Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Defining types of substitutions
... You can define new type in menu Settings - Types of substitution" and fill the name, short and comments...

1 How to count different types of substitutions into teachers' attendance
...types can be found in the teachers' attendance automatically...

1 Defining reasons for absence
Every time a teacher is absent you can specify the particular “Reason for absence.” They can be defined in menu Settings - Reasons for absence...

1 Workload types to be used at our school
...types are superfluous for your school, turn them off ... Note: Types of substitution - yellow fields and reasons of absence - red fields are added directly in substitutions online...

1 How to define Inventory types?
... you can define various Inventory types...

1 Substitutions overview in the mobile application
... In the second view you can see substitutions by individual class...

1 Specifying substitutions
Once you specify the absent teacher, the software will show this teacher's lessons in the middle part of the main screen. 1. Click on any lesson (1.) You will see the candidates for substitution this selected lesson (2.) in the right part of the screen...

1 Substitutions during quarantine
... do not enter the quarantined teachers and classes into substitutions as absent...

(substitutions, teacher in quarantine, class in quarantine)

1 Send notifications about substitutions
All persons (teachers, students) affected by the substitution receive a free notification about changes in their timtebles. For a summary of all notifications use the button "Notifications". In new window you can see the list of all persons, to whom notifications had been sent...

1 Assignment types: Grades, Points and Percent
...types of evaluation: Grades, Points and Percent...

1 Generate the substitutions for one day
...substitutions for the selected day at once: Notes: We think, that it is better to use the classic mechanism to select the substituting teacher one by one...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... Generate the substitutions for one day Using Tools - Generate you can assign all substitutions for the selected day at once How to edit existing lesson, when there is nobody missing You can change it in "Tools - Change other lesson"...

1 Administration of substitutions in the mobile application - Overview.
...substitutions directly from your mobile application...

1 How can I create new lesson in Substitutions
If you need to create a new lesson, you can do it in menu "Main - Tools - Add new lesson": The "Add new lesson" dialog will appear. There you can select all necessary information for this new lesson. 1...

1 How to set the process of recording absences into substitutions
...Substitutions online: You can set the reflection of the reasons of absence for individual teachers in the "Settings" → "Contract" →"Substitutions"...

1 Canteen menu
... In the 'Name' box you can type the name of the meal that the canteen offers, allergens and weight for individual types of meals (e...

(canteen, menu)

1 How to assign types of payers to boarders
...Types of payers & Guests'...

1 Missing teacher and classroom on same lesson
... you can set substitutions in one window...

1 Define type of payers and set up food price
... There you can modify the original defined payer type or add your own types (a) and also define the periods for which the data is valid (b) (e...

(type of payer, food price)

1 We don't want the substitutions to be visible to public
Set the information for students and parents to be displayed only to logged in users: If you wish some information not to display at all, set them as "not active"...

1 What is the size limit and what types of files can be uploaded to EduPage?
... Types of files that can be uploaded to EduPage: 3gp...

1 Multiple orders in the canteen
... Add a new type of payer in Types of payers & Price list if the price is different...

(multiple orders)

1 When are the changes in Online Substitution published to the webpage
...substitutions in the online version, the changes are not immediately shown on the webpage for public...

1 Administrator: How to set the grading system 1-5, 1-6, A-F etc.
... If none of the grading types from the list are suitable for your school, click "Custom" to create your own grading scale...

1 How to create a new type of student absence?
...types of absencess: excused, unexcused and representation...

1 How to input an event when only part of the students take part and the rest attend lessons with another class
... In Substitutions "create the lessons afresh" for students not participating in the skiing trip...

1 What is a card?
... We distinguish two types of cards: 1) "test question" type of cards 2) "the presentation cards" - one card corresponds to one presentation slide "Test Question" card When you have prepared cards with test questions, it's easy to prepare a test...

1 Applications
...types of applications electronically ... After application approval, the system automatically generates new absence to substitutions...

1 Lessons with 2 teachers - how to cancel it for just one teacher.
... However, in Substitutions Online, if there are more teachers on the lesson, there are 2 checkboxes for canceling the lesson...

