How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software

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You can publish the timetable direct from aSc TimeTables. Click menu "TimeTables online".
Then login to your edupage. Use name of your edupage as "Username" and admin password, or you can use password to teacher's account, who has rights to publishing timetable.

Select "Publish timetable for publish online viewing"

Then specify name of your timetable:

Your timetable is now stored to your edupage account.

New internet browser window will open, and you will be redirect directly to your EduPage.
Page "First steps" part "Share the timetable" will be displayed. Select "Tell EduPage which timetable is final and when it is valid".

Publishing wizard will appear.
At first confirm or change timetable, you wish to publish. Click "Next":

Select the school year in which this timetable is valid.
For each timetable you can specify period when it is valid "Valid from/to" - it means when your school is actually teaching by this timetable:

So its is possible to for example add a different timetable just for one exam week, then the system will automatically revert to regular timetable.

In next step you can import all data from timetable into your EduPage. With first publishing all data will be "added".

In last step, you can mark, if you wish to send information to all teachers/students/parents, that new timetable has been published.
You can also specify users right for logged teachers, students or public (this can be specified later).
Click "Confirm" and "OK"

That is all - you will see note, that your data were succesfully imported and timetable was published.

- this is how you can upload the timetable:
¿Cómo puedo guardar mi horario en línea?

User rights
- by default only logged teachers can view the timetables for teachers.
- by default public can see only timetables of classes.
- It is possible to modify the above here:
How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
- You can create teachers' accounts by sending them the timetable:
How can I send timetable to teachers

- if you use some additional modules in Timetables Online, like Teacher's Daily plan, Class register, Attendance, etc, it is a good idea to also Verify your timetable.