What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2025

English Polish

Advisor was updated
Advisor now checks for multiple new issues in your timetable. This helps you in identifying problems or potential issues before the generation itself. And it also scans for problems in student based timetables.

Advisor in TimeTables online
Advisor is now available also in the online version, both version have the same functionality.

New cardrelationships
We have added new card relationships for more precise assigning lessons to the classrooms/buildings in multiweeks/terms timetables.

Max number of buildings per week

Max number of classrooms per all weeks

Test multiple cardrelationships
You can select and test more cardrelationships at once. The software tries to place all the cards that are affected by these cardrelationships. This is usefull to find out potential problems if multiple cardrelationships collide.

Support for larger screens and higher resolutions
The software shall now better scales on the displays with higher resolutions.