Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to employ electronic application on a webpage other than EduPage webpage
...electronic ... application ... employed ... webpage is other than the EduPage webpage...

1 How to include a link to electronic application on the school webpage
... an EduPage module or a file ... In the "Select module" option click on the special Electronic admission option ... If you wish the link to the application be displayed right after the text of the news item ... webpage...

1 Electronic applications
... To use electronic applications ... Feel free to input no more than the introduction text ... webpage together with information about the admisssions process...

(application, application to study)

1 How to display the calendar on the school webpage
... make it visible: Press the "Start" button and select the Webpage wizard ... Select the Calendar section and tick the "Show this section" box...

1 How to customize translation strings on our webpage
... you can customize the translation of the EduPage text strings according to your needs ... Select - Control Panel / Other Settings / Customize translation of your website - in the left menu...

(translate, translation)

1 Select the type of webpage
... you can choose the type of your webpage ... There are 3 options: You can use EduPage for publishing timetables and substitutions only ... If you already have another school webpage, you can choose 3rd option - login form only...

1 How to set a school defined field in the electronic application
... Tick the "Show special fields defined by school on the application" box ... Your custom fields appear in the application in the "Other data" section...

1 How to add a school application for the students?
...electronic application module published on its website, through which applicants apply/register ... Log out of your EduPage account...

1 How to place an electronic application in the menu on the website?
... On the left side there are hidden modules, not visible on the webpage ... If the electronic application module is in the list of hidden modules...

1 News on webpage
...EduPage ... Look up the "Public webpage" section in the "Popular actions" ... In the other settings of the news item you can set:...

1 A link between the school photo album and the news on webpage
... a news item for the school webpage can easily be created at the same time ... When creating a news item for the webpage that includes photos, tick the "Show photos also in the school's photoalbum" tickbox to create a photo album with the news item photos automatically...

1 When are the changes in Online Substitution published to the webpage
... the changes are not immediately shown on the webpage for public ... The users can see the result of your work on the EduPage:...

1 What are the conditions for displaying an event in the webpage calendar?
... Set rules for displaying the event in the webpage calendar ... It is sent to either the teachers, or the participants + teachers or the students or all EduPage users...

1 How do the recipients get to know about a new message
... In the first group there are recipients with EduPage mobile application ... They get to know about a new message when they log in to EduPage webpage ... However, it is not possible to alert them with an e-mail...

1 How to create EduPage from aScTimetables?
...application you just need to press the “TimeTables – Online/EduPage” button ... For example if your school already has webpage www...

1 How to adjust the layout of the application form
...electronic application settings ... and the applicant states a number higher than 0, respective follow-up fields display ... If the school wishes to collect other than the predefined information ... tick the "Show...

1 Notifications
EduPage immediately notifies your mobile phone about all the relevant changes ... The mobile application does not even need to be running ... - It is also possible to modify notifications on the webpage...


1 Application form - Uploading data to Agenda Online
...application form can be easily uploaded to Agenda Online ... All submitted applications from the school webpage can be found there...

1 How to enter a student's notice in the EduPage mobile application
... (If you wish to give notice to a student from other course than the ones you teach ... tap the "Show all" text at the bottom of the list ... EduPage and in the mobile application...

1 Notifications in the mobile application not working?
...EduPage mobile application, please check the following settings in your phone: 1 ... a reminder to input electronic absence note...

1 How to insert more than one image
More images can be inserted into the card via the black + sign. It appears when hovering your mouse over the first image. When inserting images this way, the system will make sure the images are aligned properly...

1 Applications
... Example how to use Applications Module: ... Find information on how the authorised person allows electronic application submission to parents and teachers ...

1 The means of informing parents about events organized by the school
... Events can be created in the EduPage school calendar ... The event will automatically be displayed on the school webpage in the Calendar section ... application...

1 How can a student with unknown EduPage login data connect to the interactive lesson?
... the students have to be logged in to their EduPage accounts ... The best option is to log in via (updated) EduPage mobile application ... webpage address in their computer/tablet/smartphone: name_edupage...

1 How to enter student evaluation in the mobile application
... Enter the assignment name, type and other necessary settings, and press Save...

1 Alerting parents whose children have unsolved absences
...electronic absence notes ... the EduPage system automatically notifies parents about unsolved absences of their children ... The parents receive a notification in the mobile application and in EduPage...

1 Notifications on Huawei devices
...applications from sending push notifications in order to save power ... If you want to get EduPage notifications, you need to enable Edupage to run in background ... Edupage does not perform any other actions in background apart from the notifications displayal...

1 How to share my plan with other teachers?
...other teachers, you need to set the visibility of the plan for others ... There are 3 ways how to share a plan: Share the plan with other teachers who can only copy plan topics...

1 How can teachers create consultations for each other
... Please, change this setting to "All employees"...

1 How to copy students' attendance data from a previous lesson in the mobile application
...other than the first lesson of the class that day...

1 How do I print a class report and other reports?
Select grades in the top menu, then Print / Export. From the Print Reports menu, choose Class Report...

1 How to assign homework to students in the mobile application
Click the red + sign and select Homework. Enter the text of the homework and select the deadline for the homework elaboration by the students. Press Save and the homework is assigned...

1 How can the parent print out or change the submitted application?
...application has been submitted, it can be printed out...

1 How can a class teacher input a student absence note in the mobile application?
A class teacher can input a new absence note via the red + sign. The class teacher can view the list of absence notes by clicking on the Attendance tile. The teacher can see an overview of the student's attendance information in the Absence tab...

1 How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
... Fill in the name of the material and set the other settings...

1 How can a teacher view the answers/results of students in the mobile application?
The answers / results of students can be found by clicking on the "Results" tile. There you can see recent answers, not yet evaluated answers or all assignments. Clicking on a specific notification will display the student's answers...

1 How can a teacher accept absence note from a parent in the mobile application?
Click on the message about a pending absence note and select either accept or reject. The list of pending absence notes can also be found in the Attendance/Pending absence notes. The absence note can be accepted / rejected by clicking on it...

1 How to send a message to students, their parents or teachers in the mobile application
Create a new message by pressing the red + sign. Select the recipients by clicking on the blue icon in the upper right corner. Type in the text of the message and press Continue. The system will display a list of recipients the message will be sent to...

1 How to enter mass evaluation of HW check (OK/Not done/In progress) in the application?
...application, the teacher can quickly enter the homework status, to check if the students have done their homework or not...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
...electronic class register, please follow the instructions: 1 ... Set up an EduPage webpage ... How to publish the timetable to parents/students?...

1 Administrator - Setting the notifications preferences for reminding parents to enter the absence note
...electronic absence notes, the system will automatically notify parents to enter electronic absence notes...

1 How to pay school fees from EduPage mobile app
...EduPage mobile application ... how to pay ... Please see also other...

(fee, payment plan, maturity date, variable symbol, QR code)

1 Slider section
... Use the Webpage wizard to manage the Slider section...

1 How to delete a "done" message from the list of messages in the mobile application
... Another option to mark a message as "done" is to click on it an press the "Done" option ... If you want to display the "done" messages again, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and tick the "Show done" option...

1 How do I get to the materials that other teachers have prepared for the Standards
... The number of materials available for the topic in EduPage is displayed next to the topic name...

1 How to give rights on Class Register, Substitution or other module administration to a teacher?
Login as administrator and open the "school data". Choose the teacher and open the dialog window with the double click. Check boxes to give rights on individual modules for the teacher...

1 Authority - approving or rejecting the application
... Authorized person will receive notification that new application was filed by teacher: 2...

1 How to assign payment plan modification to students under/over 18 (3,4,5...)
... 18 year olds may be required to pay a higher fee than underaged students ... The following instructions explain how to assign payment plan modification ( ) based on the student's age ... Please, see also other...

(payment plan, modification, birth date, assign the modification, students over 18, students under)

1 How to send a suggestion for improvement or a description of the problem to EduPage developers?
...EduPage application or you have encountered a problem, please send us an email...

1 How to change the image in a submenu
... follow these instructions: Select "edit webpage"...

1 How to start with e-learning?
...EduPage e-learning module, the following steps must be taken: 1 ... application ... </span>What is a course? How to create it? 4 ... Materials can include presentations, tests, images or other external sources...

1 Sharing the plan with other teachers
...EduPage (also with preparations) ... he can decide whether he wants to share his plan with other teachers or not ... There are 3 ways how to share a plan : Share the plan with other teachers who can only copy plan topics...

1 Own domain
...EduPage under your own domain ... com will work and show the same webpage...

1 How can I share my material in the school library?
...EduPage is based on standards ... When creating new material that you want to share with other teachers, it is important to attach the material to the proper standard ... Other teachers will then see your material when they check the proper standard a press "Show cards"...

1 Add your page to Google search
... Here are the links you can use to submit your webpage to search engines:...

1 How to change the web page design
...EduPage administrator and select "Start" in the left top corner and then select Webpage wizard...

1 Teacher - Employee release application with a mandatory reason for absence
... teachers can submit release applications via EduPage...

1 Administrator - Employee release application with a mandatory reason for absence
... you can enable your employees to submit release applications via EduPage...

1 How to add a notice to students I don't teach
... If you experience problems in selecting other classes than the ones you teach, contact the administrator...

1 Evaluation type "Grades"
... The student can see the grade on the web site or in the EduPage mobile application ... Your other evaluation options:...

1 Where can I find the list of submitted applications?
... If an application has been modified by the parent, the list includes the modified, as well as the original application...

1 Library - Overview
... A student finds a book in the mobile application ... However, using QR codes makes the process faster and there are fewer errors ... - EduPage monitors book's availability...

1 Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?
EduPage allows the teachers to set the weight of grade ... Obviously, a grade from half term exam is more important than a grade from one homework ... For each assignment you can input a "weight", or in other words, set the importance of the grade in that assignment ... Let's see how the weight is considered in computing the average...

1 How to rename EduPage?
...Edupage page, the page name is created as a randomly generated 8-digit code, for example, 64293750 ... However ... However, this EduPage page name is only temporary and needs to be changed, otherwise the EduPage page will be automatically deleted after a few days...

1 Administration of substitutions in the mobile application - Overview.
... Because it is not possible to login into the mobile application as an EduPage administrator, your admin will have to give you user's rights for administration of the substitutions...

1 How to use EduPage for distance learning
1. The teacher creates materials to the topic of the teaching plan. 2. The teacher assigns the material to the students to work on. 3. Results offer the teacher an overview of the submitted answers from the assigned material...

1 How to organize teaching preparations in EduPage
... If you copy your plan in the future (for example when teaching the same subject in another class, or next year) the preparations will copy together with the plan ... How to add a material to preparations? ...

1 How to assign orders - when and how boarders eat
In bulk add / cancel orders to boarders can be assigned under the 'Orders & Types of payers & Guests'. You can find these settings in the top drop-down menu: 'Boarders' in the 'Canteen' module when logged in as the administrator or the person entitled to the Canteen module...

1 How to change the language of your EduPage
EduPage can be displayed in different languages...

1 How can I insert video to my EduPage?
... Now go to your EduPage and edit some page where you want to have your video ... You can move the video in the text just like any other picture, for example you can center it...

1 Student - how to join online lesson via EduPage?
... green notification appears in the main screen of EduPage mobile application...

1 Evaluation type "Points"
... Meaning, a 25 point test has lower weight (half the weight) than a 50 point test ... c) It is easy for the students to determine how ... EduPage also offers you evaluation by points with informative grade ... select Your other evaluation options:...

1 Operating elements of the interactive lesson
... In the former window the teacher can see their EduPage on the left and the presentation control pannel on the right ... Presentations can be launched in mobile application as well...

1 How can I upload photos of students and teachers to Edupage
... Login to Edupage as Administrator...

1 Admin - how to add another language on the Edupage school website
...EduPage school website in different languages ... To add another language option to your school website, please select "Control center" in the left menu of your main page...

1 Overview - accounts
...how many students have an EduPage account and how many students have a parent with an EduPage account...

1 Substitutions overview in the mobile application
Click on the substitution tile. You can see timetable changes that affect you in the first view. In the second view you can see substitutions by individual class. In the third view you can see substitutions by teacher...

1 Instructions to substituting teacher via application
... missing teacher will be immediately notified in his mobile application to leave instructions for substituting teacher...

1 Let's get started: How to input your school data into EduPage?
... log in to EduPage as an administrator ... Teachers Enter all the employees who work at your school and fill in their details...

1 How to comment on a student's uploaded photo of their work
... Use the other options to draw shapes (rectangle, triangle, circle, arrows, etc ... For how to change or erase your comments see: Once you finish commenting ... save the changes by clicking the 'Save' button: If the student's work contains more than one picture use the left/right arrows to move from one picture to the other...

1 The meaning of credit in the School canteen module
... How can the canteen manager view the credit of the boarders? ... Credit in payments is therefore higher (lower) than the credit in the canteen ... EduPage ... See also other tutorials for the School canteen module: ...

1 How to add a video to your preparations
... How to upload a video to Youtube 2 ... Paste the link into your EduPage preparations as follows: ... If you use other source for your video than YouTube...

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection in the mobile application
... Creating a teacher´s collection in mobile application is fast and simple ... The teacher works in his/her teacher´s EduPage account in the module Payments and follows the steps: ... Parent has information what, how much and until when to pay and sends money to school...

(mobile application, cash collection, collection, excursion, cinema, photo shooting)

1 Teacher - Creating a noncash collection in the mobile application
... Creating a teacher´s collection in mobile application is fast and simple ... The teacher works in his/her teacher EduPage account in the module Payments and follows the steps:...

(mobile application, class account, collection, noncash collection, excursion, photo shooting, workbooks, cinema)

1 Where in the mobile application can I find my homeworks?
... All homeworks - even the done homeworks - can be displayed at any time by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and ticking the "Show done" button...

1 How to login to EduPage as administrator?
...EduPage page into your browser...

1 How to import students' photos to EduPage?
... Log in to the Edupage page as an Administrator, select the menu - Agenda Online - Tools - Photos - Import...

1 How to upload a file to EduPage?
... You cannot upload others material on your schools EduPage...

1 Grade book - overview
... Obviously, a mid-term exam has higher weight than a homework ... In grade book, the teacher can input other educational measures - praise or rebuke ... Students and parents learn about the grades and results instantly in mobile application or after login to web page...

1 How to copy the content of My library to a different EduPage
...EduPage it is possible to copy a teaching plan from a different EduPage together with the teaching materials...

1 Payments module
... Parents are immediately informed about the school fees in their EduPage account - in mobile application or on web interface ... please read how to correctly move payment plans and other payment data...

(payments, fees, payment plan, ID numbers, import of bank statement, automatic assignment)

1 How to copy my teaching plan from a different EduPage account (another active or disabled account)
... Click on the 'Copy from another plan' button ... A new window opens with all your EduPage accounts linked via the backup email in your Personal account...

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
... create a teaching plan in EduPage also ... When you select the curriculum from the plan, you can see how many preparations you have in the plan and you can use them right away ... In EduPage there are many other materials that other teachers have created...

1 Is it possible to combine evaluation with grades and evaluation with points or percentages?
... How ... The teacher can set other than the standard weight to different grades...

1 How to remove payment plan/modification from student
... If there is a payment assigned to the fee we need to change the assignment of the payment to other payment plan - ... If there is a payment assigned to the fee we need to change the assignment of the payment to other payment plan - There are two options how to remove payment plan/modification for specific student:...

