
1 How to assign lessons to classrooms?
... How to assign lessons to classrooms? 1...

1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
...lessons as the ordinary lessons - However ... Classrooms - assign classrooms to the new sections...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
... teacher "Einstein") - click the button Lessons - in a new dialog use the button New lesson ... This number means how many lessons of this subject will be taught in this class per week (per cycle) ... Weeks/terms - If your school runs in other than one week cycle (two or more) then you can assign...

1 How can I assign classrooms to more lessons at once
...lessons at once by using the menu Specification - Change ... At first use filter to specify exact lessons you wish to change - assign new classrooms...

1 My lessons are not placed in classrooms/Adding classrooms into created timetable
... So in the generated timetable all lessons are placed in their rooms ... There are three ways how this can happen: ... You can assign all at once:...

1 What’s new in version 2019
... Putting the lessons ... Two new cardrelationships were added that allow you to even more precisely specify how you want the rooms allocated in the generated timetable: 3A ... Previously this command only assigned the rooms to the cards that were not placed into the classroom yet...

1 Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?
... Please, see this topic: how to create and assign classrooms to the lessons and generate your timetable again...

1 Working with classrooms
...assign new, change or remove already assigned classrooms ... Use right click on any of selected lessons and from the context menu select the option "Classrooms"...

1 How can I test just some lessons, for example all double lessons or all PE lessons
...lessons into the timetable...

1 Concentrate groups of lessons into fewer classrooms
For example the have 3 laboratories and Biology and Chemistry lesson2 can be in any of these...

1 Subject's classrooms
... The second option is to use the button "Set for all lessons of this subject"...

1 How to add the same lesson with multiple lengths in Timetables online
...lessons with different lengths (single, double, ... Notes: - If you do not know how many of these lessons will be double and how many single you can use card relationships ...

1 How can I specify teachers’ home classrooms?
... This option is automatically selected for new lessons that have teacher with own classrooms...

1 How can I sort teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms?
... Another way how to reorder items in the list is to click on the column header...

(sorting, order,)

1 How can I assign students to groups manually
... In both cases, you might want just to assign the students into groups, without generation, so that you can see the cards, perhaps play around with them to see how they stack together...

1 How can I specify default (usual) classrooms for certain subject?
...lessons of this subject have to be in certain classroom: ... However if there is some special PE lesson that do not have this checkbox checked it will remain unchecked...

1 How can I print summary timetables for teachers/classes/classrooms?
Go to print preview and in the marked combobox, select your report. Notes: 1. You can modify what shall be printed in each card 2. You can change the height of rows by dragging the lines 3...

1 Merging lessons in the lists in Timetables online
...lessons for the class...

1 How can I copy lessons
... Select the lessons you want to copy...

1 How to input seminar lessons
... It may seems complicated, but creating the seminar lessons is very easy ... Program then will know, that this specific lessons is linked with students requests and during generation it can assign individual students into this special lesson...

1 How can I create co-teached lessons
... that you have lessons where are physically two or more teachers in one classroom with one group of students at the same time, you can add all teachers via button "More teachers"...

(assistant, more teachers, co-teaching)

1 How can I print breaks between lessons?
... - by selecting specific Bell you can print the break only in classes timetables, which are assigned to selected Bell...

1 What is shared classroom?
...how to input your data ... It is not meant as "classroom shared between classes", or "more lessons can be here at once", but more like the name of "group of classrooms" suitable for more subjects with no other specification...

1 How to distribute lessons in multiple weeks timetable.
... Let's take a case, when you have 15 English lessons and you wish to distribute them into 8 days in 3 weeks timetable...

1 How to change merged lessons in Timetables Online
...lessons in the list...

1 How can I define Double/Triple etc lessons?
... If you need to set longer lessons, create them more times shorter and then use advanced relations to keep more lessons continuous dorobit clanok o "dve rovnake trojhodinovky musia byt za sebou - min periods per day s povolenou low distribuciou" - longer lesson will be visualized with lon...

(double lesson, triple lesson, longer lessons, blocks, double lessons)

1 How to merge already created lessons in TimeTables Online
...lessons from other systems...

1 Specify how many lessons shall be before certain position
...how many lessons shall be before certain position...

1 How to change the week for more lessons at once?
... You can leave all lessons selected or specify the lessons for particular subjects (1), classes (2), teachers (3) ... In this case you can specify how the weeks should be changed...

1 How to specify lessons where students are joined from two classes?
...lessons you can use button "Joined classes" in "Lesson" dialog ... After pressing this button a new window will show up and in particular rows you can choose Classes from which students are joined in this lesson...

1 How can I swap all the lessons from one period to another
...lessons between periods, it is not necessary to do it manually "one-by-one" card...

1 How could be distributed the first/last lessons for all teachers in equality?
... Example for first lesson: You have to set for all teachers constraint "Max number of first period lessons" as advanced card relationship, see picture: Same way you can input "Max number of last period lessons"...

1 Checking and Fixing example
... The problem is that this is a divided lesson and the only lessons that can run at the same time also have to be in the home classroom ... This example showed us how the test can help to find out a problem...

1 How to combine lessons of two divisions of class on one position?
...lessons of different divisions on one position ... How to solve this situation?...

1 Lesson requires more classrooms
...lessons require more classrooms ... However there are some classes that have many boys and they require both A and B Sections...

1 How can I define lessons that can be outside teaching block(in the afternoon)?
... Notes: - If you want to limit the maximum gap length the children can have, you will need to add next cardrelationship: - you can also modify the timeoff for classes and subjects to pack the timetable into less lessons...

1 How to add new classroom
... So entering classrooms is not only good to tell the students where to go, but also to tell the generator algorithm not to put 3 Physical education lessons at the same time, when your school has only two Gym rooms...

1 I want to have Single AND Double lessons of one subject! E.g 1+1+1+2
... you can add into teachers' lessons that he is teaching e ... Notes: - If you do not know how many of these lessons will be double and how many single please read this article: ...

1 Classrooms prioritization
... Bad and even Emergency classrooms: By the default the software tries to place as many lessons as possible into first two options - optimal classrooms, then it uses normal rooms ... If there is none available, it can use bad, however it still consider it as fulfilling the constraint...

1 Editing lesson - Options
... or by right clicking on cell: The list of available options depends on the lesson you are editing: Lessons - Show lessons in this cell in standard class lessons dialog...

1 Double lessons must be before single lessons
... 2 double lessons and one single lesson ... How to input this?...

1 Working with classrooms
... So the below described functions are only necessary when you want to rearange the classrooms: Cards without classroom are marked with white stripe on them: Placing a card in a classroom: Right click on a card you want to assign classroom to and click on the classroom that you want to use: Mar...

1 How to create the first TimeTable ONLINE
... In the first step write the name of your school, select the school year, how many periods shall be in one day ... however it is maybe better create them for each class separately or by using the lessons grid...

1 Two teachers are teaching together, but only 3 times per week out of 5 lessons (lessons with assistant)
... Notes: - if you use the same subjet in both lessons, then the software automatically tries to distribute these 5 lessons equally over the week, in this case one period per day...

1 Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)
...how many times it is allowed to be on question marked positions ... Then you can set, how many lessons is allowed...

1 Adding a lesson in lesson grid
... Type the number of lessons per week into the selected cell: Thats it! The lesson is shown in the pink color because you have not yet assigned a teacher...

1 What is 0th period (zero period)?
... So for example if your kids have periods 1,2,3,4,5,6 you can also add 0th period, before these regular lessons...

1 Count per week - format
...how various combinations of lesson count and duration are displayed and can be inputted in upper panel of lesson grid ... Number from 1 to 20 simply means number of lessons per week...

