Syntax for inputting music

English Slovenčina Polish

Before reading this article please read this one:
How to add music score and create sound based on notes

Notes are represented by their letters and then by their length. You can separate the bars by character "|".

For cample if you have common 4/4 timing you can write:

f0 | f2 f2 | f4 f4 f4 f4 |

The result will become:

Placing "r" character will generate pause.

Placing "d" character behind note letter, will be created a dotted note.

The slur can be created by using "(" and ")" chatacters:
f4 f4 ( f4 f4 )

The characters "x3" will create a triplet note value:
f4x3 f f

- make sure the totals in each bar match the timing
- if you are not using bar separators the total of all notes has to match the timing
- if you have two instruments, make sure the you have same number of bars.