(removing of payment plan, individual removing, mass removing)

1 Noticeboard
...electronic noticeboard either for colleagues or for the students (and parents) of his/her class ... The selected users will receive a notification about the new announcement either on a web page or in the EduPage mobile app...

1 Where can the files uploaded to the application be found?
...application from the list of submitted applications, select the "View file" button next to the field with attached file...

1 How to copy a teaching plan and teaching materials from one EduPage to another?
... Select the "Copy from another plan" option ... Connect the account and EduPage you wish to copy the plan from...

1 How to record received payments in EduPage - manual input, import from excel, import from bank statement
... There are several means of recording incoming paymnets: manual input Import - Excel Import - bank statement For detailed instructions on how to input the payment manually or import from excel, please see ... while the parent could write another purpose in the information to the beneficiary (recepients) - Please see also other helps in this category - ...

(manual input, excel, bank statement, )

1 How to input an absence note
...electronic absence notes, you can input an absence note by clicking the red + sign ... If your school use EduPage for canceling meal orders, you can cancel your child's meal order at the same time...

1 Our school name cannot be registered
...EduPage site ... So it can happen that some other school has already chosen a name you feel could be yours...

1 How to register external students to interest group
...other schools ... How to register these external students to an interest group? The administrator inputs the external student in aScAgenda online...

1 Various approaches to running an interactive lesson
... In the original window the teacher can see their EduPage on the left and a presentation control pannel on the right ... If the teacher needs to do some other work on their computer ... they can make use of the following solution: How the students connect to the interactive lesson ... application or on the computer...

1 Interactive lesson
... The teacher can play any EduPage presentation or question on an interactive blackboard or projector ... The student immediately receives a notification in the EduPage mobile application...

1 How to assign a payment plan (modification) to a student
... The student pays different amount than other students...

(assign of payment plan, assign of modification, individual assignment, mass assignment)

1 Teacher - creating a payment plan via the Registration module - even for students from other courses
... c) one payment plan for the "Skiing course" action, but students can select more than one target ... If another participant registers for the skiing trip, the administrator simply updates the users list according to the up to date registered participants...

(payment plan, registration, manage actions, modifications)

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection on the web
... Parents will automatically receive a message - both on the web and in the mobile application - that the student is supposed to bring money for the collection ... If any of the parents have not paid - Edupage displays the collection (fee after the maturity date) in red colour ... Parent has information what, how much and until when to pay and sends money to school...

(cash collection, web, teacher´s payment plan, cinema, workbooks, photo shooting)

1 Payment plan with siblings discount for 'after school club'
...how ... The information is accessible in their EduPage account and EduPage mobile application ... other rows...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
...edupage app ... Substitution collisions See, how you can solve colisions in substitutions ... You can change it in "Tools - Change other lesson" ... Instructions to substituting teacher via Mobile application...

1 How to create a new presentation?
... They differ from each other by the layout of the image and the text ... The picture shows, how to add image or delete this slide...

1 Administration of interest groups at the beginning of school year
...Edupage ... Courses for interest groups should be created in a way similar to courses for other subject...

1 How to fill in data in the student's report?
... You can start with the basics: Basic Info How to create your EduPage: Logo...

1 Messages to teachers, students and parents
Edupage allows teachers to communicate with students and parents easily via messages ... The recipients will receive a notification of a new message either on the web page or in the mobile application...

1 How to print a student's report?
... Note: The report is available in the language of your EduPage ... Here you can see how many grades how been published and are visible to students and parents and also...

1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
... That's why EduPage ... How to select and pay a payment plan item ... Scan the QR code into your bank's mobile application ... Check also other...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 Modifications of payment plans
... a discount in tuition fee) than stated in the original payment plan ... Please see also other helps in this category - ...

(how to add a modification, assign a modification)

1 Teacher - Book a new classroom
... but book a new one for your lesson or any other activity, you can use option “Book a classroom”: The dialog appears where you can see your timetable ... If you want to pick one of several options based on availability, then use button more: They system will show you timetables of all selected rooms: Now you can see when you have time and the room is free...

1 What is the role of standards in EduPage?
... Teacher prepares material in EduPage - presentation, exercises, test questions, pictures, etc ... If he wants to share the material with other teachers in school, he must attach proper teaching standards to the material ... After selecting a specific teaching standard, EduPage will show you all the materials other teachers have prepared to the selected standard...

1 External boarder / guest in the canteen - how to create an account
... Create account - external boarder/guest can order/cancel meal via Edupage application and also can pay as well ... Boarder's Card - when and how will the guest dine...

(External boarder, guest)

1 How to set up the "generic" grading type?
... Next define how the final grade should be calculated...

1 Substitutions during quarantine
... If some of the lessons have to be substituted, look the lessons up via "Tools" - "Change other lesson" ... For the attendance of staff record, enter the absent teacher in a following way: How to record a one-time adjustment in attendance, e...

(substitutions, teacher in quarantine, class in quarantine)

1 How to link two personal accounts to back up the teaching materials
...employment only, use a backup email ... This way you can link your personal accounts whether you teach at more than one school at a time or you are moving to another place of work...

1 How to change the lesson in selected day if nobody is missing?
... change a classroom (teacher, subject, period), you can use menu "Tools - Change other lesson": A dialog appears where you can select the lesson you want to change: You can change the room/teacher/subject as with any other substitution...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda O-Levels
... Additionally, you can input more than one exam ... Here you can see how many grades how been published and are visible to students and parents and also...

1 How to backup your preparations, e.g. going to teach at different school?
...EduPage, in case of leaving the school you are teaching at ... When teaching at more than one school simultaneously, link all your accounts to your personal account via a backup email...

1 How to confirm substitution
... everybody somehow involved (teachers, students, parents) will receive the notification to their mobile app...

1 How to sign grades
Click on the "Grades" tile. You can sign the grades by pressing the "Sign grades" button. Click on a grade to display its details...

1 How to copy question?
Select the question, so that yellow frame around it is highlighted. Press CTLR+C (copy). Press CTRL+V (paste) on the place, you want to copy the question. Press Done...

1 Important message
... Addressees who have an EduPage mobile application installed will receive a notification in their mobile app ... Others will receive an email...

1 How to define Inventory types?
In the Code Lists of Agenda Online, you can define various Inventory types. When inputting a new inventory item, select the type to which the item belongs. This is to organise the inventory items into different types...

1 How can I input grades?
Select "Grades" in the top menu. Select your course. A table appears, with a list of students in your course. Type in the grade. If you want to input more grades at once, simply type them divided by a comma...

1 How to input chemical compounds
LaTeX is an instrument for writing mathematical expressions. The "mchem" part of this instrument is for writing chemical formulas. Chemical formulas to be displayed in a line of text, have to be enclosed in dollar signs and curly brackets \ce, tj. $ \ce{.....

1 How to access online substitution
You can access aSc Substitution directly from "Start page - Substition" or from main menu "Substitution". You must be logged as administrator or as a teacher with user's rights to do substitution administration...

1 How to create a subpage?
Log in as an administrator and choose the subpage you want to create: select to edit in the wizard: in the 1st step, you can customize the back of the module, whether you want it to have one subpage or split it into several subpages: 2...

1 How to request a feedback from recepients of the message
... EduPage offers this possiblity when sending a message ... You can also create a message with voting in mobile application:...

1 How to input educational measures: praise, rebuke...
EduPage allows you to input official notices ... Type in the reason and other additional attributes of the notice...

1 Hardware for the canteen
...-> the current number of meals issued and how many portions they still have to issue ... - Any other ... -> Subsequently, our SmartBox application ... It will contact our edupage servers...

