Windows (gaps) in teachers timetables

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In many schools the teachers complain about the "windows" in their timetable. Because of these "gap=free periods", they have to stay in the school with no lesson and they can't leave because they have other lessons later. You can solve this complains by minimizing teachers gaps in this way:

1. At first, set the default value for all teachers. You can limit the total number of windows of teacher per week in the menu Timetable - Parameters.

Note: If the windows (gaps) are no problem on your school, we recommend to turn this option off (no gaps checking).

2. You can set also individual custom values per teacher (if it is different as the global parameter). It can be set in menu Teachers - select the Teacher - Constraints

Note: If this individual option is disabled, you have to turn it on in global parameters first (as described in the first point).

3. Both previous options check the gaps in the entire week. You can also limit the number of windows per day with checkboxes in teachers' details. By that you will specify that the teacher may have at maximum of 2 windows per day. Although you specify that the teacher may have 6 windows per week, the program will prevent, for example, 5 windows one day and 1 window another one. For some easy schedules you can also specify that the teacher can have maximum of one window per day using the second checkbox.