Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Where do I find my timetable?
Click the "Timetable" tile on the main page. There are 4 available views. The first view displays the up to date timetable for the current day including changes from the substitution, school events, canceled lessons, etc. In this view you can see homeworks/exams assigned for the lessons...

1 Where to find results of a Registration action
A teacher or the administrator can view the results of a still running registration. Click on the "Manage actions" tile. Click on the 3 dots displayed next to the relevant action and select the "Results" option...

1 Where to find the results of a survey
Select "Communication" in the left menu. Then select the Registration/Surveys option. Select "Manage actions". Click on the three dots next to the survey you want to see the results of. Select Results. The results are displayed in three different tables/charts...

1 What is EduPage Library and where to find it?
... You can find the Library module in 'Communication' - 'Library'...

1 Where can I find the list of submitted applications?
Click the "Start" button, select the "Special pages" section and click on "Administration" of the Application. Click on "List" in the top menu. A list of all submitted applications appears...

1 Where in the mobile application can I find my homeworks?
Overview of the assigned homework, tests, projects or exams can be found by clicking on the HW/exams tile. In the first tab they are ordered according to the deadline date for submitting the work. (By date to)...

1 Where can I find the files that students uploaded to HW?
If you assign to your students homework with an open question, the submitted answers (scanned documents/images) can be found in the "Grades" tab...

1 Where do I find my E-learning preparations after the EduPage update?
... If you copy your former plan, you can find your preparations there...

1 Student - Where do I find my QR code for the school library?
On the home page in the EduPage mobile app, click on the "Library" tile. In the upper right corner, click on the "student" icon. You will see a QR code. Show it to the librarian in the school library every time you borrow or return a book...

1 Where do I find my teaching materials from former school/place of work?
As a teacher at School1 you have got your teaching preparations saved in your EduPage account. Enter a backup email in your personal account before moving to another school/employer. After creating new account at School2, login to it and enter the same backup email...

1 Where, in the school EduPage, do I find the administration centre of aScAttendance system ?
When the school uses the aScAttendance system, the administration of the devices can be found in the school's EduPage. Log in as administrator and click the Control center - Security - Devices administration. A menu displays. The first item - Readers - lists readers with their MAC address...

1 Where does the teacher find the students' results after the end of interactive lesson?
...find the students' results in the Results/Blackboard tab...

1 Add your page to Google search
... please log into it and go control panel and click link "Promote your web page": You will find several links where you can register your site so that Google can find it...

1 Managing multiple schools in canteen
... You can find these settings in the top drop-down menu: ... where it can confirm it...

1 How to change particular lesson if nobody is missing
... Find the day, in which your lesson is...

(edit lesson)

1 Administrator - Course with divided class
... In courses, where the teacher teaches the whole class, the link with timetables is created automatically...

1 Teachers attendance
... It is fully compatible with the aSc Access System, where data is transferred from this system directly to the Edupage when the employee beeps (when he enters the school building) ... Where can I find Teacher Attendance? In the left menu, select Education and then Teacher Attendance...

1 How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
...find the materials you used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc ... Select the topic from the plan where you want to connect the materials...

1 Where have my last year's courses gone?
If the administrator switched your EduPage to the new school year, no courses are displayed in the overview. Do not worry, they are not lost. You can go over your previous courses when you switch the school year in the left bottom corner...

1 Copy duties
After publication of your new timetable, you can simply copy all duties and time-offs, which have been already set in online substitution for previous timetable. You can do so in "Settings" - "Timetables" ...

1 Some classes are educted at school, some online and then they swap. How to adjust the settings.
If some classes (e.g. 5.A, 5.B,...) are educated at school and other classes (e.g. 8.A, 8.B,..) are educated online with a slightly different timetable, and then they swap, two week timetable can be set in the Timetables: In week A set the timetable for classes 5...

1 Where do I input general information about the library?
In the Library module in the top menu, select the "Settings" tab. In the "Info" section, you can enter any text that will be displayed to users. For example, the location of the library in the building or the opening hours. Click "Edit"...

1 How to change timetable for specific day to another day/week/term
For each day in the Online substitution you can manually change timetable to another day/week/term. Timetable in this day is then used to determine what has to be substituted. Use menu Settings/Day in timetable and click on button "Day in timetable - Edit"...

1 Creating a remark for one day
... where you can specify some more instructions to students and teachers or where you can write down some very complicated swaps...

1 Where can I check the arrivals and departures of my child from school?
Tap the "Attendance" tile on the main screen and select the Arrivals tab...

1 How to synchronize students from timetable to courses
If you have already entered students in the timetable for some of the courses, you do not need to enter them again when creating the course. You can use the synchronization option. In the left column, there are students in the course, in the right column, there are students in the timetable...

1 How can the teacher find out whether the grade has been signed by parent?
At first, display the signed grades via the "Show" buuton. Tick the "Mark signed grades" and "Show also seen by student account" in the "Show" tab. If the grade was signed by the parent, a green sign appears...

1 Where can the files uploaded to the application be found?
When you display a specific application from the list of submitted applications, select the "View file" button next to the field with attached file. The file can be saved during viewing the document...

1 Where can the teacher see the students results during an interactive lesson?
Click the students icon in the top right corner of the screen. You can see the list of connected students. If a student has already answered the teacher's question a blue round appears by their name. To evaluate the answers, press the green button in the lower part of the screen...

1 Administrator: History of the Grade book: How to find out when a grade was given, changed or deleted?
... In our case we wanted to find out whether the teacher Joseph Straber had deleted any grade of the student Peter Lichaj for the filtered time and subject...

1 How to input a timetable during distance education
We recommend recording the "Distance education" event in the class registers of the classes that are distance educated. EduPage will still allow you to input topics taught and students`attendance, but at the same time the system will remember that the students are physically at home...

1 Student - How do I find out if the book I need is available in the library?
Click on the "Library" tile in the EduPage mobile app. You can choose from a list of books, or search for a book by title or author. If the book is available, click "Reserve". You can come and pick it up when the library is open...

1 End of study or employment
... HOW TO FIND BOARDERS WHO LEFT Above the list of boarders find icon 'Grid'...

(end, leaving)

1 Canteen module and user access
... If the Canteen module is not enabled, you will find this information right on the main screen of the Canteen module ... Menu - choose the part of the website where the menu should be placed (e...

(activate module)

1 Quick way to your plan and preparations via timetable
If you click on an lesson in your timetable, the system will set you up in the course plan and preparations...

1 How to add a teacher the right to view grades in multiple classes?
... On the right side of the screen, scroll to the bottom where you can find advanced rights for editing and viewing grades...

1 Overview of students' attendance for a specific day
...You can find an overview of students for the entire class in a given week as follows:...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... Below you can find two possible scenarios of creating courses: a) The timetable at your school has been created and published: The published timetable simplifies creating courses for your teachers...

1 How to close the class register for classes that finish before the end of school year (graduate classes)
1. First, delete the finishing classes with no further lessons, from the timetable. Then publish a new timetable version and set the validity date. The changes are immediately implemented in Substitutions online. 2...

1 How to assign types of payers to boarders
... You can find ... A dialog box opens, where you can select 'Payer Type' (2...

1 Supervisions substitution
If you are using also supervisions in your timetable, then duties of missing teacher will be also displayed among his lessons, wnich need to be substituted. You can then set substitution of this supervision duty in same way as for standard lesson, or you can also cancel this supervision...

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... See: In such cases, a situation may arise where the entered substitutions no longer match the data in the timetable, e...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 Overview - canceled boarders + who and when canceled them
...where you can access it through the introductory page of the canteen module or through the dropdown menu - section 'Boarders' - 'Cancelled orders'...

(canceled boarders)

1 Groups in joined classes have different names
The "Groups in joined classes have different names" notice might appear when verifying the aScTimetable on EduPage: (Education - Timetable - Administration - Verify - General) This example shows problems with groups in classes 7.A, 8.B in the Ethics subject...

1 Teacher - Book a new classroom
... you can use option “Book a classroom”: The dialog appears where you can see your timetable...

1 Lessons with 2 teachers - how to cancel it for just one teacher.
If you have a lesson with 2 teachers in your timetable, program understands it as co-teaching - 2 teachers teach one group of students together. In general we don't advise you to use combined lessons during timetable creation, but rather create a timetable by using divisions and groups...

1 External boarder / guest in the canteen - how to create an account
... Find the guest, click on the name and next to his name is button Account...

(External boarder, guest)

1 Administrator - Divisions Overview
... Let's look at at this situation in sexta B class, where the system reports potential problem: In some cases the same division is used for several subjects...

1 My library - What is it used for?
... If you are looking for some material and don't remember where you saved it, you can search here ... This way, you can easily find it whenever, and you won't have to laboriously search among hundreds of materials in the library...

1 How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
... In your plan or in the standards find the material that you want to assign to the students...

1 How to input the educational activities into the school club class register (the scope of the interest group)
Educational activities taking place in the school club or in the interest group can be input into the class register the same way as the teaching topic in a common course. The simple way is to prepare a teaching plan in EduPage. Then, simply select a teaching topic from the plan...

1 What is shown in the top right corner?
Each row represents one teacher and his/her timetable. 1. The color of the teacher's schedule represents: A. Pink - teacher has a lesson there. B. Yellow - this is the lesson to be substituted. C...

1 Administrator - administration of courses
The course plays an important role in EduPage. The EduPage site administrator has a very good overview of the created and missing courses, and of the settings of different courses. The Overview offers an easy way to identify potential problems with courses...

1 Homework overview
... You will find the filter as follows: Notifications - Homework/Exams - Settings (cogwheel icon) - Missing homework Each teacher can only view the subjects he teaches: Class teacher can view all subjects of his class...

(homework, rework, not done, missing homework)

1 Moved, replaced and swapped lessons.
... How to "move", "swap" and "replace" you can find in these articles: ...

1 Teacher - How to add student’s activity in class?
... In the mobile app, you can find this feature in the Class register tile...

1 Teacher swap/change in the middle of school year
If a teacher covers lessons for a colleague either temporarily or permanently, record the situation in the system as follows: 1. Add a new employee in Agenda online and set the beginning date of the contract. 2...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
If your school has decided to use the electronic class register, please follow the instructions: 1. Set up an EduPage webpage. The process is described in: 2. Generate EduPage login data to teachers: 3...

1 Overview of taught topic in the plan
...find out the date he taught a specific topic, he does not have to browse the class register...

1 Overview of online lessons for the EduPage administrator
Log in to your administrator account and click on the Class register. The Online lesson - stats icon is located in the top menu, on the right. An overview of online lessons per class displays. If a number is indicated, for example 3-4, students in a subject are divided into groups...

1 Applications
... Find more information on teachers’ applications here: Find information on how the authorised person allows electronic application submission to parents and teachers We welcome all your suggestions and comments concerning this module...

1 Electronic applications
... To use electronic applications, please prepare and publish the electronic application form on your school webpage, where it can be filled in by the applicants ... Go to the list of all available modules and find the special Electronic application module...

(application, application to study)

1 Administrator - How to create a course for an interest group
... The teacher can find it in the list of other courses in the bottom part of the page...

1 Basic information on teachers' attendance
1. Location of the module in EduPage The Teachers' attendance module can be found in the left menu, section "Education" → "Teacher attendance". 2. What do the individual colors in the teacher attendance indicate? Scroll to the bottom part...

(employee attendance)

1 How to assign materials from 'My library' section to specific course plan?
...find all materials, once created in EduPage, in the 'My library' section...

1 Teacher details
You can define substitution specific information for each teacher in menu Settings/Teachers: A: First column specifies if the teacher can do substitutions at all. B: In the second column you can set duty and time-off for teachers...

1 How to create a drop-down list of dormitories?
... You can find the dormitories in Agenda Online under Code lists...

(dormitory, dormitories, list)

1 How to return evaluated work back to the student
... you can find the images in the Results section...

1 What are "Study topics"?
... Based on these topics, students will find materials - test questions, presentations, etc...

1 How to input an entire day event in the calendar
The teachers and the administrator can input different types of events in the calendar: . The time range of the event can be input by selecting the particular lessons, or by selecting the "Entire day" option: The event is displayed in the class register...

1 Multiple orders in the canteen
... Find boarder card in Orders & Types of payers...

(multiple orders)

1 Creating a remark for each substitution.
... First you have to write down this remark: Then you have to specify where this note will be printed (by default the remark for substitution is not printed):...

1 Substitutions overview in the mobile application
Click on the substitution tile. You can see timetable changes that affect you in the first view. In the second view you can see substitutions by individual class. In the third view you can see substitutions by teacher...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
... Main advantages of this full online solution are: you can do it from anywhere and anytime - it works on any PC/Mac/Linux/iPad/Android device with internet connection your colleagues can help you - more people can work on substitution at the same time you can prepare everything and publish it onl...

1 How to change the lesson in selected day if nobody is missing?
... change a classroom (teacher, subject, period), you can use menu "Tools - Change other lesson": A dialog appears where you can select the lesson you want to change: You can change the room/teacher/subject as with any other substitution...

1 How to display/not display grades on the report card to students and parents?
... You can find the current status of how many grades are published at your school here:...

1 Creating individual teachers timetables
What are "individual timetables" good for? This feature is to be used in simple regular timetables in interest groups or after school activities. Lessons will be displayed in class registers and teachers will be able to add curriculum and absences...

1 How to add a school application for the students?
... You will find...

1 How to end (shorten) unlimited period for orders for more boarders
... WHERE IS THE OVERVIEW OF ORDERING PERIODS Diners' - 'Orders & Types of Payers ', the table shows who is a boarder (= i...

(end, shorten, period)

1 How to add teaching materials from My library to the teaching standards
...find materials you have used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc...

1 How to change the contact information?
... For example we will create contact page with map and also with form where the user can fill in some questions to the school...

1 How to assign standards to a teaching plan?
... If there are no standards assigned to a subject in EduPage, you can create school standards: When editing a plan, you can assign standards here: Or you can find the "Assign standards" button at the bottom of your plan...

1 How to remove cards from a topic in the plan or from uncategorized cards
... You can find the card in the "My library" tab in the "Not assigned to any plan" section...

1 Our school name cannot be registered
...org and we will find a solution together...

1 Notifications in the mobile application not working?
... Find "Settings" and select "Notifications"...

1 How to set the initial credit / import from the different software
... where you can also choose whole classes ... The initial credit in the system is under the received payments and you can find it in the payment module under 'Payments' or 'Users' payments overview' section...

(initial credit)

1 Define type of payers and set up food price
... You can find these settings in the top drop-down menu: 'Module settings (Administration)' in the 'Canteen' module when logged in as the administrator or the person entitled to the Canteen module...

(type of payer, food price)

1 How to get interest group's teacher to substitution
Teachers in interesting groups usually have their lessons entered in individual timetables, not in a regular timetable. By default, lessons from individual timetables do not appear in the substitution. To do this, in Substitution, select Settings and then Advanced...

1 Problematic lessons - some days are red in the class register calendar
If you notice days in your calendar overview that appear red, this migh have various causes. In this article we will show you what the reasons for such lessons are and how you can fix them...

1 Improvements in the substitution overview
... You will find the original report down below: Advantages in short New view is more complex...

1 How can I share my material in the school library?
... You can see, which materials do you share Other teachers in school can see your material, when they select standard "Find the area of figures made of unit squares"...

1 How to set up a Grade book
If your school has decided to use EduPage Grade book, please do the following steps: 1. Set up your EduPage site. To set up your EduPage site follow these instructions: 2. Create EduPage accounts for teachers, students and parents...


1 Where do I find my timetable?
Click the "Timetable" tile on the main page. There are 4 available views. The first view displays the up to date timetable for the current day including changes from the substitution, school events, canceled lessons, etc. In this view you can see homeworks/exams assigned for the lessons...

1 Starting the software
... you can find its icon on your desktop and also in Start-Program menu ... where to find it...

1 What does the complexity of generation mean?
... Normal Complexity This option is good for initial generations, where you want to check if your timetable is good inputted and generate-able ... For many schools this option will find a good timetable and they will have no need to use more complex and usually slower generations...

1 Timetable files - making backups, problems opening files, etc...
... Please find the correct version of file ... I can't find my file: Please check some typical location where the file can be: Desktop, My Documents folder, some drive of your computer, or your USB disk...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
... So the software tried to remove classes one by one, to find the smaller part of the timetable that still cannot be generated considering only time-offs for teachers and classes ... 2 So now you know where the problem lies...

1 Advisor - Lessons of different length
... Maybe it will then be possible to find a better schedule if it has more options ... Once you have a solution, you can try to go back to 2+2+1 for certain subjects where it is more preferable to have double lessons...

1 Verification of timetable
... On the left from these errors you may find some more information about the current error as well as buttons Settings or Help...

1 Divided cards are placed on too many positions in class XY
... There are some positions in the timetable where all students must have lesson, e...

1 The student’s timetable view
... Note that you can’t actually change the position of the lesson in this view; you only can change the sections where this student belongs: For example you can click on Sean’s lesson 141, he is now in section 3 ... If you by accident remove his from the groups, you will find the cards in the bottom are that shows cards not placed in the timetable...

1 Constraints relaxation
... It can help you to find the final timetable with only some constraints relaxed...

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
... Dialog "Timetable-Publish" appears and the entire further process is the same as is described here: Only difference is in second step, where you can specify dates of validity for you new timetable...

1 ID numbers in import/export
... IDPREFIX - How to specify where aSc Timetables should store your id numbers? When creating XML you wish to import to aSc Timetables ... You can find example in sample...

1 Comparing timetables
... You may find both in menu File - Compare...

1 How can I export timetables to Excel or HTML
... This will open a new window, where are the settings for the export of a timetable...

1 How can I test just some lessons, for example all double lessons or all PE lessons
... click right mouse button in the bottom part where the unplaced cards are shown and select Filter...

1 Statistics
You can get more information about the timetable by choosing the menu item TimeTable - Statistics: ...

1 What happens when I cancel the generation?
... It still tries to find better solution (usually this means less students choices unrealized)...

1 I cannot see seminar lessons in class's timetable
... Note: Similar situation can happen also for seminars where there are joint students from two classes...

1 Both groups have to finish the education at the same time!
...where one half has English on Monday 6th period, while the other half goes home after the 5th period...

1 Why to test the timetable?
... You can find it in main menu as "Test" or in menu "Timetable - Test"...

(basic test)

1 Filter function
... A popup appears where you can select some advanced filters, like show only double lessons or show only lessons that have only one section: So if the school wants to create a timetable by hand from the scratch, they can filter only lessons with one section only and start with these...

1 Advisor - No lessons for certain period
... For example this school has forbid all subjects to be on 4th period: This is however a problem in the default settings where a student cannot have a gap in his/her timetable...

1 Starting the generation
Once you use menu TimeTable - Generate new the following dialog will appear: If you have not yet tested the timetable, or you made a significant changes in the entered data, it is a good idea to test it every time before the generation. Just click the button Test the timetable...

1 Right-click on card or free positions
... Delete row - unplace all unlocked cards from the entire row, where is the selected cards ... Find - open a dialog with all types of objects as the one you select from the related to that particular lesson 9...

1 Additional data synchronisation
... the software offers you to import the data from the timetable to EduPage where you can link the timetable objects with the objects from EduPage...

1 Print legends below timetables
... Again right click in the print preview: A dialog appears where you can customize the look of the legend: After clicking OK you can move the legend to the desired position, resize it...

1 Printing pictures of subjects
... Note: - aSc TimeTables comes with a collection of pictures located in 'Subject pictures' directory, but you are free to find your pictures in your collections or on the internet...

1 Hotkeys
... So you can check where you can put the card below the cursor before you actually replace it with currect card on your hand...

1 How to specify lessons where students are joined from two classes?
To specify such lessons you can use button "Joined classes" in "Lesson" dialog. After pressing this button a new window will show up and in particular rows you can choose Classes from which students are joined in this lesson...

1 Test says there is some problem. What next?
... it will report the item which was not able to generate and it will offer you some options that will help you to find and resolve the problem: CHECK and FIX this problem - program will show you the part of the timetable that it has generated and give you the card that it can't generate...

1 I overwrote my timetable with the new version by accident
If you have accidentally overwritten your original timetable published on Edupage with the new data just follow these steps: 1. Open the last saved timetable (the newest version) and save it as a new timetable file - so with the new name. Please, see this: 2...

1 Customizing printouts
aSc Timetables allows you to fully customize your printouts. There are two main things you can customize: - Customizing the timetable - Using Printout desings 1. Customizing the timetable is done in printpreview...

1 Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
If you see your timetable as follows: problem is, that you are trying to display count of students on each card, while there are no students inputted in your Timetable, or there is no such information in divisions for classes...

1 How to change the timetable's name and its dates of validity
Select the timetable and click on "Properties"...

1 Checking and generation
After you enter basic data, you can generate the timetable. Just press button "Generate" to generate the timetable and finish the wizard: The generation dialog will suggest you to test the timetable before the generation...

1 How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
By default the public can see only timetable of individual classes and summary timetable of all classes. Only teachers with passwords can see the teacher's timetables and students and their parents can see student's timetables...

1 Export to XML
... You can find sample export configuration file here: C:/TimeTables/template/xmlexport/sample ... xml”, where “program” is name of your software and cc is country code of your country...

1 Locked cards
... If there are at least two ways how to place some card, then it is better to explain the generator where the cards might go...

1 We have different bells on some days.
... In menu Main/School you can find a dialog for changing the bell times ... If you have different bells on some day, you need to select the period and click the checkbox, then click Edit: A dialog appears where you can input the times for each day...

1 My lessons are not placed in classrooms/Adding classrooms into created timetable
... There are three ways how this can happen: - you have manually placed the card into the position where none of the possible rooms is free (they are all used by some other, already placed cards)...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
Open your file, select "TimeTables Online" and Select "Publish timetable for public online viewing" Type the name of the timetable, for example 2017/2018-Final timetable, or 2017/18 etc...

1 What's new in version 2014
... This year we have focused mainly on helping you to find the possible problems in the timetable input...

1 Generate draft timetable
At early stages of timetable generation it is advised to try to generate draft. Draft is timetable without any constraints. This is very usefull, because it makes no sense to generate complete timetable with all the inputted constraints if there is some basic problem in the input...