(hardware, canteen)

1 What are "Study topics"?
... Students receive notification in EduPage ... Easy also in mobile application...

1 How to send a reminder manually?
... In the last column on the right, you have the option to send a reminder if the book is borrowed longer than the specified return period...

1 How to input new headmaster/principal
If the headmaster changed during the current school year, the change can be input to Agenda Online by the administrator. Go to "Code lists - Schools" and select the relevant school...

1 How can I remove the substitution?
... Either cancel this lesson, or assign another teacher ... The only way how...

1 How to define the evaluation scale
... In the other method of computing grade, the teacher defines different scale for different maximum number of points...

(scale, evaluation)

1 How can I cancel the lesson
... use "Tools - Change other lesson", select lesson, you wish to cancel from list of all lessons and in substitution window, which will appear, select "Cancelled"...

1 How to set up bell times?
Start the Wizard from the main menu and scroll down to basic School data...

1 How to plan a test/exam
Press "Start" in the top left corner. Select "Plan an exam event" in the "Popular actions" section. Type in the name of the test/exam. When selecting the date an events calendar opens. It contains all events already planned for the specific class...

1 How to set different school sections
... please go to Agenda Online / Code list: repeat to set the other sections of your school (2,...

1 How to enter Interruption of study
Interruption of study can be entered in Agenda Online in the card of student, in the "Study" tab...

1 How to delete a teaching plan?
... Overwrite current plan with another plan: Select "Copy from another plan", then select "Copy and replace the plan"...

1 How to change administrator's password
If you want to change the administrators or teacher's password: 1. Login using your old administrator password 2...

1 How to enter picture into question
... The result then looks like this: To insert an image or other content to the right of the question, click inside the question so that it is framed in yellow...

1 How to create a school standard?
...EduPage, you can create your school standards...

1 Administrator - how to enable filing applications
... enable applications and specify persons, who can reject or approve the applications...

1 How to confirm the imported payments
... Individual confirmation of payment: Mass confirmation of payments: Please see other...

(individual confirmation of payment, mass confirmation of payment)

1 How to create a new survey
To conduct a survey of opinions on a specific topic among the students, their parents or the teachers, you can do so in the Registration/Surveys module. To create a new survey click on "Communication" in the left menu and select "Registration/Surveys"...

1 How to create new project assignation
... Students will be notified in EduPage...

1 How can I print my plan
Select Plan&Preparation from top menu, then select Edit the plan. Click on Print the plan. Your plan will be exported to Excell, from which you can print it...

1 How to edit an existing plan?
There are two ways to modify a teaching plan. 1. From the upper menu select My Courses. When you go over the course with a mouse, a wheel icon appears. Click on it. Here you can edit plan. 2. Select Plan&Preparations from the upper menu...

1 How to create a new plan?
...EduPage - VIDEO Select the course for which you want to create a teaching plan...

1 How to change the contact information?
Click Start/Basic school info/Edit contact info. If you need more fields, use button Add field You can create more complex contact pages. For example we will create contact page with map and also with form where the user can fill in some questions to the school...

1 The last lesson in the classroom
... (In the mobile application it is necessary to click on the lesson to display the note ... To display the notes in the overview in the AgendaOnline, tick the Note / the last lesson in the classroom in the View – Columns – Other section and save the changes...

1 How to setup rights on website sections?
... This teacher can then edit all the modules of the website, change the design of the website, and any other actions that the administrator can do with the website...

1 Teacher - how to give students extra points?
Example: A teacher assigns a voluntary homework to students. Some students worked out the homework, some did not. The teacher wants to evaluate activity (students, who made HW) with extra points. The teacher clicks to create a new assignment (new column) in the grade book...

1 How do students learn about the exam?
... If you attached study topics when assignig the exam and there are some questions to these topics in EduPage, EduPage prepare a test to the students...

1 How to rotate column headers in Grades
... Another option to make the Grades table clearer is to sort the events into categories and select view by category...

1 How to set a correct time zone

(time zone)

1 How to set the date of classification?
...EduPage as follows: Select Grades in left menu, then click Grade book settings / Terms...

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
... Program will show you list of all teachers ordered from the most suitable according criterias (displayed under the list)...

1 How to import students, teachers or parents?
... Once done, the software will show you in the bottom part of the dialog how it understands your data, all you need to do is to click on each columnheaders and mark what that particular column represents...

1 How to end a student's studies
When ending a student's studies, you are to open their student card in Wizard and click on Study. If you want to end studies for the whole class, you can do so in Agenda Online: The student will be crossed out and won't proceed to the following school year...

1 How to access preparations in class register?
... you can see how many preparations you have to selected topic ... Clicking on it EduPage shows you all preparations to the topic...

1 How to change settings of grade book

1 How to input a half-term grade
... There are two ways for the half-term grade to be input in "Grades": a) Log in to EduPage and select "classification - quarter 1/4" in the "Term" options: A new "classification - quarter 1/4" column displays...

1 How to import books into the library?
...EduPage Library...

1 How to input evaluation from retaken examination
... click the event in the grade book and select "Show advanced settings"...

1 How can I give notices to students?
...Login to EduPage and select the course that you want to give the notice from ... Giving a notice is also possible with the mobile application...


1 Parents - How to enter electronic absence note into EduPage
... the class teacher may enable inputting electronic absence notes by parents ... The parent logs in to EduPage with the parent log in data and selects "Start" in the upper left corner...

1 Parent - how to input electronic absence note
...If your class teacher has enabled electronic absence notes, you can enter an absence note for your child in the mobile app ... To enter an absence note in less than a day, select "Part of the day" and select hours (from-to)...

1 How to clear cache in application?
...EduPage icon in the top left corner ... The application settings are behind the EduPage account and function list...

1 How to change the language of your application?
Press "E" icon in the left top corner. Find the "Settings" at the end of the list. Select language...

1 How to remove a user from the mobile application
... Another way to remove a user is in the Settings / Manage accounts ... it is not possible to remove only one of the children from the application...

1 Parent - how to add my other child to the app?
... If you do not have parental access to Edupage yet, please see this guide: After logging into the app with your parent account, you should see all your children who attend that school ... In case you only have the student access available, each child has to be added separately to the application...

1 Mobile application EduPage
... you can download EduPage mobile app: for Android at GooglePlay for iOS on iTunes Whether you are a teacher ... Learn more about the mobile application options here: School at your fingertips ...

1 Parents with more than one child
If the parents have more children attending school, the children can be grouped into one parent account. The parents do not have to use separate logins for different children. The parents need parent account. Parents accounts are created by the class teachers...

1 How a parent can change the password on their child's EduPage account
...EduPage account, there is no need to request their login details from the school...

1 How to obtain parent access to EduPage
...EduPage parent account by the school ... Choose Login in EduPage application...

1 How to log in to EduPage as parent with one or several children
... Please, follow these instructions: If you have several children, EduPage ... - If you have been logged in the EduPage mobile application as a student and the school has sent you login data to your parent account ... - If you already have a user in the application, you can add another user:...

1 How can I delete the account?
... The school is resposinble for the user data they input into EduPage, EduPage cannot delete or modify the data inputted by the school ... you can delete this personal account in the application...

1 What is the difference between parent and student account?
...EduPage as a parent or student ... From parent account only it is possible to: to sign grades to enter electronic absence note ... to submit applications electronically...

1 How to create a recipients' group
When writing a message, the system will provide you with predifined groups of recipients - e.g. groups by courses. If necessary, you can create your own recipients' group. Click on the recipients selection button. Select the recipients of your message...

(send message to group, send message to multiple users)

1 Parent - how can I change my password?
Click on your name in top right corner and select My profile. Here you can change your password...


1 When are the changes in Online Substitution published to the webpage
... the changes are not immediately shown on the webpage for public ... The users can see the result of your work on the EduPage:...

