Can I rename the days?

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The default names for the days are - Monday, Tuesday, ... In case of timetable for more than 7 days the default names will be filled with "Day8, Day9, ..."

If your work weeks start with other days than "Monday", do not rename the days, but set the weekend at first:
See: How to change weekend to "Friday-Saturday". It will automatically rename all days in a week accordingly.

You can change the names of the days in main menu School - Rename days - select the day and click the Edit button:

For each day you can specify the long name and abbreviation

You can simply switch to numbered days - "Day1, Day2,..." names in this way:
We need Day 1, Day 2... rather then Monday - Friday

See also:
How to change weekend to "Friday-Saturday"
We also teach on Saturdays = We have 6 days cycle.
We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).