1 Two classes in the same room at the same time (Solution 2)
...lessons at the same time, you can input it by creating two "rooms"...

1 Our school has lessons with 4 week and lessons with 2 week cycle
... press button combine and choose first option: Then for each lesson you will be able to say that lessons in for example in Week A or in Even Week, which will place the lesson on the same position in both Week A and Week C...

1 At least one lesson per week has to be in certain classroom
...lessons (few Gyms with different sizes -"big and small" ... If you however just select "Apply to selected classes" the generator will only check if there is one PE lesson per class...

1 Advisor - special classrooms are not defined
... Each group can either stay in the the homeclassroom, or can go to the teacher's room: But when you forget to define the rooms for your teacher, the result is that both groups can only stay in the homeclassroom - in other words these two lessons cannot be on the same period, because they require...

1 Double lessons appear to be doubled in the timetable, what is wrong?
... it means that there are two lessons and each of them has duration 2 periods, and this is 4 periods together...

1 Working with timetable - general information
... Split lessons are displayed with a card of half size ... assigned to Mr ... Cards are placed in the timetable according to how the program generates them or how they are placed manually...

1 Full and divided lessons from one subject
... that a subject in the class is taught as a combination of lessons for entire class and for groups also, it is undesirable that lessons for groups to be separated with lessons for full class...

1 Can I set the min/maximum number of lessons per day for one class?
...lessons per day for each class ... It shows you how you can overide the automatic teaching block calculation: So if you use an automatic teaching block that calculates 6-8 per day...

1 Advisor - Different number of lessons for groups
...Boys have 3 Physical education lessons per week, while girls have only 2 ... It shows how many lessons each group has: Please remember that the software can only put lessons for the groups from the same line onto the same period...

1 How can I specify default classroom for certain class
You can specify for each class its default classroom called "Home classroom". If you have all your classes created already, you can quickly generate all home classrooms with button "Generate". Then if you wish, you can of course rename or remove some classrooms...

(home classroom)

1 Optimizing the room usage for students
... If certain room is not very good, but due to capacity you still have to use it, here is how to minimize the usage: 3 ... If the lesson can be in several rooms, but you want the class to use the same room on all lessons per week: What is important is that during the input always try to specify all the available classrooms to each lesson...

1 What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE
... Longer lessons are no more displayed as single lessons ... In the "Students" window you can assign individual students into groups you have created in classes divisions...

1 Can I reuse last year data?
...A will have mostly the same lessons as it had in the last year, you can simply go to menu Specification - Classes, Edit the class 5...

1 How to create the first TimeTable OFFLINE
... In the first step fill the "Basic school data" - write the name of your school, actual school year, how many periods shall be in one day ... Once you add the teacher, the software will ask you to create their contract - it means all lessons this teacher will be teaching...

(first step, new timetable)

1 Filter function
... A popup appears where you can select some advanced filters, like show only double lessons or show only lessons that have only one section: So if the school wants to create a timetable by hand from the scratch...

1 Two week timetable
... you have two options how to input this into the program: Option 1 - weekly timetables For each lesson you can specify exactly in which week it should take a place ... This option is recommended in cases, when you have just a few lessons "every other week" (different every week) and most of the lessons in your timetable are ordinary one week lessons - it means...

1 Adding more lessons at once
... you can use button Add more and add several lessons at once: Select the number of lessons that you want to add in the combobox and then each row will represent one lesson...

1 Double lesson cannot be over certain breaks
... By default your double lessons cannot span over these breaks...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2025
... New cardrelationships We have added new card relationships for more precise assigning lessons to the classrooms/buildings in multiweeks/terms timetables...

1 How to input new teacher
... This will be the number of lessons the teacher should be teaching in a timetable cycle...

1 Children can come to the school on second period, but only once per week
... Then you can limit how many times this will happen by advanced card relationship that says that class has to have at least 4 lessons on period 1:...

1 How to specify a teacher can teach only one 7th lesson
... on quesion marked positions in teacher's details: You can specify how many lessons can be placed on question marked positions...

1 Our teachers can teach max 5 days in two weeks timetable
...lessons in two weeks...

1 Advisor - Overbooked class/teacher/room
...lessons per week for one teacher/room or class than you actually have positions per week ... This can be either a mistake in input, or misunderstanding of how the software interprets your input...

1 Subject - Constraints
... See: B: Set the maximum allowed number of lessons on question marked positions, in subjects Time-off ... See: E: Specify, how will be the length of the lessons counts to teachers contract...

1 How to create a timetable for more than 5 days?
... For example if teacher is teaching 2 lessons per week, then in 10 days timetable he is teaching 4 lessons in 10 days...

1 Is it possible to prevent two specific lessons from being taught simultaneously?
...lessons from being taught simultenously by adding some resource (teacher/class/classroom) that is required by both lessons...

1 Periods of varying lengths + subjects in minutes per week (Canada)
... Then in Country specific check that you want to input subjects in minutes: Then you will be able for each lesson to specify how many minutes per week that lesson shall have: ... Note: you still have to provide also the number of lessons per week...

1 5A has to have Biology right before or after biology in 5B (the two classes have to have biology lesson on consecutive periods)
... First specify that there shall not be a gap between lessons from certain group ... However the above rule will consider as a gap only a space between the two lessons on the same day...

1 Lesson's length counting in teacher's contract
... So for example if you have English conversation lessons that do only add 0,5 to the total teachers contract, you can specify this in Subjects/Constraints dialog...

1 Teacher is teaching 2 lessons per week in class 5A but both are in the afternoon.
...lessons so that if teacher is teaching only two or three lessons in one class they shall not be placed every time late in the day...

1 We have 10 days schedule. We need to assign one classroom as a home classroom for two classes.
The classroom can be home classroom for more classes. Just specify those two classes...

1 Testing multiple classes/teachers at once
You can test multiple classes/teachers/classrooms/subjects/students this way: First go to corresponding view (Whole/Teachers/Classrooms/Subjects/Students). Then select rows that you wish to test. You can do it by clicking on row headers...

1 I want subject in one class to be on the same positions as subject in another class
...lessons in 5...

1 Class lessons
...lessons assigned to the class via Classes - select the class - click Lessons...

1 I have double and single lessons but doubles cannot be on Monday
...g 3 single Math lessons and one double Math lessons...

1 Groups have to start at the same time
... If you need two subjects from different classes, please see: Now: how to make sure two groups start at the same time: Please check this picture ... Be carefull: in most situtation you don't need to setup this cardrelationship because you assign the lessons to groups and only the groups from the same division can be at the same time...

1 What does the warning 'The entered timetable is probably not complete' mean?
... It also calculates the average lessons per day and tries to balance the lessons put per each day...

1 0.5 lessons
... there are some lessons with length half of period ... However, in most cases this can be solved by one of these two solutions: Solution 1: On many schools, only first period every day has length 0...

1 Temporary subjects - quickly add extra activities for teachers into their schedule
... This solution is good, if you do not know how many special lessons - without class - each teacher will have...

1 Contract planning in Lesson grid
... You can assign teacher to lesson with double click on the row ... Criterias are: - Teacher's target periods/week - you can see in second column difference between actual count of lessons assigned to each teacher and their target value set on edupage...

1 What’s new in version 2017
...lessons at the same time ... select special format for how ... Quick rooms assignment You can right click on any card/lesson to quickly add/replace its classrooms...

1 What is room supervision and how to input it?
... How to input room supervision? At first, it is necessary to input areas, where the supervisions will take place ... This information is helpful during assigning...

1 Education block - How to allow gaps in class timetables
... how ASC Timetables places lessons into automatic "Educational block"...

