - how to create parent-teacher meeting
...the Communication section in the left menu ... An administrator can create multiple teacher consultations at once ... Warning: Parents sign up for parent-teacher meetings electronically ... This module ... This module is not displayed through students account ... via a mobile app...

1 Teacher - how to create a parent-teacher meeting
...teacher ... the ... Attention: The parents register for ... The Parent-teacher meetings module ... from EduPage parents' account ... Students...

1 Creating consultation hours for students
... the "Parent-teacher meetings" part in the left menu ... time period for a student and the location of the consultation ... Inform the students...

1 How to inform parents/students about consutation hours?
...the consultation hours, you can notify parents or students through a message in EduPage: Select who you want to send a notification to...

1 How to assign a consultation to student/parent
...the consultation in which you wish to assign a consultation to the student/parent...

1 Break between consultations
...hours/parent-teacher meeting ... Before informing the parents about the possibility to book a consultation...

1 How can teachers create consultations for each other
...the left menu in the Communication section/Parent-teacher meetings ... By default the participants of consultations are Parents and students...

1 How can teachers create consultations for each other
=I am new...

Sign up module / Surveys - Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Registration to field trips, seminars, courses and other activities
...Registration ... module ... the ... events ... teacher ... courses ... courses for teachers and so on ... students ... via ... payment ... plan for subscribers ... Creating new action ... from multiple options...

Courses - Course settings

1 Teacher - courses
...Courses with devided classes:...

1 What is a course? How to create it?
...A, the ... students ... for Mathematics) ... If you have a teaching plan ... If you have a teaching plan from ... teacher ... courses ... it's just a tool for creating courses...

1 What is "a course" good for?
...the subject and the group of students you teach ... If you select students correctly when creating courses ... A teaching plan and preparations are linked to the course ... Teacher...

1 Courses with bell icon
...the ... courses they teach ... EduPage will make it easier for ... EduPage will make it easier for the teacher ... it's just a tool for creating courses ... check/select students you teach...

1 How to change course settings?
...the mouse over the course tile and the setting wheel appears in the lower right corner...

1 How to restore a course (with plan) deleted by mistake?
...courses list ... Mark the course you want to restore and press Restore...

1 Divided and joined classes
...the ... students ... creating the course at the beginning of the school year ... but the teacher ... If you want to select students from multiple classes...

1 How to copy courses from the previous school year to the current one
...the ... the teachers ... courses after login to EduPage ... the courses are unnecessary for you ... from the previous school year ... It makes creating your courses much easier ... plan e ... with only part of the students of the class ... another...

1 How do I use my last year's teaching plan?
...plan ... from this year's or previous year's teaching plan when creating a course ... Click "Create a copy of the plan"...

1 I teach both students' groups in one class. Should I create one or two courses?
...the timetable ... we advise you to create separate course for each students' group ... you can follow the plan in a different pace in each group...

1 What are official and unofficial courses?
... as a teacher can prepare your course ... input a teaching plan, make preparations, etc ... During the preparation phase, mark it as unofficial ... When students log into their EduPage accounts ... they see a list of their courses ... for each course...

1 Divided lesson does not display correctly in the class register
...the class register ... Courses, which include all students of the selected class are linked automatically ... The link for ... teacher ... Click into the box next to "Name of a group from timetable"...

1 Can the students groups be copied from the previous school year?
...creating ... courses ... the students who attend the course ... You can copy student group of another ... from the current or previous school years...

1 Creating degree courses
... as the ... as the list of students ... as the list of students registered for ... When creating ... next to the "Name of a group from timetable" box...

1 Lesson with the teacher's assistant
...teacher assistant is present in the class ... Both the teacher and the assistant can see the same course, have the same plan, and they can both input data in the class register...

1 How to display only students from one group in the class register
... create a course and select the relevant students ... In courses ... teacher ... from timetable...

1 How to print list of students
...the "Students" tab and click the Settings icon ... Select from the two types of lists available ... If you wish to print a list of students from multiple courses click Select and indicate the desired courses...

1 Seating in classroom
...the top menu after selecting the respective course from the "My course" options...

1 Why is there a red warning sign next to my course icon?
...students attending this course" next to your course icon in the list of courses...

1 How to check if the right students have been selected the in course settings
...the mouse over the tile of the course and open the course settings ... a) If all students from the class attend this course...