1 What's new in version 2014
... added new mobile application and new web features ... You will then know there is no problem with other constraints, just 2 teachers and their timeoffs ... EduPage You can now build a full webpage around your published timetable ... How can I setup EduPage 7...

1 How to create a timetable for more than 5 days?
...than just 5 days (e...

1 How can I create my TimeTables online web page?
... For example if your school already has webpage www ... org or from within aSc TimeTables application...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
...webpage ... in other words when your school will run by this timetable: ... classrooms etc from timetable to EduPage ... This is how the public can now see your timetable ... application...

1 How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
... when you for example have much more teacher's than classes there will not be enough early positions to place all the teachers...

1 How can I monitor the cloud generator in the mobile application?
... Download the mobile application from www...

1 How to delegate other teachers to administrate the timetables
... Select any of the teachers that you have already created in EduPage or create a new account ... Your teacher can login to EduPage on web, or can install the mobile application...

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
... No installation & maintenance aSc Timetables online is online application accessible from any internet browser ... aSc is currently hosting web-pages and applications for more than 8000 schools ... Its up to you what your teachers, students or other visitors of the page can see from the timetables/substitution data...

1 We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).
...other ... than basic 5 days cycle in timetable - let's say 7 days - then after publishing such timetable ... the edupage automatically assign last two days as "Saturday and Sunday"...

1 Can I rename the days?
... In case of timetable for more than 7 days the default names will be filled with "Day8, Day9, ... " Note: If your work weeks start with other days than "Monday", do not rename the days, but set the weekend at first: See: ...

1 Advisor - More lessons than days
If you have 5 days and define, that Math lessons shall be 6 times per week, the software will try to put at least 1 Math lesson on each day. So your lessons will always end up like 1+1+1+1+2. However for some schools this is not exactly what was needed, there can be two problems with this input...

1 Our teachers cannot teach more than 6 lessons consecutively
You can specify a global value in menu Timetable - Parameters: If this value is set to 6 then your teachers cannot teach from the 1st to 7th period in a row, but they can teach 1st and 2nd, then pause and then from 4th to 8th...

1 Teachers can not teach more than 3 consecutive periods without counting Planning time
In case, you wish to limit consecutive periods for teachers to "max 3" in a row you can use this global or individual setting...

1 Teacher cannot teacher more than 3 consecutive periods in one class
Add this advanced cardrelationship: Please note the: Apply to selected teacher's classes. This will make sure the rule is applied to each teacher in each of his classes separatelly. If you use for example Apply globally, then there could not be 3 conscutive lessons in the whole school...

1 Add timetable to your calendar application (Google calendar, Outlook, iPhone calendar...)
... Mozilla Thunderbird and others ... But this button will not force your calendar application to re-read the data immediately ... Please refer to documentation of your calendar application how to force re-read of the calendar data from Webcal calendar...

1 What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
... It also shows how many cards the software was unable to put into the timetable ... If this number gets higher than you expect you can stop the generation and immediatelly run the verification(press SPACE) ... throw a few cards out of the schedule and try some other way...

1 Divided cards are placed on too many positions in class XY
...Program automatically counts for every division how many positions can be fully occupied with its lessons ... If you place cards from division on more such positions than can be fully occupied, program reports this error...

1 What’s new in version 2016
... But the advisor will also display suggestions to avoid potential problems and to show you how to input certain situations ... or some kids can have more lessons per week of the same course then others etc ... Substitution online application now available The online substitution application runs in browser...

1 Two subjects must follow each other
...another (in arbitrary or specified order):...

1 Two week timetable
... you have two options how to input this into the program: Option 1 - weekly timetables For each lesson you can specify exactly in which week it should take a place ... This option is recommended in cases, when you have just a few lessons "every other week" (different every week) and most of the lessons in your timetable are ordinary one week lessons - it means...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
... More teachers: You can add other teachers to the same lesson ... Joint classes: Use this option, if the lesson contains students from more than one class (or group) ... This number means how many lessons of this subject will be taught in this class per week (per cycle)...

1 How to register the software?
... After you input these details into demo version you have already downloaded from our webpage, you will be able to print without watermarks, export and gain access to the online functions (see all features here: www ... However the registration name always shall include the full name and address of your school...

1 Education block - allow some classes to come later or to leave school earlier.
... However if the class has 32 lessons and you want to allow 5-9 lessons each day ... but not later than after 9th period: ... A part of the class can come later and stay longer, while the other part will come sooner and leave later on the other day...

(manually set educational block,)

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
...) than you have to create a new Timetable file and save it on your edupage under a new name ... For better understanding how to save your timetable...

1 What is shared classroom?
...how to input your data ... other specification ... So if you say, that the lesson can be in the shared classroom, or in GR502, or in GR504, than the software will use only one of these three options...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
...First - It puts much higher priority on placing the cards into the timetable than on satisfying all the constraints ... In other modes ... This way you can quickly get a summary of how many times the constraints were relaxed and how important they are...

1 Synchronization with database
...other timetable files) ... but is somehow different (e ... or that is different in aSc Timetables than in database...

1 What's new in version 2015
... The result is 2x faster generation times comparing to previous year release! Mobile application was greatly extended The teachers can now input grades/curriculum into electronic class register...

1 Digital screen
...electronic noticeboard for your school ... You can show today's timetable, substitution and other information on the screen ... Edupage before this)...

1 Max different buildings per day (#58)
...A can be in no more than 2 different buildings in a day for every subject: This mean ... Physical education) and no transfer for other lessons, you can simply set max buildings to no more than 1 AND exclude required subject from the list...

1 What’s new in version 2018
... If your Edupage ... The software will show ... New timetable viewer for web pages Timetables share on webpage are now using timetables online viewer ... print it – or use the updated mobile application to view the timetable...

1 Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
... So in other words biology in these classes can only be on the unmarked positions...

1 My lessons are not placed in classrooms/Adding classrooms into created timetable
... There are three ways how this can happen: ... other, already placed cards) ... So any times it is better to generate a new timetable than to manually fix the rooms...

1 How can I open my timetable from online storage
...edupage in PC application...

1 How to delete class
... In the "Whole" view simply select another class (just click in any other row )...

1 How to delete subject
... Change the view to "Subjects" and select another subject (simply click in any other row )...

1 How to input buildings
You can input buildings in menu Options - Advanced - Buildings. Click the Add button and in new dialog input the title and short for each building your school uses...

1 How to print lessongrid?
Go to Print Preview...

1 Advisor - Overbooked class/teacher/room
...than you actually have positions per week ... This can be either a mistake in input, or misunderstanding of how the software interprets your input ... Either raise the amount of periods per day or change the contract of this teacher: Another example: This teacher teaches just 20 lessons per week...

1 Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
...other program ... These steps will describe how to transfer data from MS Excel but same method can be used with other programs too...

1 How can I define weeks?
If your school has different timetables on odd and even weeks (sometimes called week "A" and week "B"), you can simply define that you have two or more weeks in this way: Then for each lesson, you can specify in which week it can be...

1 How to add new classroom
... See: - Supervised classroom - See more: - Color - which will be used on cards There are also two hidden options: - Nearby classrooms - will be displayed, when you select "This room requires supervision" or another classroom is already set as "nearby" to this classroom...

1 How to input new teacher
In the main menu click on Teachers - New. The dialog Teacher appears. For each new teacher it is necessary to specify its First and Last name and Short name, which is very important, because it is often use during the work or in the printed layouts...

1 How to input seminar lessons
... One can be attended by students from 4A another from students from 4A/4B/4C/4D: Later you will have a possibility for each student to pic one...

1 How can I copy lessons
1. Select the lessons you want to copy. Press CTRL and click several rows if you want to copy more lessons. 2. Press Copy To button: 3. The software asks you to which classes you want to copy the selected lessons...

