
TimeTables - Constraints - Teachers

España Huecos del profesor en el horario
España Tenemos a un profesor que enseña sólo 2 días a la semana y no importa cuáles
España Profesor XY enseña 2 lecciones a la semana en la clase 5A pero ambas se imparten por la tarde.
España Cómo especificar el número mín. y máx. de lecciones que el profesor puede impartir al día?
España Necesitamos un profesor libre para cada lección
España Cómo distribuir las primeras/últimas lecciones para todos los profesores por igual?
España Nuestro tutor siempre tiene que impartir la primera lección
España Nuestros profesores no pueden impartir más que 6 lecciones consecutivas
España Cómo especificar que un profesor puede enseñar sólo una lección 7
España Tenemos horario de 10 días (dos semanas), quiero distribuir lecciones del profesor igualmente en estas dos semanas lessons
English How to ensure lunch break for teachers
English Each teacher shall have one or two free afternoon
English Two teachers cannot teach at the same time
English Teacher cannot teach 4th in Grade 5 and 5th lessons in Grade 6
English Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
España Necesitamos dos profesores disponibles en cada período para asegurar que contamos con profesores para substituciones
España Teacher cannot teach both in the morning and in the afternoon
English Our teachers have substitution duty lessons, we need min 2 at each period
English Teacher cannot teach in two different classes in one day
English Teacher can teach max 2 periods per day in one class
English Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)
English Teacher cannot teacher more than 3 consecutive periods in one class
English How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
English Teacher cannot have gap of length 2
English Teacher cannot teach both 6th and 7th period. He can teach only one of these two.
English Teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day, but only twice in week
English Our teacher must teach in consecutive days
English Teachers can not teach more than 3 consecutive periods without counting Planning time
English Our teachers can teach max 5 days in two weeks timetable
English Our teacher teach two different subjects but they need at least one period gap between.
English Our teachers can teach only three different week days in three weeks timetable
English How can I define that teacher can have max 3 consecutive periods(but he can have 2 doubles)

TimeTables - Constraints - Subjects

España Número máximo en las interrogativas para la asignatura
English Max one history lesson on 6th position in each class (solution 2)
España Dos asignaturas no pueden seguir una tras otra/no pueden estar en el mismo día.
España Distribución de asignatura en la semana
España No quiero tener mi geografía el viernes y después el lunes
España Quiero que la asignatura en una clase está en las mismas posiciones que la asignatura en otra clase
España Qué hacer si 2 asignaturas específicas deben impartirse simultáneamente?
España Necesito tener asignaturas A,B,C en las mismas posiciones en clases 1,2,3
España Dos asignaturas deben ser consecutivas entre si
España Distribuir lecciones en periodos diferentes cada día
España Quiero tener Matemáticas en el mismo horario cada día.
English I need subject Geography to be last lesson on a day in classes 5.A, 5.B, 5.C...
English Modifying the default card distribution per week for the subject
English I want just one PE/Art/Drama lesson per day
English I have Geography two times per week. It shall not be on consecutive days.
English How can I define lessons that can be outside teaching block(in the afternoon)?
English There can be two maths on one day, but not consecutivelly
English There can be two math lessons on one day, but they need to be placed consecutivelly
English Biology cannot be on the day after Chemistry
English Double lessons must be before single lessons
English Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
English 5A has to have Biology right before or after biology in 5B (the two classes have to have biology lesson on consecutive periods)
English French and Spanish language lessons can be in one day, but with a gap at least 2 periods
English How to distribute lessons in multiple weeks timetable.

TimeTables - Constraints - Classes

España Cómo especificar que la clase puede tener como máximo una lección 7 o una lección 0?
España Control de huecos en clase
España Bloque educativo – permite que algunas clases lleguen más tarde o se vayan de la escuela más temprano.
English Education block - How to allow gaps in class timetables
España Puedo poner el número mínimo/máximo de lecciones al día para una clase?
España Evitar una lección después del recreo de la comida.
España Ambos grupos deben terminar las clases a la misma hora!
English What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
English How to apply constraints to whole grades
English Class can have max 2 gaps per day
English Children can come to the school on second period, but only once per week
English Our school works in two shifts, some classes come in the morning, some in the afternoon
English Math can not be right after PE, but it can be before or at least one period later
English Painting lessons in class must have gap at least 2 free days.
España 5 Los estudiantes no pueden terminar después de lección 8, no sale autobús después de lección 8 de nuestra escuela...

TimeTables - Constraints - Classrooms

English Optimizing the room usage for students
English At least one lesson per week has to be in certain classroom
English We have 3 lessons per week and they shall be in the same classroom
English Lesson can be only once per week in certain classroom
English Reducing the room usage
English GymRoom can only be used 4 days per week(GymRoom has to be free on 3 afternoons)
English Concentrate groups of lessons into fewer classrooms

TimeTables - Constraints - Terms/Weeks

English Student has to finish Biology before he can attend Biology practice
English Subject has to be in consecutive weeks/terms
English Two subjects have to be at the same time in both weeks/terms

TimeTables - Constraints - Other

España Es posible impedir que dos lecciones específicas se impartan simultáneamente?
España Especifique cuántas lecciones estarán delante de cierta posición
España Grupos tienen que empezar al mismo tiempo
España Tengo lecciones dobles y solas pero dobles no pueden estar el lunes
English Maximum one planning time lesson per day
English Biology in 5A has to be only on Wednesday (or Biology cannot be on Wednesday)
English What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?
English What does the time map in advanced cardrelationships mean?
English Double lesson cannot be over certain breaks
English Double lesson cannot be on Monday (specific days/periods/part of the day)
English Checking room capacity
English Double lessons can not start on even periods