
TimeTables - First steps

Hebrew הורדה והתקנה
Hebrew כיצד לבצע רישום לתוכנה?
Hebrew האם אני משתמש בגירסה האחרונה של התוכנה?
English How to change the language in the program
Hebrew כיצד להגדיר את אפשרויות אזור ושפה
Hebrew התחלת עבודה בתוכנה
Hebrew הראה הדגמה
English How to contact ASC Timetables support

TimeTables - Data input - General information

Hebrew יצירת מערכת שעות חדשה או פתיחת מערכת שעות קיימת
English How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
English How to create the first TimeTable ONLINE
Hebrew האם אני יכול לעשות שימוש חוזר בנתונים בשנה שעברה?
English Is it possible to reuse last year data in Timetable online?
Hebrew איך אני יכול למיין מורים / כיתות / מקצועות לימוד / חדרי לימוד?
Hebrew נתונים בסיסיים
English Demo files
Hebrew שדות מותאמים אישית
Hebrew שיבוץ/חסימה

TimeTables - Data input - Subjects

Hebrew מקצועות לימוד
English How to edit subject's details
English How to delete subject
English Printing pictures of subjects
Hebrew חדרי לימוד למקצוע
English Subject - Constraints
Hebrew שעורי הכנה
English Modifying the default card distribution per week for the subject
English Lessons for specific subjects can be over lunch free period
English Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule
English How to correctly set number of lesson per week

TimeTables - Data input - Classes

English What are classes (grade levels).
Hebrew כיתות
English How to edit class details
English How can I change the color of class?
English How can I specify class main teacher?
English How to specify class grade
English How to delete class
Hebrew שעורים לכיתה
Hebrew שיבוץ/חסימה לכיתה
English Class - constraints
English How to specify when a class can have a lunch?
Hebrew חלוקה לקבוצות
English Number of students in class and groups

TimeTables - Data input - Classrooms

Hebrew חדרי לימוד
English How to edit classroom's details
English How can I specify default classroom for certain class
English What is shared classroom?
Hebrew Assign lessons to classrooms
English Classrooms prioritization
English How can I specify default (usual) classrooms for certain subject?
English How can I specify teachers’ home classrooms?
English How to specify that we cannot use classroom at certain times?
English How can I assign classrooms to more lessons at once
English My lessons are not placed in classrooms/Adding classrooms into created timetable
English Lesson requires more classrooms
Hebrew תכולת חדרי לימוד
English Two classes in the same room at the same time (Solution 1)
English Two classes in the same room at the same time (Solution 2)
Hebrew מהו חדר לימוד בהשגחה, וכיצד ניתן לקלוט אותו?

TimeTables - Data input - Teachers

Hebrew מורים
English How to delete teacher from Timetable
English How to edit teacher's details
Hebrew משרות
English How to set teacher's timeoff
English Teacher's constraints
English How can I specify class main teacher?
English How can I specify teachers’ home classrooms?
English Print different bell times for teachers
English Configure name format (First name / Last name)

TimeTables - Data input - Lessons

English Adding and Editing a lesson
English How can I define Double/Triple etc lessons?
English I want to have Single AND Double lessons of one subject! E.g 1+1+1+2
English I want to have 1+1+1+2 OR 1+2+2 lessons per week.
English How can I define lesson without class? Eg. Teacher's meeting or preparation time
English How can I define lesson without any teacher?
English How can I copy lessons
English Adding more lessons at once
English Double lessons appear to be doubled in the timetable, what is wrong?
English How to add the same lesson with multiple lengths in Timetables online
English How to change merged lessons in Timetables Online
English Merging lessons in the lists in Timetables online
English How to merge already created lessons in TimeTables Online
English How can I create co-teached lessons
English Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)

TimeTables - Data input - Groups & Joins

Hebrew חלוקה לקבוצות
Hebrew מצב אופייני: שני מורים מלמדים שני מקצועות בכיתה אחת באותו זמן
English How to specify lessons where students are joined from two classes?
English Typical situation: Physical education joined boys and girls from two classes:
English Typical situation: Physical education, 3 groups in 2 classes
English How to combine lessons of two divisions of class on one position?
English Full and divided lessons from one subject
English How can I copy division from one class to another classes
English How can I choose which student is in which group?
English Students from the entire grade are divided into groups
English How to input Options - each student needs to select one course from Options1 and one from Options2
English How to join two groups from same division in one class

