
1 Why to test the timetable?
... it needs to pass the basic test...

(basic test)

1 Test says there is some problem. What next?
... see this article: When the test fails ... You can check why the software was unable to put this card in...

1 Checking and Fixing example
... Test ... Test shows us what it was able to achieve and also gives us the card it was not able to put into the timetable ... If you look at the first picture this was also a reason why the software hasn't put the divided lessons together from the start...

1 What’s new in version 2018
... that’s correct - it is now possible to create the timetable from your browser ... You can input the data, move cards around, verify, test and even generate the timetables online ... Why?...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
...You can now use the new mode of generation „Relaxed based on importance“ ... Or if you simply do not know why your timetable cannot be generated ... New test for bigger timetables...

1 Starting the generation
...the following dialog will appear: If you have not yet tested the timetable...

1 Checking and generation
... you can generate the timetable ... Just press button "Generate" to generate the timetable and finish the wizard: The generation dialog will suggest you to test the timetable before the generation...

1 Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
... while there are no students inputted in your Timetable, or there is no such information in divisions for classes...

1 How can I test just some lessons, for example all double lessons or all PE lessons
...test if you can put some group of lessons into the timetable...

1 Testing card relationships
...test also individual card relationships: You can do this by right clicking in the upper left corner of the timetable...

1 Statistics
...the timetable by choosing the menu item TimeTable - Statistics:...

1 Modify the heights of rows or widths of columns
... you can drag the lines between the timetable, header and footer: In some reports, you can also drag the FIRST line that divides the first row or column ... Why only in some reports? Because a report be set to fit to page width or page height...

1 Why some of the periods are not displayed in print preview?
... that this (or these) period shall be printed only in one of the bells...

1 How to change the timetable's name and its dates of validity
...the timetable and click on "Properties"...

1 Undoing and restoring operations
...the timetable by menu View - Undo/Redo: Please note that this only affects the positions of the cards...

1 Changing the look of the timetable on the screen
...the look on the screen...

1 Blocked part of the day
...the day to any number of objects in the timetable ... However if you block several half days to more teachers/subjects, it may be very hard to tell why the timetable doesn't generate...

1 Can I force the generator to place certain lesson on certain position?
...the lesson into the timetable before the generation and then lock them...

1 Verification of timetable
...the created timetable...

1 I overwrote my timetable with the new version by accident
...the new data just follow these steps: 1...

1 What does the complexity of generation mean?
...the generation means how much time the computer shall spend checking your timetable ... - Do not forget to test your timetable before generating...

1 Options for saving the changes in the timetable
... the system will ask you, if you wish to save these changes on edupage before closing...

(changes, save timetable, overwrite published )

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
...the software tries to create a timetable for each class that starts with 1st lesson...

1 Customizing printouts
... There are two main things you can customize: - Customizing the timetable - Using Printout desings 1...

1 Our published timetable should start with "Week B"
...the new timetable with more weeks, the system automatically takes the first week as the beginning of the cycle...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
...test your timetable but the full generation still fails...

1 Testing was sucessfull, but the generation fails
... You can also try to test bigger parts of the timetable...

1 Reducing the room usage
...shall help you to achieve the room assigment that is acceptable from the timetabling point of view...

1 How can I start cloud generator?
...the cloud generator simply open your timetable in ASC Timetables online and press the "Generate in cloud" button...

(cloud generator)

1 How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
...the texts in the printed timetable...

1 How can I edit the timetable saved online
... Select the timetable file and click "Open" button...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
... select "TimeTables Online" and Select "Publish timetable for public online viewing" Type the name of the timetable, for example 2017/2018-Final timetable, or 2017/18 etc, this will be used if you have more timetables for one school year: Then the software exports the timetabl...

1 How to set exact date to change the week or the term in published timetable
...the exact date for change of the week, term or just change the timetable in one day to another day...

1 How to print only certain classes or teachers?
... Here you can specify for each type of the objects allowed values that you want to see in the printouts...

1 What happens when I cancel the generation?
...the cards into the timetable...

1 Generate draft timetable
... This is very usefull, because it makes no sense to generate complete timetable with all the inputted constraints if there is some basic problem in the input...

1 How can I export timetables to Excel or HTML
...the desired timetable is already stored in the Online timetables...

1 Print date or remark bellow timetable
...the software prints date of last change in the bottom left corner of the timetable...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 Creating a new or opening existing timetable
...the program starts, the following screen will appear: Create new timetable: The Timetable wizard will create a blank timetable and it will open a sequence of dialogs for entering your data...

1 How can I save my timetable to online storage
... Select "Save to TimeTables Online" Alternative you can reach the same function from menu "Main - Save - Save to TimeTable Online":...

1 Delete all unplaced cards
... Type following in the Advanced field: !deletependingcards Then click OK...

1 A good way to generate your timetable
... Test the timetable before the first generation...

1 Control panel
...the bottom of the screen...

1 The student’s timetable view
... at the bottom you will see his pending cards...

1 Analyze the timetable by generation
...the timetable for exactly 1 minute and then shows you which cards were causing the most problems ... This timetable passed the test, so it is possible to generate each single teacher/class/subject or room...

1 Quick modification of the onscreen view
...the current view of your timetable in this way: You can specify the texts and colors, which will be used on cards...

1 Both groups have to finish the education at the same time!
...the software can generate a timetable where one half has English on Monday 6th period, while the other half goes home after the 5th period...

1 Two week timetable
... you have two options how to input this into the program: Option 1 - weekly timetables For each lesson you can specify exactly in which week it should take a place...

1 Additional data synchronisation
...the school year, the software offers you to import the data from the timetable to EduPage where you can link the timetable objects with the objects from EduPage...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2025
... This helps you in identifying problems or potential issues before the generation itself ... Max number of buildings per week Max number of classrooms per all weeks Test multiple cardrelationships You can select and test more cardrelationships at once...

1 Removing placed cards from the timetable
...the timetable...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
...the timetable to your teachers and colleagues...

1 How many timetables can be published during a school year?
... It means, that this one published timetable will be taken as a base for the entire Edupage (e...

