Σχεδιασμός συμβολαίου στον Πίνακα Μαθημάτων

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You can display teachers' contracts in Lesson grid view. It helps you to decide to whom you give the new lesson. Simply click on "Contracts" button and the new panel will be displayed on the right side of the grid.

List of teachers will be (re)sorted every time you select some lesson in grid. The top-most teacher is the one that the program thinks is most suitable for the selected lesson. You can assign teacher to lesson with double click on the row.

Criterias are:
- Teacher's target periods/week - you can see in second column difference between actual count of lessons assigned to each teacher and their target value set on edupage. Green number means that there are still some lesson left to fill the contract. Red number notifies you, that this teacher has already more lessons than in contract.
- Teacher's approbation (green strip) - if teacher belongs to selected subject's approbation,
- Teacher teaches in class (blue strip) - if teacher has already some lessons in selected class,
- Previous timetable (red strip) - if teacher taught this lesson in previous school year to the same group of students.

In this panel you can also edit some information about teachers if you need.
By right click on teacher's name you can edit teachers details, time-off, constraints and lessons.
By click on "Target periods/week" after you select some teacher in list, you can set teacher's expected contract.
By click on "approbation" you can edit or even create new approbation. See more here: Έγκριση - aSc Substitutions Online