TimeTables - Data input - Bells and breaks

English Can I set the number of lessons per day?
English How to rename the period and specify its duration (Bell times)
English How can we specify the Long Breaks/Recess times?
English How can I print breaks between lessons?
English All double lessons can be over certain break
Hebrew שעורים כפולים אינם יכולים להתפרס על "הפסקה גדולה"
Hebrew יש לנו צילצולים שונים בחלק מהימים
English We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution 2)
English We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution1)
English Do not print some breaks or periods in some classes (or teachers or in summary timetables)
English Modifying the time format
English We have 6 lessons each day but on Friday we have only 4
English What is 0th period (zero period)?
English Can I remove 0. lesson? We are starting with 1. lesson.
English 0.5 lessons
English Lesson's length counting in teacher's contract
English Periods of varying lengths + subjects in minutes per week (Canada)

TimeTables - Data input - Days, weeks and terms

English We also teach on Saturdays = We have 6 days cycle.
English Can I rename the days?
English How to change weekend to "Friday-Saturday"
English Two week timetable
English How can I define weeks?
English How to create a timetable for more than 5 days?
English We have 10 days schedule. We need to assign one classroom as a home classroom for two classes.
English We need Day 1, Day 2... rather then Monday - Friday
English Multi term timetables
English How can I rename days?
English Extended count of lessons per week
English Our school has lessons with 4 week and lessons with 2 week cycle
English How to change the week for more lessons at once?
English Two days timetable

TimeTables - Data input - Lessons grid

English Lesson grid overview
English What do the colors in lesson grid mean?
English Adding a lesson in lesson grid
English Count per week - format
English Editing a lesson
English Editing lesson - Options
English Multiple selection
English Working with divided lessons
English Working with joined lessons
English Working with classrooms
English Contract planning in Lesson grid

TimeTables - Data input - Buildings

English How to input buildings
English Transfers between buildings
English How to show the timetable colored by buildings
English Max different buildings per day (#58)

TimeTables - Working with timetable

English Working with timetable - general information
English Control panel
English Moving the cards manually
English Removing placed cards from the timetable
English Right-click on card or free positions
English Right-click on row headers
English Locked cards
English Working with classrooms
English Custom views
English Quick modification of the onscreen view
English Undoing and restoring operations
English Classroom view
English Filter function
English Working with days in the main view
English We have the same timetable each day in given term or week
English How can I filter cards displayed in the list on uplaced cards
English What happens when I change school type?
English What does the stripes on the cards mean?
English Hotkeys
English Related timetables
English Comparing timetables
English Changing the look of the timetable on the screen
English Why are all new lessons placed on Wednesday?

TimeTables - Constraints - Teachers

English Windows (gaps) in teachers timetables
English We have teacher who teaches only 2 days per week and it doesn't matter which
English Teacher is teaching 2 lessons per week in class 5A but both are in the afternoon.
English How to specify min and max lesson teacher shall have on one day?
English We need one free Math teacher for every period in week
English How could be distributed the first/last lessons for all teachers in equality?
English Our class teachers always have to teach the 1st lesson
English Our teachers cannot teach more than 6 lessons consecutively
English How to specify a teacher can teach only one 7th lesson
English We have 10 day timetable (two weeks), I want to spread teacher's lessons equally into these 2 weeks
English How to ensure lunch break for teachers
English Each teacher shall have one or two free afternoon
English Two teachers cannot teach at the same time
English Teacher cannot teach 4th in Grade 5 and 5th lessons in Grade 6
English Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
English We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions
English Teacher cannot teach both in the morning and in the afternoon
English Our teachers have substitution duty lessons, we need min 2 at each period
English Teacher cannot teach in two different classes in one day
English Teacher can teach max 2 periods per day in one class
English Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)
English Teacher cannot teacher more than 3 consecutive periods in one class
English How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
English Teacher cannot have gap of length 2
English Teacher cannot teach both 6th and 7th period. He can teach only one of these two.
English Teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day, but only twice in week
English Our teacher must teach in consecutive days
English Teachers can not teach more than 3 consecutive periods without counting Planning time
English Our teachers can teach max 5 days in two weeks timetable
English Our teacher teach two different subjects but they need at least one period gap between.
English Our teachers can teach only three different week days in three weeks timetable
English How can I define that teacher can have max 3 consecutive periods(but he can have 2 doubles)