(discontinuous educational block)

1 Teacher's lessons - Contracts
... the following dialog will appear: The same dialog appears when you are editing lessons of certain Class...

1 Working with divided lessons
... Type 3 as count of lessons per week...

1 Working with joined lessons
...lessons in the lesson grid...

(lesson grid)

1 There can be two math lessons on one day, but they need to be placed consecutivelly
...lessons per 5 day week, then two will be on one day...

1 Advisor - More lessons than days
... that Math lessons shall be 6 times per week, the software will try to put at least 1 Math lesson on each day...

1 Advisor - Lessons of different length
...lessons of the same subjects...

1 I need to move all lessons within a day
... Choose if you want to move lessons UP or DOWN ... However lessons above 3 will move: 3->4, 4->5 and so on...

(move lessons, advanced functions)

1 Advisor - No lessons for certain period
... For example this school has forbid all subjects to be on 4th period: This is however a problem in the default settings where a student cannot have a gap in his/her timetable...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
...lessons dependent on individual student choices ... Then the specific algorithm for individual students timetables checks collisions between lessons according to assignment of students to seminar lessons...

1 Extended count of lessons per week
... However here you probably will want E and duration of the lesson as double, which can be specified in second combobox...

1 Time-off
... It defines when lessons can be (green), and when they cannot be (red)...

1 How can I define that teacher can have max 3 consecutive periods(but he can have 2 doubles)
...Then you need to specify that teacher can have max 3 consecutive lessons where there are both single and doubles mixed: Notes: in both cardrelationships you might want to select relevant subjects, so that for example teachers preparation time and lunch are not counted into the consecutive periods ...

1 Spreading lessons on different periods each day
...How can I distribute e ... 5 math lessons over the week so that they are on different periods each day...

1 Export limited to max 10 cards/lessons
... Export to XML), there is a limit of maximum 10 cards or 10 lessons...

1 Working with Seminar lessons in your timetable.
... These stripes are not accidental, they are distributed in such way so it is clear from the first look which seminar lessons can go together...

1 Importing from Clipboard (MS Excel)
... These steps will describe how to transfer data from MS Excel but same method can be used with other programs too ... Select 'Lessons' in the upper combobox, because we want to import the lessons first...

1 Double lessons can not start on even periods
You can use advanced card relationship #32 (or #33)...

1 Why are all new lessons placed on Wednesday?
It can happen, that by mistake you have selected, that default day for each new lesson shall be specific day - e.g. Wednesday. This can be changed in menu "Options - Customize the stoftware - User interface - Default values"...

1 Certain longer lessons can be over all breaks
...all double (and longer) lessons are forbidden to be overt this break by default...

1 Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
You can add cardrelationship that says, that each teacher has to have at least one lesson on periods 1,2,3: Notes: - you can of course change the time map to better reflect your definition of morning...

1 All double lessons can be over certain break
...lessons are forbidden to be over breaks created in the "School - Bell times - Periods" dialog from the default...

1 Is it possible to print consecutive single lessons as one lesson?
... The timetable displayed in the software will show two single lessons...

1 Moving the cards manually
... When you place the card, the program will automatically assign an available classroom to the lesson from the list of available classrooms...

1 Can I set the number of lessons per day?
... You can set the maximum number of lessons per day in the menu Main - School - Periods per day...

1 Our teachers cannot teach more than 6 lessons consecutively
... If you do not care about the consecutive lessons and your teachers can teach or shall teach more lessons in a row, just disable this option...

1 I cannot see seminar lessons in class's timetable
...assigned for given seminar...

1 Removing placed cards from the timetable
... Lessons represented by these cards will not be removed from the contracts ... You can also just unplace lessons from already assigned classrooms...

1 Avoid single lesson after lunch break.
... In case of 7 lessons per day, they are on periods 1-5, period 6 is lunch break and then lessons on period 7-8 ... How to input this constraint?...

1 Lessons for specific subjects can be over lunch free period
For each class you can define "lunch free periods" for a day - see: However, if there are subjects, which you consider, that can be during this free periods (e...

(lunch, subjects constraints,)

1 Can I export the lessons, teachers, subjects to MS Excel?
You can export the data you have inputted to MS Excel. Choose menu File/Export/Export to MS Excel: The following dialog appears. You can select what you want to be exported: The most usefull is probably to export contracts. This export all the data into several sheets for each list...

1 Divided cards are placed on too many positions in class XY
...Program automatically counts for every division how many positions can be fully occupied with its lessons...

1 What's new in version 2007
... Details: Pictures for subjects Nice feature for smaller children Details: Lesson Grid The lesson grid allows you to see all your lessons in one view...

1 Lesson grid overview
...lessons in your school on single screen...


1 Students from the entire grade are divided into groups
... These lessons then take place at the same time...

1 Our teachers can teach only three different week days in three weeks timetable
... who teach different lessons in each week (usually some external teachers, or contractors)...

1 Painting lessons in class must have gap at least 2 free days.
...lessons into timetable automatically according card distribution settings in subjects constraints...

1 There can be two maths on one day, but not consecutivelly
...lessons of math per 5 day week, then there will be two math lessons on one day...

1 How to print room supervision in teacher's and classroom's timetable?
You can print the room supervision in the timetables for the teachers or classrooms. In the menu Print Preview -> Global Settings, you can select if you want to print the room supervisions in individual and/or in summary timetables (it includes also reports "wallpapers")...

1 Teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day, but only twice in week
... At first set, that teacher can teach max 5 lessons per day...

1 Our teachers have substitution duty lessons, we need min 2 at each period
... Create a lessons 'Without class' with this subject ... Note: In some schools this solution is not applicable because it requires you to define how many times each teacher shall have substitution duty...

1 Max different buildings per day (#58)
...A can be in no more than 2 different buildings in a day for every subject: This mean, that if you have more school's building, program can choose the classrooms for lessons only from two buildings...

1 We have 3 lessons per week and they shall be in the same classroom
... Biology lesson can be in BioLab1 or BioLab2 or BioLab3, the generator can choose one, but it has to be the same room for all 3 biology lessons...

1 Class XY contains a window
...lessons and when it CAN have lessons...

1 We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions
... Note: - If you use cardrelationships starting with "Max cards" or "Max periods" the calcuation may not be correct when you have divided lessons or lessons with more teachers joind on one card...

1 I want to have Math lessons in a class on the same period every day
... Just add a card relationship that says 'Subject must be on the same period each day': Note: if you specify more subjects, for example Math and English, then Math lessons will always be on 2nd period and English lessons will always be on 4th period...

1 We have 10 day timetable (two weeks), I want to spread teacher's lessons equally into these 2 weeks
...If your teacher is teaching for example 23 lessons per week (46 in total) and you are using 10 day timetable (2x5days) it can happen that the software generates 30 lesson in one week and 16 in the other week...

1 French and Spanish language lessons can be in one day, but with a gap at least 2 periods
...lessons and 4 French...

1 How to correctly set number of lesson per week
... (See: ) In the following cases we will show you, what it means in combination with lessons length, weeks, terms options and how to set it correctly according to your request...

1 What's new in version 2012
... So let’s start with Timetables: What’s new in aSc TimeTables 2012 Faster classrooms assignment ... It is possible to specify that some lessons can be in the afternoon, means they can be outside of the regular teaching block ... you can of course limit how long gaps do you tolerate...

1 Right-click on card or free positions
... Classroom - select the one of the assigned ... Edit lesson - open the lessons dialog and change the lessons definition completely ... Quick changes - show additional menu with quick actions to change selected lesson or the card only ...

1 We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).
... the edupage automatically assign last two days as "Saturday and Sunday"...