1 How to specify class grade
For each class you can specify its "Grade". You can do so in the Class dialog by selecting the grade from the list (maximum is 20). Note: This setting can be useful in the advanced card relationships, where you can apply the card relationship to all classes in the same grade...

1 How to edit class details
In main menu click on "Classes" - select the class from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 How can I rename days?
toto prerob na kombinovanie dni - napr. parne-neparne, alebo po-st-pi, ut-st, ... na 5 a 10 dnovy rozvrh urob osobitny clanok.....

1 How can I get to Timetables online administration
...edupage as an admin or a teacher with user's rights to Timetables administration ... Then, there are couple of options how you can open an administration ... This can be used, if you are already on some other page and you need to get into Timetables quickly...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
...Edupage, or for using in Substitution online ... use this file as the "base" and import other timetables into this particular file ... than one file (it will save you lot of time during import) - keep in mind...

1 Choosing teachers for room supervision.
...Blue - means that teacher is teaching in some other classroom (not nearby ... Numbers after teacher's name show how many supervisions has this teacher already assigned (minutes/count)...

1 How to edit teacher's details
In main menu click on "Teachers" - select the teacher from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 How to edit classroom's details
In main menu click on "Classrooms" - select the classroom from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 How to delete teacher from Timetable
... Change the view to "Teachers" and select another teacher...

1 How to generate timetable with students
... However during the generation it uses whatever info it has...

1 How to add a new class
In the main menu click on Classes - New. The dialog Class appears. For each new class it is necessary to specify its Full name and Short name, even if they are identical. The class abbreviation is often use during the work or in the printed layouts...

1 How to add a new subject
In main menu click on Subjects - New. Following dialog "Subjects" appears. Specify the subject's full name in "Subject title" and very important is to specify the "Short" name also ...

1 How to edit subject's details
In main menu click on "Subjects" - select the subject from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
... - otherwise we will not be able to write you back - add your email everytime, even if you have already wrote it to us before - double check it, if there is no mistake 3...

1 How can I start cloud generator?
... To view the results, please check: Also it is possible to monitor the progress in the mobile application:...

(cloud generator)

1 How can I input students picks
... You can select more students with "Shift/Ctrl" keys in the same way as you are used to do in other software...

1 How can I input individual students
... The order Last name/ First name is taken by this setting: Note Inputting the students picks can be done for more students at once in other ways, so maybe this second option is more convenient and quicker...

1 How to set teacher's timeoff
In Teachers dialog you can specify when each teacher can teach. It is possible to set this in menu Specification - Teachers - Time off. By clicking on a particular day (in row) or a period (column) you can turn whole row or column into desired option...

1 How to apply a print design
Go to PrintPreview and display the class, teacher or classroom to which you want to change a design. Then press button Design (1.). Select your design (2.) and press button Apply design ... (3). Program will ask (4.) if you want to apply this design to selected class or to all classes...

1 How can I define Extra columns?
For each printout you can define several additional columns or rows. Just click on Extra columns/rows and new window will be displayed. Click on firs row for columns or rows and choose one of available option. Set also Header text and width of column (or high of row)...

1 How can I change/remove the design?
If you do not like the selected design, you can simply press right mouse in printpreview mode and select Remove design...

1 How can I print breaks between lessons?
Once you add a break - - you can use specific settings for printouts. In menu: School - Bell times/Rename periods - select the break - Edit open the dialog with Break's details...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
... At first you need to upload the timetable to the online storage = your school's Edupage ... Here is how you can do it: Press button "Send" Once it is uploaded, you can select it in the administration and click the button "Send"...

1 How can I stop the cloud generation?
The cloud generation will stop when the timetable with no pending cards and no constraints relaxed is found. You can stop the generation at any time - just please note that closing browser tab, or generation dialog will not stop the generation. It will continue to run on the server...

1 How to set Regional and Language options
Please go to Start, Control panel, Regional and Language options and set the Regional options and the Advanced (only Windows XP) into your language...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
... In the first step fill the "Basic school data" - write the name of your school, actual school year, how many periods shall be in one day ... If not, or you wish to make some other adjustments, feel free to close the wizard...

(first step, new timetable)

1 How can I create co-teached lessons
In case, that you have lessons where are physically two or more teachers in one classroom with one group of students at the same time, you can add all teachers via button "More teachers". Then select all teachers from the list and confirm by OK...

(assistant, more teachers, co-teaching)


1 What are the conditions for displaying an event in the webpage calendar?
... Set rules for displaying the event in the webpage calendar ... It is sent to either the teachers, or the participants + teachers or the students or all EduPage users...

1 Class teacher - How to enable electronic absence notes
... the class teacher can enable (or disable) electronic absence notes from parents ... Absence notes can be input only by parents via their parents' EduPage account...

1 Absence notes overview
... Electronic absence notes reduce class teachers' work load ... If the parents happen to forget to input the absence note, EduPage reminds them every other day about it...

1 Teacher release application and sickness notification
... The reasons for teacher release application can vary (study leave, persona reasons, etc ... ) The advantage of submitting applications electronically is that after the application has been approved ... Once the application has been approved/rejected, you will be informed via a message in EduPage on the web or in the mobile application...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
...EduPage mobile application...

1 I am a teacher and a parent - How do I switch between my EduPage accounts?
...EduPage teacher's account and a parent's account aa well ... No need to log out from one account and log in into the other one ... And this is how to switch them:...

1 Class teacher - overview
...Electronic absence notes...

1 Are electronic excuse notes safe, can't they be falsified?
... Only a parent from a parental account may enter electronic excuse notes ... The parent is informed of the approval/rejection of the excuse by a message in EduPage...

1 Inputting/accepting electronic absence note for a future date
...electronic absence notes, the parents can input electronic absence note as soon as they realize their child will be absent...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
...Electronic Class register indicates a problem with the course ... however ... Follow the instructions: If you experience a different problem, please consult your EduPage school administrator...

1 Administration of electronic absence notes by teacher with the right for attendance
...other teacher or to the assistent ... The teacher/assistent with the right to student's attendance can also manage electronic excuse notes from parents, i...

1 How do I access my preparations during the lesson
...application ... Your notes and other preparations for the selected topic appear...

1 ABCD question with more than one correct answer
... Evaluating questions with more than one correct answer: ... That is how the system understands tagging answers...

1 How to create a Personal EduPage account
...EduPage account ... How do I create a personal account? Sign in to your school account ... He will do so through My profile/Connect another EduPage account...

1 How to send Awards and Certificates via EduPage?
...Edupage, click on 'Save or send to students' button...

1 How to enter Mass absence note in EduPage
If several students are absent for the same time period and for the same reason, the absences can be excused en masse. The class teacher has rights to enter Mass absence notes for the students of his class. If the students attend different classes, the teacher needs authorization...

1 Teacher - Class register - first steps
...EduPage account and select "Class register" in the left menu: ... If your school decided to use the electronic class register ... Other activities in the Class register: If necessary...

1 Teacher - how to start an online lesson via EduPage?
... EduPage then creates an online lesson and automatically notifies the students who should attend the lesson...

1 How students/parents see awarded Certificate/Award sent via EduPage?
...EduPage, students and parents get notification...

1 Where can the student/parent find the list of items found?
... In the mobile application open the left menu, scroll to the "Other" section and select "Lost and found"...

1 How to randomize or how to keep the order of questions and answers fixed
When assigning the online exam usually the order of questions is randomized, ie each student gets questions in different order. If you wish students to have their questions fixed in the same order, click on the 'lock' icon...

1 How to learn/print the login data to EduPage student account
...EduPage login data to students of their class...

1 How to prepare and print out a test with EduPage test questions
... The main advantage of marking test papers in EduPage is the overview of all saved test results in EduPage...