TimeTables - Constraints - Subjects

English Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)
English Max one history lesson on 6th position in each class (solution 2)
English Two subjects cannot follow/Cannot be on the same day.
English Distribution of subject over the week
English I do not want my geography to be on Friday and then on Monday
English I want subject in one class to be on the same positions as subject in another class
English What if 2 specific subjects must be taught simultaneously?
English I need subject Math to be on the same position in classes 5.A and 5.B
English Two subjects must follow each other
English Spreading lessons on different periods each day
English I want to have Math lessons in a class on the same period every day
English I need subject Geography to be last lesson on a day in classes 5.A, 5.B, 5.C...
English Modifying the default card distribution per week for the subject
English I want just one PE/Art/Drama lesson per day
English I have Geography two times per week. It shall not be on consecutive days.
English How can I define lessons that can be outside teaching block(in the afternoon)?
English There can be two maths on one day, but not consecutivelly
English There can be two math lessons on one day, but they need to be placed consecutivelly
English Biology cannot be on the day after Chemistry
English Double lessons must be before single lessons
English Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
English 5A has to have Biology right before or after biology in 5B (the two classes have to have biology lesson on consecutive periods)
English French and Spanish language lessons can be in one day, but with a gap at least 2 periods
English How to distribute lessons in multiple weeks timetable.

TimeTables - Constraints - Classes

English How to specify that class can have max one 7th lesson or max one 0lesson?
English Education block - Checking of gaps in class timetables
English Education block - allow some classes to come later or to leave school earlier.
English Education block - How to allow gaps in class timetables
English Can I set the min/maximum number of lessons per day for one class?
English Avoid single lesson after lunch break.
Hebrew שתי קבוצות הלימוד חייבות לסיים את יום הלימודים באותה השעה
English What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
English How to apply constraints to whole grades
English Class can have max 2 gaps per day
English Children can come to the school on second period, but only once per week
English Our school works in two shifts, some classes come in the morning, some in the afternoon
English Math can not be right after PE, but it can be before or at least one period later
English Painting lessons in class must have gap at least 2 free days.
English The children cannot finish after 8th period, there is no bus after period 8 on our school...

TimeTables - Constraints - Classrooms

English Optimizing the room usage for students
English At least one lesson per week has to be in certain classroom
English We have 3 lessons per week and they shall be in the same classroom
English Lesson can be only once per week in certain classroom
English Reducing the room usage
English GymRoom can only be used 4 days per week(GymRoom has to be free on 3 afternoons)
English Concentrate groups of lessons into fewer classrooms

TimeTables - Constraints - Terms/Weeks

English Student has to finish Biology before he can attend Biology practice
English Subject has to be in consecutive weeks/terms
English Two subjects have to be at the same time in both weeks/terms

TimeTables - Constraints - Other

English Is it possible to prevent two specific lessons from being taught simultaneously?
English Specify how many lessons shall be before certain position
Hebrew קבוצות צריכות להתחיל באותו הזמן
English I have double and single lessons but doubles cannot be on Monday
English Maximum one planning time lesson per day
English Biology in 5A has to be only on Wednesday (or Biology cannot be on Wednesday)
English What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?
English What does the time map in advanced cardrelationships mean?
English Double lesson cannot be over certain breaks
English Double lesson cannot be on Monday (specific days/periods/part of the day)
English Checking room capacity
English Double lessons can not start on even periods

TimeTables - Testing the timetable

English Why to test the timetable?
English Test says there is some problem. What next?
English Checking and Fixing example
English Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
English Generate draft timetable
English How can I test just some lessons, for example all double lessons or all PE lessons
English Testing card relationships
English Analyze the timetable by generation
English Analyze the timetable by Extended tests

TimeTables - Timetable Generation

English Starting the generation
English What does the complexity of generation mean?
English Constraints relaxation
English A good way to generate your timetable
English What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
English Generation has finished and the program tells me it had to relax some constraints.
English Can I force the generator to place certain lesson on certain position?
English Multiprocessor generation (dual-core...)
English Testing was sucessfull, but the generation fails
English What happens when I cancel the generation?
English Cloud generator
Hebrew בדיקת ומחולל מערכת השעות