1 How to delete class
... Note: - this operation will remove all lessons from these classes also...

1 How to delete subject
... Note: - this operation will remove all lessons from these subjects...

1 How to input buildings
... or into one campus (so buildings are very close and teachers/kids can move between lessons during breaks)...

1 How to print lessongrid?
Go to Print Preview...

1 What's new in version 2013
... You can exactly specify how many times per week kids can be in the best room ... Simplified Import from Excel/Clipboard It shall be now much easier to import basic data as well as lessons into the software...

1 Distribution of subject over the week
... 8 single lessons and 5 days) ... See this: Option 2: You can also create customized distribution, where you can specify exactly on how many days the student can be...

1 Teacher cannot teach 4th in Grade 5 and 5th lessons in Grade 6
This constraint can be usefull if you have a situation that you have different bells in grade 5 and grade 6th...

1 We have 6 lessons each day but on Friday we have only 4
Please check the picture: You can specify different time-off for each class. You can use button 'Set to all' to copy this time-off to more classes...

1 How to specify class grade
For each class you can specify its "Grade". You can do so in the Class dialog by selecting the grade from the list (maximum is 20). Note: This setting can be useful in the advanced card relationships, where you can apply the card relationship to all classes in the same grade...

1 How to register the software?
... However the registration name always shall include the full name and address of your school...

1 How to edit class details
In main menu click on "Classes" - select the class from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 How can I rename days?
toto prerob na kombinovanie dni - napr. parne-neparne, alebo po-st-pi, ut-st, ... na 5 a 10 dnovy rozvrh urob osobitny clanok.....

1 How can I define weeks?
... Default option for new lessons is "All weeks"...

1 How to edit classroom's details
In main menu click on "Classrooms" - select the classroom from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 How to contact ASC Timetables support
In case you have some questions, or you need some help with your timetable you are actually working on, you can write us directly from ASC Timetables software - simply click on blue icon with a question mark New window will appear. 1...

1 How to set teacher's timeoff
In Teachers dialog you can specify when each teacher can teach. It is possible to set this in menu Specification - Teachers - Time off. By clicking on a particular day (in row) or a period (column) you can turn whole row or column into desired option...

1 How to edit teacher's details
In main menu click on "Teachers" - select the teacher from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 How to generate timetable with students
... And also it will assign the students into the courses ... However during the generation it uses whatever info it has...

1 How can I input students picks
... If you have already created the groups (sections) for selected seminar and this student's class, then you will be able to also assign student into specific group directly in this step...

1 How can I input individual students
... Please see: Before adding students it is necessary to create the classes, because each student must be assigned to exactly one class...

1 How can I start cloud generator?
To start the cloud generator simply open your timetable in ASC Timetables online and press the "Generate in cloud" button. The cloud generator will start and it will generate your timetable on dedicated servers...

(cloud generator)

1 How to apply a print design
Go to PrintPreview and display the class, teacher or classroom to which you want to change a design. Then press button Design (1.). Select your design (2.) and press button Apply design ... (3). Program will ask (4.) if you want to apply this design to selected class or to all classes...

1 How to delete teacher from Timetable
...- All lessons of this teacher will be removed also...

1 How to edit subject's details
In main menu click on "Subjects" - select the subject from the list - click on Edit button. Confirm all changes with "OK" button...

1 How can I define Extra columns?
For each printout you can define several additional columns or rows. Just click on Extra columns/rows and new window will be displayed. Click on firs row for columns or rows and choose one of available option. Set also Header text and width of column (or high of row)...

1 How to add a new class
In the main menu click on Classes - New. The dialog Class appears. For each new class it is necessary to specify its Full name and Short name, even if they are identical. The class abbreviation is often use during the work or in the printed layouts...

1 How to add a new subject
In main menu click on Subjects - New. Following dialog "Subjects" appears. Specify the subject's full name in "Subject title" and very important is to specify the "Short" name also ...

1 What’s new in version 2021
... Improved verification The constraints in verification are now grouped by the importance and additional parameters, to let you clearly see how much the current solution is close to your desired state ... Better support for lessons that are different lengths in different terms...

(new version)

1 How to set Regional and Language options
Please go to Start, Control panel, Regional and Language options and set the Regional options and the Advanced (only Windows XP) into your language...

1 How can I stop the cloud generation?
The cloud generation will stop when the timetable with no pending cards and no constraints relaxed is found. You can stop the generation at any time - just please note that closing browser tab, or generation dialog will not stop the generation. It will continue to run on the server...

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... Substitution collisions See, how you can solve colisions in substitutions ... Generate the substitutions for one day Using Tools - Generate you can assign all substitutions for the selected day at once How to edit existing lesson ... but you can display all lessons and set substitutions for more days in one window and with only few clicks...

1 How to assign orders - when and how boarders eat
... In an opened dialog box you can assign the order, e...

1 How to assign homework in class register
...Assigned HWK on any lesson: A field appears ... System will show you show you assignation view...

1 How to add missing teachers/classes/classrooms in mobile app
... List of missing teachers will be displayed in substitution with count of their lessons, which have to be substituted...

1 How to assign homework that includes questions from preparations
...assign your students questions for homework...

1 How to assign students a test again / return it for rework?
...assigned a test to students, set a time limit for students to take the test, and limited the number of attempts to 1...

1 How to assign prepared cards to students for homework
... Tick the questions that you want to assign for homework...

1 How to assign students a file - a study material
... Type in the title of the material and assign it to students...

1 How to assign homework to selected students only
... If you want to assign the homework only to one or two students, unmark all students by double clicking the "Select all" tick box in the bottom left corner...

1 How to assign simple text homework to students
...assigned really fast by clicking the "Start" button...

1 How to assign standards to a teaching plan?
... If there are no standards assigned to a subject in EduPage, you can create school standards: When editing a plan, you can assign standards here: Or you can find the "Assign standards" button at the bottom of your plan...

1 How to assign existing HW to another class
... set to HW that you want to assign to another class...

1 How to assign types of payers to boarders
...assigned to boarders under the 'Orders & Types of payers & Guests'...

1 How to assign material only to some students
...assign a project or a presentation not to the whole class, but to some students only ... The number tells you how many students the material has been allocated to...

1 How to assign a material (e.g. presentation) to students?
... Select the course to assign the material to and press Done...

1 How to properly assign materials to students for online learning?
... In EduPage, a teacher can prepare a presentation for the students, or assign a study material to them...

1 How to assign homework to students in the mobile application
... Press Save and the homework is assigned...

1 How to assign created questions to students?
...assigned to students...

1 How to assign materials from 'My library' section to specific course plan?
... Therefore we recommend assign them to specific topics of the plan...

1 How to assign the students homework, so that they can submit their work as a file or text?
... You can also assign this type of homework in the mobile app: Submitted elaborations of your students will be nicely sorted in the relevant homework...

1 How to assign payment plan modification to students under/over 18 (3,4,5...)
... The following instructions explain how to assign payment plan modification ( ) based on the student's age...

(payment plan, modification, birth date, assign the modification, students over 18, students under)

1 How to assign a prepared material (presentation, test) to students in the mobile application
... In your plan or in the standards find the material that you want to assign to the students...

1 How to control interactive lessons via smartphone
Launch your presentation on a computer or notebook. If playing the presentation on blackboard, a green notification appears in your application. It informs you about the active presentation on the projector/interactive blackboard. Click the notification. The presentation opens...

1 How to change the account for creating online lessons
...lessons integrated in EduPage are linked to an actual account...

