What’s new in version 2021

new version

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1. Both online and PC based versions
We are now offering both timetables online and pc based version of aSc TimeTables. You can pick whichever you prefer, the data are compatible so you can switch between the two platforms as you see fit.

2. Improved verification
The constraints in verification are now grouped by the importance and additional parameters, to let you clearly see how much the current solution is close to your desired state. For example you can see how many teachers have over 5 gaps, which was set as important constraints and how many have over 2 gaps which was set as low importance constraints.

3. Extended tests were improved
The software now checks for more problems in your timetable and it checks for them in better order, if your timetable contains some unsolvable part, the extended tests shall find it faster.

4. New filters in advanced card relationship
The advanced card relationships now have additional filters that can be applied to terms and weeks.

5. Draft generation of teachers constraints was fixed
The draft generation now allows you to relax also the constraints on the teachers, in the previous version they were always strict.

6. Better support for lessons that are different lengths in different terms.

7. Fixes in the cloud generator.