TimeTables - Verification

English Verification of timetable
English Statistics
English Class XY contains a window
English Divided cards are placed on too many positions in class XY
English Verify just one class/teachers/subject
English Advisor - Overbooked class/teacher/room
English Advisor - No lessons for certain period
English Advisor - Different number of lessons for groups
English Advisor - Lessons of different length
English Advisor - More lessons than days
English Advisor - Teachers have many blocked days
English Advisor - special classrooms are not defined
English Advisor - These teachers have to teach in too many classes at the same time
English Blocked part of the day

TimeTables - Printing

English How can I select what printout will be printed?
English How to print in color and define colors in printouts
English How can I print days in columns and periods in rows?
English How can I print Lecturer or Professor instead of Teacher?
English How can I change the color of class?
English Print teachers' contracts
English How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
English How can I print timetable for individual students
English How to print lessongrid?
English I want to have periods running from top to bottom, not from left to right
English I want to change the header above printed timetable
English How to print wallposters, for example 3x2 papers
English Why some of the periods are not displayed in print preview?
English How to change/reset structure of the printed layouts in TT online?
English Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?

TimeTables - Printing - Customizing printouts

English Customizing printouts
English I want to print also teachers' names in timetable printout/ need bigger font size
English I want to print also classroom/teacher/subject for each lesson
English Printing pictures of subjects
English Can I load a custom printout settings from another timetable?
English How can I set the width of the lines?
English I want to print summary timetable of teachers with teachers' colors
English How can I define Extra columns?
English Printing multiple timetables on one page
English How to print only certain classes or teachers?
English Modify the heights of rows or widths of columns
Hebrew Modifying the structure of the printouts (available in version 2009)
English How to print report for Monday AND Tuesday only?
English How to print reports for DayA/DayB? (available in version 2009)
English How can I print summary timetables for teachers/classes/classrooms?
English How to print room supervision in teacher's and classroom's timetable?
English Is it possible to print consecutive single lessons as one lesson?
English Printing different bell times for school sections/days
English Printing weekly timetables
English How can I print bell times in timetable header?
English Print the color only in the left part of the cell
English Print date or remark bellow timetable
English Print different bell times for teachers
English How to print timetables with school's logo

TimeTables - Printing - Printout designs

Hebrew הדפסת עיצובים
Hebrew איך ליישם עיצוב הדפסה
Hebrew הדפס מקרא למערכת השעות
Hebrew כיצד להוסיף שם הכיתה, מחנך הכיתה, חדר כיתת האם לעיצב התדפיס שלי
Hebrew אני רוצה להדפיס טקסטים שונים לכל מורה. האם אני צריך ליצור עיצוב עבור כל מורה?
Hebrew עיצוב מאפייני אובייקט
Hebrew כיצד אני יכול לשנות עיצוב התדפיס?
Hebrew איך אני יכול לשנות / להסיר את העיצוב?
Hebrew אני מקבל הודעת שגיאה: קובץ העיצוב חסר במחשב זה

TimeTables - Supervisions

Hebrew מהו חדר לימוד בהשגחה, וכיצד ניתן לקלוט אותו?
English Removing supervision
Hebrew בחירת מורים להשגחה על חדר.
Hebrew מחולל השגחת חדרים
English Is it possible to have two teachers supervising one room?
Hebrew כיצד אני יכול להגדיר max / min השגחות למורים מסויימים?
English How can I export duties timetable? (available only in the offline version for Windows)
English Supervisions in more weeks timetable
English How to print room supervision in teacher's and classroom's timetable?

TimeTables - Student based timetable

Hebrew למה משמשים סימינרים ?
Hebrew כיצד אני יכול להוסיף לתלמידים (זמין בגירסה 2009)
Hebrew איך אני יכול להזין בחירות תלמידים (זמין בגירסה 2009)
Hebrew כיצד ליצור קורסים בנושאים (זמין בגירסה 2009)
Hebrew איך להזין שעורי סימינר
Hebrew עבודה עם שעורי סימינר במערכת השעות.
Hebrew איך אני יכול לשבץ תלמידים לקבוצות באופן ידני
Hebrew פונקציית "סידור מחדש" של התלמידים בקבוצות הסמינר
Hebrew אני לא יכול לראות את שיעורי סמינר במערכת השעות של הכיתה
Hebrew מספר מקסימאלי של תלמידים לשיעור סמינר מסויים
Hebrew כיצד ליצור מערכת שעות עם התלמידים (זמין בגירסה 2009)
Hebrew תצוגת מערכת שעות של התלמיד (זמין בגירסה 2009)
Hebrew ממתינים לתצוגת תלמידים (זמינות בגירסה 2009)
Hebrew תלמיד יכול לקבל מקסימום 3 הפערים ליום
Hebrew הדפסת מערכת שעות פרטנית של תלמיד
Hebrew איך אני יכול להציג תכולת חדר וספירת התלמידים על הכרטיסים?
English Student choices - Importance
English Student's can select/request courses at our school

