
1 Test says there is some problem. What next?
... see this article: When the test fails ... it will report the item which was not able to generate and it will offer you some options that will help you to find and resolve the problem:...

1 Checking and Fixing example
... Tests says there is a problem with 5A ... Test shows us what ... You obviously have to allow some other classrooms for these divided lessons ... problem....

1 Testing card relationships
...test also individual card relationships: ... which can help you understand whether the card relationship does what you want or if there is some problem with it...

1 Analyze the timetable by Extended tests
...test your timetable but the full generation still fails ... what could be the problem ... problem. ... - this extended test can take a very long time on some timetables ... says...

1 Constraints relaxation
...some constraints in order to fully generate the timetable ... It can help you with identifying what can be the problem with your timetable and which constraints are probably too hard ... If you generate your timetable with relaxation turned on, there is a higher chance that timetable will be generated...

1 Teacher cannot teach in two different classes in one day
... depending on what you really need ... This rule says that any card that matches the conditions on the left side cannot be at the same day as any card that matches the conditions on the right side...

1 Divided cards are placed on too many positions in class XY
... There are some positions in the timetable where all students must have lesson, e...

1 Timetable files - making backups, problems opening files, etc...
... please download and install latest version from our web site ... sk and we will check what can be the problem ... sk and we will check what can be the problem. ... I can open the file, but there are some data missing in it: In most cases...

1 Analyze the timetable by generation
... On some ... This timetable passed the test ... white cards have caused no problem. We can see that there is a group of red cards in classes 704...

1 How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
... This helps in some special cases when you want different texts printed in the timetable then the original one...

1 Advisor - No lessons for certain period
... Either you have to allow some subjects or you need to block this period also in the timeoff of the class ... Then the software will know there is no period at that slot:...

1 Education block - Checking of gaps in class timetables
... Education block is term used to describe time range when some class has to have education ... These are only cases when it is possible that there will be a problem with the education block ... Real problem occurs when program says that there is some problem with timetable of class, and you think that this timetable is ok...

1 Why to test the timetable?
... This first test ... if there are not some basic mistakes...

(basic test)

1 A good way to generate your timetable
...Here are some 'best practice' procedures to follow when generating your timetable: 1 ... Test the timetable before the first generation ... The draft timetable is good to use to check if the timetable is basically what you expect to produce; if the groups are matching etc...

1 Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
...says ... - use change teachers if this shall apply to only some teachers...

1 Optimizing the room usage for students
... depending on what is important to you: 1 ... Once you have some ... One that says at least one lesson in better room, second that at least 2 lessons in better room...

1 Working with Seminar lessons in your timetable.
...there are few differences: The first difference is in the way of displaying the cards ... In most of the cases lesson is displyed as one horizontal stripe but in some cases it is shown as more stripes, for example as lesson SPS on the picture is shown as two stripes...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
... then what ... This will fix above mentioned problem, but it is useful also in some other situations: for 2 weeks timetable it will show correct week timetable ... if there is a holiday on a day...

1 Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
...test multiple classes/teachers/classrooms/subjects/students this way: First go to corresponding view (Whole/Teachers/Classrooms/Subjects/Students) ... Then right-click on some selected row header and choose Test...

1 How can I test just some lessons, for example all double lessons or all PE lessons
...test if you can put some group of lessons into the timetable...

1 I cannot see seminar lessons in class's timetable
...there is no student from this class assigned for given seminar ... The solution of this situation is either to sign some student from this class to this seminar or erase this lesson from teacher's contract...

1 Modify the heights of rows or widths of columns
... header and footer: In some reports, you can also drag the FIRST line that divides the first row or column ... IF there are more rows...

1 Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
... while there are no students inputted in your Timetable, or there is no such information in divisions for classes...

1 Function "Rearranging students in seminar groups
...some ... Program rearranges students just between so called seminar groups - seminars where there is more lessons of the same seminar subject ... It is possible to set limits what maximum difference from optimal number of students in group is allowed...

1 What does the dialog displayed while the generation is in progress mean?
... If the generation algorithm was not able to put some ... It can give you a clue what the software had problems with and you can react ... Note that there is lifebar at the top of the card...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
... the software may provide you with a timetable and based on what ... some broken constraints ... that there should be at least two free days between these two lessons ... New test for bigger timetables...

1 Generate draft timetable
... This is very usefull, because it makes no sense to generate complete timetable with all the inputted constraints if there is some basic problem in the input...

1 What's new in version 2012
... but there are new things in both Timetables and Timetables Online as well ... but now there is direct way to specify that some rooms are used by certain subjects or teachers: ... So the test ... New dialog now provides more detailed information about what timetable are you using on which day...

1 We have 3 lessons per week and they shall be in the same classroom
... Add advanced cardrelationship that says that Bio lesson in any class can occupy max 1 classroom per week:...

1 Lessons for specific subjects can be over lunch free period
... if there are subjects, which you consider, that can be during this free periods (e ... g some art courses)...

(lunch, subjects constraints,)

1 Each teacher shall have one or two free afternoon
...Basically it says, teacher can have max 3 days with lessons on the positions marked on the time map ... - same condition can be defined for mornings, again just change the map - you can select only some teachers that shall be considered...

1 Our teachers have substitution duty lessons, we need min 2 at each period
... Then add this card relationship: You can mark some periods in the timeoff map ... On other periods there may be just one, or none...

1 Do not print some breaks or periods in some classes (or teachers or in summary timetables)
...Now, if you check the printouts, you will see, that there will be always only one break but on different positions...

1 Our school works in two shifts, some classes come in the morning, some in the afternoon
If it is already decided which classes come in the morning and which in the afternoon, then you simply need to modify the time-off of the classes: You may need to raise the number of periods per day in menu Main/School...

1 Additional data synchronisation
...some time of the school year ... If there are more subjects with divisions into student groups, we advise linking more subjects from Timetable to one EduPage subject...

1 How to correctly set number of lesson per week
... (See: ) In the following cases we will show you, what it means in combination with lessons length ... So, for our case (5 per week) it means, that there will be some days without Math...

1 How can I define lessons that can be outside teaching block(in the afternoon)?
...some subjects that can or has to be in the afternoon you can add this cardrelationship: Now the selected subjects can for example be on 8th period, while normal teaching ends at 5th period...

1 Testing was sucessfull, but the generation fails
... Try to generate with relaxed constraints to see what kind of constraints had to be relaxed, and then relax them ... You can also try to test bigger parts of the timetable ... The Test tests just one item at time, however sometimes problems are not linked just to single class/teacher...

1 How to combine lessons of two divisions of class on one position?
...some situations at your school to combine lessons of different divisions on one position ... How to solve this situation? Basically there are two options:...

1 Delete all unplaced cards
... but there are still some cards that are not placed in timetable and you want to remove all those cards from timetable completely...

1 Printing different bell times for school sections/days
... In case you have diffent bells in some parts of the school or on some days ... this can happen when there is different bell times on some day...

