How can we specify the Long Breaks/Recess times?

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If there are longer breaks between periods that shall be explicitly indicated in the timetable printouts (e.g. recess, lunch, long break,...), you can add them by using the menu: "School (1.) - Bell times/Rename periods (2.) - Add break that will be printed between lessons (3.)".

In the new dialog Period (4.) you can specify:

You can notice a break's indicator on the main screen - bold thick between periods numbers.

The break is always printed as an entire row or column in the timetable.

- it is not necessary to add every break. You will be able to display bell-times for periods on the printouts, so students will see exactly how much time they have between periods,
- by default no double lesson can span over created break. See: All double lessons can be over certain break
- do not create more than one break between periods, even if the offline software allows you. It is not supported online.

See also:
Πως μπορώ να εκτυπώσω τα διαλείμματα μεταξύ διδασκαλιών;
Οι διπλές διδασκαλίες δεν μπορούν να γίνουν κατά την διάρκεια "μεγάλων διαλειμμάτων"
Έχουμε διαφορετικά κουδούνια κάποιες μέρες