Subject - Constraints

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For each subject you can set some basic constraints. In dialog "Subjects", select the subject and click on the button "Constrains". The dialog "Constraints - Subject" will appear:

In this dialog you can:
A: Set that the subject requires Homework preparation. It means that this subject is "more difficult" and you may not want to have "to many" such subjects in one day for a class.
See: Homework preparation

B: Set the maximum allowed number of lessons on question marked positions, in subjects Time-off.
See: Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)

C: Double lessons of this subject can be over breaks.
See: Certain longer lessons can be over all breaks

D: Lessons from this subject can be over lunch free periods set in class's details.
See: Lessons for specific subjects can be over lunch free period

E: Specify, how will be the length of the lessons counts to teachers contract.
See: Lesson's length counting in teacher's contract

F: Specify Max number students allowed on lessons for the subject.
See: Max students for certain seminar lesson

G: Specify the card distribution.
See: Modifying the default card distribution per week for the subject

H: Just select the grade this subject is supposed to be teaching in.

I: Specify, that the lessons from the selected subject are temporary.
See: Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule

You can input these options anytime later during the timetable creation process. So for a start you can ignore them and maybe later, when you will be improving your timetable, you can input more of these constraints.