What is shared classroom?

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Shared classrooms is only an easier way how to input your data. It is not meant as "classroom shared between classes", or "more lessons can be here at once", but more like the name of "group of classrooms" suitable for more subjects with no other specification.

When creating or editing classrooms, you can specify that some of them are 'Shared room':

Later, when you will be creating the lesson, which can be allocated into one of shared classrooms, you can just mark this option. There is no need to select all these rooms everytime.

For example - the English lessons are divided into two groups. The first group stays in the home classroom and the second group can go to any room marked as shared:

And of course, in some special cases, it is always better to mark particular classes separately. E.g for "Physical education" you will not use home classrooms or shared rooms but rather specify the exact room(s) as "Gym" or "Swimming pool":

Important: the software will use only ONE of the specified rooms. So if you say, that the lesson can be in the shared classroom, or in GR502, or in GR504, than the software will use only one of these three options.

See also:
Lesson requires more classrooms
Classroom capacities