1 Registration to field trips, seminars, courses and other activities
... in the EduPage online environment ... students can also register through a mobile application ... We also offer additional tips on how to use the EduPage registration module:...

1 Registration for a field trip
... Parents can only confirm the student's choice of action in their EduPage parent account ... How to log into EduPage as a parent? Select participants - whole classes or individual students ... Students can register on the web page or in the mobile application...

1 Teacher - Accepting absence note from parents
... The parent will be informed of the acceptance/rejection of the excuse in the EduPage report ... Only parents from the parental account can submit electronic excuse notes...

1 How to disable displaying questions or correct answers
...how you can show the correct answers of your test to the students ... By default EduPage tells the student if his/her answer was correct or not immediately...

1 How to delete Award/Certificate
If needed, you can delete the created Award/Certificate in the 'History' section Tick the desired rows and click 'Delete' from the top menu bar If you need to modify sended Awards/Certificates, you can cancel publishment, modify it and then resend again...

1 How to change course settings?
Move the mouse over the course tile and the setting wheel appears in the lower right corner. Click it. You will see the basic course settings...

1 How to delete a course
... If you have deleted the course by mistake (with plan and preparations), please contact your EduPage Administrator who can restore the deleted course...

1 How to evaluate printed tests?
Select Results in top menu. From the list of assignations select the one, you want to evaluate. A yellow window is displayed for each question. It contains three type-in fields, two buttons for correct and wrong answer and two arrows to move around individual questions...

1 How to create new test ?
... Where can you search for suitable question cards? In the EduPage library(Standard) ... There are materials created by other teachers and shared according to standards...

1 How to create new question card?
The basic unit of preparation is not a test but a test question. We call it a "card". Select the topic from your plan you want to prepare cards for. Once you create cards, you can simply use it in tests, homework or your students can use them to verify their knowledge at home...

1 How to modify created Award/Certificate
... In this case you see Existing document in the last column After clicking 'Save or send' or 'Just Save' button, EduPage informs you about the overwriting the existing document: Note: We recommend to specify in detail the field 'Awards for' for not overwritting the existing certificate if it is ...

1 How to print list of students
Select the "Students" tab and click the Settings icon. Select from the two types of lists available. The system generates a report. It can be either printed or saved t oPDF...

1 How can I print results from action?
Press the service icon in the sign-in results: The results will be exported to a spreadsheet where you can print them...

1 How to enter a fraction in preparations?
The teacher can write the fractions in the so-called mathematical mode using LaTeX syntax as follows: $ \frac{numerator}{denominator} $, e.g. $ \frac{1}{2} $ Result after saving the card: If you use complex fractions , for better readability we recommend either using the formula, ie...

1 How to print out the Awards, Certificates

1 How to review students answers and results
... If you select "Cards" from upper menu, you can see, how students handle individual questions...

1 How to register visitation at the lesson
The teacher has an option to input information about the visitation at their lesson using the "Visitation in the class" button: You can enter the name of the visitor in the "Visitation in the class" box: ...


1 Student - How to log in to EduPage mobile application
... Install the EduPage application in your smart phone...

1 Student - How to check in the mobile application if my HW has been submitted to the teacher properly

1 I can't remember my EduPage password. How do I reset it?
...EduPage account, they have three options: 1...

(forgotten password, I don't know my password, I can't remember my password)

1 Where can I view the results from submitted homework or test in the application?
Click on the "Results" tile and select the relevant assignment. To display the correct answer to a "fill in the gap" question, hold your finger on the answer...

1 Student - how to remove done homework from the list of homeworks/how to flag the homework as done
... click the 3 dots in the upper right corner and check "Show done" box ... Other ... Other help for the mobile application:...

1 Student - How to submit HW with attached file
... You receive a notification about the homework in EduPage application and on the web page: Prepare the file in your computer...

1 Login - student
...EduPage login data from a class teacher usually at the beginning of the school year ... The student can also log in to EduPage via mobile application: If you want to change your EduPage password, we do not recommend changing it on your school account...

1 How to elaborate online test or HW?
...application), the "play online" information is displayed...

Webpage menu - Webpage

1 How to add or remove items in menu
Modules on your school web page can be enabled or disabled. Select from the list of moduls, or create your own. The list of all available modules can be found in Control center/Modules and navigation/Enabled modules. Select modules you wish to enable. Change their availability to Enabled...

Design of webpage - Webpage

1 What is responsive web page design?
... The web page looks good on all devices: - computer monitor, - tablet, - smartphone Thanks to responsive design the items displayed next to each other in full width, display below, or change position, or hide when smaller display is used...

1 How to put a link to the uploaded file into the text?
... Then your visitors can download this file from your EduPage:...

1 EduPage web pages for mobile phones
...EduPage web pages in smartphones is rising...

1 How to restore a previous version of the web page (responsive design)
If, while adjusting your web page you need to return to the previous version, follow these instructions: Press the "Design history/restore previous version" button. Select from the list of previous versions. Select restore...

1 How to send a website layout draft to colleagues for comments?
If you re-design a school website (for example, you're switching from a former out-of-date design to a new one), you can gradually prepare the new design, i.e. the changes made are not published immediately...

Settings of webpage - Webpage

1 How to change the school logo and school name
Log in as the administrator and start to edit the website: You can use some of the prepared logos, but you will probably want to upload your own using the “upload file” at the bottom of the dialog: After making changes to settings do not forget to press Apply...

1 How to set user rights to edit modules

1 Problems communicating with EduPage
... In some cases the data you input to EduPage simply does not arrive to EduPage server ... Turn off browser plugins Google chrome allows you to install plugins that change the way how your browser behaves...

Electronic absence notes - teacher's view - Attendance of students

1 How to show only absence notes in Notifications tab
If you click the excuse note icon at the top of the screen, you will only see pending excuse messages. To turn off the filter, click the icon again...

1 How to check the absence note submission date
Select Education/Attendance (students)/Attendance school year in the left menu, and select a particular student. Click the absence note. If the absence note has been input by the parent and accepted by the teacher, the system displays the date and time of submission and acceptance respectively...

1 How can the class teacher input absence notes?
...electronic absence notes to minimize the time the class teacher spends on students' attendance...

How to organize teaching materials in EduPage - Preparations

1 Quick way to your plan and preparations via timetable
If you click on an lesson in your timetable, the system will set you up in the course plan and preparations...

1 Saving material to preparations while creating it
When creating a new material (test, presentation) or a new card, set the right topic in the plan and press the red + button. The test, presentation or card will automatically ataach to the selected topic. (Not valid for HW and project assignation...

1 Why add preparations to the topics of the plan?
... If you teach the subject in parallel classes and you use identical plans, you just need to add new materials in one plan, then press the "Synchronize with similar plans" button, and the new materials will be copied to the topic in the other plan as well...

1 How to assign materials from 'My library' section to specific course plan?
... once created in EduPage, in the 'My library' section...

1 Categorizing teaching materials from My library to a plan by drag-and-drop
... Another option is not to expand the plan at all and just move the material to the course as such...

1 How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
In the My Library you can find the materials you used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc. It is good to move them to the topics of your plan. Select the materials you want to connect to the plan. At the top there are possibilities what you can do with the materials. Select the label icon...

1 Synchronizing preparations in similar plans
If you use similar plans in several different courses (e.g. when teaching parallel courses with copied plans), a "Synchronize with similar plans" button appears when creating preparations in one of them. The synchronization is based on identical title of topic in different teaching plans...

1 Where do I find my E-learning preparations after the EduPage update?
... Other preparations that were not attached to any topic in a plan can be found in the My library / Not assigned to any plan tab ... Materials in the new version of EduPage are not organized by key words, but by the teacing plan topics, or school/government standards...

1 How to add material to preparations or to preparations of another course
...another course - for example, if you are teaching parallel classes and you want to have the material in preparation for each of the classes...