1 Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?
...the cards in your printed reports, it can have these main causes: 1...

1 How to create the first TimeTable ONLINE
... At first click on the "NEW" button...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
...the ASC TimeTables software installed on your computer, you can immediately start with creating your new timetable...

(first step, new timetable)

1 Print the color only in the left part of the cell
...the timetable in full color you can print the color of teacher only in the left part of each lesson:...

1 How to show the timetable colored by buildings
... then sometimes it is convenient to change the default view to display buildings colors on cards...

1 Is it possible to print consecutive single lessons as one lesson?
... there is a global setting in menu Options/Customize the software: When check the software will print all consecutive single lesson as one longer lesson...

1 Constraints relaxation
...the timetable...

1 How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
...the public can see only timetable of individual classes and summary timetable of all classes...

1 Is it possible to reuse last year data in Timetable online?
... that data in your timetable for upcoming school year are mostly the same as they are in the one you actually use, it is convenient to reuse them...

(new year, new timetable)

1 Right-click on card or free positions
...the certain object (a card, row headers, column headers, empty period, free space in control panel, ... Test - start to generate the timetable of the related objects 11...

1 I want to change the header above printed timetable
... The dialog is shown where you can write your own header: Then the result will look like:...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 How to generate timetable with students
... you can try the generation...

1 Print legends below timetables
... teachers or classrooms so that your students will understand the abbreviation in the timetable...

1 Why are all new lessons placed on Wednesday?
... This can be changed in menu "Options - Customize the stoftware - User interface - Default values"...

1 Cloud generator
... The cloud generator is especially useful if you are not sure how to generate your timetable, what parameters to use or if you simply have a very complicated timetable...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
...the data from the timetable will become the base for a class register...

1 Printing individual student's timetables
...the timetable for each student, go to print preview and select report "TimeTable for each Student": Now the software will print only those seminars(course) that this students has picked...

1 Printing different bell times for school sections/days
... By default the software print the bell times bellow the period number...

1 We have the same timetable each day in given term or week
...the same timetable each day then you probably don’t need to see in 5 columns at them main screen...

1 Double lessons appear to be doubled in the timetable, what is wrong?
...the Lesson dialog with: Lessons/week (count): 2 Duration: Double If you enter this, it means that there are two lessons and each of them has duration 2 periods, and this is 4 periods together...

1 What happens when I change school type?
...the school type combo box...

1 Custom views
... which displays the complete timetable, is always available for each timetable...

1 Hotkeys
...+ zoom into the timetable - zoom out / Fit Zoom * Invert colors on the screen Multiple week timetables: Number 0 - show summary of all weeks Numbers 1-8 - show week 1-8 Ctrl-0 show all weeks expanded Mouse Shortcuts: CTRL+LEFTCLICK - if the class is divided into groups...

1 Verify just one class/teachers/subject
...the current timetable you can right click on its/his row headers and select "Verification"...

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
... Dialog "Timetable-Publish" appears and the entire further process is the same as is described here: Only difference is in second step, where you can specify dates of validity for you new timetable...

1 Working with timetable - general information
... 2 - Toolbar - keys for quick selection of the most frequently used commands...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
...the timetable direct from aSc TimeTables...

1 How can I export duties timetable? (available only in the offline version for Windows)
...the generated supervisions into the XML file...

1 Is it possible for two or more colleagues to work on the same timetable?
... All you need is set users rights for administration of the timetables for selected teachers first...

1 How to open previously saved versions of my timetable online
...the same name for saving your timetable - online, or even after publishing it from offline version, the Edupage saves it as a new version of the same timetable file...

1 How can I stop the cloud generation?
...the timetable with no pending cards and no constraints relaxed is found...

1 Our school works in two shifts, some classes come in the morning, some in the afternoon
...the morning and which in the afternoon, then you simply need to modify the time-off of the classes: You may need to raise the number of periods per day in menu Main/School...

1 Right-click on row headers
...the row headers you will see the context menu: Here you can quickly: A - Test the selected item...

1 How to create a timetable for more than 5 days?
...the timetable to be for more days than just 5 days (e...

1 My lessons are not placed in classrooms/Adding classrooms into created timetable
...the input you need to specify the available rooms for each lessons...

1 We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).
... the edupage automatically assign last two days as "Saturday and Sunday"...

1 Printing pictures of subjects
...the thematic picture for each subject and not just color...

1 How can I increase the speed of cloud generation?
... This one computer is on the server and it may actually be faster than your computer - especially if you are working on the notebook...

1 Class XY contains a window
...the class MUST have lessons and when it CAN have lessons...

1 Comparing timetables
... "Compare with last saved version" - it will compare your current timetable (the one you are currently working on) and its status on disk (that is the state when it was opened or last saved)...

1 Two days timetable
... Once you publish your timetable to your edupage, you can decide, how these days should be repeated in the workdays (e...

(Day A-DayB, alternative days, )

1 Can I reuse last year data?
... Then you can add new data and remove data that is not valid for the upcoming school year...

1 How to print reports for DayA/DayB? (available in version 2009)
... you can define these special days in the Day definition dialog, see above...

1 Generation has finished and the program tells me it had to relax some constraints.
...the generation it is possible that you will see this dialog at the end of the generation: What does it mean? It simply means that computer was able to put all lessons into the timetable but it had to relax some of your constraints...

1 Locked cards
... If there are at least two ways how to place some card, then it is better to explain the generator where the cards might go...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
... Open your excel file and select the data, press CTRL-C: You can use this excel file for tests, or you can add your data into this excel file...

1 Teacher's constraints
... Limit number of windows in timetable for the teacher and The teacher cannot have 3 windows in one day...

1 Classroom view
... then only the classrooms are changed...

1 aSc TimeTables online – main advantages of the online version
... You always have the latest version of both the software and your timetable, no need to install/download/copy anything...

1 Advisor - Teachers have many blocked days
... This of course may be legitimate request and the software can cope with this...