1 Advisor - More lessons than days
... However for some schools this is not exactly what was needed, there can be two problems with this input...

1 My lessons are not placed in classrooms/Adding classrooms into created timetable
... However, it can happen that some cards placed in your timetable are placed without proper classroom assigned ... There are three ways how this can happen: ... The above cases will leave some of your cards with white stripes: What now? 1...

1 Biology in 5A has to be only on Wednesday (or Biology cannot be on Wednesday)
...Basically it says you want 0 periods of biology in 5A on the marked days ... Notes: - this approach is better then locking, because there are 7 different positions the Bio can end up on Friday - you could have created a new subject called "BioFriday" and set the time-off...

1 I want to have periods running from top to bottom, not from left to right
There is one central setting that can swap the layout of timetables for ALL printouts ... You can define what shall be printed in rows and colums more precisely in the topic Modify the structure of the printout...

1 Teachers can not teach more than 3 consecutive periods without counting Planning time
... However, if there are some lessons for subject (usually Planning time) which you wish to exclude from this count of 3...

1 We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution1)
...some schools that use different recess times for various parts of school, e ... This solution solves problem for classes, but there is still problem with teachers who teach in both parts of school...

1 What’s new in version 2018
... You can input the data, move cards around, verify, test and even generate the timetables online ... If your Edupage is already created and you have uploaded some ... The software will show you what ... Ok, so are there any new features in the aSc Timetables application? Yes:...

1 What is cloud generator?
... while computers somewhere in datacenter will do your work faster ... It is clever On the PC is up to you to decide what parameters will be used for each generation...

1 What is shared classroom?
... When creating or editing classrooms, you can specify that some of them are 'Shared room': Later ... There is no need to select all these rooms everytime...

1 Comparing timetables
There are two options how to compare your timetable files ... It can be useful especially when you make some changes manually and you want to see what you have changed since last save...

1 I want to have Math lessons in a class on the same period every day
...some subjects must be on the same period every day ... Just add a card relationship that says 'Subject must be on the same period each day': Note: if you specify more subjects...

1 What are classes (grade levels).
... Then each class can be further divided into smaller groups for some specific subjects (like Physical education is probably divided into "boys/girls") ... See this article for better understanding the difference: US high schools - Grades If there are no clear groups of kids that have similar schedules, then you can just input entire grade as one class...

1 What's new in version 2010
Timetables online Timetables online is a web-based extension of the timetabling application. It offers several features that will help you with sharing the timetables, online backups, teachers daily plans, publishing substitution information and more...

1 What’s new in version 2017
... Extended tests Now the extended tests can run different tests also on selections based on teachers ... So if there is a group of several teachers that can create deadlock in your timetable ... (when for example some...

1 What's new in version 2014
... New feature Analyze by extended tests The basic test tries to generate single objects ... It is then easier to find what the actual problem is, because you only deal with small part of your timetable ... You will then know there is no problem with other constraints, just 2 teachers and their timeoffs...

1 What’s new in version 2021
... Extended tests were improved The software now checks for more problems in your timetable and it checks for them in better order ... if your timetable contains some unsolvable part, the extended tests shall find it faster...

(new version)

1 What's new in version 2015
... This feature is ideal if you need to add some extra duties or preparation time to teachers after the generation and their count depends on the actual timetable ... We are constantly trying to improve the software so if there is anything do not hesitate to contact us...

1 What's new in version 2013
... There is now hardly a country in the world without aSc TimeTables users ... Importance of constraints For some constraints you can set the importance directly when you specifying this constraint...

1 What’s new in version 2020
... what parameters and complexity to use etc ... It has some ... Extended test was improved...

1 What's new in version 2008
Dear aSc TimeTables users thank you for your support and your interest in our software. aSc TimeTables are now used in 114 countries and we are very glad to receive many praises. We are also grateful for your suggestions as they are necessary for further improvements...

1 What’s new in version 2022
... It is clever On the PC is up to you to decide what parameters will be used for each generation ... Improved sorting of the cardrelationships and it is possible to put some background colors to keeps them in order ... You can also test them separately or in groups, to see if they are giving required results...

1 What’s new in version 2016
... It asks some basic questions about your school ... For example teacher can teach two different subjects at the same lesson if there are very few students signed in ... the teachers can assign tests, kids do do online tests directly on their mobiles, it is possible to view payments and more...

1 What's new in version 2007
... For some tasks this feature is extremely helpful...

1 What’s new in version 2009
... Improved verification The verification now groups the items in case there are many similar problems...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
... Please, see this: However, in some more complicated cases, you will need to input lessons as seminars (or courses)...

1 What’s new in version 2019
... You can change the rooms even in the already generated timetable, you may want to change some optimal rooms to normal – perhaps to further make sure they are used more often ... Substitutions online now allow the absent teacher to sent instructions to the covering teachers, so that he knows what to do with his students...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
...some questions ... if there is no mistake 3...

1 How can I select what printout will be printed?
...A print preview appears and you can select what shall be printed in the combo box: Once you select the report you can move between all pages via button Previous Page, Next Page ...

1 What happens when I change school type?
You can change the school type combo box. Standard – uses group based generator. If you have inputted students they must be assigned to the seminar groups(sections) before the generation and they remain in the assigned group during the generation...

1 What happens when I cancel the generation?
... If you have relaxation allowed it generates until all cards are placed, but may need to break some constraints ... This option will not give you timetable, but you will have most of the cards placed which can give you some idea on what is going on in your timetable...

1 What does the complexity of generation mean?
... For some complex timetables it might be needed to use these complexities ... - Do not forget to test your timetable before generating ... - It is not a good idea to use large and huge settings before you are quite convinced that there are no mistakes in the basic data and you have inputted realistic constraints...

1 What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE
Export to Smartschool system You can export your published timetable to Smartschool See: Change the structure of the printed layouts Even without entering into print preview...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2023
... # 11 - There cannot be lesson in one day in A positions and lesson on the next day in B positions - with gap parameter" ... New in Substitution Join classes Longtime substitution of supervisions To download latest PC version...

1 What do the colors in lesson grid mean?
... Group 1) has this subject (other part might have some other subject displayed in different column) ... 6) In case there is no teacher yet assigned to the subject, it is shown in pink color...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2025
... Max number of buildings per week Max number of classrooms per all weeks Test multiple cardrelationships You can select and test more cardrelationships at once...

1 Children can come to the school on second period, but only once per week
... Then you can limit how many times this will happen by advanced card relationship that says that class has to have at least 4 lessons on period 1:...

1 What if 2 specific subjects must be taught simultaneously?
... OK, but the software puts Math there instead of Spanish! In this case you have to use another division for math lessons ... See: If you do not want to have English alone at the end of the day and Spanish alone at the end of some other day...