1 How to assign a payment plan (modification) to a student
... The best way to assign a payment plan/modification to a student is to assign it in the 'Users' section of the "Payments" module: In the example we assign a "Swimming" payment plan to a student (individual assignment)...

(assign of payment plan, assign of modification, individual assignment, mass assignment)

1 How do online lessons display in the Class register reports?
...lessons run via Class register are indicated in several print reports...

1 How to input events/lessons with class teacher en masse
... Note: Lessons with class teacher at the beginning of the school year can be input accordingly - just select the "Lesson with class teacher" type of event...

1 How to assign the right to manage the library?
...assign library rights, see: User rights - Overview Assign "Library - Administration" to the user...

1 Lessons with 2 teachers - how to cancel it for just one teacher.
... In general we don't advise you to use combined lessons during timetable creation, but rather create a timetable by using divisions and groups...

1 How can I remove the substitution?
... which were manually created in the substitution or lessons you move ... Either cancel this lesson, or assign another teacher ... The only way how...

1 How to customize the settings for your Zoom online lessons (Waiting room, etc.)
...lessons take settings of the account that paired with the online lesson ... This however will shorten the lesson`s time in a free version (40 mins)...

1 How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
... Select the day first, then list of substituted lessons (no problem, if there is none) and advanced option icon...

1 Online lessons via Google Meet - how to prevent unauthorized access to the lesson
... However, that person can be a student who should attend the lesson, but tries to join the lesson from an account other than the school account...

1 Long time absence
... you can set all lessons to be substituted with only one teacher ... which you want to assign to chosen teacher (you can use also "Shift" and "Ctrl" keys), click on "Change" and confirm with "OK"...

1 How to enter when some students attend an event and some have lessons in another class? (function "join classes")
... In the substitution, the original lessons that should have been cancelled in the given classes are automatically set and the joined lessons 9 ... A, which you can additionally modify: How do the divided lessons work with the function "join classes"? 8...

1 How to input an event when only part of the students take part and the rest attend lessons with another class
... Students, who don't take part attend lessons with class 5...

1 Substitution of long lessons (double, triple, ..)
...lessons (double, triple, ...

(double lessons,)

1 Adding more missings at once
You can add more missing teachers/classrooms and classes at once. Just press button "More" in the "New Absent" dialog, and then select missing teachers/classes or classrooms...

1 How to start with e-learning?
... Before teachers can assign materials to students, they must first create the courses they teach ... </span>What is a course? How to create it? 4...

1 Online lessons in Planning
... The online lessons are indicated with a camera icon...

1 Assign tab - description
... preparations and standards Blue: assign material to another class (create a new assignation) Pink: you just want to prepare a material and don't want to assign it to any class yet Purple: creating an event (written exam) and announcing the date of the written exam Orange: Do you want to print ...

1 Substitutions during quarantine
... If a teacher has been quarantined, then obviously they can teach all their lessons with quarantined classes ... For the attendance of staff record, enter the absent teacher in a following way: How to record a one-time adjustment in attendance, e...

(substitutions, teacher in quarantine, class in quarantine)

1 More substituting teachers, more classrooms
Now you can add more substituting teachers to one lesson. Just select first substituting teacher and then small "Add" button will be displayed. Click on it, and you will be able to select another teacher. For each teacher you can also specify different type of substitution or note...

1 Student - how to join online lesson via EduPage?
... Simply click on it to join the online lesson: You can also view which lessons are online lessons in timetable...

1 How to enter points for individual questions in the HW or test
...assign points for individual questions in the tab Current material when preparing HW or test...

1 How to plan the curriculum for individual months?
... EduPage calculates the number of lessons in each month...

1 How to count different types of substitutions into teachers' attendance
... Substituted lessons will be marked with the relevant type of substitution in the attendance of the subbstitute teacher and the lessons will be automatically calculated in the „Contract“ section...

1 Inputting absent teachers
... Once you add an absent, the software will show you the lessons, which have to be substituted...

1 Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
... Software will show you timetables of selected teachers so that you can see where they all have free time and schedule the meeting there...

1 How to publish dayily substitution in mobile app
... how many unsolved lessons are still in your daily substitution...

(publish, substitution, application)

1 How to create a new presentation?
... The picture shows, how to add image or delete this slide ... If you want to assign it, select Assign from upper menu...

1 Moved, replaced and swapped lessons.
... swap or replace some of his lessons ... How to "move"...

1 How to input an entire day event in the calendar
... The absent students will have as many absent lessons as there are in the regular timetable for that particular course on that day...

1 Zoom integration for Online lessons
... If this tab will not show automatically, click on "Edupage" tab in your browser's tabs...

(Zoom, Online lessons, Distance learning)

1 Online lessons via Webex Teams
... The online lessons will be linked to your webex account...

1 Creating online lessons in Google Meet
... When creating online lessons in Google Meet for the first time, please grant the EduPage application access to the Google calendar...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
...lessons for absent teachers ... Here is the simplified description of what the software can help you with and how it works: 1 ... Once the substitutions are assigned, you can publish it with one click...

1 The last lesson in the classroom
After the last lesson in every classroom there are some duties to be taken before leaving the classroom: close the windows, lock the chemicals, lift up and turn the chairs, etc...

1 Alternatives to online lessons in distance education
... Assign the study material to the students...

1 Teachers attendance
... Thanks to the connection to aScTimeTables, Substitutions and aScClassregister, it allows you to keep track of taught lessons...

1 Overview of online lessons for the EduPage administrator
... An overview of online lessons per class displays...

1 Teacher details
... Overtime - in some countries they define certain lessons as overtime ... The software then reports how many overtime lessons the teacher did...

1 Creating a new payment plan
...Payment plan is the tool how to announce new fees to the students and parents ... The Payments module enables you to define a modification of the payment plan (50% discount) and assign this modification to selected students...

(school fee, payment plan, trips, school club, specific symbol)

1 Problematic lessons - some days are red in the class register calendar
... In this article we will show you what the reasons for such lessons are and how you can fix them...

1 Overview of taught topic in the plan
... The information can be found in the history of the taught lessons...

1 Missing teacher and classroom on same lesson
... that there is missing teacher and classroom for same lessons, you can set substitutions in one window...

1 How can I cancel the lesson
... you wish to cancel from list of all lessons and in substitution window, which will appear, select "Cancelled"...

1 How to input a timetable during distance education
... How to input a timetable for the given time period If the class goes on with the former timetable, no additional adjustments have to be done ... Option 2: Delete the timetable of the respective class and publish a timetable with no lessons for the respective class...

1 How to get interest group's teacher to substitution
...lessons entered in individual timetables, not in a regular timetable...

1 Overview - students
... If the students from one class divide for some lessons (for example languages) and a student is not listed in any of the groups, an orange warning sign displays in that course...

1 How to record received payments in EduPage - manual input, import from excel, import from bank statement
... There are several means of recording incoming paymnets: manual input Import - Excel Import - bank statement For detailed instructions on how to input the payment manually or import from excel, please see ... Assignment of received payments by system System can identify payers and automatically assign payments to users when payments were recorded by importing bank statement...

(manual input, excel, bank statement, )

1 Assigning payment to multiple users
...assign this kind of payment: --> parent pays one payment for two/more children --> sport club pays for some sport activities for several students in one payment --> employer pays school diet for several employees in one payment etc...

(payment can not be assigned, manual assignment, assignment to multiple users)

1 How to rename EduPage?
... However, this EduPage page name is only temporary and needs to be changed, otherwise the EduPage page will be automatically deleted after a few days...

1 How to copy question?
Select the question, so that yellow frame around it is highlighted. Press CTLR+C (copy). Press CTRL+V (paste) on the place, you want to copy the question. Press Done...

