1 Import of payments from bank statement
...payments ... from ... bank statement enables school record payments quickly ... To import...

(import of payments, bank statement, credit payments, debit payments)

1 Administration of several payment plans linked to one bank account - use of specific symbol
... Import of payments from bank statement without specific symbol (200€ for school fee): Parent pays the school fee 200€ without adding a specific symbol to this payment...

(bank account, payment plan, specific symbol, payment matching, several payment plans)

More results in categories

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Import of payments from bank statement
...payments ... from ... bank statement enables school record payments quickly ... To import...

(import of payments, bank statement, credit payments, debit payments)

1 Administration of several payment plans linked to one bank account - use of specific symbol
... Import of payments from bank statement without specific symbol (200€ for school fee): Parent pays the school fee 200€ without adding a specific symbol to this payment...

(bank account, payment plan, specific symbol, payment matching, several payment plans)

1 Payments module
...Payments module be found? ... The school sets the school's bank ... import from excel or import from bank statement...

(payments, fees, payment plan, ID numbers, import of bank statement, automatic assignment)

1 How to record received payments in EduPage - manual input, import from excel, import from bank statement
...payments ... Import - bank statement ... import from excel, please see ...

(manual input, excel, bank statement, )

1 Return payments - How to enter the account for refund
...bank account information is set up by: 1 ... payments from bank statement ... via import...

(bank account information, parent, user, school, system, employee, non-refundable accounts, import from excel)

1 Return payments - How to generate a batch payment order for the bank
...payments file ... the parents made fees payments from ... bank statement ... => some banks accept only one import...

(batch payment, overpayments, payment plan, bank account details, credit, debit payments)

1 Return payments - How to record return of overpayment/payment
...payments ... especially if the school has several bank accounts ... Returned payments can be imported from ... statement...

(refund, returned payment, entered manually, import from bank statement, debit payments, )

1 Setting of school bank accounts and rights in payment module
...bank accounts for cashless payments from parents ... import bank statement...

(payments settings, bank account, administrator - payments, administrator - canteen, visibility to payers, user rights)

1 How to confirm the imported payments
...payments ... from ... bank ... statement ... If you need to import the payments from bank statement please see ...

(individual confirmation of payment, mass confirmation of payment)

1 How a user sets up a bank account information for return money payments
...bank account information to which the school returns possible overpayments ... from which was the last payment received and assigned...

(payments module, payments settings, )

1 How to change the school´s bank account
...bank account (e ... In Payments you can filter payments made to new bank account and also for the old one...

(bank account, change of bank account, same purpose)

1 How to display the payments and fees to students, parents and teachers
...bank ... payments for different groups of users and for different bank accounts/cash payments ... - payment plans hidden from payers - in a grey row and an unticked checkbox "Visible to payers"...

(visibility of payments and fees, visibility of payment plans related to specific bank account, visibility of payment plans)

1 Import to new school year - canteen and payments
... arrears payments and other data about payers in the Payments module ... The transfer of payment plans from ... step 1 - students Ask the administrator to import data to the new school year ... Set the name of the payment plan, bank accout number...

1 How to add user rights for an employee in Canteen module
... SETTING RIGHTS IN THE PAYMENTS MODULE ... bank account ... import only her bank statements, ... it is possible to generate a link from EduPage...

(rights, employee, canteen)

1 Administrator's rights for Payments module
...Payments module can handle the Payments module as the administrator ... NEW - Payments module offers now also extended settings of user´s rights to school´s bank accounts...

(right to administration of payments module, user rights, )

1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
...payments in the "Payments" module ... The overview is divided into 3 main section: - "School's bank accounts (Fees)" section...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 How to pay school fees from EduPage mobile app
...payments module to communicate school´s fees to parents ... How to pay school fees from the EduPage application Select the button Payments on the home screen ... You can see payment plans divided to School´s bank...

(fee, payment plan, maturity date, variable symbol, QR code)

1 Setting up automatic assignment of payments to users and payment plans
...import of bank statements to record payments ... from previously assigned payments...

(variable symbol, specific symbol, information for recipient, account number, fixed assignment, flexible assignment)

1 Mass reassignment of already assigned payments from one payment plan to another
...payments from one payment plan to another we can use the button Tools...

(payment, assignment, payment plan, change of payment plan)

1 The meaning of credit in the Payments module
...Payments module represents the difference between the payments received and the assigned fees in payment plans ... The period from - to should be selected accordingly...

1 How to define the user's payment ID code - variable symbol
...payments received to school bank account ... from one option from the following: a) Ref ... If you already use some variable symbols you can import these from Excel...

(variable symbol, ref. ID, )

1 How to import a teaching plan from excel/word?
...from Excel/Word to EduPage is easy ... ATTENTION: To import the Excel data correctly, please, arrange the data to one entry of the column per row - one cell...

1 How to import books into the library?
...import a list of books from Excel/CSV into the EduPage Library...

1 How to set the initial credit / import from the different software
...from a different software to the EduPage ... importing them from an Excel file ... You can access the payments...

(initial credit)

1 List of all helps for payment module
...School bank account and others settings of module ... How the school should work with received payments ... - cash and non-cash payment plans for students from different classes - courses...

1 How to save time when assigning subjects to classes?
...import the settings of subjects on the report card from timetables or from grades...

(report, reports, certificate, certificates, subjects, order)

1 Quick start with payment module
... There is need to set up all bank accounts for cashless payments - e...

(bank account, payment plan, to create a payment plan, school fee, cantine fee, excursion)

1 Payments for parents - basic questions
...Parent can set up also the bank account details for returning payments ...

(parent, parent´s account, payments module, variable symbol, bank transfer)

1 How to delete/renew boarder in the canteen
... they have no payments recorded in the payment module - whether received, refunded, or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit)...

