Reports to print, e-mail templates, export to excel

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There are several ways the school can inform parents about payments. The school can print the information and hand it out during a parent teacher evening, or the information can be sent by e-mail (if the e-mail address has been recorded in Agenda Online).

Several templates with widely used content are already prepared in the "Payments" module - print reports and e-mail templates.

Print reports:

Print reports can be found in top menu 'Print'. You can choose from various reports. For example Fees and payments:

You can choose the requested period, select users, specific payment plan and print/save the report:

If you need another report you can create your own as Email. This template needs to be created in section Users (see below) and after that will be visible in Print reports as report Email.

E-mail - prepared templates / modify / create a new template

The templates include pre-set texts and so called 'objects'. Objects are in special brackets [: :] and they represent the name in database. Based on the name the system can search the database for individual information relevant for the selected students. Do not overwrite the text in the brackets.
The templates can be customized or you can create your own templates. You can add your own objects based on your criteria.

In the "Users" section (1.) there is several prepared templates of e-mails which can be directly used or school can modify or create own template . Choose at least one user (2.) and in the tools menu (3.) click on the "Send e-mail to selected parents" text (4.).

In the next window you can
- set your e-mail address for collecting responses
- change text in a template by clicking the edit icon
- type your own text and save it as a new template with your own template name
- send e-mail - either with the pre-set text from the template or with your own text

- any changes have to be saved by clicking the Save button.

You can send emails to one user or to multiple users at the same time. Filters based on some criterion can be used for multiple users selection. There is possible to send e-mails from the section "Users" or from "Users payments overview".

Export to excel:

In the "Users' payments overview" section of the "Payments" module (1.) different reports and templates can be created using filters, for the selected users (2.) and exported to the excel table (3.).

a) the icon next to the title in the heading serves as a filter in the relevant column

b) the filter for payment plans is located above the table

c) a customized time period can be selected
(remember the maturity date when filtering data by payment plan)

d) any column can be hidden
(mind active filters in the hidden columns)

e) select number of rows per page

f) sort - click the name of the column in the heading and the rows will be sorted by the column. Click again and the data will be sorted in reverse order.

The system will display the selected filters faster, if the number of rows per page is smaller - see letter e) - recommendation is cca 10 rows.
The summary row under the table is easier to spot with a smaller number of rows too.
If you have used the filters and your prefered table is ready, select adequate number of rows to display all the records on one page befor exporting to excel.

Please see also - List of all helps for payment module