Removing placed cards from the timetable

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"Removing" in this article means just un-placing cards from the timetable. Lessons represented by these cards will not be removed from the contracts.

You can remove a placed cards from the timetable in this way:

1: One-by-one (single selection)
a - Click on that card to select it. Then you can just click right mouse button while holding the card, or move it to the panel of non-placed cards and drop it there.
b - Use right click on the card and select "Remove" from context menu.

2: Removing entire row (group selection)
a - use right click on a row header and select "Delete row".
b - use right click on any card in the row and select "Delete row" from context menu
c - select more rows with holding "Ctrl/Shift" key and then use right click on any row. Select "Delete row" from context menu

3: Removing all cards from timetable
Use menu Timetable -> Remove Timetable and unplace all unlocked or locked cards. You can also just unplace lessons from already assigned classrooms.

See also:
Delete all unplaced cards
My lessons are not placed in classrooms/Adding classrooms into created timetable
Right-click on card or free positions
Removing placed cards from the timetable