(delete boarder, renew boarder)

1 Printing fees and payments
... If the administrator has authorized displaying fees to teachers in the payments settings, the teachers can print reports too ... For more information please see Click the "Print" icon in the main menu of the "Payments" module: Select a report from the list of ready to print reports, e...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 Creating a new payment plan
... maturity date of the fee and to which bank account needs to be paid ... Do not create cantine payment plans in the Payments module, but rather follow the instructions in ... You can choose one from given periodicity or adjust to your needs...

(school fee, payment plan, trips, school club, specific symbol)

1 How to add a guest in payments module
...payments module can be done in section Users ... You can add one guest or more guests by pressing the button +Add or import the list of guests from Excel...

(guest, guest account, payments module)

1 Payment plan with siblings discount for 'after school club'
... it is required of you to collect attendance fees from students attending the club ... Setting the account and visibility of payment plans and payments to payers (parents) If you have selected the '+ Add' option ... They see the amount to be paid, the maturity date and the bank account to pay to)...

1 How to delete/restore a user in Payments module
...Payments module for various reasons (e ... returned or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit)...

(delete a user, deleted user, restore a user, )

1 How to remove cards from a topic in the plan or from uncategorized cards
... The card will be removed from the topic in the plan but it will not be deleted...

1 Payment for canteen
...payments to your boarders can be viewed under 'Fees and payments' ... or next month) - 'Bank account' - enter an account number...

1 Let's get started: How to input your school data into EduPage?
... You can either bulk import them from an Excel spreadsheet or add them manually one by one...

1 Automatic sending of notifications - related to changes in payments plans and visibility of payment plans
... Specific User receive the notification: - when school assigns the payment plan to this specific User; - when school removes the payment plan from this specific User; - when school makes changes in visible payment plan...

(notifications, stop sending, restart sending, payment plans, visibility of payment plan, )

1 Reports to print, e-mail templates, export to excel
... You can choose from various reports ... There is possible to send e-mails from the section "Users" or from "Users payments overview"...

1 How to add refund to the payment plan (for trips, excursios, etc.)
... the trip was accomplished but the whole sum for the trip was reduced = you need to lower the sum from the original one to the reduced one ---> enter an amount that will reduce the total fee with the minus sign d ... Payments - as soon as you return the money to the participants you can record the debit payments in EduPage - ...

(refund of the whole fee, refund of the part of the fee, reduction of the fee)

1 How to import students, teachers or parents?
... Select Import...

1 Change of meal prices / overhead costs during the school year
... fill start date from the new price will be valid ... Set the month and click on image one person and Prices without payments The same principle is with overhead costs...

(prices, change)

1 How to import students' photos to EduPage?
...imported from one file at a time into EduPage...

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection on the web
... A new cash collection can teacher create in the payments module logged in as a teacher: After few steps the new teacher´s cash collection is created ... Adding of payments (after collecting money from students) can be done directly in the teacher´s payment plan after clicking on button Users:...

(cash collection, web, teacher´s payment plan, cinema, workbooks, photo shooting)

1 Bad payers - automatic renewal of orders by system
... For automatic order renewal, the following parameters are set: From: Options to choose from ... Cancel orders Options to choose from are: 'No / For the day of reinstatement / From the day of reinstatement to the end of the week' ... payments during the day (which changes the credit of boarders), meal provision is renewed...

(bad payers, renewal)

1 The meaning of credit in the School canteen module
...Credit in the Canteen module represents the sum of the payments paid by parents ... The credit is not affected by picking the meal up (change in the status of the meal order from 'Ordered' to 'Picked up' / 'Issued' by a member of school staff or a beep with a chip) ... Order of meal is important...

1 How to use teaching plan in class register?
... just select from a teaching plan...

1 Teacher - Creating a noncash collection in the mobile application
... Class account can be bank account of specific teacher or special school account created for class collections ... The teacher works in his/her teacher EduPage account in the module Payments and follows the steps: Teacher´s collection is created and teacher can easily mark the students who paid already...

(mobile application, class account, collection, noncash collection, excursion, photo shooting, workbooks, cinema)

1 Bad payers - automatic suspension of orders by system
... For automatic suspension of orders, it is necessary to use automatic meal charges and also record received payments daily ... This way, the school can avoid potential misunderstandings/problems with unauthorized meal interruptions right from the beginning...

(bad payers, suspenion )

1 How can I print my plan
...from top menu, then select Edit the plan...

1 Copying plans
...1) Copying your own plan from the last school year...

1 How to copy the teaching plan if I teach parallel classes?
... Select Plans and Preparations from the top menu...

1 How to copy a teaching plan and teaching materials from one EduPage to another?
...from a different EduPage, please follow these steps: Select the course that you wish to copy the plan to...

1 Moving data to a new school year
... Select 'Classes', and in 'Tools' click on 'Import to new school year': In a new dialogue box, you will see a list of your classes from the last school year...

1 Final report - How to set subjects in the final report
... Importing subjects Instead of inputting the subjects, they can be imported from the timetable or from the Grades...

1 How to create EduPage from aScTimetables?
... You can use the username/password to log into it either from web address http://username...

1 Out of service days - when the canteen does not cook.
... Setting out of service days is not only much quicker than unsubscribing the entire school from meals but ... more importantly ... ---> Best practice is to set holidays and bank...

(Out of service days)

1 How to access online substitution
...from "Start page - Substition" or from main menu "Substitution"...

1 How to input evaluation from retaken examination
To allow students to improve their grades, click the event in the grade book and select "Show advanced settings". In the "Averaging" section, check "Count only the best grade into the average ". Then enter improved grades in the event column...

