Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?

English Lithuania

If you don't see some classrooms on the cards in your printed reports, it can have these main causes:

1. You have not used classrooms in your timetable at all. Please, see this topic: Učebne how to create and assign classrooms to the lessons and generate your timetable again.

2. You have assigned classrooms to the lessons AFTER the timetable was created (by generator, or manually). Please, see this: =Niektoré hodiny nemajú priradenú učebňu (Pridávanie učební do už vytvoreného rozvrhu)

3. You have selected, that if the lesson is placed in "home-classrooms" it should not be printed. Uncheck selected option, to display also these specific classrooms.
See: Ako zadať kmeňovú učebňu pre triedu.