1 Authority - approving or rejecting the application
... After the teacher’s application is approved, the system offers a possibility to immediately add the teacher to substitutions as “absent”:...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
...Substitutions module is a perfect companion for you to help you with everyday school's agenda of covering lessons for absent teachers...

1 Grade book - overview
... These evaluation types can be combined...

1 How to close the class register for classes that finish before the end of school year (graduate classes)
... The changes are immediately implemented in Substitutions online...

1 External boarder / guest in the canteen - how to create an account
... Email- password will be send to this email address Payer type - set portion and price Boarder's Card - when and how will the guest dine GUEST LOGIN AND PASSWORD send login details by email: Communication->Canteen Orders & Types of payers & Guests - list of boarders...

(External boarder, guest)

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... See: In such cases, a situation may arise where the entered substitutions no longer match the data in the timetable, e...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 How to change the lesson in selected day if nobody is missing?
... The lesson will now appear among the regular substitutions...

1 How to end (shorten) unlimited period for orders for more boarders
... WHERE IS THE OVERVIEW OF ORDERING PERIODS Diners' - 'Orders & Types of Payers ', the table shows who is a boarder (= i...

(end, shorten, period)

1 Select the type of webpage
... There are 3 options: You can use EduPage for publishing timetables and substitutions only...

1 Change of meal prices / overhead costs during the school year
...Types of payers Food-Price on the right +add time range fill start date from the new price will be valid ...

(prices, change)

1 Approbation
...Substitutions Online...

1 A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
... These types of messages / homeworks do not appear in the list...

1 How to insert internet link to a card?
... A link can be inserted into other types of cards too...

1 How to delete/renew boarder in the canteen
...Boarders->Orders&Types of payers A boarder can only be deleted if: 1...

(delete boarder, renew boarder)

1 How can I remove the substitution?
... Simply do "Right click" and choose "Remove substitution": The substitutions lines that are created because someone was absent cannot be simply releted...

1 Notifications in the mobile application not working?
... Some types of messages are sent to one parent only, e...

1 How to attach follow up questions to homework (e.g. the ABCD question)
... Choose from several types of questions, e...

1 How to input events/lessons with class teacher en masse
...types of events into the calendar: ...

1 Improvements in the substitution overview
... There you can set up whether to show absent teachers, substitution types or add space for signature...

1 Is it possible to use both online and local version?
... So, if you make a substitutions for Monday in the online version, you can do substitution in local version on Tuesday and still publish it to the online version...

1 Creating new materials
... Choose what type of material you want to create: In EduPage Plans and preparations environment, we distinguish two types of preparations: Material Card Material means a test, homework, presentation, or project...

1 Different menus for different groups of boarders, (e.g. diet menu)
... the meal must also be removed and set as unavailable -> in the 'Menu - enabled' column set the deadline only for group of boarders with several menus allowed; or keep the 'unavailable' option with one menu 'BOARDERS' section 'Orders & Types of payers' In the 'Boarders' section (1...

1 Teacher details
...A: First column specifies if the teacher can do substitutions at all...

1 Teachers attendance
... Thanks to the connection to aScTimeTables, Substitutions and aScClassregister, it allows you to keep track of taught lessons...

1 How to input an entire day event in the calendar
...types of events in the calendar: ...

1 Overhead costs
... If you have different time periods set in 'Types of payers & Price list' section, this will also appear in this section...

1 Notifications
... Now you can select which notification you want to receive: Of course if you turn off many notification types, you might miss some important news from the school...


1 Some classes are educted at school, some online and then they swap. How to adjust the settings.
... Just set distance education event to these classes: This event will automatically cancel classrooms in the class register, in the events calendar, in timetable and in substitutions...

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
... Now you can make substitutions for each individual teacher simply by tapping on their names...

1 Import to new school year - canteen and payments
... This is valid for the school year period, canteen opening hours, ordering/canceling meals, types of payers and price list...