1 What is room supervision and how to input it?
...some schools, children need to be supervised by a teachers during a break times in particular areas of the school (e ... Initially, there will be no teacher assigned for supervisions, so they are shown as a grey squares with question mark in it...

1 What does the time map in advanced cardrelationships mean?
... it says that each teacher can have max one day per week with lessons placed on 6-10...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
... - If there are data already stored on edupage ... with note if there are some differences C: the unrecognized data will remain unlinked, and you can link them manually before publishing...

1 Modifying the structure of the printouts
... However, there might be situations where you need bigger changes ... In order to create this report, all you need is click Modify Current and change what shall be displayed at the left side: If you want the same report but periods at the left side and terms at the top...

1 How to ensure that teacher starts teaching with 1st or 2nd period (he cannot start later than 2nd)
...- in some timetables this constraint might not work ... when you for example have much more teacher's than classes there will not be enough early positions to place all the teachers...

1 0.5 lessons
...some schools, there are some lessons with length half of period...

1 Cloud generator
... The cloud generator is especially useful if you are not sure how to generate your timetable, what parameters to use or if you simply have a very complicated timetable ... If however it takes longer or it finds some issues...

1 Can I export the lessons, teachers, subjects to MS Excel?
... You can select what you want to be exported: The most usefull is probably to export contracts ... Please note that there are several sheets: Notes: - you can import these exports back to aSc TimeTables...

1 Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
... If you do not want to affect all lessons, you can leave the timeoff empty and define advanced cardrelationships like: The cardrelationship says that there can be max 0 - meaning no biology lesson on the marked periods in the selected classes(5a/5b)...

1 We have different bells on some days.
...some days schools have an abbreviated teaching (usually in Fridays) or simply some periods have different timing (start-end) on some days...

1 Double lessons appear to be doubled in the timetable, what is wrong?
... it means that there are two lessons and each of them has duration 2 periods, and this is 4 periods together...

1 Double lesson cannot be over certain breaks
... See here: However in some cases you need more precise specification ... Using this cardrelationship you can precisely define which subjects, what days...

1 Contract planning in Lesson grid
... List of teachers will be (re)sorted every time you select some lesson in grid ... Green number means that there are still some lesson left to fill the contract...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
... the system will check the names of your teachers and if you have added some new teachers into the timetable it will only add those ... Then in the second step you can specify what shall be visible for public and what for logged in users...

1 Generation has finished and the program tells me it had to relax some constraints.
...What does it mean? It simply means that computer was able to put all lessons into the timetable but it had to relax some of your constraints...

1 Advisor - These teachers have to teach in too many classes at the same time
... Then we want to create some free lessons for teachers ... It means, that for these three classes, there are only two teachers available for teaching on this period...

1 What does the stripes on the cards mean?
...Blue stripe - this subject has some pending students...

1 What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?
... Lets suppose you specify condition max 1 Math or Geom per day: Now lets see what each apply to option will mean: ... There can be max 1 Math or Geom lesson per day in whole school ... If you specify some teachers in the filter, only these teachers are considered...

1 Lesson requires more classrooms
... However there are some classes that have many boys and they require both A and B Sections...

1 How can I modify what public (users without password) can see?
... There you can specify, what users without password can see by selecting timetables you wish to be visible for public access...

1 Both groups have to finish the education at the same time!
... However if some teacher has to go to lunch with children then this behaviour is probably not acceptable for you, because you will need two teachers for escorting children to lunch each day(one for each group)...

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
By default the software tries to create a timetable for each class that starts with 1st lesson. It also calculates the average lessons per day and tries to balance the lessons put per each day...

1 Blocked part of the day
... In most real life situations this is not what the user wanted to input, so the software reports this as a warning ... This cannot be achieved because on Thursday there is only one free slot for Math in 1A and Math in 1B ... but the generator can decide which ones: or if you need some free afternoons for your teachers - let the software decide which ones:...

1 What is 0th period (zero period)?
... Possible usages: - create some "assembly lessons" that will happen before the 1st period - allow certain subjects to be placed here...

1 Export to XML
... There are 3 types of export ... 2) Configured export - here you can configure what will be exported ... when users add/remove some objects from timetable or change their values)...

1 Advisor - Teachers have many blocked days
... Suddenly there is a problem in the timetable ... Since the software cannot decide this for you - you need to tell the software what is acceptable solution on your school...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
... Please see, what aSc TimeTables means by "classes": ... some chemistry or biology laboratories, gym, ...

(first step, new timetable)

1 The children cannot finish after 8th period, there is no bus after period 8 on our school...
... Answer: Please go to menu Specification/Card relationships/Advanced and set the cardrelationship as on this picture: Now you have entered constraint that when there is a lesson on period 8, there must be also lesson on period 9 (because there must be at least two periods on 8-9, or 8-9 must be ...

1 Why some of the periods are not displayed in print preview?
Most common cause is, that you have selected, that this (or these) period shall be printed only in one of the bells. Set it back to be printed in "All bells"...

1 Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?
...some classrooms on the cards in your printed reports, it can have these main causes: 1...

1 Spreading lessons on different periods each day
... This will ensure that there is max 1 Math (or some other selected subject) on each period...

1 ID numbers in import/export
What does asterisk in ID number means? When exporting from aSc Timetables to XML file ... If you want to get some real id numbers exported, you need to configure so called "idprefix" ... "> Note: There...

1 Two teachers cannot teach at the same time
... However if you really have two independent teachers, and you do not want them to teach at the same time, you can define advanced cardrelationship that says max 1 card on each position:...

1 There can be two maths on one day, but not consecutivelly
... then there will be two math lessons on one day...

1 How to create the first TimeTable ONLINE
... See, what ASC Timetables means by "classes": Create all classrooms in your school's building ... some chemistry or biology laboratories, gym, ...

1 How can I define lesson without class? Eg. Teacher's meeting or preparation time
... Lessons without class can be used to specify some activities for teachers only...

(without class, teachers' meeting, )

1 Education block - allow some classes to come later or to leave school earlier.
... but not later than after 9th period: Exactly the same way can be used to specify that some children can come later to the school ... A can come to the school at latest on the 3rd lesson (they cannot come later, but they can come anytime sooner): Please note that this not necessarily apply to the whole class...

(manually set educational block,)

1 Starting the generation
... it is a good idea to test it every time before the generation...

1 Verification of timetable
... When you click on any line the affected cards are colorized in the timetable so that you can immediately locate the problem. On the left from these errors you may find some more information about the current error as well as buttons Settings or Help...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
... Input emails In the fourth step you can edit or add the teacher's emails: Confirm In the final step you can review the recipients and you can also add some comments for them...

1 Digital screen
... no other user will be able to see it -Password - to open screen from some computer, you will be prompted to input password ... There are advanced settings...

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
... Please, see this help topic: Substitution online In case that there were changes in your timetable during a school year, which refer to specific date (e ... teachers change, or some courses ended, ...