1 How to copy preparations from another teaching plan
Tick the materials located either in your Plans or in My library to copy them. Tick the cards you want to copy. Press the arrows icon in the upper right corner. You will be asked by the system to provide an account to copy the materials to...

1 How to access data from previous school years?
...from previous years is archived in EduPage...

1 How to remove payment plan/modification from student
...In this example we need to remove the payment plan "Swimming" from a specific student...

(removing of payment plan, individual removing, mass removing)

1 How to assign homework that includes questions from preparations
... Select the specific homework from the list of assignments a click Answers...

1 How to delete a teaching plan?
... Click on it to remove this chapter from the plan...

1 Student home preparation for a test
... It can either be the topics from their plan or standards...

1 Importing test questions from a text editor (e.g. Word)
... importing them to EduPage is easy...

1 How to copy a teaching plan from previous school year?
The advantage of copying plans is that all the preparations that you have assigned to the topics of the plans are also copied. You can copy your teaching plan either when creating a course...

1 How to copy competences from a course into parallel courses
Once you have input competences in one course and you would like to input the same competences in other parallel courses, you can copy them. Click the "Copy" option in the course with set competences that you would like to copy...

1 How to request a feedback from recepients of the message
...from the recipients, EduPage offers this possiblity when sending a message...

1 How to announce new exam to students
...from your plan to be tested...

(add exam)

1 How to copy a teaching plan with preparations from another teacher?
...from the top menu...

1 How to set up meal cancellation/order placement; selection from multiple menus
... The canteen manager doesn't have to answer phones or transcribe from ... e) The column 'Order placement' - it is also important to set up! ...

(cancellation, multiple menu)

1 Where do I find my teaching materials from former school/place of work?
... Click on the account (School1) from 'Other accounts'...

1 Categorizing teaching materials from My library to a plan by drag-and-drop
Materials in My library that have not been categorized to any plan can be displayed by clicking on the "Not assigned to any plan" button. These materials can be categorized to the relevant plan additionally by drag-and-drop. Start by activating the drag-and-drop function...

1 Where can I check the arrivals and departures of my child from school?
Tap the "Attendance" tile on the main screen and select the Arrivals tab...

1 How to copy students' attendance data from a previous lesson in the mobile application
... you can just click the "Repeat attendance from previous lesson" button...

1 How to copy my teaching plan from a different EduPage account (another active or disabled account)
... Click on the 'Copy from another plan' button...

1 Teacher - creating a payment plan via the Registration module - even for students from other courses
...from different classes - classes the teacher does not generally teach (i ... the teacher does not have a course created for these students) - they have an option to create and manage a payment plan with payments directed to a school account...

(payment plan, registration, manage actions, modifications)

1 Creating a payment plan for registration action
... The system switches to the Payments module - part "Payment plans" ... There are three options to choose from: separate payment plan for each target - the number of payment plans corresponds with the number of targets...

1 Evaluation type "Percentages computed from point value"
In this evaluation type the teacher sets maximum number of points the students can gain. The teacher inputs the number of points gained by the student into the relevant column in the grade book. The system computes the points to percentages...

1 How to delete a student from a database?
... you should first end their studies: If it is necessary to delete this student from the database for the current year, you can delete their account...

1 Can the school hide the grades from parents?
... You will set it up in the grade book settings: Next options: - all settings are applicable for individual terms - options to show the calculated average from the intermediate grades - options to show educational measures and decisions...

1 How to synchronize students from timetable to courses
... By pressing the "Copy from timetable" button, students in the class will be overwritten by students entered in the timetable...

1 Evaluation type "Grade computed from point/percentage value"
... EduPage can help you with computing the grade from points awarded in a test...

1 How to send a message to selected students (parents) from multiple classes
... Second approach: to sending a message to the parents of students from different classes...

1 How to assign materials from 'My library' section to specific course plan?
... There are all materials, from previous years included...

1 Evaluation type "Percentages computed from point value with informative grade"
The teacher evaluates e.g. a test with 35 points max. He inputs points which are computed to percentage based on a selected scale. The percentage is counted into the final grade. It is possible to set the weight of this evaluation. The grade has only an informative function in this case...

1 Overview - absence notes
... The "Absence notes from parents" column tells you about the number of absence notes that parents have given...

1 How can a teacher accept absence note from a parent in the mobile application?
Click on the message about a pending absence note and select either accept or reject. The list of pending absence notes can also be found in the Attendance/Pending absence notes. The absence note can be accepted / rejected by clicking on it...

1 Student card
... Just import it from the class settings...

1 How to create a customised user selection in the chat?
...from your class, your course or you can select them randomly...

(chat, your own group)

1 Assigning payment to multiple users
... Error in assigning a payment to multiple payers A warning icon displayed in the payments' row indicates that the sum of assigned payments is not equal to the amount received in the payment...

(payment can not be assigned, manual assignment, assignment to multiple users)

1 Change of payment's assignment
... The whole amount of the payment is used to pay just payments for school club...

(payment´s assignment, change of assignment, flexible assignment, permanent assignment)

1 How to launch a presentation from smartphone or a computer unconnected to the projector
The teacher is equipped with a smartphone or a notebook unconnected to the projector. Follow these instructions: 1. Open an internet browser in a computer connected to the projector and type in the address: edupagename.edupage.org/bb/screen, e.g. elementary.edupage...

1 How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
... Select the topic from the plan where you want to connect the materials...

1 How to add teaching materials from My library to the teaching standards
... From now on, when you select the Standards tab in top menu and tick the respective standard, your teaching materials added to that standard will display...

