Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Important message
...important message to your students, parents, or colleagues, and you need request read receipts, you can mark such message as important...

1 Return payments - How to generate a batch payment order for the bank
...--> it is important for the school to check its own account settings for accounts which it will not return overpayments to - item 10 ... remember not to filter out overpayments for payment plans paid to a different account b) message for recipient - a text preset by the system is EduPage school name...

(batch payment, overpayments, payment plan, bank account details, credit, debit payments)

1 Return payments - How to record return of overpayment/payment
... Either way, it is important to record the payment upon its settlement ... several months back) and type a suitable description in the message for the recipient...

(refund, returned payment, entered manually, import from bank statement, debit payments, )

1 How do I delete my messages in chat?
...message in a chat conversation, set the mouse pointer on the message (reaction to a message) and press the left button...

1 How to send a message to students, their parents or teachers in the mobile application
...message by pressing the red + sign...

1 Messages to teachers, students and parents
... You can send the message either to the individual student or parent you choose to the entire class to parents of students of the whole class...

1 How to send a message to participants of a particular event
...message to the participants of a specific event even while creating the event, or later via the event editing...

1 How to request a feedback from recepients of the message
...message and need feedback from the recipients, EduPage offers this possiblity when sending a message...

1 How do I send information about the library to students?
... Click on "Send message to students"...

1 How to hide messages that have already been dealt with?
... Press the tick icon to mark the message as done...

1 How to send message to only one recipient
... Select whether to send a message to a parent, student, or teacher ...

1 How do the recipients get to know about a new message
...message for sending, the system supplies the list of recipients...

1 How to mark a notification as "Done"?
... The message will no longer appear in your message list...

1 A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
...message to you or assigned homework have been lost, you have probably marked it as "done" (perhaps by mistake)...

1 How to limit or disable responses to a message
...When sending a message via EduPage, it is possible to choose whether responding to this message will be allowed...

1 How to send a message to selected students (parents) from multiple classes
...message button"...

1 How to send photos to my class?
... The dialogue is the same as sending a message via EduPage...

1 How to confirm substitution
... Each teacher can confirm this message with easy click on this message in mobile app...

1 How to delete a "done" message from the list of messages in the mobile application
...message that you no longer need to display in the list of messages can be maked as "done" by sliding it to side...

1 What are the conditions for displaying an event in the webpage calendar?
... After a new event has been recorded, all respected persons are notified via a message in EduPage...

1 What is responsive web page design?
... The width of the display plays an important role in this case, as it is inconvenient for the user to scroll horizontally...

1 How to contact just one teacher or student?
... You can still write to them, they will see your message once they log in...

1 How can a teacher accept absence note from a parent in the mobile application?
...message about a pending absence note and select either accept or reject...

1 What does "Play online" in the homework assignment mean?
... click on the message and select Play material...

1 How to cancel HW assigned through class register
... The system will protest this message: You must delete HW assignment...

1 How do online lessons display in the Class register reports?
... A lesson that was run online is indicated with a respective text message...

1 Teacher with accounts administration rights
... (Accounts: Administration) To do so, please follow these istructions: The most important feature of accounts administration is the management of login data...

1 Noticeboard
... Enter the text message...

1 How to print a student's report: Singapore
... Here it is important to set the Average type to Percent...

1 Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?
... Obviously, a grade from half term exam is more important than a grade from one homework...

1 How to solve students' attendance (absences) at the very end of the term after deadline
... It is important to set "Do not count" type of excuse...

1 How to end (shorten) unlimited period for orders for more boarders
... Ensuring that all orders are terminated is also important for proper final billing...

(end, shorten, period)

1 Parent - How can I use the notes on activity of my child in class?
... It is important for you as a parent to approach these observations with understanding and sensitivity...

1 How to input the educational activities into the school club class register (the scope of the interest group)
... If the interest group/school club does not display in the class register, it is important to add this course into your personal timetable via the course settings or via the personal timetable...

1 How to enter a student's notice in the EduPage mobile application
... The student and their parents will be notified about the notice via a message in EduPage and in the mobile application...

1 Messaging about assigned material (HW, test, project, etc.)
... When the teacher opens the message, it will take him to the assignment...

1 Where can I find the list of submitted applications?
... That's why it is important to go through them and confirm their validity...