1 How to confirm substitution
... everybody somehow involved (teachers, students, parents) will receive the notification to their mobile app...

1 How to sign grades
Click on the "Grades" tile. You can sign the grades by pressing the "Sign grades" button. Click on a grade to display its details...

1 Creating individual teachers timetables
... What is the difference between this timetable and the one created in aSc Timetables? - you can create lessons for specific time interval, e...

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... - there are new lessons for the absent teacher in the timetable, and it is necessary to create a new substitutions for them Etc...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 How can I input grades?
Select "Grades" in the top menu. Select your course. A table appears, with a list of students in your course. Type in the grade. If you want to input more grades at once, simply type them divided by a comma...

1 How to create a subpage?
Log in as an administrator and choose the subpage you want to create: select to edit in the wizard: in the 1st step, you can customize the back of the module, whether you want it to have one subpage or split it into several subpages: 2...

1 How to define Inventory types?
In the Code Lists of Agenda Online, you can define various Inventory types. When inputting a new inventory item, select the type to which the item belongs. This is to organise the inventory items into different types...

1 How to access online substitution
You can access aSc Substitution directly from "Start page - Substition" or from main menu "Substitution". You must be logged as administrator or as a teacher with user's rights to do substitution administration...

1 How to input chemical compounds
LaTeX is an instrument for writing mathematical expressions. The "mchem" part of this instrument is for writing chemical formulas. Chemical formulas to be displayed in a line of text, have to be enclosed in dollar signs and curly brackets \ce, tj. $ \ce{.....

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
... for the teachers to see their daily timetable in the class register: Publish the timetable: How to publish the timetable to parents/students? ... the teachers can add their lessons to the class register manually...

1 How to input an absence note
... Type in the reason of absence and the respective time period of your child's absence from the lessons...

1 How to enter picture into question
You can insert the image in the tab below or to the right of the existing content. To insert an image below the content, click the yellow "+" at the bottom of the tab. Choose what you want to insert in the question...

1 How to change administrator's password
If you want to change the administrators or teacher's password: 1. Login using your old administrator password 2...

1 How to create new project assignation
...assignation, select the topic from your plan and press red + button in right bottom corner...

1 How to create a school standard?
If there are no standards for your subject in EduPage, you can create your school standards. Select "Standards" in top menu. Add topics and individual learning standards to it. Save changes...

1 How to change the contact information?
Click Start/Basic school info/Edit contact info. If you need more fields, use button Add field You can create more complex contact pages. For example we will create contact page with map and also with form where the user can fill in some questions to the school...

1 How to create EduPage from aScTimetables?
In the aSc TimeTables application you just need to press the “TimeTables – Online/EduPage” button. The software will ask for the name of your EduPage and password: UserName/name of your webpage First you can choose the name of your web page. Choose some easy name that will represnt your school...

1 How to confirm the imported payments
... Payment can not be assigned - they system could not assign the payment according to assignment attributes and needs to be assigned and confirmed manually ...

(individual confirmation of payment, mass confirmation of payment)

1 How can I print my plan
Select Plan&Preparation from top menu, then select Edit the plan. Click on Print the plan. Your plan will be exported to Excell, from which you can print it...

1 How to delete a teaching plan?
There are three options for deleting a plan. 1. Delete the course, create a new one and create a new plan there. 2. Delete all chapters in the plan as follows: Set your mouse over the chapter name. A black cross sign appears on the right. Click on it to remove this chapter from the plan...

1 How to create a new survey
To conduct a survey of opinions on a specific topic among the students, their parents or the teachers, you can do so in the Registration/Surveys module. To create a new survey click on "Communication" in the left menu and select "Registration/Surveys"...

1 How to send a reminder manually?
If you have set a loan period for lending books, you can send a reminder to the reader after it expires. Setting the return time: In the Library module, select "Settings" in the top menu. In the "Return period" section, click edit and enter the number of days...

1 How to set up bell times?
Start the Wizard from the main menu and scroll down to basic School data...

1 How to set different school sections
To set different sections of your school, please go to Agenda Online / Code list: repeat to set the other sections of your school (2,..3) depending on the number of sections in your school...

1 Administrator - how to enable filing applications
Login as administrator, enable applications and specify persons, who can reject or approve the applications. Go to „Applications“. Switch to administrative mode. Enable using applications...

1 How to define the evaluation scale
... This scale can be used whenever you compute points/percentage to grades: If for example you evaluate a test with the maximum of 25 points, set the maximum number of points to 25 when creating a new assignment in Grade book...

(scale, evaluation)

1 How to edit an existing plan?
There are two ways to modify a teaching plan. 1. From the upper menu select My Courses. When you go over the course with a mouse, a wheel icon appears. Click on it. Here you can edit plan. 2. Select Plan&Preparations from the upper menu...

1 How to create a new plan?
... For each topic, enter the number of lessons...

1 How to input new headmaster/principal
If the headmaster changed during the current school year, the change can be input to Agenda Online by the administrator. Go to "Code lists - Schools" and select the relevant school...

1 How to plan a test/exam
Press "Start" in the top left corner. Select "Plan an exam event" in the "Popular actions" section. Type in the name of the test/exam. When selecting the date an events calendar opens. It contains all events already planned for the specific class...

1 How to enter Interruption of study
Interruption of study can be entered in Agenda Online in the card of student, in the "Study" tab...

1 How do students learn about the exam?
... If you attached study topics when assignig the exam and there are some questions to these topics in EduPage, EduPage prepare a test to the students...

1 How to access preparations in class register?
... you can see how many preparations you have to selected topic...

1 How to record student's switching class
When a student switches classes in the course of the school year, the change has to be recorded. The administrator can record the change via "Basic school data": Tick the relevant student in the "Students" tab and click the "Edit" button...

1 Teacher - how to give students extra points?
...assigns a voluntary homework to students...

1 How to enter mathematical symbols in questions?
To enter mathematical expressions, LaTeX syntax is used. Instructions for use of LaTeX can be found on the Internet, for example here: KaTeX supported symbols Mathematical expressions to be displayed in a line between the text must be enclosed in two dollars, for instance: $x^3 = 9$...

1 How do students connect to interactive lesson?
As soon as the teacher launches projecting a presentation on an interactive blackboard or projector, a green notification displays in the students' mobile application. Clicking this notification connects the students to the interactive lesson...


1 How to assign homework in class register
...Assigned HWK on any lesson: A field appears ... System will show you show you assignation view...

1 How to assign cards to students for homework
... Assign them to students for home practice...

1 How to assign an online test to students
... he/she can assign them to students ... For instructions on how to create a test follow the link bellow:...

1 How to assign a consultation to student/parent
...assign a consultation to the student/parent...

1 How can I plan the lesson topics for next lessons?
Select "Timetable" in the mobile app. View your weekly timetable (second view). Select the lesson. Tap on the Select from the plan and select the topic from the list. The selected topic will be registered as topic planned. After the lesson it will be automatically marked as taught...

1 How to restrict time, test duration or number of attempts?
...assign a test online, you can restrict the time, test duration and the number of attempts...

1 How to prepare a test for future use, without immediate assignment to students
... To assign the test in the future...

1 How can a teacher check if he is behind or forward with the topics in the plan?
... Interpretation of the numbers: Remaining lessons: When creating a course at the beginning of school year, a teacher can state the number of lessons per week...

1 How to randomize or how to keep the order of questions and answers fixed
...assigning the online exam usually the order of questions is randomized, ie each student gets questions in different order...

1 Why is there a number of lessons in grey in my preparations?
... The number of these lessons is displayed in grey color:...

