How to correctly set number of lesson per week

For every lesson you can specify "Lesson/week" number. (See: Adding and Editing a lesson)
In the following cases we will show you, what it means in combination with lessons length, weeks, terms options and how to set it correctly according to your request.

We will have 5 single Math lessons with Ideal card distribution for Math subject.

1. Basic case - One week timetable, 5 days.
It means exactly what it is set - number of cards with set length during 5 days. So, one lesson of Math per day.

2. One week, 6-10 days.
It means that set length/week number will be spread into one entire cycle (so e.g. 8 days).
So, for our case (5 per week) it means, that there will be some days without Math.

If you use 10 days timetable instead of two weeks, keep in mind, that if you wish to have Math every day, use Lesson/week=10

3. One week, 1-4 days.
In this case, if there is less days than lessons, it means, that there will be some days with two Math lessons in one day without any notification about broken "Card distribution constraint" in the Verify dialog. See: Verification of timetable

4. Two (more) weeks, 5 days
deepens on "week" settings in the lessons dialog.

4a: Week = All weeks.
There will be 5 Math lesson in every day of all weeks - so one Math every day and on same positions in every week.

4b: Week A (or Week B, or Week C)
There will be 5 Math lesson ONLY in specified week - so if you set no more Math lesson, there will be just 5 Math lessons in three weeks cycle and all in the same week.

4c: Any week
Lessons can be placed anywhere in any week - so it means, that there will be again just 5 Math lessons but in the entire 3 weeks cycle. So 5 lessons will be be distributed into all weeks and on different positions.

5. More terms
similar as for weeks - depends on "term" setting.

5a: Whole year - default option, lessons will be placed on same positions in all terms. In basic case (one week, 5 days) there will be 1 Math lesson every day in the entire school year.

5b: Term 1 (Term 2, ...) - lessons will be placed into selected term only. So 5 Math lessons in first term only.

5c: Any term - this is different as for "any week" settings, because all lessons will be placed into one same term selected by generator. For our basic case it can be 5 Math lessons in first OR in second term.