1 Why do the students see courses they do not attend in their timetable?
...the ... students ... courses they do not attend ... EduPage will warn the teacher ... Further instructions for...

Attendance of students - Teacher

1 Attendance of students
...the ... students icon in the Class register ... The system displays a list of students enrolled for the lesson ... The absent students can be copied from ... teacher of the previous lesson)...

1 Teacher - attendance students. Report.
...teacher ... students' ... for a specific period (e ... Select the period (dates), columns and press "Refresh" ... or other reports...

1 How to excuse students' absences due to school representation automatically
... or a group of students ... creating a New event ... for the participating students ... teacher...

1 How to change the type of absence from excused to unexcused and vice versa?
...teacher can enter an excused/unexcused lesson to the student: If they are mistaken in the type of absence, they can change it at any time...

1 How to create an absence note for a specific subject
...from the lessons in a specific subject ... or the subject is optional for the student ... The class teacher...

1 Student's attendance - Registy of beeps in class register
...the electronic class register ... it is possible to register students' attendance with one click ... If a student forgets to beep, they will be tagged as absent in the class register ... If the teacher sees that the student is at school and just forgot to beep...

1 How can the class teacher input absence notes?
...the time the class teacher spends on students' attendance ... In case you still have to excuse the student from the lessons based on a paper absence note from parents ... If the student was absent for one day, click the same date twice...

Payments for food - Payments

1 Payment for canteen
... You can find these settings in the ... module ... a payment ... a payment plan ... for each type of board) ... teachers, ... The students'...

1 How to set the initial credit / import from the different software
...the ... from ... transferring remaining balances for ... students ... You can access the payments module ... establish an payment plan for meals - ... you can do it via...

1 The meaning of credit in the School canteen module
...the School canteen module ... payment ... plan ... for ... from ... See also other...

Class register - teacher's view - Class register

1 Teacher - Class register - first steps
...the left menu: ... your timetable for the relevant day displays ... The teacher types in the curriculum ... from your teaching plan ... students ... events ... Other...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
...the ... If your school uses aScTimetables, your timetable for the specific day will display ... If you already have your teaching plan saved in EduPage, just select a topic from the plan ... Recording students' attendance:...

1 Class register of the teacher / class register of the class
... the teacher can see their class register ... It shows lessons from ... Only a class teacher can edit and check the students' attendance there...

1 Alerts of omitted records of the taught curriculum in the class register
...the ... teacher with up to date information about omitted curriculum records ... number of lessons with no curriculum record and the relevant courses...

1 What can class teachers do in class register?
...the possibility to edit the classbook of their classes: Select your class ... As a class teacher you can add/modify the lessons of your class and also input the attendance ... For example if some of your colleagues forget to input who was absent on some lessons...

1 I cannot see my divided lesson in the class register
... you must link this lesson with the name of this lesson in timetables...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
...the course ... from the timetable ... c) Course duplicate - two or more courses ... for this subject and class ... plan, delete the course without a teaching plan ... Link these courses via the "subject component"...

1 How can I select multiple topics from the plan all at once?
...from the plan at once, click "Select multiple / extra text"...

1 How can I write text to the topic selected from a plan?
...the top right corner ... Select a topic from the plan ... The result: Text can be written even to a topic selected earlier...

1 How to cancel the curriculum I have already selected from the plan
...- select another topic from the plan simply by clicking on it...

1 How can a teacher check if he is behind or forward with the topics in the plan?
...from your plan ... there is a number displayed in the upper part of the dialog ... It informs the teacher ... When creating a course at the beginning of school year...

1 How to register visitation at the lesson
...teacher has an option to input information about the visitation at their lesson using the "Visitation in the class" button:...

1 Overview of curriculum taught
Teacher can see the history of the curriculum taught in the history of the lesson:...

1 Note to the lesson
...for the lesson: "My Note" can be seen only by the teacher...

1 Changing the classroom
...from the one you normally teach ... Teacher...

1 How to cancel HW assigned through class register
...the class register and you want to cancel it later, it is not enough to clear it from the box...

1 Teacher - class register - school without aScTimetables
...the aScTimetables ... You can copy the lessons from another day by pressing the Copy from another day button on the right side of the screen...

