Teacher - Setup and edit teacher’s page

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Edupage allows each teacher that has account to edit his/her own page. On this page you can create unlimited number of subpages and easily edit them just by login to your account. You can post text, blogs and even files for your students.
First login to your account and select “Teacher’s page”:

Initially this page is not visible to the public, so do not worry about making changes, once you are satisfied you can make it public using button “Page administration” where you can select to whom it will be visible:

Also in this dialog you can view the address of your personal web page, for example :
Editing the content of the web page is very easy. Every content that can be edited by pressing “edit button” in the top right corner that is shown once you move the mouse over that component:

Click it and you can immediately change the text. The system allows you do edit your page directly on the web in convenient text editor:

You can your pictures into the text, do tables, formatting or just copy text from MS Word via copy/paste.
Editation of other parts of your page is similar. For example profile pictures, click edit in upper right corner:

There are some default pictures, you can delete these and add yours:

You can select one of the prepared pictures or upload yours:

Once you have uploaded your image it is shown in “my pictures”. Select it to add to your page, or use delete if you do not need it:

To edit your contact section, again click edit in the right upper corner:

Then fill in the contact fields. You can add more fields using button add item, if you delete the contents of some fields they will be removed:

Your personal web page can have unlimited number of subpages tabs. You can add or remove them using the main edit button:

You can remove or add subpages here:

When you add subpage, you can select some of the special pages, like photoalbum, blog or you can simply add generic text sugpage:

Page was added you can click it and edit:

If you want to post some photos of your or other photos that might interest your students, click photoalbum, then edit/add photos

Select your photos on the harddrive using add , then press “upload”:

You can also create multiple albums, click “back to albums list”:

Then options/New Album:

You can also write your own school blog by adding subpage called blog:

To add new blog article click plus button. To modify or delete article place the mouse over it and select edit:

More complex pages with more modules. Add simple text page and then edit it and change it to comples layout:

You can select one of the predefined layouts, then you can edit each component exactly the same way as you have edited the main profile page.