1 Class time off
... you can specify when a particular class can or cannot have the lessons...

1 I want to print summary timetable of teachers with teachers' colors
...the summary timetable of teachers is printed using colors of classes...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
... In most cases this is OK, but if your timetable changes in the middle of the week, it may be misleading...

1 Basic data
... you can enter the following data: 1...

1 Class - constraints
... In dialog "Classes", select the class and click on the button "Constrains"...

1 What's new in version 2014
...Thank you again for the ongoing support and interest in aSc TimeTables ... New feature Analyze by extended tests The basic test tries to generate single objects...

1 Generate room supervision
... which we developed directly in the software...

1 How can I define lessons that can be outside teaching block(in the afternoon)?
...the afternoon you can add this cardrelationship: Now the selected subjects can for example be on 8th period, while normal teaching ends at 5th period...

1 What is cloud generator?
... You can monitor the progress of the generation in your mobile phone: You can enjoy spending your time with your kids or fiance on the beach, while computers somewhere in datacenter will do your work faster...

1 How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
...- you can select the teachers and select only the teachers that have enough lessons - as usual: add this constraint only when you can already generate the timetable without it - in some timetables this constraint might not work...

1 Modifying the structure of the printouts
... the software provides the most common report types...

1 Filter function
...the unplaced cards section...

1 What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE
...Change the structure of the printed layouts Even without entering into print preview...

1 How to print timetables with school's logo
... you can add it in print preview - Design - Print logo - Browse and select the path to the image file with your school's logo...

1 How can I sort teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms?
...the two small buttons in the right-bottom corner of teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms list box to reorder items in the list...

(sorting, order,)

1 What’s new in version 2020
... The generator got 10-20% faster depending on the actual timetable ... Extended test was improved...

1 How can I choose which student is in which group?
...Select class on the right side, then select several students (with Shift+click or Ctrl+click), right click in corresponding column and select group for these students...

1 Starting the software
...the installation of aSc TimeTables, you can find its icon on your desktop and also in Start-Program menu...

1 How can I monitor the cloud generator in the mobile application?
...the progress of the cloud generator in the mobile application...

1 Related timetables
...the function "related timetables" in menu View - Related timetables...

1 How can I copy lessons
... Select the lessons you want to copy...

1 How can I print timetable for individual students
... then you will be able to select the printing report "Timetable for each student"...

1 Can I rename the days?
...the days are - Monday, Tuesday, ...

1 Certain longer lessons can be over all breaks
... If there is such long lesson placed in the timetable already, it will be displayed with the red strip and you will see the note in Verification...

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
...Timetables online is web-based extension of the timetabling application...

1 How can I specify class main teacher?
... who is responsible for the class during the school year...

(class teacher)

1 How to delegate other teachers to administrate the timetables
... Login as the admin and run the Wizard...

1 How can I modify the print-out design?
...You will immediatelly see the current design in Edit mode...

1 How to print in color and define colors in printouts
...the Print preview click on the icon Colors...

1 I cannot see seminar lessons in class's timetable
... In such case it may happen that there are students only from one class signed for this seminar and so the card is shown only on this class's timetable...

1 How can I swap all the lessons from one period to another
... you wish to swap second period in Monday with fifth period in Tuesday you can do so in the menu Options - Advanced and type following in Advanced field: !swapdpd 1 2 1 2 5 press OK...

1 We have teacher who teaches only 2 days per week and it doesn't matter which
...the teacher - Constraints...

1 We have 10 day timetable (two weeks), I want to spread teacher's lessons equally into these 2 weeks
...If your teacher is teaching for example 23 lessons per week (46 in total) and you are using 10 day timetable (2x5days) it can happen that the software generates 30 lesson in one week and 16 in the other week...

1 Can I load a custom printout settings from another timetable?
... Not the printout designs...

1 What's new in version 2015
... It is important for us to make the software better...

1 Painting lessons in class must have gap at least 2 free days.
... See this: However, in case your timetable is for more days in a cycle (lets say 7 days), it may be required for some lessons to be "not very close" to each other during the week and its cycle (so you consider also last and then first day again)...

1 Advisor - special classrooms are not defined
... Each group can either stay in the the homeclassroom, or can go to the teacher's room: But when you forget to define the rooms for your teacher, the result is that both groups can only stay in the homeclassroom - in other words these two lessons cannot be on the same period, because they require...

1 Windows (gaps) in teachers timetables
...the teachers complain about the "windows" in their timetable...

1 Subject - Constraints
... In dialog "Subjects", select the subject and click on the button "Constrains"...

1 Optimizing the room usage for students
...The software allows you to input several constraints to improve the usage of the rooms, depending on what is important to you: 1...

1 Timetable files - making backups, problems opening files, etc...
... Problems with file I can't open the file: If program reports that file was created in newer version of aScTimetables, please download and install latest version from our web site...

1 How can I monitor the progress of the cloud generator
... You can come back at any time to check the results...

1 Divided cards are placed on too many positions in class XY
... There are some positions in the timetable where all students must have lesson, e...

1 Our teachers can teach only three different week days in three weeks timetable
... when you have the timetable for more weeks and there are teachers, who teach different lessons in each week (usually some external teachers, or contractors)...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
... - please keep in mind, that we can not know about the background of your timetable...

1 Maximum one planning time lesson per day
... Using the advanced cardrelationship you can specify that teacher can have max 1 planning time lesson per day:...

1 Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
...test multiple classes/teachers/classrooms/subjects/students this way: First go to corresponding view (Whole/Teachers/Classrooms/Subjects/Students) ... Then right-click on some selected row header and choose Test...

1 What’s new in version 2021
... You can pick whichever you prefer, the data are compatible so you can switch between the two platforms as you see fit ... Extended tests were improved The software now checks for more problems in your timetable and it checks for them in better order...

(new version)

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
...the Import function...

1 Classrooms prioritization
... Bad and even Emergency classrooms: By the default the software tries to place as many lessons as possible into first two options - optimal classrooms, then it uses normal rooms...

1 Biology cannot be on the day after Chemistry
...the following cardrelationships: Note: -you can use the map bellow to specify that for example class cannot have biology in the morning when it had chemistry in the afternoon on the previous day...