1 How to block a user/messages from a specific user in case of account abuse?
... If you want to disable the user from logging in for a certain time (until the case is resolved), toggle the switch in the first option and select the time period until the user will not be able to log in to EduPage...

1 How to compute points/percentages from a test to a grade?
...from points/percentage value" type of evaluation, you should set a scale for computing the grade...

1 How to delete a "done" message from the list of messages in the mobile application
... Messages marked as "done" are not deleted, they are just hidden from view...

1 How to edit an existing plan?
... From the upper menu select My Courses...

1 Online lessons via Webex Teams
...from the rolldown menu of the lesson in the class register...

1 Class register archive - Generating reports from Class register
At the end of the school year the Class register of the whole school can be archived with one click by the administrator. At any given time during the school year the class register can be generated to a report. The report can be saved in pdf format and archived. Report is generated...

1 How to use the materials I have created, in the following school year
... If you don't have your teaching plan in EduPage yet, you can create it or copy it or import it from excel: It is possible to categorize your preparations by government/school standards...

1 Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?
... Obviously, a grade from half term exam is more important than a grade from one homework...

1 Notifications and automatic messages in the canteen module
... Canteen: Your orders were interrupted from 25...


1 Teacher How to copy the last year assignments or categories into the new school year?
...from the last school year and use them in his new "courses"...

(copy assignments )

1 How do I print a class report and other reports?
... From the Print Reports menu, choose Class Report...

1 Creating online lessons in Google Meet
... If you run an online lesson from a school gmail account, the students logging to the online lesson from the school domain will be automatically connected to the lesson without explicit permission from the teacher...

1 How to change / erase existing image comment
... select the T (ext) icon or shape icon from the right menu, then click on the object you want to delete - whether it is text, a line, or a shape...

(eraser, rubber)

1 Administration of substitutions in the mobile application - Overview.
...from your mobile application...

1 Setting rules for automatic generating of educational measures based on compliments and notices
...from grades, it is possible to award the students compliments/notices and educational measures ... It is important to select the correct rule type...

1 Notifications on Huawei devices
...from sending push notifications in order to save power...

1 How to terminate dining during the school year
... - This will cause all previously ordered/cancelled/received meals to disappear, along with the charges, and all received payments will suddenly appear as overpayments ... Correction: - On the boarder's card, align the period for the payer type with the period for orders (it's important that the period for the payer type is not shorter than for the orders)...


1 How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate
... Click "Compute final grade" and set the margins for evaluation from average in percentages or grades...

1 How can the students verify what they have learned at school?
... from what they have learned at the lesson...

1 Our school name cannot be registered
... For example if a school Milton Primary from Clocksbury creates it's EduPage using name miltonpr...

1 New boarder during the school year
... remember that if a new boarder hasn't recorded any payments yet ... first add the new boarder to the exceptions from suspension, and then set up their boarder's card ... align the period for the payer type with the ordering period (it's important that the period for the payer type is not shorter than for the orders) ...

(new boarder)

1 How to attach follow up questions to homework (e.g. the ABCD question)
... Choose from several types of questions, e...

1 Rating of served meals
... Ratings by students The boarders/parents can rate the meal directly from the canteen menu when they are logged into their account...

1 Teaching plans - overview
... Either they create a new plan, or they copy a plan from last year, or from a parallel course, alternatively, they can copy a plan of another teacher ... It can also be imported from an Excel spreadsheet...

1 How to count different types of substitutions into teachers' attendance
... In the example given here, "JC - Joined classes" type of substitution has been deducted from the number of substituted lessons...

1 Is it possible to use both online and local version?
... If you, for any reason, want to do the changes in local version on a day where you already have some changes created online, you will first need to delete the online changes for this version from the online version: Important: If you do changes online, they can not be transferred to the local ...

1 How to input a new class/subject entry
... It is also possible to import data...

1 Overview of online lessons for the EduPage administrator
... Students from one group had an online lesson(4) that day, while students from the other group did not have online lesson (3) that day...

1 How to enter the different fee for each user in one payment plan
...Import students fees while creating a new payment plan/editing the existing one...

(payment plan, different fee, import of fees, Excel)

1 How to fill in data in the student's report?
... School Name: How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts: Import Students' Photos: How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate ... Absent days The data about absences is taken automatically from the class register for the given period...

1 How to set up bell times?
...from the main menu and scroll down to basic School data...

1 Applications
... Example how to use Applications Module: Parent requests - leave of absence from class for their child - exemption from PE lesson - board examination - personal curriculum - etc...

1 Basic information on teachers' attendance
... The "Periods" section displays lessons and events from the timetable together with the time information...

(employee attendance)

1 External boarder / guest in the canteen - how to create an account
... Here you can add more guests or import the list from Excel...

(External boarder, guest)

1 History of the payment plan with the possibility to restore the previous settings
...payments module there is also available the history of changes for each payment plan ... ) -> red = user was removed from the payment plan (d...

(payment plan, history of the payment plan, date of change, time of change, author of change, restore settings, restore)

1 How can I give notices to students?
... To view notices in the grade book, click on "Grades" and select "Notices" from the drop-down list...

1 How to attach file to my preparations
...from your plan...

1 How to share my plan with other teachers?
... Select "Plan&Preparations" from the upper menu...

1 How to access preparations in class register?
...from a teaching plan in a class register, you can see how many preparations you have to selected topic...

1 Operating elements of the interactive lesson
... The presentation can be managed from any of these windows, independent of their arrangement on the computer and projector screens...

1 How to attach a comment to the grade?
... Simply separate the comment from the grade with a space...

1 Copying preparations
... you can choose from the following options: 1) You only copy the plan, without preparations...

1 Rights to grades
... If a teacher needs to enter grades to a student from another course, for example, during substitution, EduPage allows to do this throught Advanced mode...