1 There can be two math lessons on one day, but they need to be placed consecutivelly
If you have 6 math lessons per 5 day week, then two will be on one day...

1 Export to Smartschool
... If you want to export partititions, your group names in Edupage must match (case-insestive) with a value of some partition ... There are no "partition name" fields in aSc Timetables...


1 Advisor - special classrooms are not defined
... But many times this is not what you wanted...

1 We have the same timetable each day in given term or week
... What you need to do is to show the days combobox see above and then pick Days merged: ... Note: you still can have some lessons that are on different positions each day...

1 We need one free Math teacher for every period in week
... when there are 5 Math teachers in your school and you wish to ensure that there always be at least one of these teachers free on every period (e...

1 How to specify lessons where students are joined from two classes?
... In case you want to combine only some students of the class (for example only group "Boys") then you need to select field "Group" for each class ... There are 8 slots to quick selection...

1 Pending students view
... the only difference is that here you can see only the students that had some picks left out...

1 Related timetables
... Note 2: It is possible to lock some rows in related timetables by clicking on row header ... Locked rows will stay there even if they are not related to current card...

1 We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions
... So if you have 30 teachers at your school and you want to make sure there are always 2 free, you put max 28 teachers on one period ... This may or may not be what you wanted...

1 How to change the timetable's name and its dates of validity
... In the new dialog you can change: - the name of the timetable - the school year - the state of the timetable - the note - the dates of validity "From - To" Confirm changes with "OK" Note: - If you are changing the dates of validity, keep in mind, that there should be no pe...

1 Double lesson cannot be on Monday (specific days/periods/part of the day)
... With relation type "Max periods per day" you can simply say, that there can be 0 periods (3...

1 I want to print also teachers' names in timetable printout/ need bigger font size
...what is printed on each card: 1...

(font size, print,)

1 Certain longer lessons can be over all breaks
... If there is such long lesson placed in the timetable already, it will be displayed with the red strip and you will see the note in Verification ... If you wish to specify, that longer lessons can be over just some breaks (e...

1 Teacher cannot have gap of length 2
...- use this only when you have some timetable generated...

1 Multiprocessor generation (dual-core...)
... When to disable multiprocessor generation In some cases it is not practical to use multiprocessor generator:...

1 Export limited to max 10 cards/lessons
... Save your timetable to online version and export: PC windows version: In some export functions (e ... Export to XML), there is a limit of maximum 10 cards or 10 lessons...

1 Our teachers can teach only three different week days in three weeks timetable
... when you have the timetable for more weeks and there are teachers, who teach different lessons in each week (usually some external teachers, or contractors)...

1 Student choices - Importance
... Note: most of the time if you see high importance picks unplaced it is usually because of some problem in the constraints...

1 Editing a lesson
...1) This part shows info about the selection - class and subject (or multiple classes and subjects in case there are multiple cells selected in the grid) 2) Here you can input the lesson count ... See: Note: If you have multiple cells selected, some fields/options in the upper panel may be unavailable depending on the selected combination...

1 Max students for certain seminar lesson
...Note: you can input both minimum and maximum capacity: if you input 10-20 this means that all solution where there are between 10 and 20 students are considered correct for the generator ... It is also possible to input this for all lessons of some subject in subject constraints: Note: Value for subject is used only for lessons where "Lesson capacity" field is left blank...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
... - It is possible to modify the above here: - You can create teachers' accounts by sending them the timetable: Verify - if you use some additional modules in Timetables Online, like Teacher's Daily plan, Class register, Attendance, etc, it is a good idea to also Verify your timetable...

1 How to input Options - each student needs to select one course from Options1 and one from Options2
... what is probably undesirable (but can be easily solved with card relationships) ... See: Note 3: Do not use "empty groups" - it means, that in the case that there is no student ... who picks some subject from options in one of the classes...

1 Lesson can be only once per week in certain classroom
... Unfortunatelly these are not enough to accomodate all your Physical Education lessons, so in some cases you allow the Gym to be in the cellar in the basement...

1 How can I get to Timetables online administration
... Then, there are couple of options how you can open an administration, and you can choose the one, which suits you most in your actual situation ... This can be used, if you are already on some other page and you need to get into Timetables quickly...

1 How can I specify default (usual) classrooms for certain subject?
... However if there is some special PE lesson that do not have this checkbox checked it will remain unchecked...

1 The student’s timetable view
... In this view it means there are other sections of 141 ... (You can change this color coding) So this view is usufull for some final tuning...

1 How can I create co-teached lessons
... use this approach instead: - if teachers switch class after some period, so physically there is always just one teacher...

(assistant, more teachers, co-teaching)


1 How to create new test from prepared questions cards?
...test - VIDEOTUTORIAL Select Standards from top menu and select some of standards ... If there are no question cards prepared...

1 Why is there a red warning sign next to my course icon?
...there is a red warning sign "Select students attending this course" next to your course icon in the list of courses ... Click on the "Select only some students" option and tick only the students that attend your course...

1 Internet connection was dropped during an online test. What about the students' results?
...test results of any of your students have not been saved because of interrupted internet connection or power shortage, there is a solution...

1 What to do, if I want to cancel some of the targets (few registered students)?
...some reasons, follow these steps: Choose Results and select view Results by target...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
... There can be a problem with incorrect link - you have not chosen the right group from the timetable...

1 How to fix card in test (e.g. instructions card)
...test, the teacher can choose to randomize the order of questions ... If there is an instruction card at the beginning of the test, we want that card to remain at the beginning of the test...

1 What is a group of questions and what is it good for?
...test for students, you usually create at least two test variants (group A, group B) to avoid describing students...

1 Results of tests with question groups
...test with question groups...

1 Student experienced power cut/computer breakdown during online test
...test was restricted to 1 attempt and limited duration (online exam), the countdown starts with the first running of the test...

1 How to prepare and print out a test with EduPage test questions
...test questions from the teaching plan or from the standards and press the "Add selected to material" button...

1 I follow the textbook in my lessons. Why should I created preparations in EduPage?
... - for each class you can input what pages and exercises of the textbook you have covered in the lesson ... - you can use the EduPage preparations for your additional notes to the topic, something that you want to remind the students of, or note links to videos or images ... The students can test themselves and see if they have handled the topic well or if they still need to practice...

1 How to create new test ?
...test ... There are materials created by other teachers and shared according to standards ... What information can you see on Assign tab?...

1 Versions of printed tests with question groups
... the students will receive a paper copy of the test and answer the questions in writing ... For some specific types of questions it might be more convenient to fill in the answers in the "Answers by students" tab...

1 A simple way to create a different test for each student and eliminate cheating in online tests
...test variants for students in EduPage ... there will still be only the 5 former questions in the test to choose from ... As every teacher has to evaluate the students work in some way even during distance learning, this instrument enables better justice in testing...

1 The last lesson in the classroom / Teacher
...there are some duties to be taken before leaving the classroom: close the windows, lock the chemicals, lift up and turn the chairs, etc...

1 Teacher - How to prepare a plan for a school club
... Even though there are several activity sections in a school club e...

1 Why students can't change the answers to previously answered questions
...test to the students ... If the settings in the "Results - what...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
Select "Timetable" in the mobile app. View your weekly timetable (second view). Select the lesson. Tap on the Select from the plan and select the topic from the list. The selected topic will be registered as topic planned. After the lesson it will be automatically marked as taught...

1 How to make a test invisible for students?
...test for students in advance...

1 What are official and unofficial courses?
You, as a teacher can prepare your course, input a teaching plan, make preparations, etc. During the preparation phase, mark it as unofficial. Once you are ready, you can specify that this course is official. When students log into their EduPage accounts, they see a list of their courses...

1 How to restrict time, test duration or number of attempts?
...test online, you can restrict the time, test duration and the number of attempts...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
... Assigning homework/exam: Press the "Add new exam / homework / Test" option in the Timetable section...

1 What is a course? How to create it?
What is a course? If you teach Mathematics in 5...

1 How to cancel the curriculum I have already selected from the plan
There are two options: - select another topic from the plan simply by clicking on it - if you don't want to select a different topic from your plan, but want to write the topic manually instead, follow these steps:   Click a topic from the plan you want to cancel...

1 What do I gain by creating groups of similar questions?
... A gorup of questions can be added to a test...

1 Substitute teacher - how to fill curriculum from the absent teacher's plan
...what topics should be covered in the lesson via "Instructions to substituting teacher ... There's no need to wait for the substitutions to be published...

1 The difference between a test assigned 'For practice' and 'For online exam'
...test to students, you can choose between two options: Test 'For Practice': Number of attempts is not restricted ... The autosave of students answers is set to every 2 minutes, therefore the teacher can see the information about the time of the last saved answers...

1 Assigning homework/test over again to selected students
... The system offers 3 options: Return the material to some students so that they can do it again (mark as for rework) ... If date and time for submitting the material had been limited, the selected students can now work on the test outside that timeframe...

1 How to disable displaying questions or correct answers
...test to the students ... To change this default settings, use checkboxes for online tests: There are several possible scenarios bellow:...

1 Why do I see students' incomplete/partial answers while they are working on assignment?
... It helps to get feedback on what answer needs to be more talked over, or which student lags behind and needs individual couching/explanation, ... When the student finishes the test by clicking on the 'Submit' button or the alloted time expires...

1 Changing the classroom
It often happens that you need to teach a lesson in a different classroom from the one you normally teach. Teacher assigns the classroom swap in the class register by clicking on "Change the classroom". Next you choose the preferred classroom...

1 How to send notification to the participants
... Notification for "Round 2 participants": if you cancel some of targets, participants registered for this target can choose again...

1 Two teachers teach a subject divided into groups in one class. What about the plan?
If two teachers have a class divided into two groups, foreign languages for example, we advise each teacher to create a separate course with a separate plan. Otherwise the teachers will mutually rewrite the lessons taught in the plan...

1 Why do the students see courses they do not attend in their timetable?
If the students or their parents complain that their timetable displays courses they do not attend, or that the class register displays two different courses, then the school has probably not selected the students in divided courses properly...

1 What is "a course" good for?
The course is a combination of the subject and the group of students you teach. Creating a new course is very simple ...

1 What can class teachers do in class register?
... For example if some of your colleagues forget to input who was absent on some lessons...

1 What are the topics in "No chapter name" section?
The curriculum that you entered manually, that means you didn't select it from the plan, is inclued in a separate chapter. This chapter is called No chapter name and is included at the end of your plan so far: This means all topics taught can be found in your plan...

1 How to prepare a test for future use, without immediate assignment to students
...test for future use, select the "Do not create an assignment yet" option in the "Assign" tab and save your changes...

1 How to show results of students by individual standards
... choose the test and then select Standards from upper menu...

1 Divided lesson does not display correctly in the class register
... Select only some students...

1 How to enter variants of the correct answer on 'Type in' question card
...some cases there is more than one version of the correct answer, e...

1 How to assign an online test to students
... For instructions on how to create a test follow the link bellow: ... After the allotted time expires and there are still unanswered questions, the EduPage system evaluates them as incorrectly answered...

1 How to group questions directly in the test
...test versions...

1 Creating degree courses
... In the "Select students" table, next to the "Name of a group from timetable" box, there is an icon that can make selecting the registered students easier...

1 Why is there a number of lessons in grey in my preparations?
... The number of these lessons is displayed in grey color: Example as shown in the image above: 3 +1 / 4 - 2 number of lessons already taught about this topic - 1 lesson about this topic planned for the upcoming future - There are 3 lessons planned for this topic in your teaching plan...

1 How to print a test with student's answers?
... You can also go back to the results of previous school years as follows: If you still need to print the test for any reason, follow these steps: Choose a printer or save to PDF...

1 How do I access test results from previous school years?
Switch the school year in the bottom left corner in the Results tab. The courses from that school year will display. Click on the relevant course to disply the results. Click on the title of the asignment in the left menu to disply the results of that asignment...

1 How do I amend my preparations with notes only visible to me?
... What are the advantages of notes to lessons in EduPage? The notes are attached to the topic in the lesson plan of the specific course and you can see them immediately after the topic has been selected...

1 How do students view their results from tests or homework?
...test or homework online, the teachers can see the results here...

1 How to transfer grade from the online test to gradebook
In the Results tab you can transfer grades into gradebook by pressing the settings wheel. By default, a new assignment (new column) is created in the gradebook for each assignment (recommended). If you need to input a result to an existing assignment, select it from the list of events...

1 Divided and joined classes
... This can also be done by the administrator, but the teacher usually has a better insight into what students attend his/her lesson ... When you click the Student box, you can select only some of students...

1 How to create a modification to a question (copy of a question in the same group)
... If you already have questions created earlier you can still group them together:u1356 A test can be prepared from the groups of questions: ...

1 How do I know if the parents' accounts are valid?
... Based on the difference in name/surname the system interpreted there are two different people involved and restricted the parent access to EduPage...

1 Versions of printed tests
...test for students to elaborate on paper, various printed versions can be created (e...

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to create new test from prepared questions cards?
...test - VIDEOTUTORIAL Select Standards from top menu and select some of standards ... If there are no question cards prepared...

1 EduPage web pages for mobile phones
... Some of the former EduPage designs did not respect this ... We recommend change to a new design: What is the difference? ... As you can see, there is a striking difference between the former and the current design...

1 How do students learn about the exam?
... If you attached study topics when assignig the exam and there are some questions to these topics in EduPage, EduPage prepare a test to the students...

1 What is the size limit and what types of files can be uploaded to EduPage?
The size limit of a file uploaded to EduPage by a teacher or by a student is 50 MB. Best practice is not to send large files (even files smaller than50 MB) via e-mail nor via EduPage. If you need to share large files with your students, we recommend you use cloud services, e.g...

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
... Add preparations - notes, presentations, pictures, tests, test questions to the teaching plan ... In EduPage there are many other materials that other teachers have created ... it is much more clearer what the material is about ... In some cases...

1 Administrator: How to restrict editing grades for a term
... This may be due to classification or for some other reason...

1 How can the students verify what they have learned at school?
... the students can test themselves at any time - at school, at home, on the bus, from what they have learned at the lesson...

1 Some classes are educted at school, some online and then they swap. How to adjust the settings.
...some classes (e...

1 How to synchronize students from timetable to courses
...some of the courses, you do not need to enter them again when creating the course ... In the left column, there are students in the course, in the right column, there are students in the timetable...

1 Administrator - Divisions Overview
... Let's look at at this situation in sexta B class, where the system reports potential problem: In some cases the same division is used for several subjects ... As there are differences between the English and The German groups, the system marked this division with red...

1 Creating new materials
... Choose what type of material you want to create: In EduPage Plans and preparations environment ... The card is text notes, picture, one test question or one presentation's slide...

1 How to switch dispay mode of test or presentation
There are two ways to display the test or presentation: 1...

1 How to enter when some students attend an event and some have lessons in another class? (function "join classes")
...C have a joined lesson, then in the function "join classes" the lesson will remain as it is, as there is no need to change it...

1 Problems communicating with EduPage
... In some cases the data you input to EduPage simply does not arrive to EduPage server ... To test if the problem is caused by the antivirus / security monitoring program...

1 How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
... tests, etc ... At the top there are possibilities what you can do with the materials...

1 How to assign material only to some students
...some situations you need to assign a project or a presentation not to the whole class, but to some students only ... There is number of students in the class...

1 Some students are classroom educated, some are distance educated. How to record the situation in the class register
The class is educated at school in the classroom. Several students from the class are distance educated. Please record the students' attendance as follows: Create a new "Distance education" event. Select students who are distance educated...

1 Assign tab - description
...some information and options for the assignment of the test: Green: inclusion of material in study topics...

1 How to assign homework in class register
... Note that the system will show you dates in green when you have lesson with this class: Also, when the homeworks due date comes, you will automatically see it in your daily plan so that you know what the students are writing when you open the door:...

1 What is the role of standards in EduPage?
... Teacher prepares material in EduPage - presentation, exercises, test questions, pictures, etc ... You will see exactly what the students know and what makes them problems ... You do not forget to teach some of the standards...

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... but later there was some change in the timetable that was used on that day ... What happens when I click "Regenerate Substitution"?...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 How to add refund to the payment plan (for trips, excursios, etc.)
... Sometimes is the whole trip cancelled or some students have to cancel the trip due to illness ... In these cases there is need to add refund to the payment plan ... What happens after recording the debet payments?...

(refund of the whole fee, refund of the part of the fee, reduction of the fee)

1 What does "Play online" in the homework assignment mean?
...test, click on the message and select Play material...

1 What is shown in the top right corner?
... Pink - teacher has a lesson there ... He can substitute this lesson and do some very useful work, like investigate who broke the window, who damaged the flowers etc :) 3...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... It is not a problem. You can publish the amended timetable from a new date...

1 Teacher - What is the module Activity in class used for?
... Instead, if something about the child catches your attention ... what you noticed ... Traditional text notices make it harder to identify the exact problem. For example ... For example, if a student has 10 notices, there...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... and if there are more missing teachers on same lessons, you can set everything from one window ... What is shown in the top right corner? ... Remark for one day If there are some special information for particular day, you can notify students with dayily substitution...

1 Displaying date format in Buddhist Era
...When importing data from clipboard (MS excel) the EduPage recognizes what date format is imported - wheter it is Christian/Common Era or Buddhist Era date format ... There is no need to change the date format by school administrator before importing data...

1 What is a card?
... We distinguish two types of cards: 1) "test question" type of cards 2) "the presentation cards" - one card corresponds to one presentation slide "Test Question" card When you have prepared cards with test questions, it's easy to prepare a test...

1 Canteen module - what it offers
At first, the administrator verifies and allows ...

1 What is responsive web page design?
Responsive web page design is the answer to widespread displaying web pages in mobile devices. The width of the display plays an important role in this case, as it is inconvenient for the user to scroll horizontally. Responsive web page design adjusts to the specific width of the display...

1 How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
... Neither the students nor their parents can see what topic has the grade been awarded for ... A better solution is to create a separate column for each exam, test or homework...

1 My library - What is it used for?
... If you are looking for some material and don't remember where you saved it, you can search here ... After a while, you will have hundreds (thousands) of materials there in which you'll get lost...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
... Here is the simplified description of what the software can help you with and how it works: 1 ... If there are, you can simply enter absent teachers (or classes, or booked classrooms)...

1 The advantages of EduPage Preparations
... - you can also see the students' results and therefore ... something ... I can show the complaining parent exactly what their child did not do ... In Preparations, you can create questions on the topic to test knowledge of your students (multiple choice...

1 How do teachers trace which students have viewed the assigned presentation or study material?
The teacher assigns a presentation or a study material (eg a PDF, DOC or PPTX file) to students via presentation. How do teachers trace which students have viewed the assigned presentation or study material? Select the presentation in the "Results" tab...

1 What is EduPage Library and where to find it?
... They have a complete list of books in their mobile EduPage app, and they can reserve books there easily...

1 How to assign materials from 'My library' section to specific course plan?
... There are all materials, from previous years included ... HW, test, presentation and not the cards only: Note: The 'filter' button is colored red while filtering data...

1 How to assign students a test again / return it for rework?
...test to students, set a time limit for students to take the test, and limited the number of attempts to 1...

1 How can I use shared material, e.g. test?
...test can not be assigned directly to students, however questions can be picked and a new test created...

1 How to assign created questions to students?
... The questions can be assigned to students either as a test, or as homework...

1 Select the type of webpage
... There are 3 options: You can use EduPage for publishing timetables and substitutions only...

1 Problematic lessons - some days are red in the class register calendar
... In this article we will show you what the reasons for such lessons are and how you can fix them ... The period with your entries is marked with a red timetable icon, because there is a collision between the original lesson and the substitution one:...

1 Student - how to join online lesson via EduPage?
... There is a "camera icon" next to the lesson...

1 Substitution collisions
... These are then shown with the red cross: You can double click on each line and the software will show why it thinks there is a conflict ... In some cases it is OK that there is red cross...

1 Student home preparation for a test
... EduPage offers them an option to test themselves from the study topics...

1 What are the options in evaluation of students in EduPage?
Different teachers prefer different evaluation options for students based on their experience and custom. That's why EduPage offers options for different kinds of students evaluation. The teacher can set the type of assignment evaluation when creating a new assignment in the grade book. 1. 2...