1 Our teacher teach two different subjects but they need at least one period gap between.
... if you create him the timetable with a gap between two lessons for different subjects...

1 How can we specify the Long Breaks/Recess times?
...the timetable printouts (e...

1 Export to Smartschool
... Please see: You can find the export function in Edupage - Timetables Online - Administration - Export - Smartschool...


1 Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)
... so - create lesson with one teacher - two times per week AND lesson with two teachers (via "More teachers" button) - three times per week See: In timetable you can see two colors on cards with two teachers and two different rows in class contracts from the same subject...

1 I get error message: design file is missing on this computer
... You can either copy the whole folder c:\timetables\designs\designname from one PC to another...

1 Printing weekly timetables
...the software prints the two weeks (or two terms) timetable on one sheet, with the row divided into weeks (terms)...

1 Modifying the time format
...the menu Options -> Customize the software -> Country specific options you can change the time format...

1 Adding more lessons at once
...the same or similiar lessons, you can use button Add more and add several lessons at once: Select the number of lessons that you want to add in the combobox and then each row will represent one lesson...

1 What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
...the whole generation and shows you the progress of your generation: 1...

1 How to register the software?
...You do not need to register the online version...

1 Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
... If you do not want to affect all lessons, you can leave the timeoff empty and define advanced cardrelationships like: The cardrelationship says that there can be max 0 - meaning no biology lesson on the marked periods in the selected classes(5a/5b)...

1 Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule
... but you want to add them AFTER the timetable is created, you can use "temporary subjects"...

1 What's new in version 2012
...the schools using the software for the ongoing trust and feedback we receive ... So the test can now pinpoint if there are some fundamental problems with picks of certain student...

1 How can we display full names of teachers and students in timetables for public?
... then the shorts will be used instead of full names...


1 Why do the students see courses they do not attend in their timetable?
...the students or their parents complain that their timetable displays courses they do not attend, or that the class register displays two different courses, then the school has probably not selected the students in divided courses properly...

1 How to fix card in test (e.g. instructions card)
...test, the teacher can choose to randomize the order of questions...

1 Internet connection was dropped during an online test. What about the students' results?
...the online test results of any of your students have not been saved because of interrupted internet connection or power shortage, there is a solution...

1 How to restrict time, test duration or number of attempts?
...test online, you can restrict the time, test duration and the number of attempts...

1 Why students can't change the answers to previously answered questions
...test to the students ... That's why...

1 How to make a test invisible for students?
...test for students in advance ... They don't want the students to gain access to the test in any way, of course...

1 Why does EduPage create a new event in the Grade book for each assignation?
...test or HW to students and you want to input grades, the system will create a new event in the Grade book...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
...the "Timetable" tile in the EduPage mobile application ... Assigning homework/exam: Press the "Add new exam / homework / Test" option in the Timetable section...

1 How do I access my preparations during the lesson
...the mobile application...

1 How to prepare a test for future use, without immediate assignment to students
...test for future use, select the "Do not create an assignment yet" option in the "Assign" tab and save your changes...

1 The difference between a test assigned 'For practice' and 'For online exam'
...test to students, you can choose between two options: Test 'For Practice': Number of attempts is not restricted ... After finishing the test students see whether their answers were correct or incorrect, in case of wrong answer, the correct answer is shown...

1 Teacher - Why do I not see the course for school club/interest group in class register?
...the class register, it is important to add them into your personal timetable...

1 How to display only students from one group in the class register
... create a course and select the relevant students...

1 How to prepare and print out a test with EduPage test questions
...test questions from the teaching plan or from the standards and press the "Add selected to material" button...

1 Student experienced power cut/computer breakdown during online test
...the test was restricted to 1 attempt and limited duration (online exam), the countdown starts with the first running of the test...

1 Divided lesson does not display correctly in the class register
...the class register, the course has to be linked with the name of the course in the timetable...

1 How do students view their results from tests or homework?
...the students have done the test or homework online, the teachers can see the results here...

1 Results of tests with question groups
...test with question groups ... In tests without question groups the correct answers in a column are always the same - Results/Answers...

1 I follow the textbook in my lessons. Why should I created preparations in EduPage?
...the text book in your lessons ... The students can test themselves and see if they have handled the topic well or if they still need to practice...

1 What is a group of questions and what is it good for?
...test for students, you usually create at least two test variants (group A, group B) to avoid describing students ... Test variants usually contain the same types of questions, but they are slightly modified, with different numbers etc...

1 Courses with bell icon
...the beginning of the school year the teachers has to create courses they teach...

1 What do I gain by creating groups of similar questions?
...the teacher: 1 ... A gorup of questions can be added to a test...

1 Fastest way to input lesson topic
...the EduPage mobile app...

1 How to group questions directly in the test
...test versions ... The system will generate "a little different" test for each student...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
...the mobile app...

1 Divided and joined classes
...the students you teach while creating the course at the beginning of the school year...

1 Creating degree courses
... as the list of students registered for the degree course is input by the administrator directly in the timetabling process...

1 Versions of printed tests
...the teacher prepares the test for students to elaborate on paper, various printed versions can be created (e...

1 Assigning homework/test over again to selected students
... homework) again to selected students: Click the "Results" tab in the top menu ... If date and time for submitting the material had been limited, the selected students can now work on the test outside that timeframe...

1 Fastest way to record students' attendance
...the mobile app...

1 Why do I see students' incomplete/partial answers while they are working on assignment?
... homework or presentation) students can temporarily save their work by clicking on the 'Save' button before they submit it ... When the student finishes the test by clicking on the 'Submit' button or the alloted time expires...

1 Versions of printed tests with question groups
...the teacher to prevent cheating as each student receives "a little bit different test"...

1 A simple way to create a different test for each student and eliminate cheating in online tests
...test variants for students in EduPage ... Tick several of these groups and click on the "Add to material" button...

1 How to create new test ?
...the ... test for (this step is important so that the newly created test has been properly attached to your plan)...

1 Two teachers teach a subject divided into groups in one class. What about the plan?
... Otherwise the teachers will mutually rewrite the lessons taught in the plan...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
...the course...

1 How to create new test from prepared questions cards?
...test - VIDEOTUTORIAL Select Standards from top menu and select some of standards ... If there are no question cards prepared, please see help: If there are some materials to these standards, they appear on the right side...

1 Why is there a red warning sign next to my course icon?
...the list of courses, then EduPage has detected possible issues with students selecting in this divided class course...

1 Class register of the teacher / class register of the class
... the teacher can see their class register...

1 How to transfer grade from the online test to gradebook
...the Results tab you can transfer grades into gradebook by pressing the settings wheel...

1 How to show results of students by individual standards
... choose the test and then select Standards from upper menu...

1 How to create new question card?
...test but a test question ... Select the topic from your plan you want to prepare cards for...

1 Why is there a number of lessons in grey in my preparations?
...the upcoming lessons, is displayed in your preparations...

1 How to print a test with student's answers?
... You can find the results in EduPage at any time ... You can also go back to the results of previous school years as follows: If you still need to print the test for any reason, follow these steps: Choose a printer or save to PDF...

1 How to assign an online test to students
...the teacher has tests prepared, he/she can assign them to students...

1 What is a course? How to create it?
...A, the course is a combination of the subject (Mathematics) and the class you teach this subject (5...

1 How to randomize or how to keep the order of questions and answers fixed
...the online exam usually the order of questions is randomized, ie each student gets questions in different order ... Fixed order of questions in online exam have the icon 'locked': Questions that are listed randomly in online test have the 'unlocked' icon: Typical example of the card...

1 How to create a modification to a question (copy of a question in the same group)
...the original question to create a similar one (modification) ... If you already have questions created earlier you can still group them together:u1356 A test can be prepared from the groups of questions: ...

1 Teacher - How to create a course for a school club
...Create a course for school club at the beginning of school year in the following way: Log in to EduPage and press the Course button in the top menu...

1 How to copy courses from the previous school year to the current one
...the administrator switches the school's EduPage to new school year, the teachers do not see any of their courses after login to EduPage...

1 How to disable displaying questions or correct answers
...the correct answers of your test to the students...

1 I teach both students' groups in one class. Should I create one or two courses?
...the timetable, we advise you to create separate course for each students' group...

1 How to register visitation at the lesson
...the visitation at their lesson using the "Visitation in the class" button:...

1 How to input a new record into already existing event in grade book
...If you record evaluation of students from an online test, homework or project, we recommend creating a new evant in the grade book...

1 How to input grades from homework, tests and projects
... From the list of assignations select the one (test, homework, project) you want to evaluate...

1 How to evaluate printed tests?
... From the list of assignations select the one, you want to evaluate ... Use the arrows ">" and "<" to evaluate all questions in test...

1 How to add hint or solution into question?
...the test question, press + at the question...

1 How to show only absence notes in Notifications tab
...the excuse note icon at the top of the screen, you will only see pending excuse messages...

1 How to change course settings?
...the mouse over the course tile and the setting wheel appears in the lower right corner...

1 Where can the student/parent find the list of items found?
...the "Lost and found" module...

1 Lesson with the teacher's assistant
...the class, add the assistant to the "Teachers teaching the course" in the course settings...

1 Administration of electronic absence notes by teacher with the right for attendance
...the right to the Attendance module either to other teacher or to the assistent...

1 I have found an item. How do I enter it in the list of found items?
... On the main screen in the EduPage mobile application select the "red +"...

1 Administrator - How to create a course for school club
... The administrator or the teacher creates a course for each school club department in a similar way to any other course...

1 Several teachers take turns teaching in one school club department. How to create a course
...the course...

1 How to change the type of absence from excused to unexcused and vice versa?
...the student: If they are mistaken in the type of absence, they can change it at any time...

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Why do the students see courses they do not attend in their timetable?
...the students or their parents complain that their timetable displays courses they do not attend, or that the class register displays two different courses, then the school has probably not selected the students in divided courses properly...

1 Why add preparations to the topics of the plan?
... you can see all the preparations that you have available for the selected topic...

1 How to synchronize students from timetable to courses
...the timetable for some of the courses, you do not need to enter them again when creating the course...

1 Student home preparation for a test
...the students ... EduPage offers them an option to test themselves from the study topics...

1 Where do I find my timetable?
...the "Timetable" tile on the main page...

1 What is a card?
...the basic unit of preparations in EduPage ... When you have prepared cards with test questions, it's easy to prepare a test ... Why it is better to have questions cards in the preparation than whole tests?...

1 Some classes are educted at school, some online and then they swap. How to adjust the settings.
...) are educated online with a slightly different timetable, and then they swap, two week timetable can be set in the Timetables: In week A set the timetable for classes 5...

1 How can the students verify what they have learned at school?
... the students can test themselves at any time - at school, at home, on the bus, from what they have learned at the lesson...

1 How to close the class register for classes that finish before the end of school year (graduate classes)
... First, delete the finishing classes with no further lessons, from the timetable...

1 How to assign students a test again / return it for rework?
...test to students, set a time limit for students to take the test, and limited the number of attempts to 1...

1 Why is the "Connect" button green/blue/grey?
...the lesson...

1 How to input a timetable during distance education
...the "Distance education" event in the class registers of the classes that are distance educated...

1 How to change timetable for specific day to another day/week/term
...the Online substitution you can manually change timetable to another day/week/term...

1 How can I use shared material, e.g. test?
...test can not be assigned directly to students, however questions can be picked and a new test created ... Mark the questions you want and select "Add to Material"...

1 Assign tab - description
...the assignment of the test: Green: inclusion of material in study topics...

1 Saving material to preparations while creating it
... set the right topic in the plan and press the red + button ... The test, presentation or card will automatically ataach to the selected topic...

1 How to add existing test to another class
...the test, you want to reuse...

1 How to input the educational activities into the school club class register (the scope of the interest group)
...the school club or in the interest group can be input into the class register the same way as the teaching topic in a common course...