1 How to add teaching materials from My library to the teaching standards
In the "My Library" section you can find materials you have used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc. You can sort them by topic of your plan or by the standards they cover. Tick the materials you want to attach to the standard...

1 Marking materials as "Basic curriculum" or "Advanced curriculum"
... In EduPage there are labels on each card or material...

1 How to use the materials I have created, in the following school year
...EduPage in the past, can be used in the following school years too...

1 How to copy preparations from another teaching plan
... The ticked materials can be found in My libray in the target EduPage account...

1 How can one plan be shared and used by multiple teachers? (Team teaching)
Team teaching is when multiple teachers teach a group of students the same course throughout the school year. In this case, you create a teaching plan as you would normally. In "Plan settings", you can select multiple teachers to teach this course...

1 How to transfer uncategorized materials in your plan to a specific topic
Select your course and click on Plans and Preparations. The cards that have been categorized to individual topics will display when you click on a specific topic in the plan...

1 How to remove cards from a topic in the plan or from uncategorized cards
If a card has been assigned to a plan by mistake, it can be either removed or deleted. To remove categorization of the card to the plan, tick the card and select the tag icon in the top menu. Click on the "x Remove" option...

Mobile application - TimeTables

1 Where do I find my timetable?
... In this view it is possible to look up regular timetables of other classes...

Mobile application settings - Mobile application

1 Notifications on Xiaomi devices
... To turn them on again, go into phone settings and search for EduPage in the installed apps ... In the section "Other ... In the section "Other applications" ... In the section "Other applications" enable "Show on Lock screen" and "Start in background"...

Other - Substitutions / cover

1 How to set teachers right for Adminsitration of substitution
If there are teachers, who prepare daily substitution, but you do not wish to give them the full access, you can allow them access only into this module...

1 Is it possible to use both online and local version?
...application, but only one version can be used on one particular day...

1 How to get interest group's teacher to substitution
Teachers in interesting groups usually have their lessons entered in individual timetables, not in a regular timetable. By default, lessons from individual timetables do not appear in the substitution. To do this, in Substitution, select Settings and then Advanced...

Other - Constraints

1 Is it possible to prevent two specific lessons from being taught simultaneously?
You can prevent two lessons from being taught simultenously by adding some resource (teacher/class/classroom) that is required by both lessons. If for example Math and Physics are taught by the same teacher, or they must be in the same classroom then this will happen automatically...

1 Specify how many lessons shall be before certain position
...how many lessons shall be before certain position ... For classes that have more Biology lessons per week you can specify another card relationships...

1 Groups have to start at the same time
... If you need two subjects from different classes, please see: Now: how to make sure two groups start at the same time: Please check this picture ... If you want the children to finish at the same time, you better use the corresponding check box in Class/Details: See On the other...

1 I have double and single lessons but doubles cannot be on Monday
E.g you have e.g 3 single Math lessons and one double Math lessons. You do not want that double to be on Monday or on Wednesday...

1 Maximum one planning time lesson per day
The planning time lessons can be inputted as lessons without class. They are shown in teacher's timetable and they are independent from any class...

1 Biology in 5A has to be only on Wednesday (or Biology cannot be on Wednesday)
If you want a particular lesson to be just on one day you can use this cardrelationship: Basically it says you want 0 periods of biology in 5A on the marked days. Thus the Biology in 5A can only be on Wednesday...

1 What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?
... If Teacher Einstein have Math on Monday, no other teacher can have Math or Geom on Monday ... However you will need to create a separete cardrelationship for each teacher...

1 What does the time map in advanced cardrelationships mean?
... In other words it means each teacher will teach only once per week in the afternoon...

1 Double lesson cannot be over certain breaks
In most cases the best solution is to define breaks between lessons. By default your double lessons cannot span over these breaks. See here: However in some cases you need more precise specification...

1 Double lesson cannot be on Monday (specific days/periods/part of the day)
...) (or other required possitions, where you do not want your lessons to be) ...

1 Checking room capacity
...Then for each class(entire class) or for each group of students you can specify how many students are in it:...

1 Double lessons can not start on even periods
You can use advanced card relationship #32 (or #33)...

Other - TimeTables

1 Swap two days in timetable
... It means that you want to move all cards from one day to another and vice versa...

1 Delete all unplaced cards
If you have nearly finished your timetable, but there are still some cards that are not placed in timetable and you want to remove all those cards from timetable completely, you can do it this way: Go to menu Options -> Advanced...

1 I need to move all lessons within a day
... However lessons above 3 will move: 3->4, 4->5 and so on...

1 How can I swap all the lessons from one period to another
Once you generate your timetable and wish to just swap lessons between periods, it is not necessary to do it manually "one-by-one" card. It is convenient to use advanced function "!swapdpd". If, e.g...

1 Local backup
Everytime you save your file and once every 30 mins you are working on some file, it's copy is saved to the local backup storage on your PC...

1 Timetable files - making backups, problems opening files, etc...
... To transfer this file to other computer, you can copy it to USB disk, burn it on CD, or send it via email...

1 Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
If you see your timetable as follows: problem is, that you are trying to display count of students on each card, while there are no students inputted in your Timetable, or there is no such information in divisions for classes...

How to create new material? - Preparations

1 Creating new materials
... Choose what type of material you want to create: In EduPage Plans and preparations environment ... How to create a new material: ...

1 What is a card?
... Why it is better to have questions cards in the preparation than whole tests? + Flexibility: cards are easy to combine into homework or tests; each card has the information in which test it is used ... EduPage offers an integrated image search system...

1 How to attach file to my preparations
Select the topic from your plan. Click on "Attach file" icon and choose the file. Or you can simply drag and drop a file to this first card in preparations. Type the title, and/or some text. Save it...

1 How to adjust image size in a question or presentation card
... Image size can be adjusted by inserting another image next to the first one...

1 How do I add audio file to my preparations
Select the topic, to which you want to add an audio file. Then simply drag the file, move it over the start card. When this card turns green, drop it. You can test the audio file by pressing the play card button...

1 How to send to students a sound file that can be downloaded
When inserting a sound file into the card, the predefined play mode is indicated: In the Sound settings you can select a play mode "multiple times with time seek". In this mode it is possible to download the sound file. Click on the three dots to download the file...

1 What is the size limit and what types of files can be uploaded to EduPage?
...EduPage by a teacher or by a student is 50 MB ... Best practice is not to send large files (even files smaller than50 MB) via e-mail nor via EduPage...

1 How to make material invisible for students?
Select "Visibility icon" on the material you want to make invisible for students...

1 How to insert internet link to a card?
... A link can be inserted into other types of cards too...

1 How to create card with table in preparations
Press red + in the bottom right corner and select "Text Card". Click on the card, a yellow + appears at the bottom. Select a table. You can set the number of rows and columns of the table either in the right pane (Table options) or through the + buttons. Choose the border style...

1 How to make a copy of a card (your, school or global card)
Select the card you want to copy. Click on the "Duplicate cards" icon in the top menu. Select the option to make a copy without grouping. Press Done. A copy of the card has been created and can be further edited...

1 How to enter mathematical symbols in questions?
To enter mathematical expressions, LaTeX syntax is used. Instructions for use of LaTeX can be found on the Internet, for example here: KaTeX supported symbols Mathematical expressions to be displayed in a line between the text must be enclosed in two dollars, for instance: $x^3 = 9$...

1 How to restore data lost during creating a new card
...EduPage, or you simply haven't saved your changes, the data can be restored...

1 Importing test questions from a text editor (e.g. Word)
... importing them to EduPage is easy ... The first answer is considered as correct, the others are incorrect...

Create EduPage - Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Admin - forgotten password
... You must specify either the EduPage name or the email address you provided when creating the EduPage page...