Modifying the default card distribution per week for the subject

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In "Subjects - Constraints" you can find a slider for modifying the default card distribution for the subject.

Within this distribution program checks two core constraints - "max periods per day" and "min days per week". Values for these two constraints program evaluates from division "count of lessons per week" and "count of days". The more the slider is to the right the more evenly the subject is distributed within a week.

There are 5 positions of slider and we will try to explain all of them on the case of 7 lessons per week.
1. No distribution - most left position. Within this settings the program doesn't care about the distribution at all. So in our case, they might all end up on Monday.

2. Low distribution - program relax min days per week and max lesson per day with larger difference. E.g in our case - max periods per day is 3 and min days per week is also 3.

3. Medium distribution - again, program relax both constraints, but with smaller difference. Max periods is 2 and min days is 4.

4. Ideal - this is the default option for all new subjects. Program simply takes the count of lessons per week, divide it with count of the days and then try to place more-less this count into all days. In our case it is 1-2 periods per day into 5 days.

5. Ideal / consecutive - the very right position. The software not only tries to place the cards into each day, it also checks if they are not on the consecutive days. Of course, in our case it is not possible (our 7 lessons the software distributes into all 5 days) but if you would had 3 lessons per week as in class 5B, they can not be placed without at least one free day between all of them.

See also:
Distribution of subject over the week
- if you know from the start you will want double/triple lessons, input them:
I want to have Single AND Double lessons of one subject! E.g 1+1+1+2
- in case you don not need the subject to be evenly distributed, move the slider to the left, it will make the generations easier