1 How to print the list of students attending an interest group
... You have two print reports to choose from: a report with or without a class...

1 EduPage and Cookies
... - second cookie increases the security of your login – EduPage uses it to identify logins from unknown devices...

1 How to input a new student entry
... It is also possible to import data...

1 How to adjust the layout of the application form
... You can select from 4 different types of fields: simple text - the applicants can type in any text select mode - the applicant selects from 2 or more given options (separate the individual options by a semicolon) tick box - the applicant can either tick the box...

1 How to create new project assignation
... select the topic from your plan and press red + button in right bottom corner...

1 How to input a new teacher/staff entry via AgendaOnline
... It is possible to import the data...

1 How to award extra points/grades for the students' activity during the interactive lesson (link with Gradebook)
... Create an event in Gradebook directly from the indicated location and award the students extra points for their activity...

1 How to create a new plan?
... You can make a copy of your plan from the previous year ... This step is important to take full advantage of all the opportunities offered by EduPage...

1 Teacher - How to add student’s activity in class?
... select Activity in Class from the dropdown menu...

1 Teacher terminated employment contract
... it is not correct to delete their data from the database...

1 How to assign prepared cards to students for homework
...from the plan...

1 Administrator - How to enter the login names for parents
... The parent account also enables functions that are not available from the student account...

1 Online lessons in Planning
...from planned exams, tests, HW or projects the Notifications/Planning tab includes online lessons...

1 How to restore a previous version of the web page (responsive design)
... Select from the list of previous versions...

1 Serving of the meal - when the school cooks
..., since the second term of the school year breakfast is also served apart from lunch...

1 Administrator: How to set the grading system 1-5, 1-6, A-F etc.
... In the settings you can select from a list of predefined grading systems, e...

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection in the mobile application
... The teacher works in his/her teacher´s EduPage account in the module Payments and follows the steps: The teacher´s collection is created successfully: Teacher can easily mark the students who have paid already directly in the mobile app...

(mobile application, cash collection, collection, excursion, cinema, photo shooting)

1 How to cancel HW assigned through class register
... it is not enough to clear it from the box...


1 How a user sets up a bank account information for return money payments
...bank account information to which the school returns possible overpayments ... from which was the last payment received and assigned...

(payments module, payments settings, )

1 Where do I find teacher's materials from previous years?
...from previous years in the 'Curriculum' section: Bellow the actual courses you can find courses from previous years: Choose the plan topic you would like to browse...

1 How to remove a user from the mobile application
... Note for parent's accounts: If a parent has several children attending the same school and linked in one parent account, it is not possible to remove only one of the children from the application...

1 What is the difference between parent and student account?
... If you do not know/remember the password, you can request it from the system...

1 How to send message to teachers or students
... You can select a specific recipient from a group of recipients by clicking on their name...


1 Import from XML
... Please see this topic for simpler way of importing data into aSc Timetables: aSc Timetables can import data from "aSc Timetables XML" file...

1 Import sections from clipboard(Excel)
... Then go to File/Import/Import from clipboard...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 2
...import the students and their seminar choices from program MS Excel...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
... Then go to File/Import/Import from clipboard...

1 Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
...from clipboard is useful tool which you can use to import your data from almost any other program...

1 Configure name format (First name / Last name)
...from aSc Timetables, you may sometimes find that first and last names are mismatched ... Note: The same setting applies also to import...

1 I want to have periods running from top to bottom, not from left to right
... Go to global settings and choose that lessons shall go to top from bottom: All the printouts will be changed accordingly...

1 How to input Options - each student needs to select one course from Options1 and one from Options2
... It means, the students (from a class, or from an entire grade) need to choose exactly the one course from the predefined set of more subjects ... Important in this case is, that you wish these "Options in one set must be taught simultaneously"...

1 ID numbers in import/export
...When exporting from aSc Timetables to XML file, you may get exported id numbers looking like *1, *2, *3 ... IDPREFIX - How to specify where aSc Timetables should store your id numbers? When creating XML you wish to import to aSc Timetables, you must fill in global option "idprefix"...

1 I get error message: design file is missing on this computer
... You can either copy the whole folder c:\timetables\designs\designname from one PC to another...

1 Export to XML
... Please see this topic for simpler way of exporting data from aSc Timetables: See also: aSc Timetables can export data into "aSc Timetables XML" file ... Creating combined XML import + XML export configuration file It is also possible to combine XML import with XML export...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
...Import function ... - same number and names of weeks and terms in all files - every lesson (for every class or teacher) is created in ONLY ONE TIMETABLE from all - this is very important...

1 I cannot see seminar lessons in class's timetable
...from this class assigned for given seminar...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
...from the timetable will become the base for a class register ... At first select in two checkboxes, if you wish to import a new data with periods and bells from the timetable...

1 Additional data synchronisation
... the software offers you to import the data from the timetable to EduPage where you can link the timetable objects with the objects from EduPage...

1 Removing supervision
... From menu select the first option Remove room supervision...

1 How to delete teacher from Timetable
...from the list and use "Remove" button and confirm with "Yes" Note: - All lessons of this teacher will be removed also...

1 Removing placed cards from the timetable
...from the timetable...

1 Full and divided lessons from one subject
In case, that a subject in the class is taught as a combination of lessons for entire class and for groups also, it is undesirable that lessons for groups to be separated with lessons for full class. It would meant, that one group will be forefront of teaching as a second group...

1 Students from the entire grade are divided into groups
...from all classes in the same grade are often divided into groups according their level in particular subject (e...