1 How to use teaching plan in class register?
...plan in EduPage ... you do not need to type the curriculum on each lesson, just select from a teaching plan ... In the Class register "Choose from a plan" for the lesson...

1 Teacher - how to start an online lesson via EduPage?
...the arrow sign next to the title of the lesson to display the pop-up menu ... EduPage then creates an online lesson and automatically notifies the students who should attend the lesson ... Teacher can start the meeting by clicking the camera icon in the class register...

1 Sharing the plan with other teachers
...the ... teacher ... plan in EduPage (also with preparations) ... other teachers or not ... last year's plan or a plan from a parallel class ... creating a course in the advanced settings ...

1 The last lesson in the classroom / Teacher
...the ... teacher of the last lesson for each classroom...

Registration - Teacher

1 Registration for a field trip
...the left menu ... teacher or an administrator ... registration time ... students ... Select + Registration for events / seminars / groups ... Administration can create a payment ... plan linked to this field trip...

1 Case 2 - Registration for a skiing trip
...the left menu ... teacher ... the from/to ... the from/to time open for registration and a note ... During the skiing trip the students ... events ... Let's define the three targets via the „+ add empty target“...

1 Case 4 - Registration for elective courses
...registration ... for ... courses needs to be created ... The ... The students ... from the specific subjects ... teacher or the administrator ... via...

1 Case 5 - Registration to elective courses - a more complex situation
...registration ... for elective courses needs to be created: ... The students ... from the specified courses ... the others three lessons per week...

1 What to do, if I want to cancel some of the targets (few registered students)?
...the following targets for some reasons ... Six students are registered...

1 How to notify the non registered participants
...and display the results of the registration ... If you require confirmation from parent () but they have not confirmed their child's registration yet...

1 How to send notification to the participants
...and display the results of the registration ... Notification for "Round 2 participants": if you cancel some of targets...

1 Registration, which must be confirmed by parent
...registration and you require the student's choice to be confirmed by the parent, tick the "Require parent's confirmation" box...

1 How can I print results from action?
...the service icon in the sign-in results: The results will be exported to a spreadsheet where you can print them...

Class teacher - Teacher

1 Class teacher - overview
...for parrents ... Communication with parents and students...

1 Teacher - parents' accounts
...the ... The addresses can be input by administrator or directly by the teacher ... Step 1: Fill in the parents' e-mail addresses via "settings - parents" ... Red color indicates students whose parents' details are not complete...

1 Class teacher - How to print out an overview of parents' e-mail addresses
...the students' parents have their own access to EduPage? ... Print out an Overview of e-mail addresses before Parent/Teacher...

1 How do I know if the parents' accounts are valid?
...teacher ... the ... com; the same email address typed by father and mother name) ... It is not possible for...

1 Class teacher - How to enable electronic absence notes
...the absence notes inputting easier ... the class teacher ... from parents ... Absence notes can be input only by parents via their parents' EduPage account ... Students...

1 Creating Awards and Certificates for students in EduPage
...from the left menu and click on the 'Awards ... export to PDF or send it to the student via EduPage...

1 How to learn/print the login data to EduPage student account
...teacher can print out EduPage login data to students of their class ... Select the class and students to print the passwords for...

1 How can the class teacher view the notices awarded to students in their class?
...the class teacher does not teach his class ... In the "Grades" tab, switch the view from "Grades' to "Notices/Letters" ... Here the class teacher can see the notices of the students of his class...

1 How can a class teacher access an overview of grades from all subjects in their class?
...the ... from all subjects in their class ... The class teacher can then view the grades via the Advanced mode...

1 A student's parent have changed their e-mail address. How to change the login name to parent's account
... the class teacher can just rewrite the previous one with the new one in the "Settings/Parents" tab...

1 Class Teacher Principle - Attendance control
...teacher ... Class teachers usually teach the ... For such scenarios ... all students are present, i ... especially in the event of a substitute ... from ... E: Module Inside: ... other hours of the day...

1 Change of class teacher in the middle of school year
...teacher ... the administrator in the "Basic school data" section ... The change will be reflected in the reports from the class register...

Courses for school clubs and interest groups - Interest groups

1 Administrator - How to create a course for school club
... The ... teacher ... for ... other course ... from the subjects options ... When selecting students tick only the students ... You can add the schedule via + Add course ... plan for the course ... courses...