TimeTables - Exporting and Importing

English Can I export the lessons, teachers, subjects to MS Excel?
English Export to XML
English Export limited to max 10 cards/lessons
English Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
English Synchronization with database
English Import from XML
English ID numbers in import/export
English Import sections from clipboard(Excel)
English Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
Hebrew יבוא בחירות סמינר תלמידים מ-MS-Excel
English How to merge two timetable files into one
Hebrew כיצד אני יכול לייצא מערכת שעות ל- Excel או ל - HTML
English Export to Smartschool

TimeTables - Other

English Swap two days in timetable
English Delete all unplaced cards
English I need to move all lessons within a day
English How can I swap all the lessons from one period to another
English Local backup
English Timetable files - making backups, problems opening files, etc...
English Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
English Add timetable to your calendar application (Google calendar, Outlook, iPhone calendar...)

TimeTables - Sharing the timetable

Hebrew מערכת שעות ASC ONLINE - מאפיינים
English Share timetable
Hebrew איך אני יכול ליצור מערכת שעות כדף באינטרנט ?
Hebrew איך אני יכול לשמור את מערכת השעות שלי באופן מקוון ?
Hebrew איך אני יכול לפתוח את מערכת השעות שאוחסנה באופן מקוון ?
Hebrew כיצד אני יכול לשלוח מערכת שעות למורים ?
Hebrew איך אני יכול לפרסם את מערכת השעות הסופית עבור תלמידים / הורים ?
Hebrew כיצד אני יכול לשנות/להגדיר מהן המערכות הציבוריות (למשתמשים ללא סיסמה) אותם ניתן לראות?
Hebrew כיצד ניתן להציג מערכת שעות לשבוע הנוכחי
Hebrew כיצד ניתן לפרסם מערכת שעות להורים / תלמידים מתוך יישום TimeTables?
English Options for saving the changes in the timetable
Hebrew כיצד אני יכול להוסיף מורים למסד הנתונים של מערכת השעות המקוונת.
Hebrew כיצד המורה יכול להדפיס לוח הזמנים שלו?
Hebrew כיצד יכול מורה / תלמיד / הורה לצפות במערכת השעות ?

TimeTables - Timetables online - Administration

English aSc TimeTables online – main advantages of the online version
English How can I get to Timetables online administration
English How can I edit the timetable saved online
English How to open previously saved versions of my timetable online
English Is it possible to reuse last year data in Timetable online?
English How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
English How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
English How to change the timetable's name and its dates of validity
Hebrew כיצד ניתן לסנכרן נתונים בין מערכת השעות ו- edupage?
Hebrew סינכרון נתונים נוסף
Hebrew כיצד ניתן להציג מערכת שעות לשבוע הנוכחי
English Groups in joined classes have different names
English Digital screen
English How can we display full names of teachers and students in timetables for public?
English How to set exact date to change the week or the term in published timetable
English How to delegate other teachers to administrate the timetables
English Is it possible for two or more colleagues to work on the same timetable?
English We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).
English Our published timetable should start with "Week B"
English I overwrote my timetable with the new version by accident
English How many timetables can be published during a school year?
English How to give user rights to another teacher to administer Timetables Online?

TimeTables - What's new

English What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2025
English What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
English What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2023
English What’s new in version 2022
English What’s new in version 2021
English What’s new in version 2020
English What’s new in version 2019
English What’s new in version 2018
English What’s new in version 2017
English What’s new in version 2016
English What's new in version 2015
English What's new in version 2014
English What's new in version 2013
English What's new in version 2012
English What's new in version 2007
English What's new in version 2010
English What’s new in version 2009
English What's new in version 2008
English What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Basic information

Hebrew למה נועדה תוכנת מילוי מקום/החלפה ?
Hebrew כיצד לגשת למילוי מקום מקוון

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Input the data

Hebrew פרטי המורה
Hebrew פרטי הנושא
Hebrew הגדרת הסיבות להיעדרות
Hebrew הגדרת סוגי ההחלפות/מילוי מקום
Hebrew הסכמה
Hebrew העתק תורנויות/חובות
Hebrew אירועים במילוי מקום/החלפה