1 How can I open my timetable from online storage
... You can use menu item TimeTables online and select "Open from TimeTables Online" Alternatively, you can reach the same function via menu "Open - Open from TimeTables Online" A list of timetables stored in TimeTables Online is shown...

1 Can I load a custom printout settings from another timetable?
Please check this picture: Note that this only applies to timetable printout settings. Not the printout designs...

1 How to specify lessons where students are joined from two classes?
... After pressing this button a new window will show up and in particular rows you can choose Classes from which students are joined in this lesson...

1 How can I copy division from one class to another classes
...from multiple classes into one joined lessons, we recommend you to use the same names of the groups...

1 Typical situation: Physical education joined boys and girls from two classes:
...from two classes, another teacher has girls from two classes: Use the button Joint classes for this: If the school has many boys, they have to create two groups of boys...

1 How to join two groups from same division in one class
... You can join two (or more) groups in one class only if they are from the same division...

1 Is it possible to prevent two specific lessons from being taught simultaneously?
...from being taught simultenously by adding some resource (teacher/class/classroom) that is required by both lessons...

1 How can I swap all the lessons from one period to another
Once you generate your timetable and wish to just swap lessons between periods, it is not necessary to do it manually "one-by-one" card. It is convenient to use advanced function "!swapdpd". If, e.g...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
... At the first run it will probably offer you to add your teachers, subjects, classrooms etc from timetable to EduPage so that you have these data available on EduPage as well: When you change the timetable and publish the changed timetable sometime later, the system will check the names of your te...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
...from aSc TimeTables ... In next step you can import all data from timetable into your EduPage...

1 What's new in version 2013
... You will soon be able to download the instalation for each platform from our main download page ... Simplified Import from Excel/Clipboard It shall be now much easier to import basic data as well as lessons into the software...

1 Local backup
... In case you loose your file, or it gets damaged or you accidentally overwrite it with wrong data, you can just go to "File"-"Open from local backup" ...

1 Synchronization with database
... add new teacher from database to aSc Timetables, or vice-versa) ... For example if this dialog is shown during some import, you will not be able to fill "Delete" action in list 1, because import is not allowed to modify database...

1 What’s new in version 2016
... Substitution online application now available The online substitution application runs in browser, so you can use it from any computer/tablet in your school of from home ... it is possible to view payments and more...

1 What if 2 specific subjects must be taught simultaneously?
...from different classes check this article: ...

1 Checking the tutorial in the Offline version
...from the demo dialog or from menu Help/Tutorial: Tutorial consists of several parts...


1 Demo files
... All demos are the timetables from real schools, which we have gain during our almost 20 years of experiences in timetabling...


1 Print teachers' contracts
... adjust to your needs and print from Excel:...

1  Typical situation: Physical education, 3 groups in 2 classes
...from 2 classes, however boys have separate lesson in each grade...

1 How to print wallposters, for example 3x2 papers
...from the list of available reports:...

1 How to delete class
... In dialog you can select one or more classes from the list with using "Shift" or "Ctrl" keys...

1 How to delete subject
... In dialog you can select one or more subjects from the list with using "Shift" or "Ctrl" keys...

1 What's new in version 2008
...Over the past year we have generated literally millions of schedules and measured the impact of many algorithm improvements on schedules from different countries ... Improved import of students/seminarsClassroom capacities and group sizes...

1 Our teachers cannot teach more than 6 lessons consecutively
...If this value is set to 6 then your teachers cannot teach from the 1st to 7th period in a row, but they can teach 1st and 2nd, then pause and then from 4th to 8th...

1 Multiple selection
...from the same column: - either use CTRL and click on desired cells - program will select cells separately "one-by-one"...

1 How can I choose which student is in which group?
... - Information from this window is used also in Electronic Class Register...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
...from regular timetable file valid for actual day...

1 How can I specify class main teacher?
... You can link the class teachers with their classes from the dialog "Class": ...

(class teacher)

1 How to input seminar lessons
... So instead of groups from divisions, in this case it is important to know every student's request and input them into the software alongside with students names...

1 How to print lessongrid?
... Then select the Print lesson grid from the list of available printouts:...

1 Verification of timetable
... You can run verification from the main menu via button Verification...

1 Export to Smartschool
...from Edupage - Timetables Online to Smartschool...


1 Student's can select/request courses at our school
... It is enough to know that lesson is for "boys" from class 5A...

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
... No installation & maintenance aSc Timetables online is online application accessible from any internet browser...

1 Editing lesson - Options
... You can choose from one of existing (or predefined) divisions, or create new division with "Add division...

1 How can I change/remove the design?
... From now on the selected page will be printed without any special design:...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
... So instead of groups from divisions ... So instead of groups from divisions, it is important to know every student's request for (elective) subjects and input them into the software alongside with students names...

1 Certain longer lessons can be over all breaks
... However, if a longer lessons from certain subjects can be over breaks, you can allow it in the subject's constraints: Note: - this setting allows longer lessons from the subject to be over all breaks set in timetable...

1 Working with joined lessons
... Use the right click and from the context menu use the option "Join classes"...

(lesson grid)

1 How to edit teacher's details
...from the list - click on Edit button...

1 How to edit class details
...from the list - click on Edit button...

1 How to edit classroom's details
...from the list - click on Edit button...

1 How to edit subject's details
...from the list - click on Edit button...

1 How to combine lessons of two divisions of class on one position?
... In such case we can decide to put some students from group M1 in to group S1, some students from group M2 to group S3 and the rest of the students of M1 and M2 we will put in group S2...

1 Can I export the lessons, teachers, subjects to MS Excel?
... Please note that there are several sheets: Notes: - you can import these exports back to aSc TimeTables...