1 Teacher - How to create a course for a school club
...Create a course for ... Create a course for school club at the ... No courses have been created yet ... Start creating the course by clicking the + button ... When selecting the students tick only those ... A teaching plan...

1 Teacher - Why do I not see the course for school club/interest group in class register?
...courses for school club and interest groups in the class register ... creating the course, or at a later stage...

1 Teacher - How to prepare a plan for a school club
...the top left corner of your EduPage ... Input the number of lessons planned for each activity separately ... Even ... we still recomment creating only one teaching plan ... from the teaching plan at once ... other in the plan...

1 Several teachers take turns teaching in one school club department. How to create a course
...teachers ... the course ... This can be done while creating the course, or at a later stage by changing the course settings ... The teaching plan is the same and they use the same class register...

Electronic absence notes - teacher's view - Attendance of students

1 Absence notes overview
...teacher ... for managing students' absence notes ... All administrative work is done by the parents - date input, lesson input, reason for absence ... EduPage reminds them every other day about it...

1 Teacher - Accepting absence note from parents
...the EduPage, the class teacher can see a message that an excuse note has come from the parent...

1 Inputting/accepting electronic absence note for a future date
...the class teacher has enabled electronic absence notes ... For ... planned doctor's appointment...

1 How to show only absence notes in Notifications tab
...the excuse note icon at the top of the screen, you will only see pending excuse messages...

1 How to enter Mass absence note in EduPage
...students are absent for the same time period and for the same reason ... The class teacher...

1 Administration of electronic absence notes by teacher with the right for attendance
...the ... module either to other teacher or to the assistent ... from parents, i...

1 How to check the absence note submission date
...the left menu, and select a particular student ... If the absence note has been input by the parent and accepted by the teacher, the system displays the date and time of submission and acceptance respectively...

Payment plans - Payments

1 Payment plan with siblings discount for 'after school club'
...from students attending the club ... payment ... plan ... module ... You can create payment plans for all users in the school ... other rows...

Students - payers - Payments

1 How to define the user's payment ID code - variable symbol
... The ... payment to the specific user ... Every user (student, teacher ... students ... from one option from the following: ... If you use payments module for more years ... ): Please see also other helps - ...

1 Printing fees and payments
...the ... module ... teachers in the payments settings ... For more information please see ... Select a report from ... individual students or whole classes ... plan ... Please see also other helps in this category - ...

1 Reports to print, e-mail templates, export to excel
...the ... teacher evening ... module ... You can choose from various reports ... For ... specific payment ... specific payment plan ... If you need another ... students...

1 How to add a guest in payments module
Insert text here ....

Dochádzka a ospravedlnenky - Parents

1 Parent - how to input electronic absence note
...If your class teacher has enabled electronic absence notes ... you can enter an absence note for your child in the mobile app ... Students have not this function in student's accoutn...

1 Parents can view a summary of excused and unexcused absences of their child
... The parents can better manage their child's school attendance...

1 Parents - How to enter electronic absence note into EduPage
... the class teacher may enable inputting electronic absence notes by parents ... Type in the reason for absence...

1 Where can I check the arrivals and departures of my child from school?
...the "Attendance" tile on the main screen and select the Arrivals tab...

Registration for actions, consultations - Registration

1 Students and parents - How to register for an action
...teacher ... the ... registration for an action via EduPage ... The students ... other participants to register...

1 Parents – how to register for a parent-teacher meeting
...for ... teachers during their consultation hours ... select „+ I want to book a consultation with other teachers“ ... Students have no access to it...

Login - teacher - User accounts

1 Teacher - login
...the EduPage login data from school administrator ... Log in to your school account: Teacher ... Should the new password be forgotten ... You can change your login name when creating your personal account...

1 How to create a Personal EduPage account
... There is no need to contact your class teacher ... forgotten password with a personal account created ... He will do so through My profile/Connect another EduPage account...

1 I forgot the password to my EduPage account, the password doesn't work
... You do not have the English keyboard turned on 2...

1 I am a teacher and a parent - How do I switch between my EduPage accounts?
...teachers ... No need to log out from one account and log in into the other one...