1 Undoing and restoring operations
You can move between your changes in the timetable by menu View - Undo/Redo: Please note that this only affects the positions of the cards. It is not possible to Undo changes in the contracts. It is a good idea to use File - Save as... to save the timetable on disk under different name...

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
... No need to download/install or find documents...

1 Share timetable
viac rozpisat, resp. uprav obrazok... treba tu opisat fakt, ze offline a online verzia su viac meenj rovnake a ked nieco robis offline ako to vies dostat do online a naopak... prelinkuj to s ostatnymi clankami, kde su procesy podrobnejsie opisane.....

1 Two week timetable
In case you use two weeks timetable on your school, you have two options how to input this into the program: Option 1 - weekly timetables For each lesson you can specify exactly in which week it should take a place...

1 Two days timetable
If you have timetable that works in two alternative days - Day A and Day B, then you can set it so in this way: Note Do not forget, that number of lessons per "week" must be adjusted to these two days only, as they are taken as "week" in this case...

(Day A-DayB, alternative days, )

1 What’s new in version 2020
... This mode is especially useful for timetables where you do not know if they can be generated, what parameters and complexity to use etc ... We are constantly improving the online version of aSc TimeTables – it now has more or less all the features that you can find in the windows version...

1 Education block - Checking of gaps in class timetables
... This will open advanced Class details dialog where you can specify teaching block settings...

1 Pending students view
... Sometimes during this work you may find a solution that will perhaps break some constraints the algorithm originally could not or simply find out that don’t have enough sections...

1 Generate room supervision
... If you find something you do not like, just change the criteria accordingly and generate new supervisions, or simply change supervising teacher...

1 How can I print timetable for individual students
In case, you have inputted list of students in your timetable, then you will be able to select the printing report "Timetable for each student". With it, you can print one timetable for each student. 1. 2...

1 How many timetables can be published during a school year?
There can be more timetables published during one school year, however for one day only one timetable can be official. It means, that this one published timetable will be taken as a base for the entire Edupage (e.g...

1 A good way to generate your timetable
... Repeat steps 4,5,6 until you find a timetable you are fully happy with...

1 Analyze the timetable by generation
... Lets now have a look at some examples to see where this feature can help and how to read the data...

1 Working with timetable - general information
The main aSc TimeTables screen consists of several parts: 1 - Menu - contains commands for program control. 2 - Toolbar - keys for quick selection of the most frequently used commands. 3 - The timetable contains cards, each cell is representing individual lessons. 4 - Row headers...

1 Swap two days in timetable
Let's suppose that you have finished the timetable and suddenly, due to some reasons, you just need to swap two days. It means that you want to move all cards from one day to another and vice versa. You can do this in menu "Options - Advanced". If you wish to swap e.g...

1 Supervisions in more weeks timetable
If you have timetable with more weeks, you can set the teachers supervisions duties in two ways: A: same teachers in every week In this case, you can simply use default "Weeks merged" view, and then add supervisions as usually...

(week, supervision, canteen, )

1 How to generate timetable with students
Once you have students and their picks and for each subject you have sections defined, you can try the generation. Just press the red button Generate the timetable: You have 3 options for the generation: 1...

1 How to delete teacher from Timetable
In the main menu click on Teachers - select the teacher from the list and use "Remove" button and confirm with "Yes" Note: - All lessons of this teacher will be removed also...

1 Removing placed cards from the timetable
"Removing" in this article means just un-placing cards from the timetable. Lessons represented by these cards will not be removed from the contracts. You can remove a placed cards from the timetable in this way: 1: One-by-one (single selection) a - Click on that card to select it...

1 Print date or remark bellow timetable
By default the software prints date of last change in the bottom left corner of the timetable...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 Can I force the generator to place certain lesson on certain position?
You can place the lesson into the timetable before the generation and then lock them. The generator will not move the locked cards...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
It is easy to send the timetable to your teachers and colleagues. At first you need to upload the timetable to the online storage = your school's Edupage...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
... We recommend you to check it to correctly understand the meaning of the question, or just to find out more information...

(first step, new timetable)

1 Working with Seminar lessons in your timetable.
... Another difference when working with seminar lessons is that when you try to place the seminar lesson manually to some position where there is already some other seminar...

1 Creating a new or opening existing timetable
After the program starts, the following screen will appear: Create new timetable: The Timetable wizard will create a blank timetable and it will open a sequence of dialogs for entering your data. This ensures that the data will be entered in the right order...

1 How to create the first TimeTable ONLINE
You can create your new timetable directly in ASC Timetables online administration. At first click on the "NEW" button. New tab will be opened and the wizard will starts immediately...

1 Double lesson cannot be on Monday (specific days/periods/part of the day)
...) (or other required possitions, where you do not want your lessons to be) ...

1 Configure name format (First name / Last name)
... you may sometimes find that first and last names are mismatched...

1 Modifying the structure of the printouts
... However, there might be situations where you need bigger changes...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
... Open the first "base" timetable, where all other files will be imported...

1 How to distribute lessons in multiple weeks timetable.
You can do so via advanced card relationships "Max days per all weeks". Let's take a case, when you have 15 English lessons and you wish to distribute them into 8 days in 3 weeks timetable...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
What you see in online timetable viewer in Edupage is data from regular timetable file valid for actual day. In most cases this is OK, but if your timetable changes in the middle of the week, it may be misleading...

1 How to show the timetable colored by buildings
If you are using buildings, then sometimes it is convenient to change the default view to display buildings colors on cards. Then you can quickly check when classes or teachers buildings change in their timetables...

1 How can I edit the timetable saved online
You can easily edit your last saved timetable (even from PC version of aSc Timetables software) in Timetables online administration. Select the timetable file and click "Open" button. Program opens the last official version of your timetable on the new tab...

1 Delete all unplaced cards
If you have nearly finished your timetable, but there are still some cards that are not placed in timetable and you want to remove all those cards from timetable completely, you can do it this way: Go to menu Options -> Advanced...

1 Checking and Fixing example
... We will find that this lesson is required to be in the Home classroom only...

1 I want to change the header above printed timetable
... The dialog is shown where you can write your own header:...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 How can I save my timetable to online storage
In order to save your timetable into online storage, you have to click menu "TimeTables online". Then login to your edupage. Use name of your edupage as "Username" and admin password, or you can use password to teacher's account, who has rights to publishing timetable...

1 How can I print bell times in timetable header?
The default bell times can be printed by right clicking on the lesson number in print preview and allowing this option "Print time intervals": See also: ...

1 How can I open my timetable from online storage
You can open all timetables you have stored on your edupage in PC application. Even those, which you had edited or created online. Click menu "TimeTables online". Then login to your edupage...

1 Reducing the room usage
The rules descibed in: shall help you to achieve the room assigment that is acceptable from the timetabling point of view. However once you have the timetable ready you may want to reduce the room usage for example to save on cleaning costs or to allow more room renting...

1 How to print only certain classes or teachers?
You can use button Filter. Here you can specify for each type of the objects allowed values that you want to see in the printouts...

1 How to create a timetable for more than 5 days?
In menu "School - Number of days" it is possible to set the timetable to be for more days than just 5 days (e.g 10 days): Please note that in this case you have to double the teachers lessons...

1 Can I load a custom printout settings from another timetable?
Please check this picture: Note that this only applies to timetable printout settings. Not the printout designs...

1 How to open previously saved versions of my timetable online
Every time when you use the same name for saving your timetable - online, or even after publishing it from offline version, the Edupage saves it as a new version of the same timetable file. You can see the count of saved versions (by users) in the list of your timetables next to its name...