1 How to send a suggestion for improvement or a description of the problem to EduPage developers?
... It's important to check the "Also send my data" checkbox ... To reach your school, please contact the teacher via messages in EduPage...

1 How to assign students a test again / return it for rework?
... Students are informed by a message in EduPage that they have received a test for rework...

1 Detailed description of the Planning screen
...important for planning and exam can be found in the Notifications/Planning tab...

1 Is it possible to use both online and local version?
You may use both Online and Local PC application, but only one version can be used on one particular day. So, if you make a substitutions for Monday in the online version, you can do substitution in local version on Tuesday and still publish it to the online version...

1 How can I share my material in the school library?
... When creating new material that you want to share with other teachers, it is important to attach the material to the proper standard...

1 Assignment types: Grades, Points and Percent
... It is important to note how the average is calculated...

1 Administrator: How to specify which grades are visible to students and parents?
... This will display information about end-term grades to be printed on end-term certificate If a grade has been awarded and after that you restrict displaying grades to students/parents, the student/parent still receives a message about the new grade as it was sent immediately after the grade ha...

1 Administrator - how to create parent-teacher meeting
... Send information message to the parents about parent-teacher meeting and the possibility to electronically sign up for it...

1 How to print a student's report: Tanzania
... Here it is important to set the Average type to Percent...

1 How to import a teaching plan from excel/word?
... The most important columns are chapter and topic...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda A-Levels
... Here it is important to set the Average type to Percent...

1 Notifications
... It is also possible to specify which kind of messages you want to receive ... Now you can select which notification you want to receive: Of course if you turn off many notification types, you might miss some important news from the school...


1 How to print a student's report: Uganda Primary School
... Here it is important to set the Average type to Percent...

1 How to print a student's report: Kenya
... Here it is important to set the Average type to Percent...

1 How to create a new plan?
... This step is important to take full advantage of all the opportunities offered by EduPage...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda O-Levels
... Here it is important to set the Average type to Percent...

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... Regeneration can also include correcting the message about errors on a given day under the table with hours (in the "Problems" section)...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection on the web
... Parents will automatically receive a message - both on the web and in the mobile application - that the student is supposed to bring money for the collection...

(cash collection, web, teacher´s payment plan, cinema, workbooks, photo shooting)

1 Alternatives to online lessons in distance education
... It is important to incorporate follow-up questions into the study material...

1 How to assign a payment plan (modification) to a student
... Last important step is to save the changes:...

(assign of payment plan, assign of modification, individual assignment, mass assignment)

1 Preparing teaching plans for the coming school year
... It is important to keep in mind that after switching the school year by the administrator, the 6...

1 Administrator - How to create a course for an interest group
... It is important to select "Interest group" from the subjects options...

1 New boarder during the school year
... Correction: - On the diner's card, align the period for the payer type with the ordering period (it's important that the period for the payer type is not shorter than for the orders) ...

(new boarder)

1 What is the role of standards in EduPage?
... Standards play a very important role in EduPage...

1 Administrator - standards
...important role of standards in EduPage...

1 How to define the user's payment ID code - variable symbol
... The important step is to save the changes (4...

(variable symbol, ref. ID, )

1 Teacher - What is the module Activity in class used for?
... It is important to inform parents that this is not a traditional notice that needs to be addressed immediately...

1 Setting rules for automatic generating of educational measures based on compliments and notices
... It is important to select the correct rule type...

1 Administrator - Course with divided class
... After the timetable has been published, it is important that a link is created between the course and the title of the course in timetables...

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
... To display the accurate list of students of divided lessons in the class register, it is important to link the course with the name of the group in timetable...

1 Administrator - administration of courses
...important role in EduPage...

1 How to terminate dining during the school year
... Correction: - On the boarder's card, align the period for the payer type with the period for orders (it's important that the period for the payer type is not shorter than for the orders)...


1 Import to new school year - canteen and payments
... Orders period it is important to input from - to periods, (not unlimited periods) for the boarders to be able to order/cancel meals only in the relevant period and not to generate payment plans for students for the summer holidays period...

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
... Clicking on this message they can see all the materials (presentations, control questions) you have made visible to them...