1 Administrator/teacher - switching between teacher's and administrator's accounts
...the teachers is also the EduPage administrator ... from one account and then log in to the other account ... for the first time, input the administrator's password...

1 What is a school account, a personal account and how to pair them?
...the ... for the school account is usually FirstNameLastName ... The teacher ... The teacher receives login data for the school account from the EduPage school administrator...

Assign materials to students - Preparations

1 How to assign a material (e.g. presentation) to students?
...the 6...

1 How to assign created questions to students?
...the questions that are to be assigned to students ... The standard deadline for submitting answers is set to the next lesson ... Select another date, if necessary...

1 Assign tab - description
...for the assignment of the test: ... Blue: assign material to another class (create a new assignation) ... Purple: creating ... Purple: creating an event ... Brown: if students do the test online...

1 How to add existing test to another class
...the test, you want to reuse ... Choose the course, you want to assign the test, and fill in other information...

1 How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?
...the ... for them by the teacher: 1 ... Via the "Curriculum" 2 ... The Curriculum tab displays to students in the left menu ... The students see individual topics from your plans...

1 How to properly assign materials to students for online learning?
... because of a virus infection), EduPage offers the teachers various options for online teaching ... The questions can be assigned to students for homework...

1 How to assign material only to some students
...the whole class, but to some students only ... Suppose we want to assign the Presentation "Solar system" only to some students from class 6...

1 Assigning homework/test over again to selected students
... homework) again to selected students: Click the "Results" tab in the top menu ... Select the relevant material from the list in the left column ... for rework)...

1 How to assign students a test again / return it for rework?
... set a time limit for students to take the test, and limited the number of attempts to 1...

1 How to prepare a test for future use, without immediate assignment to students
...for future use, select the "Do not create an assignment yet" option in the "Assign" tab and save your changes...

1 Messaging about assigned material (HW, test, project, etc.)
...teacher can assign the students HW, test or project...

1 How can the students verify what they have learned at school?
...teacher ... plan ... the ... the students ... from what they have learned at the lesson ... If you have for example...

Creating new test questions - Tests

1 How to create new question card?
... Select the ... Select the topic from your plan you want to prepare cards for ... homework or your students ... After creating the question...

1 ABCD question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+" ... Enter the text of question and the options from which students can choose...

1 ABCD question - horizontal layout
The ABCD type question can also have a horizontal layout of options...

1 ABCD question with more than one correct answer
...the answers in the ABCD question, a "Multiple choice options" box appears on the right side of the screen ... 3% for the question...

1 How to display the answers in ABCD question card in a fixed order
...the answers are listed in ABCD question card in random order, ie each student gets the answers displayed randomly...

1 "Type in" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+" ... The students ... There is also a tool for inserting the correct answer:...

1 How to enter variants of the correct answer on 'Type in' question card
...the correct answer, e...

1 Extended options of the "type in" question card
...the "type in" question ... students ... even ... Sometimes - for ... please select from the other options offered...

1 "Select the correct answer" question type
...plan ... the ... from the teaching plan on the left ... The teacher types the answers into square brackets ... You are welcome to use a tool for inputting answers...

1 "Sorting" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 "Sorting" question card - horizontal layout of options
In sorting type of question you can choose a horizontal layout of options: Select a horizontal layout when entering options...

1 "Blind map" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+" ... Enter a description for each point...

1 "Categories" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+" ... EduPage shuffles them and students must divide objects into correct categories...

1 'Select category' question card
...creating ... the ... 'Student has to select a correct category' for each one of them ... students ... teacher...

1 "Connected pairs" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+" ... EduPage shuffles them for students...

1 "Select correct tile" type of question
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+" ... other side...

1 "Open question" card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+" ... Students can write their answers here or they can attach a file...

1 How to add hint or solution into question?
...the test question, press + at the question ... select Hint or Solution Students can use hint If you enter solution, students can see it after submitting his/her answer...

1 Keyboard special characters in the question cards, e.g. $, /, [ ]?
...Forward slash is a keyboard special character used for separating the answers in the ' Select the correct answer' question card ... Students can use forward slash when entering the answer:...

1 How to enter a fraction in preparations?
...teacher can write the fractions in the so-called mathematical mode using LaTeX syntax as follows: ... $ \frac{1}{2} $ Result after saving the card: If you use complex fractions , for better readability we recommend either using the formula, ie...

1 How to create a question with a fraction as a results
...teacher ... When entering a question in which students have to complete a fraction ... click in the text box ... The system produces a fraction from the answer field after saving the card ... Note: This setting is required for fractions ... A slash is otherwise...

Substitution - teacher's view - Teacher

1 Teacher - Check the daily substitution:
...teacher automatically sees his substitution changes highlighted in the Substitution section ... The system automatically highlights the substitutions that are relevant for...

Sharing the timetable - TimeTables

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
...the timetabling application ... teachers daily plans ... from any internet browser ... for more than 8000 schools ... students ... students or other ... And finally; it is even...

1 Share timetable
... treba tu opisat fakt, ze offline a online verzia su viac meenj rovnake a ked nieco robis offline ako to vies dostat do online a naopak ... Edupage offers you several possibilities how you can share your timetable with your colleagues, students and parents...

1 How can I create my TimeTables online web page?
Creating your Timetables online web page is easy ... First you can choose the name of your web page ... For example "hsberlin" or "gymkrakow" ... The best is to choose something your students are already familiar with ... from web address http://username...

1 How can I save my timetable to online storage
... or you can use password to teacher's account, who has rights to publishing timetable ... Select "Save to TimeTables Online" Alternative you can reach the same function from menu "Main - Save - Save to TimeTable Online":...

1 How can I open my timetable from online storage
... Even those, which you had edited or created online ... or you can use password to teacher's account ... who has the rights to publishing the timetable ... from TimeTables Online" Alternatively ... you can reach the same function via menu "Open - Open from TimeTables Online"...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
...the timetable to your teachers and colleagues ... if you wish to send your timetable to teachers or to students: Timetable Wizard starts ... You may send it to just a few colleagues for reviews...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
...the timetable direct from aSc TimeTables ... or you can use password to teacher's account ... Select "Publish timetable for publish online viewing" ... students ... - if you use some additional modules in Timetables Online ... like Teacher's Daily plan...

1 How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
...the ... Only teachers ... students and their parents can see student's timetables ... for public access...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
...from regular timetable file valid for actual day ... but if your timetable changes in the middle of the week, it may be misleading ... but it is useful also in some other situations: ... teachers ... it will integrate information from events - e...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
...for public online viewing" ... Type the name of the timetable ... in other ... teachers ... classrooms etc from ... Your students...

1 Options for saving the changes in the timetable
... the system will ask you ... You have two usual options for saving: Save or Save as ... students, parents) ... in Substitution module ... or you simply do not wish others to see them...

Start with the payment module - Payments

1 Payments module
Insert text here ....

Teacher - Mobile application help

1 How to copy students' attendance data from a previous lesson in the mobile application
...students' ... other than the first lesson of the class that day ... and the teachers ... you can just click the "Repeat attendance from previous lesson" button...

1 How to record students' attendance according to the beeps
... the teacher can record the students' attendance quickly ... The icon for...

1 How can a class teacher input a student absence note in the mobile application?
...teacher can input a new absence note via the red + sign...

1 How can a teacher accept absence note from a parent in the mobile application?
...the message about a pending absence note and select either accept or reject...

1 Where do I find my timetable?
...the "Timetable" tile on the main page ... The first view displays the up to date timetable for the current day including changes from the substitution ... school events, canceled lessons, etc ... other classes...

1 Substitutions overview in the mobile application
...the substitution tile ... In the third view you can see substitutions by teacher...

1 How to enter student evaluation in the mobile application
...the "Grades" tile on the main page and select a course ... Click on the event you want to enter grades into ... Enter the assignment name, type and other necessary settings, and press Save...

1 How to assign homework to students in the mobile application
...the red + sign and select Homework ... Enter the text of the homework and select the deadline for the homework elaboration by the students...

1 How to assign prepared cards to students for homework
...the ... from the plan ... Tick the questions that you want to assign for homework ... students...

1 How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
...the "Preparations" tile on the main page ... In your plan ... students ... Fill in the name of the material and set the other settings...

1 How can a teacher view the answers/results of students in the mobile application?
...students can be found by clicking on the "Results" tile ... Click the settings icon to create an assignment in the grade book for that assignment...

