Count per week - format

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This text describes how various combinations of lesson count and duration are displayed and can be inputted in upper panel of lesson grid. (see also Lesson grid overview and Editing a lesson)

1 2 3 4 ...
Number from 1 to 20 simply means number of lessons per week. All lessons have duration of single period.

2* 3* 4* ...
Number from 2 to 8 followed by * means one lesson with duration 2 to 8 periods.

22 222 2222 33 333 3333 ...
Repeated number means more lessons with duration:
22 = two double lessons
222 = three double lessons
33 = two triple lessons
111 = three single lessons (the same as simple 3)

21 221 211 322 ...
Combination of numbers means combination of various lesson lengths:
21 = one double and one single lesson (total 3 periods per week)
221 = two double and one single lesson (total 5 periods per week)
322 = one triple and two double lessons (total 7 periods per week)

=21 =22 =23 ...
Number with = before it means number of single lessons per week (you can input 1-20 single lessons without =, but 21 will mean double and single lesson, so you have to use =21 instead of 21).