1 What are the conditions for displaying an event in the webpage calendar?
When recording a new event, see the Privacy section in the bottom part of the event window. Set rules for displaying the event in the webpage calendar. "All teachers" setting will display the event in the webpage calendar after the teacher logs in...

1 What are "Study topics"?
... Announcement of an exam If you announce the date of a test or exam to the students, you can attach a list of study topics to the announcement...

1 Is it possible to combine evaluation with grades and evaluation with points or percentages?
... Let's suppose some grades have been already entered ... Now we are going to evaluate a test with 30 points maximum, with points...

1 How to attach a file to homework
...What assinging HW, choose attach a file...

1 Lessons with 2 teachers - how to cancel it for just one teacher.
... However, in Substitutions Online, if there are more teachers on the lesson, there are 2 checkboxes for canceling the lesson...

1 The last lesson in the classroom
...there are some duties to be taken before leaving the classroom: close the windows, lock the chemicals, lift up and turn the chairs, etc...

1 User rights - Overview
... There is a list of all teachers (emplyees) in the column on the left ... Some modules have further rights' settings of their own specific (non administration) rights...

(user rights, overview of user rights)

1 Creating a remark for one day
... where you can specify some more instructions to students and teachers or where you can write down some very complicated swaps...

1 How to add existing test to another class
...test, you want to reuse...

1 Reports to print, e-mail templates, export to excel
...) there is several prepared templates of e-mails which can be directly used or school can modify or create own template ... Filters based on some criterion can be used for multiple users selection...

1 Inputting absent teachers
... classes are absent or some rooms cannot be used due to an exams or special events ... There you can select an absent (teachers, classes, classrooms) and if they are absent entire day or just for a part of the day...

1 What is a school account, a personal account and how to pair them?
What is the difference between a school account and a personal account?A school account: the login name for the school account is usually FirstNameLastName...

1 How to send a suggestion for improvement or a description of the problem to EduPage developers?
... The data can help us to detect the problem. Note: It is not possible to reach your school via this form...

1 Move the lesson
If you do not want to have a lesson to be taught, but move it to another day, then right-click on the line with this lesson and from context menu select "Move". In the next window the program shows you all suitable possibilities for this teacher and this class...

1 How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?
... If there are any materials visible for students, the bag icon is green and the number of materials (cards) displays ... If the student selects the "Test me" option, EduPage prepares a test made with the questions you have prepared about this topic...

1 Moving data to a new school year
... You should enter the freshmen students (students of the first grade) into the new school year manually by first creating a new class and then assigning the students there...

1 Evaluation type "Points"
... Meaning, a 25 point test has lower weight (half the weight) than a 50 point test ... If you prefer evaluation with equal weight for all tests no matter what the number of points is...

1 Can a teacher account be created without providing email?
... As long as there is an option to print out the password, there is a chance someone else will see it...

1 How to plan a test/exam
... Type in the name of the test/exam...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
... Select the day first, then list of substituted lessons (no problem, if there is none) and advanced option icon...

1 Where do I find my E-learning preparations after the EduPage update?
... A card is for example one test question or one slide of a presentation ... If you had files or pictures in your preparations, there is one card for each file or picture...

1 Missing teacher and classroom on same lesson
... that there is missing teacher and classroom for same lessons, you can set substitutions in one window...

1 How to change the fee in the payment plan
... Notice: If you make any changes in payment plans please be aware that there are notifications sending to the users - I ... Change of the fee but we need to leave also original fee In some cases there is change of the fee we need to collect but we also we need to leave the original fee...

(change of fee for one particular student, change of fee for all students in payment plan)

1 How to add material to preparations or to preparations of another course
There are more ways of assigning existing material to the preparation of another course - for example, if you are teaching parallel classes and you want to have the material in preparation for each of the classes...

1 Messaging about assigned material (HW, test, project, etc.)
... test or project...

1 Sending homework, test or project comments to students
... test or project (i...

1 How to contact just one teacher or student?
... If there is a number next to a name, it indicates the number of unread messages...

1 How do I get to the materials that other teachers have prepared for the Standards
... If there are Standards assigned to the course, they will appear in the column on the left...

1 Importing test questions from a text editor (e.g. Word)
...test questions in a text editor, importing them to EduPage is easy...

1 How can I create new lesson in Substitutions
... There you can select all necessary information for this new lesson ... In case there are some collisions, program will automatically show them...

1 How to set the date for calculating the attendance of students in a term
This date can be found by the administrator on the EduPage. Select Class register in left menu, then Setting / Dates. Set the initial date of attendance calculating in the next term...

1 How to enter points for individual questions in the HW or test

1 Comparing results by class in standards
... Select "Filter assignments" and tick the same test in each class...

1 How to send message to only one recipient
In the upper left corner, press Start and select Send message. Click Browse Recipients. Select whether to send a message to a parent, student, or teacher . In our example, we selected a student. On the next screen, select a class or lesson from which the student is...

1 How do the recipients get to know about a new message
... In the first group there are recipients with EduPage mobile application...

1 E-learning
... Next, a teacher can create various materials for individual topics of the plan, such as presentations, tests, etc ... org page and select Teacher, select Preparations All the e-learning instructions can be found there...

1 How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)
... Since there are no students in the class with some students on the skiing and the rest is in another class, cancel their lessons as follows: 6...

1 How to edit an existing plan?
... At the bottom of your plan, there is an "Edit menu" button...

1 Groups in joined classes have different names
... In some cases, the class register might not work properly...

1 Payment for canteen
...) what they should pay:   - assign to the boarders The created payment plan is linked to the canteen module...

1 How to define the user's payment ID code - variable symbol
... ID imported from Excel If you already use some variable symbols you can import these from Excel ... There is need to have prepared the table - list of users names...

(variable symbol, ref. ID, )

1 Teacher - how to give students extra points?
... Some students worked out the homework, some did not...

1 How to remove payment plan/modification from student
...there is no payment assigned to this fee...

(removing of payment plan, individual removing, mass removing)

1 How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
Click the "Preparations" tile on the main page. In your plan or in the standards find the material that you want to assign to the students. Tick it and click the "Add to material" button. Fill in the name of the material and set the other settings...

1 How to award a grade to student who did not participate in the test?
Apart from grades, other specific symbols can be used in EduPage Grade book. The symbols indicate students, who did not participate in an exam...

1 Quick start with payment module
... There is need to set up all bank accounts for cashless payments - e ... Second step is to define Payment plans - what, how much and until when to pay...

(bank account, payment plan, to create a payment plan, school fee, cantine fee, excursion)

1 How to place an electronic application in the menu on the website?
... On the left side there are hidden modules, not visible on the webpage...

1 Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
... Software will show you timetables of selected teachers so that you can see where they all have free time and schedule the meeting there ... If the teachers do need also some room for the meeting, press button List classrooms...