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Working with substitution

Hebrew יצירת הערה עבור כל מילוי מקום/החלפה.
Hebrew יצירת הערה ליום אחד
Hebrew כיצד ניתן להסיר את מילוי המקום/החלפה?
Hebrew כיצד ניתן לבטל את השיעור
Hebrew מה מוצג בפינה השמאלית העליונה?
English Substitutions during quarantine
English How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Working with substitution - Somebody is missing

Hebrew הכנסת מורים נעדרים
Hebrew הוספת עוד היעדרויות בו זמנית
Hebrew כיצד לציין שכיתה / קבוצה נעדרת כל היום
Hebrew מחולל אוטומטי ליצירת מילוי מקום/החלפות עבור יום אחד
Hebrew הגדרת החלפות/מילוי המקום
Hebrew הזז/העבר את השיעור
Hebrew החלף את השיעור
Hebrew השיעורים הועברו, הוחלפו והוצלבו.
Hebrew מורה נעדר וחדר הלימוד עבור אותו השיעור
Hebrew התנגשויות בהחלפה/מילוי מקום
Hebrew להחליף/להצליב בין שיעורים
English Substitution of long lessons (double, triple, ..)
Hebrew היעדרות ממושכת
Hebrew היעדרות המורה בהשגחה/ תורנות
Hebrew יותר מורים מחליפים, יותר חדרי לימוד
Hebrew שיעורים עם 2 מורים - איך לבטל אותו למורה אחד בלבד.
Hebrew אירועים במילוי מקום/החלפה
Hebrew מילוי מקום להשגחה/תורנות

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Working with substitution - Nobody is missing

Hebrew כיצד אני יכול ליצור שיעור חדש במודול מילוי מקום - Substitutions
Hebrew הוסף את שינוי חדר הלימוד למילוי מקום/החלפה מקוונת
Hebrew כיצד לשנות את מערכת השעות עבור יום מסוים ליום / שבוע / טווח אחר
Hebrew איך לשנות את הנושא, חדר הלימוד... אם אף אחד לא נעדר?
English How to change particular lesson if nobody is missing

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Publish

Hebrew מתי השינויים במילוי מקום המקוון מפורסמים בדף האינטרנט
Hebrew כיצד לאפשר צפייה במילוי המקום/החלפות באתר האינטרנט של בית הספר?
Hebrew אנחנו לא רוצים ההחלפות יהיו גלויות לציבור
Hebrew שיפורים בסקירה כללית של מילוי המקום/החלפות
English What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Notications

Hebrew התראות
Hebrew הוראות למורה המחליף באמצעות יישום
English How to confirm substitution

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Printouts and exports

Hebrew שיפורים בסקירה כללית של מילוי המקום/החלפות

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Other

Hebrew כיצד להגדיר למורים הרשאות לניהול של מילוי המקום/החלפה
Hebrew האם ניתן להשתמש הן בגרסה המקוונת והן בגרסה המקומית?
English How to get interest group's teacher to substitution

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - What's new

Hebrew מה חדש בהחלפה/מילוי מקום מקוון ?

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Substitution - teacher's view

Hebrew המורה - בדוק את מילוי המקום/ההחלפה היומית:

TimeTables - Substitutions / cover - Substitution in the mobile app

English Administration of substitutions in the mobile application - Overview.
Hebrew כיצד להגדיר למורים הרשאות לניהול של מילוי המקום/החלפה
English How can I get to Substitution in the mobile app
English How to add missing teachers/classes/classrooms in mobile app
English How can I edit or remove missing teacher in mobile app
English How to specify substitution in mobile app
English How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
English How to publish dayily substitution in mobile app

TimeTables - Cloud generator

English What is cloud generator?
English How can I start cloud generator?
English How can I monitor the progress of the cloud generator
English How can I monitor the cloud generator in the mobile application?
English How can I stop the cloud generation?
English How can I increase the speed of cloud generation?

TimeTables - Mobile application

English How can I monitor the cloud generator in the mobile application?
English Where do I find my timetable?
English Substitutions overview in the mobile application

TimeTables - Osobné rozvrhy učiteľov

English Teacher - Why do I not see the course for school club/interest group in class register?