1 How to apply constraints to whole grades
... Let's take a case, when you wish to specify constraints, that all "Music" lessons from each grade must be placed on the same day in the week...

1 Right-click on card or free positions
... Remove - unplace the card from timetable...

1 The student’s timetable view
... You can just drag his subjects from bottom or move his current assignments in his row...

1 I want to have 1+1+1+2 OR 1+2+2 lessons per week.
...from the start and you want to computer to decide you have to do it like this: 1...

1 How can I create co-teached lessons
... Then select all teachers from the list and confirm by OK...

(assistant, more teachers, co-teaching)

1 How to register the software?
... After you input these details into demo version you have already downloaded from our webpage, you will be able to print without watermarks, export and gain access to the online functions (see all features here: www...

1 Teachers can not teach more than 3 consecutive periods without counting Planning time
... However, if there are some lessons for subject (usually Planning time) which you wish to exclude from this count of 3...

1 Filter function
... A popup appears where you can select some advanced filters, like show only double lessons or show only lessons that have only one section: So if the school wants to create a timetable by hand from the scratch, they can filter only lessons with one section only and start with these...

1 Groups have to start at the same time
... If you need two subjects from different classes, please see: Now: how to make sure two groups start at the same time: Please check this picture...

1 Count per week - format
... Number from 1 to 20 simply means number of lessons per week...

1 Testing card relationships
... This will generate all cards from that relationship, which can help you understand whether the card relationship does what you want or if there is some problem with it...

1 Lesson grid overview
... You can also add or modify the lessons from here: In Timetables Online you can display Lesson grid view in similar way...


1 There can be two maths on one day, but not consecutivelly
... If these cannot be one behind another you need to add this advanced cardrelationship: Notes: - make sure you select the appropriate subjects, if you for example already have double lesson from that subject, they will not be placed...

1 How can I save my timetable to online storage
... Select "Save to TimeTables Online" Alternative you can reach the same function from menu "Main - Save - Save to TimeTable Online": A dialog appears that shows all the timetable currently saved in TimeTables online storage: You can select one from the list and click S...

1 How to specify class grade
... You can do so in the Class dialog by selecting the grade from the list (maximum is 20)...

1 Why are all new lessons placed on Wednesday?
... Then from the drop down menu select the option "Lesson can be on any day (X)"...

1 How to change/reset structure of the printed layouts in TT online?
... From the new dialog select the report and click Modify structure...


1 How to import a teaching plan from excel/word?
...from Excel/Word to EduPage is easy ... ATTENTION: To import the Excel data correctly, please, arrange the data to one entry of the column per row - one cell...

1 How to print notices students from my class?
...from your class as follows: Select grades in the top menu, then Print / Export and select Notices of students from the list of reports...

1 How to cancel the curriculum I have already selected from the plan
...- select another topic from the plan simply by clicking on it - if you don't want to select a different topic from your plan, but want to write the topic manually instead, follow these steps:   Click a topic from the plan you want to cancel...

1 Teacher - Accepting absence note from parents
... the class teacher can see a message that an excuse note has come from the parent...

1 How to check if the right students have been selected the in course settings
... a) If all students from the class attend this course, it is right to click the first option "Select all students from selected classes"...

1 How to input grades from homework, tests and projects
...from top menu...

1 How to input that we continue the same topic as in the previous lesson
... select Copy curriculum from previous lesson: That way you select the same topic from your plan as you did in the previous lesson...

1 How can I print results from action?
Press the service icon in the sign-in results: The results will be exported to a spreadsheet where you can print them...

1 How to create new test from prepared questions cards?
...Select Standards from top menu and select some of standards...

1 "Select the correct answer" question type
...from the teaching plan on the left...

1 How do I access test results from previous school years?
... The courses from that school year will display...

1 How do students view their results from tests or homework?
If the students have done the test or homework online, the teachers can see the results here. They can also input the grades here. They can choose "Publish to gradebook"...

1 How to display only students from one group in the class register
... Tick the relevant students and click the "Name of a group from timetable...

1 How can I select multiple topics from the plan all at once?
...from the plan at once, click "Select multiple / extra text"...

1 How can I write text to the topic selected from a plan?
... Select a topic from the plan...

1 Class teacher - overview
Accounts for parrents Grade boook Class register and attendance Electronic absence notes Communication with parents and students Payments Other ...

1 How to transfer grade from the online test to gradebook
... If you need to input a result to an existing assignment, select it from the list of events...

1 Can the students groups be copied from the previous school year?
...important to select the students who attend the course ... You can copy student group of another course in this class from the current or previous school years...

1 How to remove a found item from the list of items found
...from the list of found items by the person, who initially entered the item in the list...

1 Substitute teacher - how to fill curriculum from the absent teacher's plan
... In the "Instructions to substituting teacher" the absent teacher can select a topic from the plan for the cover teacher to teach...

1 How to print list of students
... Select from the two types of lists available...

1 How to change the type of absence from excused to unexcused and vice versa?
The teacher can enter an excused/unexcused lesson to the student: If they are mistaken in the type of absence, they can change it at any time. Select Education in the left menu and then Attendance...

1 How can a class teacher access an overview of grades from all subjects in their class?
...from all subjects in their class...

1 Administrator/teacher - switching between teacher's and administrator's accounts
... If you use both teacher's and administrator's accounts you don't have to log out from one account and then log in to the other account...

1 ABCD question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 How to copy courses from the previous school year to the current one
... Create new courses for the current school year and copy the plans together with the preparations from the previous school year...

1 How to review students answers and results
... If you select "Cards" from upper menu, you can see, how students handle individual questions...