1 The meaning of credit in the School canteen module
... Order of meal is important...

1 How to set up meal cancellation/order placement; selection from multiple menus
... e) The column 'Order placement' - it is also important to set up! ...

(cancellation, multiple menu)

1 Bad payers - automatic suspension of orders by system
... IMPORTANT NOTICE: Be cautious when working in the payment module - regarding changes/modifications in already entered meal payments - especially deleting payments as well as deleting assignments of payments to meal bills...

(bad payers, suspenion )

1 Hardware for the canteen
... The size 8GB is important...

(hardware, canteen)


1 Important message
...important message to your students, parents, or colleagues, and you need request read receipts, you can mark such message as important...

1 How to inform parents/students about consutation hours?
... you can notify parents or students through a message in EduPage: Select who you want to send a notification to...

1 How to notify teachers, students and parents about an important found item
... All the selected users receive a notification about an important found item...

1 Teacher - Accepting absence note from parents
... the class teacher can see a message that an excuse note has come from the parent...

1 Can the students groups be copied from the previous school year?
...important to select the students who attend the course...

1 Administration of electronic absence notes by teacher with the right for attendance
... By clicking on the message, the teacher/assistent can accept/reject the absence notes...

1 Several teachers take turns teaching in one school club department. How to create a course
...important to add them into the course...

1 Alerts of omitted records of the taught curriculum in the class register
... After opening the message the system redirects the teacher to the class register...

1 Teacher - parents' accounts
...important to input parents' e-mail addresses into the system...

1 Teacher - Why do I not see the course for school club/interest group in class register?
... it is important to add them into your personal timetable...

1 Students and parents - How to register for an action
... Important for actions with limited number of participants...

1 Are electronic excuse notes safe, can't they be falsified?
... The parent is informed of the approval/rejection of the excuse by a message in EduPage...

1 Teacher release application and sickness notification
... Once the application has been approved/rejected, you will be informed via a message in EduPage on the web or in the mobile application...

1 Warning sign next to course name in Electronic Class register
... A list of the most common problems: a) The course has not been created: b) The course has been created, however it is a divided lesson and it is important to link the course with the name of the group in the timetable...

1 Why is there a red warning sign next to my course icon?
... At the beginning of the school year it is important to select only the students that attend your course...

1 Administrator - How to create a course for school club
... It is important to select "school club" from the subjects options...

1 Extended options of the "type in" question card
... Sometimes - for example in grammar test it is important not to accept such answers as correct...

1 I follow the textbook in my lessons. Why should I created preparations in EduPage?
... It is important information for you and even for your students, if you publish it for them...

1 Class Teacher Principle - Attendance control
... Since the control function has been switched off, it is particularly important to confirm all absent students promptly and correctly in the class register in order to avoid discrepancies in the absence tool and in the statistics...

1 How to create new test ?
...important so that the newly created test has been properly attached to your plan)...


1 Digital screen
... Colors There is an option to set color of the header and color of the message ... The most important is to choose the type, described below...

1 I get error message: design file is missing on this computer
If you create a new design on one PC this design is not available on another PC. You can either copy the whole folder c:\timetables\designs\designname from one PC to another. Or you can remove the design from your timetable, so that all timetables are printed in standard layout...

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
... You can ignore this warning message or if you want to get rid of the warning message you can specify that this class shall not use automatic teaching block calculation:...

1 How can I set the width of the lines?
... One for main lines between days and one width for less important lines usually dividing the periods during each day...

1 Student choices - Importance
... During the generation the software then makes sure that student receives the more important subjects while the lower important subjects might even be dropped...

1 Teacher can teach max 2 periods per day in one class
... It is important to correctly select the apply to comobobox...

1 How to delete teacher from Timetable
... - lessons with more teachers will not be removed If following message appears, then it means, this specified teacher is selected...

1 Optimizing the room usage for students
...The software allows you to input several constraints to improve the usage of the rooms, depending on what is important to you: 1...

1 How to delete class
... If following message appears, then it means, that one of marked classes are active...

1 How to delete subject
... If following message appears, then it means, that one of marked subjects is active...

1 Can I force the generator to place certain lesson on certain position?
You can place the lesson into the timetable before the generation and then lock them. The generator will not move the locked cards...

1 Double lesson cannot be on Monday (specific days/periods/part of the day)
... Important for this specific case is to use the "Options" button (7...

1 I do not want my geography to be on Friday and then on Monday
... It is important to choose the right card relationship: "Max...

1 How to input seminar lessons
... So instead of groups from divisions, in this case it is important to know every student's request and input them into the software alongside with students names...

1 How to add a new subject
... Specify the subject's full name in "Subject title" and very important is to specify the "Short" name also ...

1 How to input new teacher
... For each new teacher it is necessary to specify its First and Last name and Short name, which is very important, because it is often use during the work or in the printed layouts...

1 Export limited to max 10 cards/lessons
IMPORTANT: This help is only valid for PC version. The TimeTables online version doesn't have limits. Save your timetable to online version and export: PC windows version: In some export functions (e.g. Export to XML), there is a limit of maximum 10 cards or 10 lessons...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
... - it is important for us...

1 What is shared classroom?
Shared classrooms is only an easier way how to input your data. It is not meant as "classroom shared between classes", or "more lessons can be here at once", but more like the name of "group of classrooms" suitable for more subjects with no other specification...

1 What’s new in version 2021
... For example you can see how many teachers have over 5 gaps, which was set as important constraints and how many have over 2 gaps which was set as low importance constraints...

(new version)

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2024
... These three things combined shall provide you with a tool that generates timetable with all cards placed in and with as most as possible of the important constraints satisfied...

1 Why to test the timetable?
... Finding these mistakes is very important, because if it is not possible to generate timetable for just one class or one teacher then it will not be possible to generate whole timetable for sure...

(basic test)

1 Function "Rearranging students in seminar groups
... This is a very important criteria because number of students in group influences education quality and you don't want to have big differences within one class...

1 What's new in version 2007
... Your trust is very important to us and we try our best to continue improving the software and make your timetabling work easier...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
... So instead of groups from divisions, it is important to know every student's request for (elective) subjects and input them into the software alongside with students names...

1 How to merge two timetable files into one
... - same number and names of weeks and terms in all files - every lesson (for every class or teacher) is created in ONLY ONE TIMETABLE from all - this is very important...

1 What is room supervision and how to input it?
... See: It is important: (1) - in dialog "Classroom" select the checkbox "This room requires supervision" (2) - we recommend you to input also nearby classrooms...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
...important step - only then the data from the timetable will become the base for a class register...

1 A good way to generate your timetable
... Now you can add constraints one by one, from the most important to the 'wish lists' of your teachers...

1 What's new in version 2015
... It is important for us to make the software better...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
... Input the full name and the abbreviation - the short name of the subject, which is very important, because abbreviations are often used in our software during the work...

(first step, new timetable)

1 Education block - Checking of gaps in class timetables
... You can leave those values "Arbitrary" - in that case only Time-off is important...

1 How to input Options - each student needs to select one course from Options1 and one from Options2
... Important in this case is, that you wish these "Options in one set must be taught simultaneously"...

1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
... This is especially important if reuse the same subject in different grades...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
...important item for the generation...

1 What's new in version 2012
... New events: There is now one unified function called Events that allows you: Plan exams for students Teacher can book exam for any class/subject, so that other teachers do not use the same date for important test/exams...

1 What’s new in version 2018
... So when to use this new safe improve? If you have really complicated timetable that takes long time to generate and you have some wishes that are not very important or realistic...


1 How to send a message to students, their parents or teachers in the mobile application
...message by pressing the red + sign...

1 How to delete a message sent by mistake?
... You can also delete a message immediately after sending it in about 10 seconds here:...

1 How to send message to teachers or students
... To create a new message on the web, click the Start button in the upper left corner...

1 How to create a recipients' group
... In the future, if you intend to send a message to this group of recipients, click on the Select recipients icon and roll to the end of the list of predefined groups...

(send message to group, send message to multiple users)

1 Parents with more than one child
... In that case, it is important to supply the schools with identical e-mail address...


1 How to delete a message sent by mistake?
... You can also delete a message immediately after sending it in about 10 seconds here:...

1 Student - How to submit HW with attached file
... Find the message about the homework in your notifications...

1 How to elaborate online test or HW?
... Click on this message and press Play material...

1 Student - What does "Play online" in the test or homework mean?
... click the message and select "Play material"...