1 How to create new test from prepared questions cards?
How to create new test - VIDEOTUTORIAL Select Standards from top menu and select some of standards ... If you are done, click on Assign button in top menu...

1 Case 5 - Registration to elective courses - a more complex situation
... Some courses comprise two lessons per week, the others three lessons per week...

1 Teacher - class register - school without aScTimetables
... you can add your own lesson by clicking "Add lesson" This way you can add all the lessons you teach on that day...

1 What can class teachers do in class register?
... As a class teacher you can add/modify the lessons of your class and also input the attendance...

1 I follow the textbook in my lessons. Why should I created preparations in EduPage?
...lessons ... With a couple of clicks you can assign them to your students as homework...

1 How to change course settings?
Move the mouse over the course tile and the setting wheel appears in the lower right corner. Click it. You will see the basic course settings...

1 How to delete Award/Certificate
If needed, you can delete the created Award/Certificate in the 'History' section Tick the desired rows and click 'Delete' from the top menu bar If you need to modify sended Awards/Certificates, you can cancel publishment, modify it and then resend again...

1 How to delete a course
Move the mouse over the course tile and the setting wheel appears in the lower right corner. Click it. You will see the course settings. Select to delete this course in the left bottom corner...

1 How to create new test ?
... What information can you see on Assign tab? green: categorization of the material - to preparations...

1 How to evaluate printed tests?
... From the list of assignations select the one, you want to evaluate...

1 How to modify created Award/Certificate
If any corrections are needed while creating the Certificate, click on the 'Modify parameters' button: Save your corrections by clicking the 'Confirm' button If you need to make correction in already published certificate...

1 How to create new question card?
... Note the card information and options that are on the right of the screen: - visibility for students (highlighted in violet color) you can change it - standards attached to the card (highlighted in orange) - you can add / remove standards - topic from your plan, to which the card is assigned (h...

1 How to print list of students
Select the "Students" tab and click the Settings icon. Select from the two types of lists available. The system generates a report. It can be either printed or saved t oPDF...

1 How to review students answers and results
... If you select "Cards" from upper menu, you can see, how students handle individual questions...


1 How to assign prepared cards to students for homework
... Tick the questions that you want to assign for homework...

1 How to clear cache in application?
Click the EduPage icon in the top left corner. The application settings are behind the EduPage account and function list. In the "Settings" section, select "Clear" and then "Clear my cached data"...

1 How can I delete the account?
Account created by the school If your account was created by the school, you need to ask the school to delete the account. The school is resposinble for the user data they input into EduPage, EduPage cannot delete or modify the data inputted by the school...

1 How to create a recipients' group
When writing a message, the system will provide you with predifined groups of recipients - e.g. groups by courses. If necessary, you can create your own recipients' group. Click on the recipients selection button. Select the recipients of your message...

(send message to group, send message to multiple users)

1 Parents/students: How to sign new grades?
Only the parent from the parental account can sign the grades, the student can only view the grades. After logging to EduPage click on grades. Overview of grades shows up. New grades are highlighted in yellow. Go with the mouse cursor on any of them and the date of grade will show...


1 Student - how to join online lesson via EduPage?
... Simply click on it to join the online lesson: You can also view which lessons are online lessons in timetable...

1 Student - how to remove done homework from the list of homeworks/how to flag the homework as done
... If you want to view done HW also, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner and check "Show done" box...

1 How to elaborate online test or HW?
If the homework or test can be completed online (on a computer or in a mobile application), the "play online" information is displayed. Click on this message and press Play material...

Classrooms - Constraints

1 Lesson can be only once per week in certain classroom
... This means the max 5 is applied to all the PE lessons at your school ... However it can happen that even though this room is only used 5 times, it maybe that one class have all their lessons in this basement room...

1 Reducing the room usage
The rules descibed in: shall help you to achieve the room assigment that is acceptable from the timetabling point of view. However once you have the timetable ready you may want to reduce the room usage for example to save on cleaning costs or to allow more room renting...

1 GymRoom can only be used 4 days per week(GymRoom has to be free on 3 afternoons)
...If you specify only the afternoon lessons in the timeoff map, then the constraint will only count days where the classroom is used in the afternoon...

1 Concentrate groups of lessons into fewer classrooms
ak v niektorej miestnosti - gym - povolis, aby bolo viac hodin naraz, ale zaroven sú triedy, ktore sa tam zmestia iba sami - urob vztah "max cards on one period" apply for classroom, vyber triedu a predmet")-toto treba este overit.....

Classrooms - Data input

1 How to specify that we cannot use classroom at certain times?
As with other objects (teachers, classes,...) you can use time-off to define when you can use certain classroom...

1 Classroom capacities
For each classroom you can specify the maximum number of students it can accommodate: Then for each class you can specify the number of it's students. See also: Note: You do not need to specify this information. Specify it ONLY for rooms where you are expecting the problems...

1 Two classes in the same room at the same time (Solution 1)
...lessons at once:...

Assign materials to students - Preparations

1 How to add existing test to another class
... Choose the course, you want to assign the test, and fill in other information...

1 How do the students access materials prepared for them by the teachers?
... All is done automatically, no need to assign materials to students...

1 Assigning homework/test over again to selected students
...assign a teching material (test, homework) again to selected students: Click the "Results" tab in the top menu ... However, the results from this assignment will display in a different overview than the initial assignment...

1 Messaging about assigned material (HW, test, project, etc.)
...assign the students HW, test or project...

1 How can the students verify what they have learned at school?
If a teacher prepares several revision questions to each topic of their plan, the students can test themselves at any time - at school, at home, on the bus, from what they have learned at the lesson. On smartphone, tablet, or computer...

Lessons - Data input

1 I want to have 1+1+1+2 OR 1+2+2 lessons per week.
... Define that you have 5 single lessons per week...

1 How can I define lesson without class? Eg. Teacher's meeting or preparation time
... These lessons can cover some administration work, teachers' meetings, preparation time, etc...

1 How can I define lesson without any teacher?
... Note: These lessons will not be visible in the "teachers view"...

Lessons grid - Data input

1 What do the colors in lesson grid mean?
...lessons are displayed in the grid: 1) If cell in the grid is light gray, it means that subject in column is taught in corresponding Class ... 6) In case there is no teacher yet assigned to the subject, it is shown in pink color...

1 Editing a lesson
... In this list you can see the total number of already assigned lessons to the teacher...

1 Multiple selection
...lessons from the same column: - either use CTRL and click on desired cells - program will select cells separately "one-by-one"...

Interactive lessons - Preparations

1 Interactive lesson
...EduPage interactive lessons enable the teacher to captivate the students attention and engage them in the topic...

1 Various approaches to running an interactive lesson
... Option 3: If the teacher uses notebook or a smartphone that cannot be connected to the projector physically, or another computer is connected to the projector, they can make use of the following solution: How the students connect to the interactive lesson The student simply connects to the pr...

1 Operating elements of the interactive lesson
As soon as the teacher launches an interactive presentation, a new window opens in their browser. It displays the presentation. The presentation can be played on a projector. In the former window the teacher can see their EduPage on the left and the presentation control pannel on the right...

1 How can a student with unknown EduPage login data connect to the interactive lesson?
To connect to the interactive lesson, the students have to be logged in to their EduPage accounts. The best option is to log in via (updated) EduPage mobile application. If for a reason, a student can't log in to their EduPage account, they can participate in the interactive lesson anyway...

1 Where can the teacher see the students results during an interactive lesson?
Click the students icon in the top right corner of the screen. You can see the list of connected students. If a student has already answered the teacher's question a blue round appears by their name. To evaluate the answers, press the green button in the lower part of the screen...