1 Is it possible to combine evaluation with grades and evaluation with points or percentages?
...types is possible...

1 How to assign orders - when and how boarders eat
...Types of payers & Guests'...

1 Managing multiple schools in canteen
... After accepting the invitation: After the confirmation the Flowers School is connected to the canteen system of Greenfield School, where its administrator can find students and teachers in the 'Boarders' section and manage them as their own boarders - assign types of payers, orders etc...

1 Canteen module - what it offers
...set different prices for different types of boarders () set overhead costs on a daily or monthly basis () assign boarders...

1 Where do I find my E-learning preparations after the EduPage update?
... There are two types of preparations in the updated version of EduPage...

1 Bad payers - automatic renewal of orders by system
... It's also advisable for the school to first set up all other functionalities for the proper functioning of the canteen (especially payer types, orders, bills, and also ensuring the school is recording canteen payments)...

(bad payers, renewal)

1 How to create a new presentation?
... There are 4 types of slides...

1 How to adjust the layout of the application form
... You can select from 4 different types of fields: simple text - the applicants can type in any text select mode - the applicant selects from 2 or more given options (separate the individual options by a semicolon) tick box - the applicant can either tick the box...

1 New boarder during the school year
Boarders->Orders&Types of payers list of all diners (pupils/teachers/guests) How to enter the orders for new boarder New boarder is already in Agenda...

(new boarder)

1 Setting the period for the school year in the canteen module
..., when and what meals the school serves, the table with settings for logging out, a list of payer types with pricing and contributors, pricing for overhead costs, regulation settings, and fees)...

(school year, setting, canteen)

1 Creating a new payment plan
... Canteen payment plan is a specific type of payment plan, as it is connected with meal orders and different types of payers...

(school fee, payment plan, trips, school club, specific symbol)

1 Administrator - How to set up a Class register
... Set the absences counting for the term: New types of absences can be created too: 6...

1 How to terminate dining during the school year
...Communication->Canteen->Orders&Types of payers: Open boarder card: a) Order presets lunch set the last day of dining e...


1 How to set up meal cancellation/order placement; selection from multiple menus
... => This option is chosen by schools that want to use the canteen module completely or want to utilize additional features such as: - Set a different cancellation time for various boarders categories = types of payers - Allow different meals / menus / dispensing points for different boarders - ...

(cancellation, multiple menu)

1 Parent - How can I use the notes on activity of my child in class?
... It’s also important to understand that the school can choose how to use this tool; teachers might decide to record only positive evaluations or only specific types...

1 Bad payers - automatic suspension of orders by system
... - You can choose a different email template for different types of payers or choose not to send an email to certain types of payers...

(bad payers, suspenion )

1 How to input a new event into the calendar
...types of events, such as tests, field trips, theatre performances into the calendar...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... Even bigger problem awaits in substitutions...


1 Defining types of substitutions
... You can define new type in menu Settings - Types of substitution" and fill the name, short and comments...

1 We need two free teachers on each period to make sure we have enough teachers for substitutions
Add this advanced cardrelationship: The number 28 specifies the maxiumum number of teachers that are teaching at one time. So if you have 30 teachers at your school and you want to make sure there are always 2 free, you put max 28 teachers on one period...

1 Custom views
... Defining views You can define your views from menu View - Define...

1 Lesson requires more classrooms
... Solution: When defining lesson you can use "More classrooms" button: The above picture requires algorithm to allocate two classrooms...

1 aSc TimeTables Online - Features
... You can use this storage to easily transfer your timetables or backup them: Once your timetable is created, you can send it to your teachers or students: Send timetable to teacher's or students You can then use the created timetable to manage the daily substitutions at your school: Substitut...

1 What’s new in version 2020
... Substitutions online...

1 What’s new in version 2019
... What is new in ASC Substitutions software 7...

1 What's new in version 2015
... Mandatory substitutions You can define that for example each teacher needs to have 20 mandatory substitutions per year...

1 What do the colors in lesson grid mean?
...types of lessons are displayed in the grid: 1) If cell in the grid is light gray, it means that subject in column is taught in corresponding Class...

