Үндсэн мэдээлэл

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Та Options/Settings цэсийг ашиглаж дараахи мэдээллийг оруулна:

1. Сургуулийн нэр

2. Хичээлийн жил

3. Та ямар нэг цагийн хуваарь байгуулахдаа өдөрөө зөв сонго. (хэрэв танай сургууль хагас сайн өдөр хичээлтэй бол жагсаалтандаа заавал Saturday-г сонгож оруулах хэрэгтэй.)

4. Lessons per day. Энэ бол танай сургуулийн орох хичээлийн хамгийн их тоо юм. !!!

5. Specify if you want to use zero lessons. Many schools have a special lesson before the main teaching starts. If this is not your case uncheck this option.

6. If you have a timetable for more than 7 days, you can input the number of days into the last combo box. If you have less than 7, just leave this combo box empty. If you have a 2 week timetable please read this article: Two week timetable

Move from Step 2 to Step 3 by clicking on Next.

Note 1 - All data entered in the Wizard can be changed anytime later. You can recall the wizard via menu Specification/Wizard.

Note 2 - Your registration number is connected with your school's name, therefore if it changes, the program will be automatically closed. On the next run it is then necessary to enter the original name of the school and the registration number, or enter a new name of the school and register the program again.

Note 3 - Bells tabs specify when your lesson starts and ends. Please check this article: