Class register

Class register

English Administrator - How to set up a Class register
English Checking of attendance input
English Automatic alerting teachers who omitted to fill out the curriculum in the class register
English How to alert teachers about omitted students' attendance recording
English History of class register editing
English How to ban inputting curriculum in the class register beforehand
English Class register archive - Generating reports from Class register
English Class register reports archivation
English Creating individual teachers timetables
English Administrator - A tool to check recording of curriculum taught in the class register
English Attendance record history - list of persons, who have edited the students' attendance record
English How to lock the Class register? (curriculum taught, attendance)
English How to create a new type of student absence?
English Alerting parents whose children have unsolved absences
English How to set the date for calculating the attendance of students in a term
English How to close the class register for classes that finish before the end of school year (graduate classes)
English How to solve students' attendance (absences) at the very end of the term after deadline
English Groups in joined classes have different names
English Problematic lessons - some days are red in the class register calendar
English The last lesson in the classroom

Class register - Class register - teacher's view

English Teacher - Class register - first steps
English Class register in EduPage mobile application
English Class register of the teacher / class register of the class
English Alerts of omitted records of the taught curriculum in the class register
English What can class teachers do in class register?
English How to display only students from one group in the class register
English I cannot see my divided lesson in the class register
English Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
English How can I select multiple topics from the plan all at once?
English How can I write text to the topic selected from a plan?
English How to cancel the curriculum I have already selected from the plan
English How can a teacher check if he is behind or forward with the topics in the plan?
English How to register visitation at the lesson
English Overview of curriculum taught
English Note to the lesson
English Changing the classroom
English How to cancel HW assigned through class register
English Teacher - class register - school without aScTimetables
English How to use teaching plan in class register?
English Teacher - how to start an online lesson via EduPage?
English Sharing the plan with other teachers
English The last lesson in the classroom / Teacher

Class register - Class register - teacher's view - Attendance of students

English How to grant right for attendance to the teacher?
English Are electronic excuse notes safe, can't they be falsified?
English Inside - Who is absent today?
English Administrator - Setting the notifications preferences for reminding parents to enter the absence note
English Overview of students' attendance for a specific day
English How to create a new type of student absence?

Class register - Class register - teacher's view - Attendance of students - Electronic absence notes - teacher's view

English Absence notes overview
English Class teacher - How to enable electronic absence notes
English Are electronic excuse notes safe, can't they be falsified?
English Teacher - Accepting absence note from parents
English Inputting/accepting electronic absence note for a future date
English How to show only absence notes in Notifications tab
English How to enter Mass absence note in EduPage
English Administration of electronic absence notes by teacher with the right for attendance
English How to check the absence note submission date
English How can the class teacher input absence notes?

Class register - Class register - teacher's view - Attendance of students - Access control system

English Attendance - smartbox
English Where, in the school EduPage, do I find the administration centre of aScAttendance system ?
English Attendance system - Chip tags personalisation
English Attendance system - opening the door
English Student's attendance - Registy of beeps in class register

Class register - Class register - teacher's view - Substitution in classregister

English Cover teacher - How to record the taught curriculum in the class register
English Substitute teacher - how to fill curriculum from the absent teacher's plan

Class register - Class register - teacher's view - Reports

English How do I print a class report and other reports?
English How can I print my plan
English How to print list of students
English How to print the list of students attending an interest group
English How can I print results from action?
English How to print notices students from my class?

Class register - Class register - teacher's view - Reports - Award certificates

English Creating Awards and Certificates for students in EduPage
English How to print out the Awards, Certificates
English How to send Awards and Certificates via EduPage?
English How students/parents see awarded Certificate/Award sent via EduPage?
English How to use signature with transparent background
English How to change the title Award Certificate to a different title
English How to modify created Award/Certificate
English How to delete Award/Certificate
English Where do I find a list of saved Awards/Certificates

Class register - Class register - teacher's view - Class register in mobile app.

English Class register in EduPage mobile application
English Overview of the use of EduPage preparations
English I follow the textbook in my lessons. Why should I created preparations in EduPage?
English Fastest way to record students' attendance
English Fastest way to input lesson topic
English How to input that we continue the same topic as in the previous lesson
English Can I manually adjust the curriculum in class register?
English How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
English How do I amend my preparations with notes only visible to me?
English How do I access my preparations during the lesson
English How to assign cards to students for homework
English How to create a teaching plan in the mobile app.
English Creating teaching plan by manually entering the curriculum
English How to inform absent students about the content of the lesson they missed
English How do I keep track of the things already taught and the ones not taught?
English How to group several cards into a presentation
English How do I add files, images, photos, videos to my preparations in the mobile app?
English How to create more advanced interactive cards with questions
English What are the topics in "No chapter name" section?
English Why is there a number of lessons in grey in my preparations?