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Each class can be divided into multiple divisions. Each division can divide the Class into unlimited number of groups:

When creating a lesson, you always specify a group for this lesson. For example Physical education - 2 times per week for the group Boys. Or English lesson - 3 times per week for the group Advanced. Or Math - 3 times per week for the Whole class, since the Whole class is also a group.

The program will automatically create these initial divisions for a new class:

Division 1: 1st Group / 2nd Group
Division 2: Boys / Girls

Always keep in mind, that only lessons for groups from one very same division can be taught simultaneously.

It means, that if, for example, group 'Boys' have a lesson at a certain time, only lessons for 'Girls' can run simultaneously with it. Lessons for the '1st group' can't be taught at that time even, if there will be no boy in this group.

You can also create other divisions, e.g. divisions consisting of 3 groups according to the skill level or other criteria:

Division 3: 1st Third / 2nd Third / 3rd Third
Division 4: Beginners / Intermediate
Division 5: English students / German students

Again, lessons for the "1st Third", the "2nd Third" and the "3rd Third" can be taught simultaneously. But e.g. lesson for group "1st Third" can't be taught at the same time as "Beginners" or "Intermediate" lessons.

The dialog above "Define divisions" shows the divisions for a specific class. Each line represents one division, with all groups entered in it. Particular divisions can be changed by clicking on Edit or by double-clicking on the line in the dialog .

It is also possible to add a new division by clicking on "Add division". In both cases a dialog will appear inside which you can enter the names of individual groups.

Type in the group names on respective lines. After you click on "OK", the program will select filled in lines and it will interpret them as names of new groups.

It is possible to delete whole divisions. In that case all lessons that are assigned to these divisions will also be deleted. If you edit division group names and you don't change the number of groups in the given division, everything will be preserved. Thus you can correct spelling mistakes or modify group names in the division.

- always try to use less divisions. If, e.g. in division "MAT-PHY" you will divide all students into very same two groups as in division "CHE-BIO" (from "students in them" point of view) so on one period you can combine lessons for group MAT and BIO, use only one division for all four subject's divided lessons. Also we recommend you to use rather more general names of groups (e.g."Group A/B") and not according names of subjects.
- Program automatically assumes, that there is always at least one student in every group in the division. So do not use groups in divisions, if you do not create lessons for them. If, e.g. there is no student assigned into group "advanced" on your class 5B, then just use division with two groups instead ("beginners/intermediate"). Otherwise you will have to allow gaps in classes timetables (via "discontinuous educational block").

See also:
How can I copy division from one class to another classes
Typical situation: Two teachers are teaching two subjects in one class at the same time
Education block - allow some classes to come later or to leave school earlier.