Que hay nuevo en la versión 2010...
Timetables online
Timetables online, es una extensión basada en el Web para la aplicación de horarios. Ofrece varias características que le ayudarán a compartir los horarios, respaldos en línea, planeación diaria de maestros, publicar información de sustituciones de maestros y más. Todo esto con la seguridad de hospedarlo en los servidores de aSc, de esa forma Usted no tiene que gastar en el mantenimiento de su servidor Web para acceder a esta nueva característica, Nosotros ofrecemos la seguridad del servidor Web.
Para tener la información completa de este servicio, por favor consulte este artículo:
aSc TimeTables Almacenamiento Online - Características
New generation mode - Draft
A new generation mode called 'draft' has been added. This can help you in early stages of timetable generation. It allows you to turn off or on whole groups of constraints and try to generate the draft timetable.
Generate draft timetable
Context verification and constraints
You can now select one or more objects, for example a few classes and display only the problems in the timetable related to the selected classes. Same for teachers, subjects etc. Similar function was added to display the constraints the software is checking for each object.
Verify just one class/teachers/subject
Distribution per week/per two weeks
We have extended the card distribution per week options. For each subject you can now specify the default behavior.
Of course you can still input the exact numbers on how many days/how many times per day, by using the card-relationships, however the new default values are much easier to input and shall cover the most situations.
Modifying the default card distribution per week for the subject
A new backup feature has been added. Whenever you save your file, a copy is saved to local backup storage. Also autosave now backups your work every 30 minutes. You can recover these files in case you accidentally delete your original files.
Local backup
Note: the timetables online also allows you to save documents to online storage hosted by aSc:
¿Cómo puedo guardar mi horario en línea?
A new advanced card-relationship options
New "Apply to" options have been added "Apply to classrooms" a and "Apply to grades". So you can now apply constraints to all classes from one grade or to specify e.g that certain lesson can be just two afternoons per week in Media room and many similar
How to apply constraints to whole grades
Improved export to HTML/Flash
The export to Flash have been extended, now the whole export is in Flash, we are have also polished the behavior in all current web-browsers. Also please remember that the new Timetables online allows you to publish the timetable to servers hosted by aSc in both Flash and pure HTML. You do not need to have and maintain your web-server or to deal with ftp/upload of the exports. This is done automatically.
=How can teacher/student/parent view the timetable
Export of rooms supervisions
You can now export the supervisions into customizabled excel document:
How can I export duties timetable? (available only in the offline version for Windows)
Password protection
You can now save your timetables protected with password.
Other smaller improvements
Besides the above, we have added other impovements like new advanced cardrelationships, grades, better import of student choices, customizabled export of students in seminars and more
Change lesson
It is now possible to change any lesson in the substitutions or split it into several sections and do the substitution on these.
=How to split class into two or more groups?
Integration with Timetables online
The substitution is fully integrated with timetables online, you can publish the daily substitution for online viewing, the changes are merged into teachers daily timetables/plans, you can send emails/SMS to the teachers doing substitutions.
How can teacher view his/her substitutions
How can I send email/SMS substitution notifications