How to record received payments in EduPage - manual input, import from excel, import from bank statement

manual input, excel, bank statement,

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School have to record the received payments into the system when the parents / students / boarders have paid their fees. Only after that they can see the payment is registered and fees in payment plan has been covered.

Recording incoming payments

Select 'Add payments' in the top menu. There are several means of recording incoming paymnets:

  • manual input
  • Import - Excel
  • Import - bank statement

    For detailed instructions on how to input the payment manually or import from excel, please see How to set the initial credit / import from the different software.

    To record payments received to the school bank account, please see Import of payments from bank statement.

    Assignment of received payments by system

    System can identify payers and automatically assign payments to users when payments were recorded by importing bank statement. Default setting is to assign payments by recognising of:

    - variabile symbol (ID)
    - information for beneficiary (recipient)
    - number of bank account of user (the system stores the user´s bank account number from which payments were last received and assigned)

    - assign payment to a fee with the same amount prior to the fee with sooner maturity date

    School can change this settings if needed (Setting up automatic assignment of payments to users and payment plans).

    Assignment of received payments by school staff

    After importing bank statement a responsible person should look at the individual assignments of payments to students and to payment plan. He/she make sure they are correct, because:

    - parents can pay cumulative amounts for several fees and it may be necessary to Change of payment's assignment
    - parents can pay for several children in one payment so there is necessary Assigning payment to multiple users
    - the student does not have assigned the payment plan and the parents paid the amount because they heard about new fee e.g. at a parent teacher evening - How to assign a payment plan (modification) to a student

    - student can have several payment plans and the parent can not always pay fees in the order of maturity date, but the system assigns payment to the fee with the nearest maturity, while the parent could write another purpose in the information to the beneficiary (recepients) - Change of payment's assignment

    Please see also other helps in this category - Incoming payments handling