1 How to switch dispay mode of test or presentation
...the test or presentation: 1...

1 Groups in joined classes have different names
...the aScTimetable on EduPage: (Education - Timetable - Administration - Verify - General) This example shows problems with groups in classes 7...

1 Teacher swap/change in the middle of school year
... record the situation in the system as follows: 1...

1 Evaluation type "Grade computed from point/percentage value"
... EduPage can help you with computing the grade from points awarded in a test...

1 What are "Study topics"?
... Announcement of an exam If you announce the date of a test or exam to the students, you can attach a list of study topics to the announcement...

1 What are the options in evaluation of students in EduPage?
... That's why EduPage offers options for different kinds of students evaluation ... The teacher can set the type of assignment evaluation when creating a new assignment in the grade book...

1 Creating new materials
...the topic of your plan and press red + ... The card is text notes, picture, one test question or one presentation's slide...

1 Comparing results by class in standards
... Select "Standards" in the left menu and click on "Compare standards" ... Select "Filter assignments" and tick the same test in each class...

1 Where can I find the list of submitted applications?
...the "Start" button, select the "Special pages" section and click on "Administration" of the Application ... That's why it is important to go through them and confirm their validity...

1 What is shown in the top right corner?
... The color of the teacher's schedule represents: A...

1 How to input an entire day event in the calendar
...the administrator can input different types of events in the calendar: ...

1 Substitution collisions
...the substitution, it can happen that you will create conflicts ... These are then shown with the red cross: You can double click on each line and the software will show why it thinks there is a conflict...

1 Substitutions overview in the mobile application
...the substitution tile...

1 How do I add audio file to my preparations
...the topic, to which you want to add an audio file ... You can test the audio file by pressing the play card button...

1 Overview of online lessons for the EduPage administrator
...the Class register...

1 Messaging about assigned material (HW, test, project, etc.)
...the students HW, test or project...

1 How do students learn about the exam?
...Students will receive notification of the upcoming exam ... If you attached study topics when assignig the exam and there are some questions to these topics in EduPage, EduPage prepare a test to the students...

1 Administrator - Course with divided class
...the updated version of EduPage...

1 How to change particular lesson if nobody is missing
...the Substitution module even if nobody is missing...

(edit lesson)

1 How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?
...the materials about a specific study topic prepared for them by the teacher: 1 ... If the student selects the "Test me" option, EduPage prepares a test made with the questions you have prepared about this topic...

1 How to enter points for individual questions in the HW or test
...the tab Current material when preparing HW or test...

1 Administrator - administration of courses
... The EduPage site administrator has a very good overview of the created and missing courses, and of the settings of different courses...

1 Basic information on teachers' attendance
... Location of the module in EduPage The Teachers' attendance module can be found in the left menu, section "Education" → "Teacher attendance"...

(employee attendance)

1 Is it possible to combine evaluation with grades and evaluation with points or percentages?
... Now we are going to evaluate a test with 30 points maximum, with points ... Create a new assignation - test/exam with the name "Test", maximum number of points is set to 30...

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
Why does "Regenerate Substitution" appear? ... You may see this button in the substitution for those days when you already had a substitution created or published...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 How to compute points/percentages from a test to a grade?
... you should set a scale for computing the grade ... This scale can be used whenever you compute points/percentage to grades: If for example you evaluate a test with the maximum of 35 points, set the maximum number of points to 35 when creating a new assignment in Grade book...

1 Final report - How to set subjects in the final report
...Go to the Agenda Online - Certificates, select the class and press "Add subject" to input subjects...

1 How to plan a test/exam
...the top left corner ... Type in the name of the test/exam...

1 Quick way to your plan and preparations via timetable
... the system will set you up in the course plan and preparations...

1 How to define the evaluation scale
... you should set a scale for computing the grade ... This scale can be used whenever you compute points/percentage to grades: If for example you evaluate a test with the maximum of 25 points, set the maximum number of points to 25 when creating a new assignment in Grade book...

(scale, evaluation)

1 How to record students' attendance according to the beeps
... the teacher can record the students' attendance quickly, based on the students' beeps at the arrival to school...

1 How to award a grade to student who did not participate in the test?
... The symbols indicate students, who did not participate in an exam...

1 How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
...the "Preparations" tile on the main page...

1 What does "Play online" in the homework assignment mean?
...the assigned homework or test, click on the message and select Play material...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
...the electronic class register, please follow the instructions: 1...

1 Evaluation type "Points"
... the teacher inputs the maximum number of points students can gain ... Meaning, a 25 point test has lower weight (half the weight) than a 50 point test...

1 How to assign created questions to students?
...the questions that are to be assigned to students ... The questions can be assigned to students either as a test, or as homework...

1 How to enter student evaluation in the mobile application
...the "Grades" tile on the main page and select a course ... new exam, test, etc...

1 How to add material to preparations or to preparations of another course
...the preparation of another course - for example, if you are teaching parallel classes and you want to have the material in preparation for each of the classes...

1 Evaluation type "Percentages computed from point value with informative grade"
... a test with 35 points max ... The percentage is counted into the final grade...

1 How to set up the end of employment to a colleague and deactivate his account?
...the teacher account, as this can lead to data synchronization errors in your EduPage...

1 How to transfer uncategorized materials in your plan to a specific topic
... The cards that have been categorized to individual topics will display when you click on a specific topic in the plan ... Why are there uncategorized cards? When a specific course is selected (for example 8...

1 Administrator - Red courses with bell sign
...the Courses Overview, the administrator can see "red courses with bell sign" and the following information: These are not created courses, this is just information that based on the timetable this course is missing...

1 Teacher details
...A: First column specifies if the teacher can do substitutions at all...

1 How to get interest group's teacher to substitution
... By default, lessons from individual timetables do not appear in the substitution...

1 Problematic lessons - some days are red in the class register calendar
... In this article we will show you what the reasons for such lessons are and how you can fix them...

1 Creating individual teachers timetables
... What is the difference between this timetable and the one created in aSc Timetables? - you can create lessons for specific time interval, e...

1 Sending homework, test or project comments to students
... test or project (i ... not an evaluation yet), follow these instructions: Click Results in the top menu...

1 Lessons with 2 teachers - how to cancel it for just one teacher.
... However, in Substitutions Online, if there are more teachers on the lesson, there are 2 checkboxes for canceling the lesson...

1 Student - how to join online lesson via EduPage?
... green notification appears in the main screen of EduPage mobile application...

1 Importing test questions from a text editor (e.g. Word)
...test questions in a text editor, importing them to EduPage is easy...

1 How to assign homework to students in the mobile application
...the red + sign and select Homework...

1 Administrator - standards
...the most important role of standards in EduPage ... Students' answers to test or homework questions recorded in EduPage, are a prereqisite for this function...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... Data base update The administrator should update the data base of students, teachers, classes and subjects before the beginning of the school year...

1 Administration of interest groups at the beginning of school year
... The courses for interest groups can be created: by the administrator: by the teacher teaching the course: EduPage enables effective organization of students' registration to interest groups via the Registration module...

1 How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
... Neither the students nor their parents can see what topic has the grade been awarded for ... A better solution is to create a separate column for each exam, test or homework...

1 How to assign homework that includes questions from preparations
... Follow this help: Set the desired topic in your plan...

1 How to input a new event into the calendar
...the administrator can input different types of events, such as tests, field trips, theatre performances into the calendar...

1 Administrator - Divisions Overview
...the administrator can reveal possible problems with divisions...

1 Where do I input general information about the library?
...the Library module in the top menu, select the "Settings" tab...

1 Copy duties
... There you can choose your targeted timetable (into which you wish to copy these duties), then Select "Tools" - "Copy: Duties and time-off" ...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
... Main advantages of this full online solution are: you can do it from anywhere and anytime - it works on any PC/Mac/Linux/iPad/Android device with internet connection your colleagues can help you - more people can work on substitution at the same time you can prepare everything and publish it onl...

1 How to assign prepared cards to students for homework
...the "Preparations" button on the main page and select a topic from the plan...

1 How to use the materials I have created, in the following school year
...the past, can be used in the following school years too ... That's why we recommend categorizing materials to relevant topics in the plan...

1 Overview - works
...the Works view the administrator can see the number of assigned tests, homeworks, projects...

1 Where does the teacher find the students' results after the end of interactive lesson?
...the end of the interactive lesson the teacher can find the students' results in the Results/Blackboard tab...

1 How do I start the English version of the questionnaire?
...the questionnaire also includes an English version ... after entering the contest code on the website, the respondent can choose whether to start the Slovak or the English version of the questionnaire...

1 Overview - canceled boarders + who and when canceled them
...the current state is located in the 'Unenrolled' section - where you can access it through the introductory page of the canteen module or through the dropdown menu - section 'Boarders' - 'Cancelled orders'...

(canceled boarders)

1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
...the "Payments" module ... That's why EduPage displays information about last update in payments made by the school...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 How to send a message to students, their parents or teachers in the mobile application
...the red + sign...

1 How to insert more than one image
...the card via the black + sign...

1 Setting the period for the school year in the canteen module
... The lists of students and teachers are transferred directly from the agenda module, and before the start of each school year, students with their classes must be moved to the new school year in the agenda (a task typically performed by the school administration)...

(school year, setting, canteen)

1 How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
...the My Library you can find the materials you used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc...

1 History of the payment plan with the possibility to restore the previous settings
...the payments module there is also available the history of changes for each payment plan...

(payment plan, history of the payment plan, date of change, time of change, author of change, restore settings, restore)

1 How to comment on a student's uploaded photo of their work
...HW/test with an open question for the students to submit the photo of their work, you can view the pictures in the Answers column in the Grades tab...

1 How to display only the current students of the school
...the students in the particular classes...

1 Task to repair
...the behavior notice...

1 Administrator - results
...the left menu ... comparative tests between several classes in one school grade...

1 Evaluation type "Percentages computed from point value"
...In this evaluation type the teacher sets maximum number of points the students can gain...

1 Where can the files uploaded to the application be found?
...the list of submitted applications, select the "View file" button next to the field with attached file...

1 How can I attach a file to my homework?
...the students to be able to attach a file to the homework, the teacher has to assign the students an open question...

1 How to enter a student's notice in the EduPage mobile application
...the "+" sign in the top right corner...

1 Overview of taught topic in the plan
...the date he taught a specific topic, he does not have to browse the class register...


1 Where do I find my timetable?
...the "Timetable" tile on the main page...

1 Test results - my answers are shuffled
...the teacher assigns the test to the students...

1 Where do I find the topics already taught?
...the Curriculum tile and select the subject...

1 How to change the language of your application?
...the left top corner...


1 Test results - my answers are shuffled
...the teacher assigns the test to the students...

1 Where can I view the results from submitted homework or test in the application?
...the "Results" tile and select the relevant assignment...

1 Student - What does "Play online" in the test or homework mean?
...test or homework with the "Play online" information displayed, click the message and select "Play material"...

1 How to elaborate online test or HW?
...the homework or test can be completed online (on a computer or in a mobile application), the "play online" information is displayed...

Testing the timetable - TimeTables

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
Insert text here ....

Sharing the timetable - TimeTables

1 Share timetable
viac rozpisat, resp. uprav obrazok... treba tu opisat fakt, ze offline a online verzia su viac meenj rovnake a ked nieco robis offline ako to vies dostat do online a naopak... prelinkuj to s ostatnymi clankami, kde su procesy podrobnejsie opisane.....

1 How can I create my TimeTables online web page?
... All you need to do is to go to menu: Main/Timetables online: UserName/name of your webpage First you can choose the name of your web page...

1 How can I open my timetable from online storage
... Use name of your edupage as "Username" and input admin's password, or you can use password to teacher's account, who has the rights to publishing the timetable...

Timetable Generation - TimeTables

1 Multiprocessor generation (dual-core...)
... Processor is central part of computer that does most of the computation...

1 Checking and generation
opisat funkciu /pozri helpy "whats...

Working with timetable - TimeTables

1 Moving the cards manually
...the timetable by simple movements of cards...

1 Working with classrooms
...the classrooms and also while manually moving the cards the classrooms are automatically assigned...

1 Working with days in the main view
... the software shows all the days on the main screen, usually from Monday to Friday...

1 How can I filter cards displayed in the list on uplaced cards
...the bottom part with unplaced cards...

1 What does the stripes on the cards mean?
...Small stripe in the lower right corner - locked cards...

Student based timetable - TimeTables

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
... Expression "seminar" or "course" in this case means the group of students specified according their individual requests for the the same subject...

1 How can I input individual students
...the individual students into timetable only for timetabling purposes and if your timetable is based on students choices...

1 How can I input students picks
...Once the above is done you can add all students requests for chosen subjects...

1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
...the ordinary lessons - However, once you have added all students and inputted all their requests you can create these specific lessons directly from Students/seminars dialog...

1 How to input seminar lessons
... please see following article to fully understand the main difference between the common lesson (for entire class or group) and the seminar lesson: Note If you have already added the students and their requests...

1 Working with Seminar lessons in your timetable.
...the seminar cards in your timetables is very similar to the regular cards but there are few differences: The first difference is in the way of displaying the cards...

1 How can I assign students to groups manually
...the generation...

1 Function "Rearranging students in seminar groups
...the only reason why it is not possible to place card to this position is that some students belonging to this seminar have education at this time...

1 Max students for certain seminar lesson
... You can input it in "Lesson" dialog in "Lesson capacity" field: Note: you can input both minimum and maximum capacity: if you input 10-20 this means that all solution where there are between 10 and 20 students are considered correct for the generator...

1 Pending students view
...the same as students view, the only difference is that here you can see only the students that had some picks left out...

1 Student can have max 3 gaps per day
... First you need to allow discontinout layout so that the software can create the gaps...

1 How can I display capacities and students counts on the cards?
...the count of students on cards...

1 Student choices - Importance
...the "importance" of this request...

1 Student's can select/request courses at our school
... The software will know that it can out groups Boys and Girls at the same period - because they do not share students...

Creating new test questions - Tests

1 ABCD question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 ABCD question - horizontal layout
The ABCD type question can also have a horizontal layout of options...

1 ABCD question with more than one correct answer
...the answers in the ABCD question, a "Multiple choice options" box appears on the right side of the screen...

1 How to display the answers in ABCD question card in a fixed order
...the answers are listed in ABCD question card in random order, ie each student gets the answers displayed randomly...

1 "Type in" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 How to enter variants of the correct answer on 'Type in' question card
...the correct answer, e...

1 Extended options of the "type in" question card
...the "type in" question, you can select between two "Answer options" located on the right ... Sometimes - for example in grammar test it is important not to accept such answers as correct...

1 "Select the correct answer" question type
...the topic of your question from the teaching plan on the left...

1 "Sorting" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 "Sorting" question card - horizontal layout of options
In sorting type of question you can choose a horizontal layout of options: Select a horizontal layout when entering options...

1 "Blind map" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 "Categories" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 'Select category' question card
...the 'Select category' question card teachers sort the answers into the categories the same way as they do by creating the 'Sorting into categories' question card...

1 "Connected pairs" question card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 "Select correct tile" type of question
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 "Open question" card
... select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+"...

1 Keyboard special characters in the question cards, e.g. $, /, [ ]?
...Forward slash is a keyboard special character used for separating the answers in the ' Select the correct answer' question card...

1 How to enter a fraction in preparations?
...the fractions in the so-called mathematical mode using LaTeX syntax as follows: $ \frac{numerator}{denominator} $, e...

1 How to create a question with a fraction as a results
... method: When entering a question in which students have to complete a fraction, click in the text box...

Input the data - Substitutions / cover

1 Subject details
... For example your classis divided into English and German and the German teacher is ill, then the English teacher can join the whole class and teach them English...

1 Defining reasons for absence
...the particular “Reason for absence...

1 Defining types of substitutions
...the similar way as Reason of absence...

1 Approbation
...the approbations directly in aSc Substitutions Online...

1 Events in substitution
... Program then open window "New absent" with all missing teachers and classes already selected...

1 Events in substitution
Insert text here ....

Changes during the school year - Basic settings

1 Change of meal prices / overhead costs during the school year
... on the right +add time range fill start date from the new price will be valid ...

Substitution in the mobile app - Substitutions / cover

1 Administration of substitutions in the mobile application - Overview.
... Because it is not possible to login into the mobile application as an EduPage administrator, your admin will have to give you user's rights for administration of the substitutions...

1 How to set teachers right for Adminsitration of substitution
... but you do not wish to give them the full access, you can allow them access only into this module...

1 How can I get to Substitution in the mobile app
... who have the user's rights to make daily substitution given by administrator, will see the special icon "Substitution - administration" after they login into app...

1 How to add missing teachers/classes/classrooms in mobile app
... Slide the calendar to sides for "previous-next weeks...

1 How can I edit or remove missing teacher in mobile app
...the record for one second...

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
...the list...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
... Select the day first, then list of substituted lessons (no problem, if there is none) and advanced option icon...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
In upper right corner you can see, how many unsolved lessons are still in your daily substitution. We reccomend you to solve everything before you publish your changes. If everything is done and prepared, you can publish your daily substitution in simple way...

Changes during the school year - Boarders

1 New boarder during the school year
... How to enter the orders for new boarder New boarder is already in Agenda...

1 How to terminate dining during the school year
...a) Order presets lunch set the last day of dining e...

1 How to delete/renew boarder in the canteen
... they have no payments recorded in the payment module - whether received, refunded, or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit)...

1 How to end (shorten) unlimited period for orders for more boarders
...the correct calculation of fees , it is necessary for the ordering period to: 1...

1 End of study or employment
...the end date is set in Agenda the name will be in grey and crossed...

1 End of study or employment
Insert text here ....

Start with the payment module - Payments

1 Quick start with payment module
... After clicking on Payment settings fill the required fields...

1 Payments module
...the Payments module be found? The Payments module can be found in the left menu, in the 'Communication' section...

1 Payments module
Insert text here ....