1 Is it possible to reuse last year data in Timetable online?
In case, that data in your timetable for upcoming school year are mostly the same as they are in the one you actually use, it is convenient to reuse them. Then you will not need to create all lists of classes/teachers/subjects... lessons and constraints all over again...

(new year, new timetable)

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
Publishing of your timetable on your school's Edupage is a very important step - only then the data from the timetable will become the base for a class register...

1 Our teachers can teach max 5 days in two weeks timetable
Let's take a case when music teacher work as part-time teacher and teaches 15 music lessons in two weeks. Then, if you wish to distribute these lessons into 5 days in two weeks (no matter in which) you can use following advanced card relationship...

1 Double lessons appear to be doubled in the timetable, what is wrong?
This happens when you enter one double lesson per week in the Lesson dialog with: Lessons/week (count): 2 Duration: Double If you enter this, it means that there are two lessons and each of them has duration 2 periods, and this is 4 periods together...

1 We have the same timetable each day in given term or week
If you have exactly the same timetable each day then you probably don’t need to see in 5 columns at them main screen...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
You can publish the timetable direct from aSc TimeTables. Click menu "TimeTables online". Then login to your edupage. Use name of your edupage as "Username" and admin password, or you can use password to teacher's account, who has rights to publishing timetable...

1 I want to print also teachers' names in timetable printout/ need bigger font size
You can customize what is printed on each card: 1. Go to Print - Print preview. 2. Use the right mouse button on the desired card: 3. Check what shall be printed: The same aproach can be used to specify texts also in individual timetables...

(font size, print,)

1 Is it possible for two or more colleagues to work on the same timetable?
Yes it is and using ASC Timetables online makes this possible in a very easy way. All you need is set users rights for administration of the timetables for selected teachers first...

1 How can I export duties timetable? (available only in the offline version for Windows)
You can export the generated supervisions into the XML file. This feature is available only in the offline version for Windows. Use the menu "File - Export - Export Room supervisions"...

1 How to print in color and define colors in printouts
... A dialog appears where you can edit all colors settings...

1 Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?
If you don't see some classrooms on the cards in your printed reports, it can have these main causes: 1. You have not used classrooms in your timetable at all. Please, see this topic: how to create and assign classrooms to the lessons and generate your timetable again. 2...

1 Options for saving the changes in the timetable
Once you do some changes in your timetable, the system will ask you, if you wish to save these changes on edupage before closing. You have two usual options for saving: Save or Save as...

(changes, save timetable, overwrite published )

1 Our published timetable should start with "Week B"
Every time you publish the new timetable with more weeks, the system automatically takes the first week as the beginning of the cycle. If it is necessary, you can specify other week as the "first" one...

1 I want to print summary timetable of teachers with teachers' colors
By default the summary timetable of teachers is printed using colors of classes. However you can go to Print preview and use the button Colors: Then you can select which color you want to use...

1 Printing individual student's timetables
You can print the timetable for each student, go to print preview and select report "TimeTable for each Student": Now the software will print only those seminars(course) that this students has picked...

1 How to print room supervision in teacher's and classroom's timetable?
You can print the room supervision in the timetables for the teachers or classrooms. In the menu Print Preview -> Global Settings, you can select if you want to print the room supervisions in individual and/or in summary timetables (it includes also reports "wallpapers")...

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
By default the software tries to create a timetable for each class that starts with 1st lesson. It also calculates the average lessons per day and tries to balance the lessons put per each day...

1 Quick modification of the onscreen view
You can quickly change the current view of your timetable in this way: You can specify the texts and colors, which will be used on cards. For example by choosing classroom as color, you can see the timetable with colors defined by the classroom and you can also specify different text on cards...

1 What’s new in version 2021
... Extended tests were improved The software now checks for more problems in your timetable and it checks for them in better order, if your timetable contains some unsolvable part, the extended tests shall find it faster...

(new version)

1 Our teachers can teach only three different week days in three weeks timetable
Let's take a case, when you have the timetable for more weeks and there are teachers, who teach different lessons in each week (usually some external teachers, or contractors). Then you were requested to distribute their lessons into minimum different weekdays...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
... The software will try to find better solutions which are more acceptable, and which have less broken constraints with less points in global ... New test for bigger timetables The test was adjusted to work also with a very big timetables (where it is problem to generate a timetable of one class – for example if the students are joined with many classes)...

1 We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).
If your school uses other than basic 5 days cycle in timetable - let's say 7 days - then after publishing such timetable, the edupage automatically assign last two days as "Saturday and Sunday"...

1 How can I start cloud generator?
To start the cloud generator simply open your timetable in ASC Timetables online and press the "Generate in cloud" button. The cloud generator will start and it will generate your timetable on dedicated servers...

(cloud generator)

1 Add timetable to your calendar application (Google calendar, Outlook, iPhone calendar...)
... You can find this function after you login as teacher in "Settings" - "Other" - "My profile": iCalendar file (ICS) With this function you can simply download your current daily plan as ICS file, which you can add to your favorite calendar application...

1 We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions
... - This solution can generate a timetable where for example one teacher will be responsible for most of the "free" lessons...

1 What’s new in version 2017
... The Advisor is now able to detect situations where you have fewer resources (teachers, rooms) to cover certain parts of the timetable then necessary...

1 Changing the look of the timetable on the screen
This article is about changing the look on the screen. Go to menu View/Define:. If you for example choose color by buildings you can quickly see when the studetns are in 1st and when in 2nd building: You can also change the texts that shall be displayed on the screen...

1 We have 10 day timetable (two weeks), I want to spread teacher's lessons equally into these 2 weeks
dorobit obrazok z online If your teacher is teaching for example 23 lessons per week (46 in total) and you are using 10 day timetable (2x5days) it can happen that the software generates 30 lesson in one week and 16 in the other week...

1 Export to Smartschool
... Please see: You can find the export function in Edupage - Timetables Online - Administration - Export - Smartschool...


1 How to set exact date to change the week or the term in published timetable
In ASC Timetables online you can specify the exact date for change of the week, term or just change the timetable in one day to another day. This change will be then taken into the classregister and the substitution. 1. Select the timetable 2. Click on "Properties" button. 3...

1 Spreading lessons on different periods each day
... - select "Classes" where you want to apply this constraint (or leave it as "All classes") - select "Subjects" Math (or more subjects)...

1 Lesson requires more classrooms
... Example 1: I have "Hand work" lesson, where are joined 2 classes with 2 teachers, but I need them to be allocated into two classrooms...

1 How can we specify the Long Breaks/Recess times?
... where the break will be printed, specify if double lesson can/can not be over this break...

1 Export limited to max 10 cards/lessons
... Please provide us with the following data: 1) Your current registration name 2) Your computer license You can find both values in menu Help -> Info...

1 Cloud generator
... As soon as it finds the solution, it will stop and give you that timetable...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2025
... This is usefull to find out potential problems if multiple cardrelationships collide...

1 How to specify that we cannot use classroom at certain times?
... So for example if your swimming pool has same cleaning periods you can specify it like this: More on time-off can be find in this article: ...

1 What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE
Export to Smartschool system You can export your published timetable to Smartschool See: Change the structure of the printed layouts Even without entering into print preview...

1 How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
The software allows you to change the texts in the printed timetable. This helps in some special cases when you want different texts printed in the timetable then the original one. For example Grade5 instead of 5A/5B/5C. However sometimes you want to remove these custom texts...

1 Concentrate groups of lessons into fewer classrooms
... more imporantly the relaxation works per days, this may produce a timetable where on most days you will use just 2 labs and only on a few days it will be necessary to use and clean all 3 labs...

1 Import from XML
... In documentation (see link at bottom) you can find that column for class teachers is in table "classes" and it is called "teacherid"...

1 How can I set the width of the lines?
... A dialog appears where you can input line widhts: You can input two widths...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
... This is different against ordinary lessons, where students are defined by using divisions/groups and it also means, that you have to input all your students into the timetable...

1 Custom views
The Whole basic view, which displays the complete timetable, is always available for each timetable. However Custom views allow you to effectively divide entire timetable into smaller and more easy readable parts. For example you can display only 5th grade in one view...

1 aSc TimeTables online – main advantages of the online version
... Even if you create multiple branches or try out different things, it is clear what changes have been made in which timetable and you can always go back to a previous version – without the need to open 30 files finding the one you are looking for...

1 What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
... However sometimes it might be necessary to wait and give the algorithm some time to find the solution...

1 How can I swap all the lessons from one period to another
Once you generate your timetable and wish to just swap lessons between periods, it is not necessary to do it manually "one-by-one" card. It is convenient to use advanced function "!swapdpd". If, e.g...

1 Max students for certain seminar lesson
... You can input it in "Lesson" dialog in "Lesson capacity" field: Note: you can input both minimum and maximum capacity: if you input 10-20 this means that all solution where there are between 10 and 20 students are considered correct for the generator...

1 Teacher cannot have gap of length 2
You can add this cardrelationship Notes: - use this only when you have some timetable generated See also: ...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
In case you have some questions, or you need some help with your timetable you are actually working on, you can write us directly from ASC Timetables software - simply click on blue icon with a question mark New window will appear. 1...

1 How to add new classroom
... So entering classrooms is not only good to tell the students where to go, but also to tell the generator algorithm not to put 3 Physical education lessons at the same time, when your school has only two Gym rooms...

1 How can I choose which student is in which group?
You can assign students to groups in "Students" window: Select class on the right side, then select several students (with Shift+click or Ctrl+click), right click in corresponding column and select group for these students. Notes: - This dialog us useful e.g...

1 How can I input individual students
... Add more students Second option displays the dialog, where you have to specify the "Class" first and then input the names of all students names assigned into this class (one line for one student)...

1 GymRoom can only be used 4 days per week(GymRoom has to be free on 3 afternoons)
... then the constraint will only count days where the classroom is used in the afternoon...

1 What happens when I change school type?
You can change the school type combo box. Standard – uses group based generator. If you have inputted students they must be assigned to the seminar groups(sections) before the generation and they remain in the assigned group during the generation...

1 Painting lessons in class must have gap at least 2 free days.
The software distributes lessons into timetable automatically according card distribution settings in subjects constraints...

1 Our teacher teach two different subjects but they need at least one period gap between.
If your math teacher teaches also physical education, he will be very grateful, if you create him the timetable with a gap between two lessons for different subjects. You can use this advanced relation...

1 How to input Options - each student needs to select one course from Options1 and one from Options2
... See this topic: Let's take an example, where all students from classes 901...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2023
... #76 - Cards can not follow This cardrelationship simplifies the input of situations where two lessons can not be consecutively in one day ...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)
... Then the software will respect only those timetables where all three lessons are before lunch or where 2 lessons are before and only one is after...

1 What’s new in version 2016
... The software will find and warn you about critical issues that need to be fixed before the generation...

1 Can I reuse last year data?
Yes, you can. In fact it is quite simple: Open your last year timetable file (e.g. Timetable 2019-2020.roz). Use menu "File - Save as" and save this file under a new different name (e.g. "Timetable 2020-2021.roz")...

1 How can we display full names of teachers and students in timetables for public?
Personal data (full names of teachers and students) can be displayed in published timetable in this way: If you leave checkboxes unchecked, then the shorts will be used instead of full names...

1 How to specify class grade
... Note: This setting can be useful in the advanced card relationships, where you can apply the card relationship to all classes in the same grade...

1 Advisor - Teachers have many blocked days
Many of your teachers have a full day blocked. This of course may be legitimate request and the software can cope with this. However many times if you block different teacher on different days, the timetable may become impossible to generate. Very simple example...

1 Print the color only in the left part of the cell
If you do not want to print the timetable in full color you can print the color of teacher only in the left part of each lesson: ...

1 Distribution of subject over the week
... See this: Option 2: You can also create customized distribution, where you can specify exactly on how many days the student can be...

1 How can I increase the speed of cloud generation?
If you have a valid license of aSc TimeTables - we provide with one computer in our datacenter, that you can use for your generation. This one computer is on the server and it may actually be faster than your computer - especially if you are working on the notebook...

1 Digital screen
... You may organize in how many columns it will be displayed and where the columns will appear - side by side or rotating...

1 Printing different bell times for school sections/days
pridaj tu kompletny obrazok - aj s ukazkou tlace, nech je jasne, ako sa k "print setup" dostanes... By default the software print the bell times bellow the period number...

1 Control panel
The control panel is located at the bottom of the screen. It consists of three parts: 1 - Information about the current card is displayed in this field when the cursor is placed on the card. 2 - The button for viewing the timetable of the current teacher or class...

1 Modify the heights of rows or widths of columns
In each printout, you can drag the lines between the timetable, header and footer: In some reports, you can also drag the FIRST line that divides the first row or column. Why only in some reports? Because a report be set to fit to page width or page height...

1 Import students' course(seminar) selections from clipboard(Excel) - Method 1
1. Open your excel file and select the data, press CTRL-C: You can use this excel file for tests, or you can add your data into this excel file. If you keep the column names, the software can recognize the columns automatically. 2...

1 What is cloud generator?
... You can monitor the progress of the generation in your mobile phone: You can enjoy spending your time with your kids or fiance on the beach, while computers somewhere in datacenter will do your work faster...

1 What's new in version 2015
Dear users Thank you for your continuing interest and great feedback we receive from you. It is important for us to make the software better...

1 Verify just one class/teachers/subject
If you want to show problems of just one class or teachers in the current timetable you can right click on its/his row headers and select "Verification"...

1 Certain longer lessons can be over all breaks
Once you have created breaks between periods in this way all double (and longer) lessons are forbidden to be overt this break by default. If there is such long lesson placed in the timetable already, it will be displayed with the red strip and you will see the note in Verification...

1 Teacher's constraints
In this dialog you can do these things: 1. and 3. Limit number of windows in timetable for the teacher and The teacher cannot have 3 windows in one day. See: 2. Limit number of days during which teacher can teach. See: 4. Maximum number of transits between the buildings per day. See: 5...

1 How to print timetables with school's logo
If you wish to print also school's logo on every printed timetable, you can add it in print preview - Design - Print logo - Browse and select the path to the image file with your school's logo...

1 How can I modify the print-out design?
Just press right mouse button in Print preview and select Edit design: You will immediatelly see the current design in Edit mode. Each object in the design is displayed in blue rectangle: You can: 1. Click to select an object and drag it to another location 2...

1 Basic data
Using menu Options/Settings or in Wizard step 1, you can enter the following data: 1. Name of your school 2. Academic year 3. Days for which you are going to create the timetable (if your school also teaches on Saturday, it is necessary to include Saturday in the list). 4...

1 Teacher can teach max 2 periods per day in one class
... This means that this rule is applied to each class where each selected teacher is teaching separatelly...

1 0.5 lessons
... Note: This solution may be applied on any type of school, where there are predefined positions for whole lessons and predefined positions for 0...

1 Classroom capacities
... Specify it ONLY for rooms where you are expecting the problems...

1 Multi term timetables
... Once you have said you are using terms, you can see a combobox where you can select a term you want to see: And for each lesson you can define the term when this lesson can be...

1 Blocked part of the day
It is of course possible to block any part of the day to any number of objects in the timetable. However, let's look at this timeoff: Teacher Einstein can teach the whole week, except for Thursday. But somehow he can teach the 9th lesson on Thursday...

1 Function "Rearranging students in seminar groups
...where already some seminar cards are placed and the only reason why it is not possible to place card to this position is that some students belonging to this seminar have education at this time...

1 Double lesson cannot be over certain breaks
... Using this cardrelationship you can precisely define which subjects, what days, lessons etc: Adding this constraint will prevent any double lesson from crossing the break between 2nd and 3rd period, but only on Wednesday-Friday: Note the "opions button" where you can define that this...

1 How can I define that teacher can have max 3 consecutive periods(but he can have 2 doubles)
...Then you need to specify that teacher can have max 3 consecutive lessons where there are both single and doubles mixed: Notes: in both cardrelationships you might want to select relevant subjects, so that for example teachers preparation time and lunch are not counted into the consecutive periods ...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
... This is not the place where you specify teacher that will teach girls at the same time ... By typing the starting letter you can find requested subject faster...

1 Is it possible to print consecutive single lessons as one lesson?
Yes, there is a global setting in menu Options/Customize the software: When check the software will print all consecutive single lesson as one longer lesson. Notes: - this applies to printouts only. The timetable displayed in the software will show two single lessons...

1 Class - constraints
For each class you can set core constraints. In dialog "Classes", select the class and click on the button "Constrains". The dialog "Class details" will appear: In this dialog you can: A: You can allow the class to arrive on second period...

1 What’s new in version 2009
... We have also added smaller improvements into UI wherever we though it will make your work easier...

1 What’s new in version 2018
What’s new in aSc TimeTables 2018 aSc TimeTables online Yes, that’s correct - it is now possible to create the timetable from your browser. You can input the data, move cards around, verify, test and even generate the timetables online...

1 Homework preparation
... You can avoid situations where a class would have one 'easy' day, e...

1 Testing card relationships
You can test also individual card relationships: You can do this by right clicking in the upper left corner of the timetable, then choosing "Test - Card relationships" and choose one of the relationships...

1 I get error message: design file is missing on this computer
If you create a new design on one PC this design is not available on another PC. You can either copy the whole folder c:\timetables\designs\designname from one PC to another. Or you can remove the design from your timetable, so that all timetables are printed in standard layout...

1 Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule
If you have some activities that each teacher shall do, but you want to add them AFTER the timetable is created, you can use "temporary subjects". This solution is good, if you do not know how many special lessons - without class - each teacher will have...

1 We have teacher who teaches only 2 days per week and it doesn't matter which
You can use option Teachers - select the teacher - Constraints. Program will then choose the most suitable days within the given number: Note: If you specified days precisely, be careful not to specify other teachers similarly...

1 Subject has to be in consecutive weeks/terms
If you have a subject that has to be in 2 consecutive terms(it cannot be in term 1 and then in term4) you can input this cardrelationship: So you define that lesson as 2 times in "Any term" and add the above constraint...

1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
... If you have a timetable where this section will be on every day(in the given term), then instead of 5, you have to input E for everyday...

1 How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
You can add this advanced cardrelationship: Notes: - you can select the teachers and select only the teachers that have enough lessons - as usual: add this constraint only when you can already generate the timetable without it - in some timetables this constraint might not work...

1 We also teach on Saturdays = We have 6 days cycle.
You can set 6 days in menu "School - Number of days". If you are using day's names, then the sixth day will be automatically named accordingly (e.g. if your timetable starts on "Monday", then the new day will be automatically named as "Saturday")...

1 How to print reports for DayA/DayB? (available in version 2009)
If your school has DayA/DayB timetable, you can define these special days in the Day definition dialog, see above...

1 I need to move all lessons within a day
... A dialog appears where you can input two parameters: 1...

(move lessons, advanced functions)

1 Choosing teachers for room supervision.
Before selecting teachers for supervisions, it is necessary to create all duties in this way: Then you can choose a teacher for room supervision by clicking on supervision time in "Room supervision" view. Popup menu will show all teachers available for supervision during this time...

1 What are classes (grade levels).
In aSc Timetables by "the class" we understand a group of students, with mostly the same timetable during a school year . E.g. - all students in the 5th grade are divided into six classes - 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F...

1 How can I sort teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms?
You can use the two small buttons in the right-bottom corner of teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms list box to reorder items in the list. Just click on the item you wish to reposition in the list and use the up/down arrows to move it to the desired position...

(sorting, order,)

1 Subject - Constraints
For each subject you can set some basic constraints. In dialog "Subjects", select the subject and click on the button "Constrains". The dialog "Constraints - Subject" will appear: In this dialog you can: A: Set that the subject requires Homework preparation...

1 What's new in version 2008
Dear aSc TimeTables users thank you for your support and your interest in our software. aSc TimeTables are now used in 114 countries and we are very glad to receive many praises. We are also grateful for your suggestions as they are necessary for further improvements...


1 Where do I find my timetable?
Click the "Timetable" tile on the main page. There are 4 available views. The first view displays the up to date timetable for the current day including changes from the substitution, school events, canceled lessons, etc. In this view you can see homeworks/exams assigned for the lessons...

1 Where do I find the topics already taught?
Click on the Curriculum tile and select the subject. The lessons taught last display. If there are any materials for students, click on the lesson and the materials will display...

1 Where do I find teacher's materials from previous years?
...Bellow the actual courses you can find courses from previous years: Choose the plan topic you would like to browse...

1 How to change the language of your application?
... Find the "Settings" at the end of the list...


1 Where do I find the topics already taught?
Click on the Curriculum tile and select the subject. The lessons taught last display. If there are any materials for students, click on the lesson and the materials will display...

1 Where can I view the results from submitted homework or test in the application?
Click on the "Results" tile and select the relevant assignment. To display the correct answer to a "fill in the gap" question, hold your finger on the answer...

1 Student - How to submit HW with attached file
... Find the message about the homework in your notifications...


1 Where to find the results of a survey
Select "Communication" in the left menu. Then select the Registration/Surveys option. Select "Manage actions". Click on the three dots next to the survey you want to see the results of. Select Results. The results are displayed in three different tables/charts...

1 Where do I find a list of saved Awards/Certificates
...find the list of saved Awards and Certificates in the 'History' section at the top of the page You can see the icon of different colour in the last column of listed certificates...

1 Where can the student/parent find the list of items found?
The list of found items is in the "Lost and found" module. In the mobile application open the left menu, scroll to the "Other" section and select "Lost and found". The parents and the students can see a list of items found...

1 Divided lesson does not display correctly in the class register
To display divided lessons correctly in the class register, the course has to be linked with the name of the course in the timetable. Courses, which include all students of the selected class are linked automatically...

1 How do I access my preparations during the lesson
Select Timetable in the mobile application. In the timetable slide the tile of the lesson to the left. Your notes and other preparations for the selected topic appear. If you do not yet have any preparations, you can add/create them easily...

1 How to display only students from one group in the class register
At first, create a course and select the relevant students. To display divided classes correctly in the Class register, link the created course with the title of the course in the Timetable. Courses that include all students of a class are linked automatically...

1 Why do the students see courses they do not attend in their timetable?
If the students or their parents complain that their timetable displays courses they do not attend, or that the class register displays two different courses, then the school has probably not selected the students in divided courses properly...