1 How to enter mass evaluation of HW check (OK/Not done/In progress) in the application?
...the mobile application ... the teacher can quickly enter the homework status ... to check if the students have done their homework or not ... hold your finger on the student name and select form the list of possible states...

1 How to send a message to students, their parents or teachers in the mobile application
...the red + sign...

1 A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
... These types of messages / homeworks do not appear in the list ... In order for all messages/homeworks to appear in the list, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner and tick the "Show done" feature...

1 How to delete a "done" message from the list of messages in the mobile application
...the list of messages can be maked as "done" by sliding it to side ... Another ... Messages marked as "done" are not deleted, they are just hidden from view...

1 How to create a recipients' group
... the system will provide you with predifined groups of recipients - e ... groups by courses ... Click on a recipient group to select the recipients from the group...

1 How to remove a user from the mobile application
...the ... Another way to remove a user is in the Settings / Manage accounts ... Note for ... it is not possible to remove only one of the children from the application...

1 How to send a suggestion for improvement or a description of the problem to EduPage developers?
...for improving EduPage application or you have encountered a problem ... Click on the icon in the top left corner, then press "Write to us" ... Note: It is not possible to reach your school via this form ... To reach your school, please contact the teacher via messages in EduPage...

Substitution in the mobile app - Substitutions / cover

1 Administration of substitutions in the mobile application - Overview.
...from your mobile application ... Because it is not possible to login into the mobile application as an EduPage administrator ... your admin will have to give you user's rights for administration of the substitutions...

1 How can I get to Substitution in the mobile app
... who have the user's rights to make daily substitution given by administrator, will see the special icon "Substitution - administration" after they login into app...

1 How to add missing teachers/classes/classrooms in mobile app
... Slide the calendar to sides for "previous-next weeks ... Add new absent teacher with big red "+" button in lower right corner...

1 How can I edit or remove missing teacher in mobile app
...teacher (class or classroom) just press and hold the record for one second...

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
...the list ... Now you can make substitutions for ... Now you can make substitutions for each individual teacher simply by tapping on their names ... Program will show you list of all teachers ordered from ... change or add the classroom or even change the period of this lesson...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
...via application ... Select the day first ... In a new screen you can add all necessary data for your new lesson (choose Subject ... teacher, clasroom and period) ... Because you are still in Substitution module...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
In upper right corner you can see, how many unsolved lessons are still in your daily substitution. We reccomend you to solve everything before you publish your changes. If everything is done and prepared, you can publish your daily substitution in simple way...

Changes during the school year - Basic settings

1 Change of meal prices / overhead costs during the school year
... on the right +add time range ... fill start date from the new price will be valid ... now you can enter new prices for each Payer type ... Set the month and click on image one person and Prices without payments The same principle is with overhead costs...

Sample registration actions/surveys - Sign up module / Surveys

1 Case 3 - Registration for interest groups
...the left menu ... teacher or administrator ... the from/to ... the from/to time open for registration and a note ... Individual courses ... Gradually add all courses via the „+ add empty target" ... students ... events:...

Settings for login actions / surveys / polls - Sign up module / Surveys

1 Where to find results of a Registration action
...teacher ... the ... The results of registration can be displayed: ... b) by targets (overview of the number of students registered for individual targets)...

1 Creating a payment plan for registration action
... who have registered for a field trip, camp, etc ... via ... payment ... plan ... the administrator / teacher ... registration action ... module ... from: ... a) creating ... but the students...

1 How to make a copy of a registration template
...the Communication icon in the left menu ... Open the copied action, change the dates for registration and other necessary data...

Changes during the school year - Boarders

1 New boarder during the school year
... How to enter the orders for new boarder New boarder is already in Agenda ... remember that if a new boarder hasn't recorded any payments yet ... first add the new boarder to the exceptions from suspension, and then set up their boarder's card...

1 How to terminate dining during the school year
...a) Order presets lunch set the last day of dining e ... if you what to use the e-card for another boarder ... and all received payments will suddenly appear as overpayments...

1 How to delete/renew boarder in the canteen
... they have no payments recorded in the payment module - whether received ... or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit)...

1 How to end (shorten) unlimited period for orders for more boarders
...the correct calculation of fees , it is necessary for the ordering period to: 1...

1 End of study or employment
...the end date is set in Agenda the name will be in grey and crossed...