How to input seminar lessons

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Before creating seminar lessons, please see following article to fully understand the main difference between the common lesson (for entire class or group) and the seminar lesson: What are seminar/course lessons for?

If you have already added the students and their requests, please see this article for maybe a quicker way of adding seminar lessons: How to create sections of courses for subjects

Word "seminar" or "course" in this article means the group of students specified according their individual requests for the the same subject. So instead of groups from divisions, in this case it is important to know every student's request and input them into the software alongside with students names.
It may seems complicated, but creating the seminar lessons is very easy.
You can input them in the exactly the same way as an ordinary lessons - see: การเพิ่มและการแก้ไขคาบเรียน - only difference in this case is to select "Seminar" as a group in the group field. Program then will know, that this specific lessons is linked with students requests and during generation it can assign individual students into this special lesson.

Seminar lesson joined from multiple classes are inputted in the same way as an ordinary joined classes (with "Joint classes" button), only you have to choose "Seminar" as group for all classes:

Important note:
- only students from selected class (or classes) can attend the seminar lessons. Please, see this to fully understand what "class" means for ASC Timetables - What are classes (grade levels).

Seminar groups
Special situation is when you have two seminar lessons from same subject in one class. Program understands this as that these two lessons are equal. If student attends this subject, it does not matter to which from these two lessons will he belong (but he can belong to only one). This is used usually when many students want to attend one subject, so they need to be divided into groups.

For example the following picture defines that there are two groups of mathematics seminar. One can be attended by students from 4A another from students from 4A/4B/4C/4D: Later you will have a possibility for each student to pic one, or the software can assign them for you: