Divided and joined classes

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You can select the students you teach while creating the course at the beginning of the school year. This can also be done by the administrator, but the teacher usually has a better insight into what students attend his/her lesson.

To add a course, press "+"

Select a subject, class. When you click the Student box, you can select only some of students. After selecting students, press Save.

If you want to select students from multiple classes, select "The course has students from multiple classes". Expand classes and select the students you teach.

Name of a group from timetable
If you are preparing an course and you already have a timetable on the EduPage, you can link this group with the group name in the timetable.

If you do not have a timetable published yet, you have to go back to the course setting and check this setting so that you can view the course properly in the class register.