1 What's new in version 2013
... Mac & Linux version Yes, aSc TimeTables & aSc Substitutions are now available on Mac and Linux systems...

1 What's new in version 2014
... If your school uses substitutions each teacher/student that has smartphone will receive automatic notification when the substitution was changed...

1 0.5 lessons
... In this case, you can handle this situation be defining new Type of subject (Time-off) for 0...

1 What's new in version 2010
... customizabled export of students in seminars and more Substitutions: Change lesson It is now possible to change any lesson in the substitutions or split it into several sections and do the substitution on these...

1 Student's can select/request courses at our school
... You will take care of this later - when defining lessons...

1 What does "Apply to" mean in the cardrelationships?
... idealne to zobrazkovat s dobrymi a zlymi prikladmi When you are defining advanced cardrelationships you can specify the Apply to commbobox...

1 What’s new in version 2022
... You can now do the full schools substitutions from your mobile phone...

1 Modifying the structure of the printouts
... the software provides the most common report types...

1 Right-click on card or free positions
... Find - open a dialog with all types of objects as the one you select from the related to that particular lesson 9...

1 What's new in version 2007
... Other improvements - you can define lessons without teachers - classrooms can be home classroom for more classes - many other small bug fixes and improvements - we also plan another update with new Substitutions features in this summer...

1 Export to Smartschool
... This export will also include optional changes from Substitutions module...


1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
... More on this can be found in the section for defining lesson(course) Once you start creating sections for courses and maybe trying generate partial timetables, you can observe three colors of students requested subjects...

1 What's new in version 2012
... What’s new in aSc Substitutions 2012 User interface was redesigned We liked the old interface for its simplicity, but it was now time to move on...

1 Options for saving the changes in the timetable
... in Substitution module, you will have to "reschedule all substitutions")...

(changes, save timetable, overwrite published )

1 What’s new in version 2016
... You can decide which application you want to use either online or PC/MAC based aSc Substitutions, both are available...

1 Synchronization with database
... Following dialog may be displayed during synchronization of aSc Timetables data with database: Note: This dialog might be shown several times during synchronization for different object types (e...

1 ID numbers in import/export
... Check "Types - id", "Database options - idprefix" and "Table options - idcf"...

1 How can I publish the new timetable in Timetables Online administration?
... - Specify the users rights for displaying different types of the new timetable...

1 Export to XML
... There are 3 types of export 1) Default export - exports only basic data 2) Configured export - here you can configure what will be exported...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2023
... But for longer generations we have measured up to 200x faster generation of certain types of timetables! These speed improvements are implemented for both PC version and also the timetables online cloud generator...

1 Digital screen
... Combined The combined type is designed to join other types...


1 Substitutions overview in the mobile application
... In the second view you can see substitutions by individual class...


1 Substitute teacher - how to fill curriculum from the absent teacher's plan
... Substitutions have been published and the teacher is registered as absent: a cover lesson is displayed in the class register...

1 Teacher - Class register - first steps
... If your school uses Substitutions, changes in substitutions are automatically linked to your lessons and provide you with the up to date information on your day schedule at school: ... The teacher types in the curriculum...

1 Teacher - Check the daily substitution:
...The system automatically highlights the substitutions...

1 How to create an absence note for a specific subject
... Click "Add absence note" and select from the types of absences...

1 "Select the correct answer" question type
... This type of card includes two types of questions - the "type in your answer" question and the "select the correct answer" question...

1 How to create new question card?
... Different types of test questions are highlighted in the red box...

1 How to print list of students
... Select from the two types of lists available...

1 Teacher release application and sickness notification
...) The advantage of submitting applications electronically is that after the application has been approved, information about absent teacher automatically appears in the Substitutions...

1 What is a group of questions and what is it good for?
... Test variants usually contain the same types of questions, but they are slightly modified, with different numbers etc...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
... If your school uses Substitutions, you will also see the lessons you should substitute...

1 Versions of printed tests with question groups
... For some specific types of questions it might be more convenient to fill in the answers in the "Answers by students" tab...


1 A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
... These types of messages / homeworks do not appear in the list...