1 How to create an absence note for a specific subject
...from the lessons in a specific subject or the subject is optional for the student, or the student is exempt from the subject an absence note can be input only for the specific subject...

1 Teacher - class register - school without aScTimetables
... You can copy the lessons from another day by pressing the Copy from another day button on the right side of the screen...

1 What is a group of questions and what is it good for?
... If you create such groups of questions and create a test from them, the system randomly choose one question from each group...

1 "Select correct tile" type of question
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 Versions of printed tests
... You can evaluate the printed tests generated in EduPage: If you create the test with the questions from question groups then the system picks one question to each student from the groups randomly...

1 Cover teacher - How to record the taught curriculum in the class register
... A teacher who is absent and isn't going to teach the lesson, can select a topic from their plan for the cover teacher via "Instructions to substituting teacher" in the class register: The cover teacher can record the curriculum in the class register by selecting a topic from the plan...

1 Student switches students' group in the course of the school year
... In this case student Adam Krupa switched to this students' group from the 1st October...

1 Divided and joined classes
... If you want to select students from multiple classes, select "The course has students from multiple classes"...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
... Tap on the Select from the plan and select the topic from the list...

1 How can the class teacher input absence notes?
... In case you still have to excuse the student from the lessons based on a paper absence note from parents, please follow these instructions: Press "Start" in the top left corner and select "Absence note"...

1 Case 4 - Registration for elective courses
... The students can select 2 or 3 different elective courses from the specific subjects...

1 How to group questions directly in the test
... It will randomly select questions from the group of questions...

1 Internet connection was dropped during an online test. What about the students' results?
... The test results of a particular student can be restored as follows: Results can only be restored from the computer, which the student used to do the test (partial results are saved locally during the test)...

1 Are electronic excuse notes safe, can't they be falsified?
... Only a parent from a parental account may enter electronic excuse notes...

1 Assigning homework/test over again to selected students
... Select the relevant material from the list in the left column...

1 Seating in classroom
...from the "My course" options...

1 How to show results of students by individual standards
... choose the test and then select Standards from upper menu...

1 How to use signature with transparent background
... It is free and can be installed from the link: Paint...

1 "Connected pairs" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 Can I manually adjust the curriculum in class register?
... If you selected the curriculum from your plan and now you wish to adjust it, or amend it, select Enter manually...

1 "Open question" card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 Teacher - login
...from school administrator...

1 How to prepare and print out a test with EduPage test questions
...from the teaching plan or from the standards and press the "Add selected to material" button...

1 How to delete Award/Certificate
... you can delete the created Award/Certificate in the 'History' section Tick the desired rows and click 'Delete' from the top menu bar If you need to modify sended Awards/Certificates, you can cancel publishment, modify it and then resend again...

1 Subjects with more components
... You can choose a lesson from the first component and then a lesson from the second component...

1 "Categories" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 How to create new question card?
... Select the topic from your plan you want to prepare cards for...

1 How can a teacher check if he is behind or forward with the topics in the plan?
...from your plan, there is a number displayed in the upper part of the dialog...

1 Class teacher - How to enable electronic absence notes
... the class teacher can enable (or disable) electronic absence notes from parents...

1 How do I use my last year's teaching plan?
...from this year's or previous year's teaching plan when creating a course...

1 A simple way to create a different test for each student and eliminate cheating in online tests
... If a question For example if one question is selected from a group of 5 questions and later you add 3 more questions to the group, there will still be only the 5 former questions in the test to choose from...

1 "Sorting" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...


1 Where do I find teacher's materials from previous years?
...from previous years in the 'Curriculum' section: Bellow the actual courses you can find courses from previous years: Choose the plan topic you would like to browse...

1 Where can I view the results from submitted homework or test in the application?
Click on the "Results" tile and select the relevant assignment. To display the correct answer to a "fill in the gap" question, hold your finger on the answer...

1 Student - how to remove done homework from the list of homeworks/how to flag the homework as done
... The completed task will not be deleted, it will only be hidden from the list...

Input/import of data - Basic school data

1 Card of student - Health
Fields in the Health tab are different for different countries. Please, contact us if you want to input these fields...

1 Card of student - Study
The date of beginning and of the end of study can be input in the student card in the Study tab: ...

1 How to record student's switching class
When a student switches classes in the course of the school year, the change has to be recorded. The administrator can record the change via "Basic school data": Tick the relevant student in the "Students" tab and click the "Edit" button...

1 How can I upload photos of students and teachers to Edupage
You can upload photos of students and teachers in "Agenda online" . Login to Edupage as Administrator. Choose Agenda online - Tools - Photos - Students/Teachers. A new window pops out with empty spaces for photos. Prepare photos on the disc of your computer...

1 How to input new headmaster/principal
If the headmaster changed during the current school year, the change can be input to Agenda Online by the administrator. Go to "Code lists - Schools" and select the relevant school...

1 How to create a drop-down list of dormitories?
If you are an administrator of a boarding school, you can create a drop-down list of dormitories and allocate the students accordingly. You can find the dormitories in Agenda Online under Code lists. Click on New and fill in the necessary information...

1 Displaying date format in Buddhist Era
... Edit the date and confirm the change by clicking on 'OK' button: The date has been changed in both CE and BE date format: When importing ... When importing data from clipboard (MS excel) the EduPage recognizes what date format is imported - wheter it is Christian/Common Era or Buddhist Era date format...

1 How to display only the current students of the school
Agenda Online displays a list of all the students in the particular classes. To display only the current students of the school, without the students with completed or discontinued studies: select "Internal students" in the "Main" menu...

1 A fast way to switch between school years
Generally, the school year switch can be found in the "Settings - school year" menu: There is also a faster way to switch between school years...