1 How to print a student's report: Singapore
... Setting the school year periods (semesters, terms) and exact dates: Setting the grading type: There is a Grading type specific for Singapore ... Hence it is not important how many assignments of what type you key in, because the value is obtained based on your customised settings...

1 How to delete a teaching plan?
... Delete the course, create a new one and create a new plan there...

1 Administrator - standards
... If there are standards in EduPage for the selected subject, they display now ... Students' answers to test or homework questions recorded in EduPage, are a prereqisite for this function...

1 How can I give notices to students?
Login to EduPage and select the course that you want to give the notice from. To view notices in the grade book, click on "Grades" and select "Notices" from the drop-down list. You can add a notice by clicking on the "plus" icon next to the student...

1 How to compute points/percentages from a test to a grade?
... This scale can be used whenever you compute points/percentage to grades: If for example you evaluate a test with the maximum of 35 points, set the maximum number of points to 35 when creating a new assignment in Grade book...

1 How to rotate column headers in Grades
...there are many columns in the Grades, the table could become unclear...

1 Printing fees and payments
...there can be found several ready to print reports...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 Saving material to preparations while creating it
... The test, presentation or card will automatically ataach to the selected topic...

1 How to adjust image size in a question or presentation card
When inserting an image into the card, you can adjust its size. Click the image. Image settings display on the right hand side. Image size can be adjusted by inserting another image next to the first one...

1 Parent - How can I use the notes on activity of my child in class?
...what each child did and how they behaved during every class ... What’s more important is to monitor whether such behavior is recurring—if a child is regularly disrespectful to classmates, it is probably something that needs to be addressed...

1 Rights to grades
... There are two rights modes: a) unrestricted mode b) restricted mode a) Unrestricted mode is the default mode ... If you want to explicitly grant some of the teachers the rights to view or input grades to students from another teacher's course, grant them additional rights in the right menu...

1 Creating presentations in Edupage - advantages
... At the end of the presentation, students can verify what they remember...

1 Automatic sending of notifications - related to changes in payments plans and visibility of payment plans
... To stop sending the notifications temporarily can be done clicking on the button Notifications: To restart sending the notifications after all the changes are done please follow the next steps: How to find out to whom and what the notifications were sent:...

(notifications, stop sending, restart sending, payment plans, visibility of payment plan, )

1 How to add a video to your preparations
... Usually it takes some time to process the uploaded video...

1 History of the payment plan with the possibility to restore the previous settings
...there is also available the history of changes for each payment plan...

(payment plan, history of the payment plan, date of change, time of change, author of change, restore settings, restore)


1 Student - What does "Play online" in the test or homework mean?
...test or homework with the "Play online" information displayed, click the message and select "Play material"...

1 How to elaborate online test or HW?
...test can be completed online (on a computer or in a mobile application), the "play online" information is displayed...

1 Student - How to check if my homework has been submitted to the teacher properly
If a student submits their homework, the "Submitted" state is displayed next to the homework in the Results tab. The delivery date and time is displayed too. All files uploaded with the homework are displayed in the Results / Answers tab...

1 Where can I view the results from submitted homework or test in the application?
Click on the "Results" tile and select the relevant assignment. To display the correct answer to a "fill in the gap" question, hold your finger on the answer...


1 Student - What does "Play online" in the test or homework mean?
...test or homework with the "Play online" information displayed, click the message and select "Play material"...

1 Test results - my answers are shuffled
...test to the students, the EduPage system shuffles the questions and answer options (for instance options in ABCD questions) for the students ... When a student views their results, there are two views of the test: a) Student's view , ie the order of the questions / options as received in the test...

1 What is the difference between parent and student account?
You can log in to EduPage as a parent or student. By entering the printed login name and password you log in to EduPage as a student. If you have provided your school with your e-mail address, the school create your parent account...

1 Parents/students: How to sign new grades?
... By click-opening, exact overview pops out with information on what were the grades given for ... If there is a comment, just go on it with the cursor and it will display...

Creating new test questions - Tests

1 How to create new question card?
...test but a test question...

1 ABCD question card
... To mark the correct answer, set the mouse over the correct option and there appears "Correct answer" button, click on it...

1 ABCD question - horizontal layout
The ABCD type question can also have a horizontal layout of options. When typing options, select "Horizontal layout"...

1 ABCD question with more than one correct answer
... Evaluating questions with more than one correct answer: There are two evaluation options: a) Count each correctly marked option b) The number of correct answers minus the number of incorrect answers marked, with 0 as minimum score...

1 How to display the answers in ABCD question card in a fixed order
By default the answers are listed in ABCD question card in random order, ie each student gets the answers displayed randomly. In certain cases randomising the answers doesn't make sense or it is not desirable...

1 "Type in" question card
... There is also a tool for inserting the correct answer: Enter the correct answer/answers and save them by clicking the 'Insert' button...

1 Extended options of the "type in" question card
... In some cases the width of the field can suggest the correct answer to the students ... Sometimes - for example in grammar test it is important not to accept such answers as correct...

1 "Select the correct answer" question type
In your teaching plan select the topic of your question from the teaching plan on the left. Select the question type "Type in/choose". This type of card includes two types of questions - the "type in your answer" question and the "select the correct answer" question...

1 "Sorting" question card
To create new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+". Select "Sorting" question card. Enter text of the task and sort possibilities in right order. The possibilities that need to be organized may not just be texts...

1 "Sorting" question card - horizontal layout of options
In sorting type of question you can choose a horizontal layout of options: Select a horizontal layout when entering options...

1 "Blind map" question card
To create new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+". Select Positions/map. Enter text of task. Choose an background image. If you have image prepared on your computer, upload it...

1 "Categories" question card
To create new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+". Select categories question card. Divide objects into correct categories. EduPage shuffles them and students must divide objects into correct categories...

1 'Select category' question card
When creating the 'Select category' question card teachers sort the answers into the categories the same way as they do by creating the 'Sorting into categories' question card. Then by default, 'Student has to select a correct category' for each one of them...

1 "Connected pairs" question card
To create new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+". Select "Connected pairs" question card. Create correct pairs. EduPage shuffles them for students...

1 "Select correct tile" type of question
To create new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+". Select "correct tile" question card. In this type of question, the student's task is to click on the correct tile...

1 "Open question" card
To create new question card, select the topic from your teaching plan and press "+". Select "Open question" card. Enter text of question. Students can write their answers here or they can attach a file...

1 How to add hint or solution into question?
...test question, press + at the question...

1 Keyboard special characters in the question cards, e.g. $, /, [ ]?
Forward slash Forward slash is a keyboard special character used for separating the answers in the ' Select the correct answer' question card. If you need to enter forward slash in the answer, put the whole expression into the quotation mark...

1 How to enter a fraction in preparations?
... This is what these terms look like:...

1 How to create a question with a fraction as a results
There are two ways how teacher can enter a fraction as a result of a question: 1...