1 Divided and joined classes
You can select the students you teach while creating the course at the beginning of the school year. This can also be done by the administrator, but the teacher usually has a better insight into what students attend his/her lesson. To add a course, press "+" Select a subject, class...

1 How can I print results from action?
...The results will be exported to a spreadsheet where you can print them...

1 Courses with bell icon
At the beginning of the school year the teachers has to create courses they teach. If a timetable has already been published, EduPage will make it easier for the teacher to create courses by preparing a list of courses the teacher should teach according to the timetable...

1 Teacher - Why do I not see the course for school club/interest group in class register?
To display your courses for school club and interest groups in the class register, it is important to add them into your personal timetable. The scheduled time of your school club or interest group can be added when creating the course, or at a later stage...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
Select "Timetable" in the mobile app. View your weekly timetable (second view). Select the lesson. Tap on the Select from the plan and select the topic from the list. The selected topic will be registered as topic planned. After the lesson it will be automatically marked as taught...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
Tap the "Timetable" tile in the EduPage mobile application. If your school uses aScTimetables, your timetable for the specific day will display. If your school uses Substitutions, you will also see the lessons you should substitute.Tap on the desired lesson...

1 How to print a test with student's answers?
... You can find the results in EduPage at any time...

1 Creating degree courses
Degree course is a special type of course, as the list of students registered for the degree course is input by the administrator directly in the timetabling process...

1 Teacher - Class register - first steps
... Find more about students' attendance in the following instructions: 3...

1 Fastest way to input lesson topic
Select Timetable in the EduPage mobile app. Slide the tile with the lesson to the left and click to select a topic form the plan...

1 Lost and found - overview
... The students and their parents can see the list of found items and location where they can pick them up...

1 How to create new test ?
... Where can you search for suitable question cards? In the EduPage library(Standard) ... When you find the suitable question, select it and press "Add to Material"...

1 Two teachers teach a subject divided into groups in one class. What about the plan?
If two teachers have a class divided into two groups, foreign languages for example, we advise each teacher to create a separate course with a separate plan. Otherwise the teachers will mutually rewrite the lessons taught in the plan...

1 I have found an item. How do I enter it in the list of found items?
... Fill in the information abou the item found, add a photo and select the location where the owner can pick it up...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
A warning sign next to a course in Electronic Class register indicates a problem with the course...

1 Fastest way to record students' attendance
Select Timetable in the mobile app. Slide the lesson tile to the right. Mark the absent students by taping their name. Tap again, if you made a mistake. To input late arrival, hold your finger on the student's icon and select the right data. Save your changes...

1 What is a course? How to create it?
What is a course? If you teach Mathematics in 5.A, the course is a combination of the subject (Mathematics) and the class you teach this subject (5.A) to...

1 How to enter variants of the correct answer on 'Type in' question card
... If you can not find the square brackets and the semicolon on your keyboard, click the icon 'Insert answer box to the text': Enter the variants of the correct answer and click 'Insert' to save...

1 'Select category' question card
... This type of question card is suitable when elaborating the assignment on mobile where dragging may be difficult for students but it is easier for the teacher to sort the options to the categories when creating the question card rather than creating the 'Select the correct answer'...

1 I teach both students' groups in one class. Should I create one or two courses?
If you teach a subject to two students' groups in one class and they display this way in the timetable, we advise you to create separate course for each students' group. Each students' group will have their teaching plan, you can follow the plan in a different pace in each group...

Timetable Generation - TimeTables

1 Generation has finished and the program tells me it had to relax some constraints.
In case you have allowed constraints relaxation before the generation it is possible that you will see this dialog at the end of the generation: What does it mean? It simply means that computer was able to put all lessons into the timetable but it had to relax some of your constraints...

1 Multiprocessor generation (dual-core...)
Some of modern PC computers contain special kind of processor called DUAL-CORE processor (or multi-core). Processor is central part of computer that does most of the computation...

1 Testing was sucessfull, but the generation fails
1. Try to generate on higher complexity 2. Try to generate with relaxed constraints to see what kind of constraints had to be relaxed, and then relax them. 3. You can also try to test bigger parts of the timetable...

1 Checking and generation
opisat funkciu /pozri helpy "whats...

Sharing the timetable - TimeTables

1 How can I create my TimeTables online web page?
Creating your Timetables online web page is easy. All you need to do is to go to menu: Main/Timetables online: UserName/name of your webpage First you can choose the name of your web page. Choose some easy name that will represnt your school...

Testing the timetable - TimeTables

1 Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
You can test multiple classes/teachers/classrooms/subjects/students this way: First go to corresponding view (Whole/Teachers/Classrooms/Subjects/Students). Then select rows that you wish to test. You can do it by clicking on row headers...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
Insert text here ....

Working with timetable - TimeTables

1 Moving the cards manually
... Red means occupied position (the position in which the teacher is assigned somewhere else), C...

1 Right-click on row headers
Once you right click on the row headers you will see the context menu: Here you can quickly: A - Test the selected item. See: B - Open dialogs for item's details, time-offs, constraints, lessons and in case of classes also divisions...

1 Working with classrooms
The generator automatically assigns the classrooms and also while manually moving the cards the classrooms are automatically assigned...

1 Classroom view
Classroom view is a special view because when you move cards in this view, then only the classrooms are changed. The positions of the cards are not changed...

1 Working with days in the main view
By default, the software shows all the days on the main screen, usually from Monday to Friday. If you for example want to see only one day, you can do this in the days combobox...

1 How can I filter cards displayed in the list on uplaced cards
You can right click in the bottom part with unplaced cards. Then you can select the Filter option...

1 What does the stripes on the cards mean?
The software might show stripe of varios color on card to indicate: White stripe – cards that are placed but they do not have a classroom assigned yet Red stripe - placed a card in a not allowed position Purple stripe - visual indications for cards that are over capacity ...

1 Related timetables
You may activate the function "related timetables" in menu View - Related timetables. You may use the shortkey Ctrl+R. A new lightgrey panel will display above the timetables:: This panel shows timetables related to the card you are currently holding...

1 Changing the look of the timetable on the screen
It can happen, that by mistake you have selected, that default day for each new lesson shall be specific day - e.g. Wednesday. This can be changed in menu "Options - Customize the stoftware - User interface - Default values"...

Student based timetable - TimeTables

1 How can I input students picks
Before adding students requests you need to: - add all students into your timetable - - create subjects/courses which students can choose from - Once the above is done you can add all students requests for chosen subjects...

1 How to input seminar lessons
Before creating seminar lessons, please see following article to fully understand the main difference between the common lesson (for entire class or group) and the seminar lesson: Note If you have already added the students and their requests...

1 How can I assign students to groups manually
... The PRO version can change the students during the generation so it may find out its good to divide the students into same groups for both subjects...

1 Student can have max 3 gaps per day
1. First you need to allow discontinout layout so that the software can create the gaps. By default the software will not create any gap. 2...

1 How can I display capacities and students counts on the cards?
The software now shows the count of students on cards. Also in lesson grid. It is possible to display also room capacity. So it is possible to see 30/31 or just 30...

1 Student choices - Importance
For each student's request you can specify the "importance" of this request. During the generation the software then makes sure that student receives the more important subjects while the lower important subjects might even be dropped...

1 Student's can select/request courses at our school
toto je prakticky už napísané pri "čo sú semináre"... nejak to tam zahrň a toto vymaž, alebo prerob na iny článok - že v rozvhru môžu byť kombinované rôzne prístupy rozdeľovania študentov - teda, cele triedy, delené hodiny, semináre.....