1 Where does the teacher find the students' results after the end of interactive lesson?
After the end of the interactive lesson the teacher can find the students' results in the Results/Blackboard tab. The results of a specific interactive lesson are saved in the Results of the course from which the presentation had been launched...

1 How to award extra points/grades for the students' activity during the interactive lesson (link with Gradebook)
The students' answers submitted during an interactive lesson can be found in the Results/Blackboard tab. Remeber to select the desired course and date. Create an event in Gradebook directly from the indicated location and award the students extra points for their activity...

1 How to include teaching materials into the interactive lesson
... If however you need to insert additional slide or question into the presentation during playing the presentation, the former presentation does not have to be canceled...

1 Slides with several images - how to enlarge an image
During an interactive presentation, if you play a slide with several images, click on an image to enlarge it to full screen. The process is the same for presentations controlled via the control pannel...

1 Teamwork at an interactive lesson
...lessons in EduPage support students' work in teams ... How to create teams One of the students in a team connects to the presentation...

1 How to display only question slides in the students' smartphones
If the teacher is not happy with the students following the presentation in their smartphones instead of following it on the blackboard, the following mode can be selected: The students will only be able to see slides with questions in their smartphones...

1 How to display only question slides in the students' smartphones
The teacher is equipped with a smartphone or a notebook unconnected to the projector. Follow these instructions: 1. Open an internet browser in a computer connected to the projector and type in the address: edupagename.edupage.org/bb/screen, e.g. elementary.edupage...

How to create new material? - Preparations

1 Creating new materials
... Individual cards can not be assigned to the students, teacher must first put them in the test, homework, or presentation ... How to create a new material: ...

1 What is a card?
... Or you can select several cards and assign them as a homework...

1 How to attach file to my preparations
Select the topic from your plan. Click on "Attach file" icon and choose the file. Or you can simply drag and drop a file to this first card in preparations. Type the title, and/or some text. Save it...

1 How to adjust image size in a question or presentation card
When inserting an image into the card, you can adjust its size. Click the image. Image settings display on the right hand side. Image size can be adjusted by inserting another image next to the first one...

1 How do I add audio file to my preparations
Select the topic, to which you want to add an audio file. Then simply drag the file, move it over the start card. When this card turns green, drop it. You can test the audio file by pressing the play card button...

1 How to send to students a sound file that can be downloaded
When inserting a sound file into the card, the predefined play mode is indicated: In the Sound settings you can select a play mode "multiple times with time seek". In this mode it is possible to download the sound file. Click on the three dots to download the file...

1 What is the size limit and what types of files can be uploaded to EduPage?
The size limit of a file uploaded to EduPage by a teacher or by a student is 50 MB. Best practice is not to send large files (even files smaller than50 MB) via e-mail nor via EduPage. If you need to share large files with your students, we recommend you use cloud services, e.g...

1 How to make material invisible for students?
Select "Visibility icon" on the material you want to make invisible for students...

1 How to insert internet link to a card?
Click on the topic in your teaching plan. Press the red + sign in the bottom right corner. Select "text card" from the slide options. Click inside the text field. Editing options display in a top menu. Select the link icon. Insert the link and press the green tick icon to save changes...

1 How to add a video to your preparations
... How to upload a video to Youtube 2 ... just paste the video link to the card: The card can be then added to HW or to a study material and it can be assigned to students...

1 How to create card with table in preparations
Press red + in the bottom right corner and select "Text Card". Click on the card, a yellow + appears at the bottom. Select a table. You can set the number of rows and columns of the table either in the right pane (Table options) or through the + buttons. Choose the border style...

1 How to make a copy of a card (your, school or global card)
Select the card you want to copy. Click on the "Duplicate cards" icon in the top menu. Select the option to make a copy without grouping. Press Done. A copy of the card has been created and can be further edited...

1 How to insert more than one image
More images can be inserted into the card via the black + sign. It appears when hovering your mouse over the first image. When inserting images this way, the system will make sure the images are aligned properly...

1 How to restore data lost during creating a new card
If your internet connection or power is suddenly out during creating new cards in EduPage, or you simply haven't saved your changes, the data can be restored. Return to cards editing as soon as it is possible. 1. Click the "Lost data, restore autosave" icon in the upper right side. 2...

1 Importing test questions from a text editor (e.g. Word)
If you have created your test questions in a text editor, importing them to EduPage is easy. We recommend numbering individual questions for the system to recognize them (this can not be a numbered list). The answers in ABCD questions have to be marked a) b) c) d) etc...

How to organize teaching materials in EduPage - Preparations

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
... When you select the curriculum from the plan, you can see how many preparations you have in the plan and you can use them right away ... If you want to see materials from other teachers in your teaching plan, make one more step in creating your plan - assign individual teaching standards to your plan's topics...

1 How to organize teaching preparations in EduPage
... How to add a material to preparations? ...

1 Quick way to your plan and preparations via timetable
If you click on an lesson in your timetable, the system will set you up in the course plan and preparations...

1 Saving material to preparations while creating it
... (Not valid for HW and project assignation...

1 Why add preparations to the topics of the plan?
... If you copy the plan, all materials will be copied also and they will remain properly assigned to the topics of the plan...

1 Categorizing teaching materials from My library to a plan by drag-and-drop
...assigned to any plan" button...

1 How to add materials from My library to the topics of the teaching plan
In the My Library you can find the materials you used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc. It is good to move them to the topics of your plan. Select the materials you want to connect to the plan. At the top there are possibilities what you can do with the materials. Select the label icon...

1 Synchronizing preparations in similar plans
If you use similar plans in several different courses (e.g. when teaching parallel courses with copied plans), a "Synchronize with similar plans" button appears when creating preparations in one of them. The synchronization is based on identical title of topic in different teaching plans...

1 Where do I find my E-learning preparations after the EduPage update?
... Other preparations that were not attached to any topic in a plan can be found in the My library / Not assigned to any plan tab...

1 How to add material to preparations or to preparations of another course
...assigning existing material to the preparation of another course - for example, if you are teaching parallel classes and you want to have the material in preparation for each of the classes...

1 How to add teaching materials from My library to the teaching standards
In the "My Library" section you can find materials you have used in the past - pictures, files, tests, etc. You can sort them by topic of your plan or by the standards they cover. Tick the materials you want to attach to the standard...

1 Marking materials as "Basic curriculum" or "Advanced curriculum"
Sometimes it may be useful to have materials divided into those that cover the basic curriculum and those that are beyond the basic curriculum - for example, exercises for clever pupils. In EduPage there are labels on each card or material...

1 How to use the materials I have created, in the following school year
All teaching materials that you have created in EduPage in the past, can be used in the following school years too. If you have created your materials in the "My library" section, you might have a substantial number of the created cards by now. My library becomes disorganized...

1 How to copy preparations from another teaching plan
Tick the materials located either in your Plans or in My library to copy them. Tick the cards you want to copy. Press the arrows icon in the upper right corner. You will be asked by the system to provide an account to copy the materials to...

1 How to copy the content of My library to a different EduPage
... The advantage being it is not necessary to assign the materials to topics of the plan as they have been already assigned...

1 How can one plan be shared and used by multiple teachers? (Team teaching)
Team teaching is when multiple teachers teach a group of students the same course throughout the school year. In this case, you create a teaching plan as you would normally. In "Plan settings", you can select multiple teachers to teach this course...

1 How to transfer uncategorized materials in your plan to a specific topic
Select your course and click on Plans and Preparations. The cards that have been categorized to individual topics will display when you click on a specific topic in the plan...

1 How to remove cards from a topic in the plan or from uncategorized cards
...assigned to a plan by mistake, it can be either removed or deleted...