aSc TimeTables online – main advantages of the online version

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No installation & maintenance

All you need is your login name and password to access your timetable from home PC, school PC or from your notebook. You always have the latest version of both the software and your timetable, no need to install/download/copy anything.
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Several people can work on one timetable at the same time

One timetable – several people can input data at the same time or even move cards if necessary. All the changes are automatically displayed in the opened timetable.
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Cloud generator

You can start the cloud generation on a server in the datacenter, head to the beach and monitor the progress of the generation on your mobile phone. The cloud generator uses a few extra tricks to generate your timetable faster. To get extra computer power simply click on the “add more computers” option. No need to buy expensive computer if you can rent it for a few days, then return. It's much cheaper and more convenient.
What is cloud generator?

Safe data

No more lost files, no more frantic searching for files on USB drives or emails when moving the timetable between home and school computer, or sending it to your headmaster. No broken hard drives, or data deleted from the computer by a colleague as unnecessary.

History of changes

Timetables online automatically creates a history of your changes. Even if you create multiple branches or try out different things, it is clear what changes have been made in which timetable and you can always go back to a previous version – without the need to open 30 files finding the one you are looking for.
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Very easy to share with other teachers/students

One click and your teachers can see the timetable for review. Any change can be easily published to your students. They can view the revised timetable in their mobile application.
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Easier to link to your school management software

In the PC version, the scheduler can make a mistake, name a student/class/subject differently and suddenly you have problems linking the created timetable to your school management system. In timetables online, the basic data are linked to your school management system. The transfer to your school management system is then much easier.

Automatic integration to the substitution software

No need to transfer the timetable anywhere. You just specify the validity dates of the timetable and the substitution software automatically uses that new timetable on the specified days.

Integration with your headmaster

The headmaster can easily do some quick changes, for example switch rooms in the created timetable. Advantages for both sides, you do not have to implement some minor tweaks of your headmaster – and the headmaster doesn’t need to beg the cool timetabling guy to switch two rooms.

Some extra functions

Timetables online contains functions that are available only in the online version.