Registration for a field trip

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Select Communication/Registration in the left menu.

New action can be created by a teacher or an administrator. Press the red + New sign.

Input the title of the action and the registration time. Decide whether a parent confirmation is required. Parents can only confirm the student's choice of action in their EduPage parent account. How to log into EduPage as a parent?

Select participants - whole classes or individual students.

Select + Registration for events / seminars / groups

<span style='font-size: 11pt;'>In the next step, you click on + add custom target.</span>

In order to learn the students' interest in the field trip, you need to create 2 targets: interested/not interested.

Students can register on the web page or in the mobile application.

The teacher just oversees the accumulating registrations.

Administration can create a payment plan linked to this field trip.
For more information, visit: Creating a payment plan for registration action