Študentské rozvrhy

Slovenčina Na čo slúžia semináre?
English How can I input individual students
English How can I input students picks
English How to create sections of courses for subjects
Slovenčina Ako zadať seminárové hodiny
Slovenčina Práca so seminármi v rozvrhu
English How can I assign students to groups manually
Slovenčina Funkcia "Preskup študentov v seminároch"
Slovenčina Niektoré seminárové hodiny nevidno v rozvrhu triedy, iba v rozvrhu učiteľa, v čom je problém?
English Max students for certain seminar lesson
English How to generate timetable with students
English The student’s timetable view
English Pending students view
English Student can have max 3 gaps per day
English Printing individual student's timetables
English How can I display capacities and students counts on the cards?
English Student choices - Importance
Slovenčina Student's can select/request courses at our school