How to create the first TimeTable ONLINE

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You can create your new timetable directly in ASC Timetables online administration.
How can I get to Timetables online administration

At first click on the "NEW" button. New tab will be opened and the wizard will starts immediately.

In the first step write the name of your school, select the school year, how many periods shall be in one day, the count of days in a week, select the days for a weekend and if you wish, you can also create timetable for more weeks or terms. When everything is set, click "NEXT".

Create all subjects. Write the name, short name, select the color, which will be used on cards and you can also specify subject's default classroom or classrooms (e.g. Gym for Physical education).

Create all classes or grades. See, what ASC Timetables means by "classes": What are classes (grade levels).

Create all classrooms in your school's building. Do not forget about Gym or Library, if you are using them for teaching, or Canteen if you wish to supervise it.

Create all teachers in your school. You can select their default classrooms (e.g. some chemistry or biology laboratories, gym, ...).

After you add all these items, you can create the lessons, which will be displayed as a cards, however it is maybe better create them for each class separately or by using the lessons grid. So you can end the wizard.

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Contract planning in Lesson grid