Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Setting up automatic assignment of payments to users and payment plans
... it is possible to define a method of assigning received payments : ... to particular users - based on the assignment attributes: - either the variable symbol (Ref ... -fixed or flexible assignment of payments to the payment plans - based on changes in the students' payments...

(variable symbol, specific symbol, information for recipient, account number, fixed assignment, flexible assignment)

1 Payment plan with siblings discount for 'after school club'
... Setting the account and visibility of payment plans and payments to payers (parents) If you have selected the '+ Add' option ... Assignment of a modification to payers The following window displays all selected students ... You will not be compelled to change the younger sibling's fee, once the older sibling stops attending the after school club...

1 How to record received payments in EduPage - manual input, import from excel, import from bank statement
...payments into the system when the parents / students / boarders have paid their fees ... School can change this settings if needed () ... After importing bank statement a responsible person should look at the individual assignments of payments to students and to payment plan...

(manual input, excel, bank statement, )

1 Change of payment's assignment
...assignment of payment, e ... The change can be made after pressing Edit ... The whole amount of the payment is used to pay just payments for school club...

(payment´s assignment, change of assignment, flexible assignment, permanent assignment)

1 Return payments - How to record return of overpayment/payment
...payments ... the negative payment can be left without an assignment ... Import - bank statement If the payments are imported from the bank account statement, change the selection of items imported to 'only debit (negative) payments'...

(refund, returned payment, entered manually, import from bank statement, debit payments, )

1 Import to new school year - canteen and payments
... arrears payments and other data about payers in the Payments module ... It is not possible to import type of payer, if you have changed or are about to change the order or the list of payers in the new school year ... You can see all payment plans with the excess/arear payments and you can choose the assignment to the payment plan...

1 Mass reassignment of already assigned payments from one payment plan to another
...change ... assignment ... payments from one payment plan to another we can use the button Tools...

(payment, assignment, payment plan, change of payment plan)

1 How to create assignment in Grade book for the whole school year
...assignment in Grade book ... It is possible to change the validity of an assignment from "1st half year" to "whole year" in the "Term" column...

1 How to confirm the imported payments
...payments imported from the bank statement based on the assignment attributes: variable symbol (Ref...

(individual confirmation of payment, mass confirmation of payment)

1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
...payments in the "Payments" module...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 How to change the school´s bank account
...change the bank account (e ... In Payments you can filter payments made to new bank account and also for the old one...

(bank account, change of bank account, same purpose)

1 Administrator's rights for Payments module
...Payments module can handle the Payments module as the administrator...

(right to administration of payments module, user rights, )

1 Import of payments from bank statement
...payments from the bank statement enables school record payments quickly, without mistakes and with no duplicity...

(import of payments, bank statement, credit payments, debit payments)

1 Change of meal prices / overhead costs during the school year
... now you can enter new prices for each Payer type HOW TO CHECK THE CHANGE IN PRICES ... Set the month and click on image one person and Prices without payments The same principle is with overhead costs...

(prices, change)

1 Messaging about assigned material (HW, test, project, etc.)
... If the student has questions about the assignment, they can start a conversation with the teacher by clicking on the "Reply" button in the assignment...

1 How to enter student evaluation in the mobile application
... You can create a new assignment in the grade book, i...

1 Payments module
...Payments module be found? The Payments module can be found in the left menu, in the 'Communication' section ... The school checks and confirms payment assignments from bank statement to students...

(payments, fees, payment plan, ID numbers, import of bank statement, automatic assignment)

1 The meaning of credit in the Payments module
...Payments module represents the difference between the payments received and the assigned fees in payment plans...

1 Assignment types: Grades, Points and Percent
... It is up to your school to decide which assignment types the teachers at your school can use...

1 Printing fees and payments
... If the administrator has authorized displaying fees to teachers in the payments settings, the teachers can print reports too...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 Payments for parents - basic questions
...Parent can set up also the bank account details for returning payments ...

(parent, parent´s account, payments module, variable symbol, bank transfer)

1 A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
If you feel like a message to you or assigned homework have been lost, you have probably marked it as "done" (perhaps by mistake). These types of messages / homeworks do not appear in the list...

1 What are the options in evaluation of students in EduPage?
... The teacher can set the type of assignment evaluation when creating a new assignment in the grade book...

1 How to assign a payment plan (modification) to a student
... An icon indicating the payment plan assignment is displayed in the student's row in the "Swimming" column: ... Last important step is to save the changes:...

(assign of payment plan, assign of modification, individual assignment, mass assignment)

1 Change of class teacher in the middle of school year
...change of class teacher in EduPage can be recorded by the administrator in the "Basic school data" section...

1 How a user sets up a bank account information for return money payments
... The "Payments module" can be found in the left menu, in the "Communication" section...

(payments module, payments settings, )

1 How to add a guest in payments module
...payments module can be done in section Users ... By clicking on concrete guest you can change the email, send a password or change login name to email...

(guest, guest account, payments module)

1 How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
... Press the "New assignment/exam" button to create a new assignment (column)...

1 Return payments - How to enter the account for refund
... Automatically by the system - in case that school imports the payments from bank statement The system saves the bank account information from which was the last payment received and assigned...

(bank account information, parent, user, school, system, employee, non-refundable accounts, import from excel)

1 How to delete/restore a user in Payments module
...Payments module for various reasons (e...

(delete a user, deleted user, restore a user, )

1 How to cancel HW assigned through class register
... Cancel the assignment and press Done...

1 How can a teacher view the answers/results of students in the mobile application?
... Click the settings icon to create an assignment in the grade book for that assignment...

1 Return payments - How to generate a batch payment order for the bank
... Necessary prerequisites and settings before generating a batch payments file In order to generate a batch payments order to the bank, it is necessary that users have an account number specified in the system ... full user name and variable symbol - it is the texts in square brackets => you can amend or change the message for the recipient completely...

(batch payment, overpayments, payment plan, bank account details, credit, debit payments)

1 What does "Play online" in the homework assignment mean?
If a play online information displays next to the assigned homework or test, click on the message and select Play material. It is either possible to answer questions in the material online, or it contains a study material...

1 How to display the payments and fees to students, parents and teachers
...payments for different groups of users and for different bank accounts/cash payments...

(visibility of payments and fees, visibility of payment plans related to specific bank account, visibility of payment plans)

1 How to change the lesson in selected day if nobody is missing?
... change a classroom (teacher, subject, period), you can use menu "Tools - Change other lesson": A dialog appears where you can select the lesson you want to change: You can change the room/teacher/subject as with any other substitution...

1 How to define the user's payment ID code - variable symbol
...payments received to school bank account ... Mass assignment of ID codes ... The important step is to save the changes (4...

(variable symbol, ref. ID, )

1 How to change administrator's password
...change the administrators or teacher's password: 1...

1 Setting of school bank accounts and rights in payment module
...payments from parents ... If you need to change the bank account please see here 6 ... Payments assignments to payment plans - for more information please follow the help 10...

(payments settings, bank account, administrator - payments, administrator - canteen, visibility to payers, user rights)

1 Assigning payment to multiple users
...assignment): The payment will be assigned to multiple payers after saving changes ... A warning icon displayed in the payments' row indicates that the sum of assigned payments is not equal to the amount received in the payment...

(payment can not be assigned, manual assignment, assignment to multiple users)

1 Teacher - Room bookings/Classroom change
...change the room for existing lesson, or you can book a new room for your lesson or event: Change the room: If you simply want to have your lesson in different classroom, select “change classroom”: Then select room on that is marked as free...

1 How to input new headmaster/principal
... the change can be input to Agenda Online by the administrator...

1 Automatic sending of notifications - related to changes in payments plans and visibility of payment plans
... Notifications are sent also automatically with every change made in payment plan...

(notifications, stop sending, restart sending, payment plans, visibility of payment plan, )

1 Administration of several payment plans linked to one bank account - use of specific symbol
...payments for several payment plan there is possibility to use the specific symbols...

(bank account, payment plan, specific symbol, payment matching, several payment plans)

1 Administrator - how to change settings of the course
... If you click an course, you can change the course settings...

1 Administrator - results
... Browse assignements Assignment means the assignment of homework, a test, a project or the assignment of a presentation...

1 How to change the contact information?
... Select menu option: “change contact page layout”...

1 How to change settings of grade book

1 How to change the web page design
Log in as your school's EduPage administrator and select "Start" in the left top corner and then select Webpage wizard. Click "Design" You have many different variant options. You can work on them simultaniously. One of the variants is active, visible to the public...

1 How to change / erase existing image comment
... If you want to edit the text, click on it and you can change the text of the comment...

(eraser, rubber)

1 How to change parent's login name?
... You can correct the email address of the parent via the wizard in the school data section: Click on parents, here you enter the correct email address and click on save changes: If you have already corrected the parent's email address in Agenda Online in the student's tab, then just press pare...

1 How to change the language of your EduPage
... To change the language, select "Web page" in the left menu of the main page...

1 How to change the teacher's last name
... Add field and select Last name: type in the new last name and the date the change becomes valid:...

1 How to change the image in a submenu
...change or delete an image in a submenu, follow these instructions: Select "edit webpage"...

1 Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?
... For each assignment you can input a "weight", or in other words, set the importance of the grade in that assignment ... You can change this setting to calculating the average of homework grades first...

1 Teacher swap/change in the middle of school year
... Record the change in EduPage: ...

1 How to change particular lesson if nobody is missing
...change any particular lesson in the Substitution module even if nobody is missing...

(edit lesson)

1 How to change the account for creating online lessons
... To change the account, click on the Switch user button at the bottom...

1 How to delete/renew boarder in the canteen
... they have no payments recorded in the payment module - whether received, refunded, or transferred balances from the previous school year (initial credit)...

(delete boarder, renew boarder)

1 How to sort the assignments in Grade book into columns
... Select a category to sort the assignment into, when creating an assignment...

1 The meaning of credit in the School canteen module
...Credit in the Canteen module represents the sum of the payments paid by parents ... The date can be changed easily...

1 How to change the school logo and school name
... but you will probably want to upload your own using the “upload file” at the bottom of the dialog: After making changes to settings do not forget to press Apply...

1 How to change the fee in the payment plan
...change and it is necessary to adjust the fees that were set at the beginning...

(change of fee for one particular student, change of fee for all students in payment plan)

1 Add the classroom change into the substitution online
...change in the class register , then the administrator can add the swap into the substitution and publish it online...

1 How to change the order of topics/chapters in the plan?
...change the order of topics or chapters in the plan...

1 How can the parent print out or change the submitted application?
... To change/amend the application, use the code provided to the applicant in a confirmation text after the application has been submitted...

1 How to add user rights for an employee in Canteen module
... SETTING RIGHTS IN THE PAYMENTS MODULE If the canteen manager needs to work with meal payments, it is necessary to assign her user rights to the school canteen bank account...

(rights, employee, canteen)

1 Creating a new payment plan
... Do not create cantine payment plans in the Payments module, but rather follow the instructions in ... The specific symbol helps to differentiate the purpose of the fee and makes assignment of payment to payment plan more precisely ... In case you need to make changes of the fee in the payment plan please follow the help ...

(school fee, payment plan, trips, school club, specific symbol)

1 Displaying date format in Buddhist Era
... Click on the row you want to change the date and click the 'edit' button...

1 Reports to print, e-mail templates, export to excel
... In the next window you can - set your e-mail address for collecting responses - change text in a template by clicking the edit icon ... There is possible to send e-mails from the section "Users" or from "Users payments overview"...

1 How to change timetable for specific day to another day/week/term
...change timetable to another day/week/term...

1 Evaluation type "Points"
... The maximum number of points is considered the weight of the assignment (test/exam) as well...

1 Payment for canteen
...payments to your boarders can be viewed under 'Fees and payments'...

1 How to remove payment plan/modification from student
... If there is a payment assigned to the fee we need to change the assignment of the payment to other payment plan - ...

(removing of payment plan, individual removing, mass removing)

1 How to add refund to the payment plan (for trips, excursios, etc.)
... Payments - as soon as you return the money to the participants you can record the debit payments in EduPage - ...

(refund of the whole fee, refund of the part of the fee, reduction of the fee)

1 Substitution collisions
... You will change this particular substituion...

1 How to set the initial credit / import from the different software
... You can access the payments module through the left menu under 'Communication' or as one of the tiles on the homepage after logging in...

(initial credit)

1 How to pay school fees from EduPage mobile app
...payments module to communicate school´s fees to parents...

(fee, payment plan, maturity date, variable symbol, QR code)

1 How to specify substitution in mobile app
... If you wish, you can also change the subject, change or add the classroom or even change the period of this lesson...

1 How to record student's switching class
... the change has to be recorded...

1 Specifying substitutions
...), like change of classrooms, period, subject...

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection on the web
... A new cash collection can teacher create in the payments module logged in as a teacher: After few steps the new teacher´s cash collection is created...

(cash collection, web, teacher´s payment plan, cinema, workbooks, photo shooting)

1 How to define the evaluation scale
... This scale can be used whenever you compute points/percentage to grades: If for example you evaluate a test with the maximum of 25 points, set the maximum number of points to 25 when creating a new assignment in Grade book...

(scale, evaluation)

1 Teacher - creating a payment plan via the Registration module - even for students from other courses
... the teacher does not have a course created for these students) - they have an option to create and manage a payment plan with payments directed to a school account ... Choose the best option for you - here is the example of second option: Change the maturity according your preferences and type the amount for each modification...

(payment plan, registration, manage actions, modifications)

1 How to compute points/percentages from a test to a grade?
... This scale can be used whenever you compute points/percentage to grades: If for example you evaluate a test with the maximum of 35 points, set the maximum number of points to 35 when creating a new assignment in Grade book...

1 Some classes are educted at school, some online and then they swap. How to adjust the settings.
...: If by any chance a change has to be done in the weeks alternation...

1 Teacher - how to give students extra points?
... The teacher clicks to create a new assignment (new column) in the grade book...

1 How to create different overviews and export them to excel
...Users´payments overview: filters over the table a) payment plans - you can select all of them ... with the key F5) How to change the order of the columns: Click on the icon over the table for displaying columns, change the order of the columns...

1 How to terminate dining during the school year
... Now save changes ... - This will cause all previously ordered/cancelled/received meals to disappear, along with the charges, and all received payments will suddenly appear as overpayments...


1 The last lesson in the classroom
... In case that the note is the same for more classrooms, it is possible to set it up at once via Tools – Mass change – Classrooms – Change: Note / The last lesson in the classroom - select all the desired classrooms and enter the note...

1 Quick start with payment module
... There is need to set up all bank accounts for cashless payments - e...

(bank account, payment plan, to create a payment plan, school fee, cantine fee, excursion)

1 History of the payment plan with the possibility to restore the previous settings
...payments module there is also available the history of changes for each payment plan...

(payment plan, history of the payment plan, date of change, time of change, author of change, restore settings, restore)

1 How to send a message to participants of a particular event
... If you change the message, the original message will be replaced...

1 Assign tab - description
...assignment of the test: Green: inclusion of material in study topics...

1 Creating a payment plan for registration action
... The system switches to the Payments module - part "Payment plans"...

1 List of all helps for payment module
...How the school should work with received payments...

1 How can I cancel the lesson
... use "Tools - Change other lesson", select lesson, you wish to cancel from list of all lessons and in substitution window, which will appear, select "Cancelled"...

1 How to copy a teaching plan with preparations from another teacher?
... If you want to copy a plan from another school year, change the school year in the upper right corner...

1 How to display the calendar on the school webpage
... If no Calendar is displayed in the list of the webpage sections, change the webpage design to one containing the calendar section...

1 Bad payers - automatic suspension of orders by system
... it is necessary to use automatic meal charges and also record received payments daily ... changes in payments ... assignments of payments to meal bills...

(bad payers, suspenion )

1 How to create a subpage?
... you can change the subpage layout and then you can edit individual texts, insert images,...

1 How to customize translation strings on our webpage
... Type the string you want to change into the search engine...

(translate, translation)

1 Administrator - Overview of assignments
... Click on the particular assignment and check detailed results of your students in different overviews...

1 Creating a remark for each substitution.
... For example that subject will be change or they shall wait 10 minutes for the teacher or similiar...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda Primary School
... Basic Info Logo, School Name How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts Import Students' Photos Secondly, you are to set up your Grade book ... You can enter the grades as New assignment / exam into separate categories...

1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... but later there was some change in the timetable that was used on that day...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 How to setup rights on website sections?
... This teacher can then edit all the modules of the website, change the design of the website, and any other actions that the administrator can do with the website...

1 How to make a copy of a registration template
... Open the copied action, change the dates for registration and other necessary data...

1 How to generate login data for students, who do not have an e-mail address
... In aScAgenda Online indicate the relevant students and select "Mass change" in the "Tools section" of the top menu...

1 Bad payers - automatic renewal of orders by system
...- 'No' - is the best choice to avoid a situation where the system suspend meals during the night and if the school records received payments during the day (which changes the credit of boarders), meal provision is renewed...

(bad payers, renewal)

1 How can teachers create consultations for each other
... Please, change this setting to "All employees"...

1 How to set up a Grade book
... Adjust the basic Grade book settings according to your needs: a) Setting the periods into which the school year is divided (semesters, trimesters): This setting is already preset according to the country, there is no need to change anything...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda O-Levels
... Basic Info Logo, School Name How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts Import Students' Photos Secondly, you are to set up your Grade book ... You can enter the grades as New assignment / exam into separate categories...

1 Problems communicating with EduPage
... Turn off browser plugins Google chrome allows you to install plugins that change the way how your browser behaves...

1 How to assign students a file - a study material
... The students receive a notification about study material assignment: they can open the file 2...

1 Teacher - How to check if the students have read/done their homework
... How can the teacher check if the students have done the assignment? When the student finishes the homework, the student should flag it as "Done"...

1 Electronic applications
... The background of the field will change to orange...

(application, application to study)

1 Teacher - Creating a cash collection in the mobile application
... The teacher works in his/her teacher´s EduPage account in the module Payments and follows the steps: The teacher´s collection is created successfully: Teacher can easily mark the students who have paid already directly in the mobile app...

(mobile application, cash collection, collection, excursion, cinema, photo shooting)

1 What is responsive web page design?
... The web page looks good on all devices: - computer monitor, - tablet, - smartphone Thanks to responsive design the items displayed next to each other in full width, display below, or change position, or hide when smaller display is used...

1 How to print a student's report: Tanzania
... Basic Info Logo, School Name How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts Import Students' Photos Secondly, you are to set up your Grade book ... You are to name the exams as follows: Continuous Assessments Semester Exams You can enter the grades as New assignment / exam into separate categories...

1 Teacher - Creating a noncash collection in the mobile application
... The teacher works in his/her teacher EduPage account in the module Payments and follows the steps: Teacher´s collection is created and teacher can easily mark the students who paid already...

(mobile application, class account, collection, noncash collection, excursion, photo shooting, workbooks, cinema)

1 How to assign the students homework, so that they can submit their work as a file or text?
... Type the assignment text of the HW and check the due date...

1 Alternatives to online lessons in distance education
... They do not have to wait for the rest of the students who need more time for solving the assignment...

1 Define type of payers and set up food price
... in case of a meal pricelist change)...

(type of payer, food price)

1 Canteen module - what it offers
... ) easily record payments, transfer overpayments (, ) record external boarders or connect with the nearby canteen () The 'Canteen' module can be found if logged in as a person entitled to the modul Canteen or as an administrator in the left menu 'Communication'...

1 Where can I find the files that students uploaded to HW?
... If there are comments to individula questions of the assignment, the system notifies the student...

1 How to print a student's report: Kenya
... Basic Info Logo, School Name How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts Import Students' Photos In addition, you can add the data specific to Kenya ... you can set up individual classes as follows: You can enter the grades as New assignment / exam into separate categories...

1 How to set own maturity date in the payment plan
... In our example we need to set the different maturity date for one specific payer in existing payment plan "Trip to Prague": New maturity date was set for specific payer and changes need to be saved: If you need to change the maturity date for more payers at the same time you can mark...

(payment plan, creating a new payment plan, editing the payment plan, own maturity date)

1 Substitutions during quarantine
... If some of the lessons have to be substituted, look the lessons up via "Tools" - "Change other lesson"...

(substitutions, teacher in quarantine, class in quarantine)

1 Modifications of payment plans
... To create a modification of a payment plan, you can do it directly while adding of new payment plan () or while editing of existing payment plan: The last step is to change the payment plan for modification for specific students and all these changes need to be saved...

(how to add a modification, assign a modification)

1 How to assign homework in class register
... the system knows the date when this class and group has next lesson: If you want to change the date so that the homework is not for the next lesson, click on the more button(three dots) and select other date...

1 EduPage web pages for mobile phones
... We recommend change to a new design: What is the difference? Former designs display the whole page in minute prints or the user zoom in the page and can only see part of the page...

1 New boarder during the school year
... Warning: If you are using the 'automatic suspension of orders for bad payers' functionality, remember that if a new boarder hasn't recorded any payments yet, the system will immediately interrupt their orders (according to the time and amount you have set in the settings)...

(new boarder)

1 Own domain
... Option B: Change the registrar to EduPage - we will purchase the desired domain name for your school and set up the domain...

1 Teacher - Book a new classroom
...change the room for your lesson, but book a new one for your lesson or any other activity, you can use option “Book a classroom”: The dialog appears where you can see your timetable...

1 How to add or remove items in menu
... Change their availability to Enabled...

1 How to assign homework that includes questions from preparations
... If you wish to change the due date tick "Till date:" and click the date ... Select the specific homework from the list of assignments a click Answers...

1 How to assign types of payers to boarders
...) and do not forget to 'Save changes' (6...

1 Rating of served meals
... The student can change the rating of the meal during the 7 days period from the meal serving (3...

1 How to transfer uncategorized materials in your plan to a specific topic
... This topic will change its background color to blue...

1 Long time absence
In case of long time absence (let's say 2 weeks), you can set all lessons to be substituted with only one teacher. At first set "New absent" and use "longtime absence". In the list of missing teachers choose one and select "Lessons"...

1 School Canteen - Order cancellation / order placement / changing the menu
... change or cancel the order via their EduPage account or EduPage mobile application...

1 Problematic lessons - some days are red in the class register calendar
... You have already entered the curriculum or absences for a future lesson, but this lesson will be taken over by: an event substitution timetable change An example for a better understanding: On Sunday evening, as a part of the preparation, you entered the curriculum for tomorrow's lesson: You...

1 Preparing teaching plans for the coming school year
... You can change the class in the course settings later...

1 How to fill in data in the student's report?
... You can start with the basics: Basic Info How to create your EduPage: Logo, School Name: How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts: Import Students' Photos: How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate Grades Assignments: Columns: Categories: Final ...

1 How to comment on a student's uploaded photo of their work
... For how to change or erase your comments see: Once you finish commenting, save the changes by clicking the 'Save' button: If the student's work contains more than one picture use the left/right arrows to move from one picture to the other...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... Generate the substitutions for one day Using Tools - Generate you can assign all substitutions for the selected day at once How to edit existing lesson, when there is nobody missing You can change it in "Tools - Change other lesson"...

1 How to block a user/messages from a specific user in case of account abuse?
... Subsequently, it is necessary to change the user's password...

1 Setting the period for the school year in the canteen module
... SCHOOL YEAR AND WHEN TO CHANGE IT The canteen module typically follows the standard school year period from September 1st to August 31st...

(school year, setting, canteen)

1 Case 3 - Registration for interest groups
... To publish the registration, return to the upper part of the registration and change the status to "Published" and press Save...

1 How to print a student's report: Singapore
... Basic Info Logo, School Name How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts Import Students' Photos Secondly, you are to set up your Grade book ... Hence it is not important how many assignments of what type you key in, because the value is obtained based on your customised settings...

1 Copying preparations
... This means that a change in a given card will be reflected wherever that card is located...

1 How to enter when some students attend an event and some have lessons in another class? (function "join classes")
...C have a joined lesson, then in the function "join classes" the lesson will remain as it is, as there is no need to change it...

1 How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)
... Temporary reassignment of the remaining pupils 3 ... Here you can see how the number of students per lesson changes...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda A-Levels
... Basic Info Logo, School Name How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts Import Students' Photos Secondly, you are to set up your Grade book ... and so on Note: You should name the assignments exactly as you see in the two pictures below: The result should look similarly: Next...

1 Hardware for the canteen
... -> Subsequently, our SmartBox application needs to be downloaded from Google Play on the tablet/smartphone , and the device assignment needs to be confirmed on the school's Edupage...

(hardware, canteen)

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... At the beginning of the school year the timetable can change quite often...

1 How to set up meal cancellation/order placement; selection from multiple menus
... Option: Users who have ordered a meal (have a recorded order) can cancel / change their order...

(cancellation, multiple menu)


1 How to create assignment in Grade book for the whole school year
...assignment in Grade book ... It is possible to change the validity of an assignment from "1st half year" to "whole year" in the "Term" column...

1 How to transfer grade from the online test to gradebook
... By default, a new assignment (new column) is created in the gradebook for each assignment (recommended)...

1 Why do I see students' incomplete/partial answers while they are working on assignment?
...assignment (test, homework or presentation) students can temporarily save their work by clicking on the 'Save' button before they submit it ... In this case the teacher changes the state of the student's test to 'Submitted' manually...

1 How to prepare a test for future use, without immediate assignment to students
... select the "Do not create an assignment yet" option in the "Assign" tab and save your changes...

1 Assigning homework/test over again to selected students
... However, the results from this assignment will display in a different overview than the initial assignment...

1 How to change course settings?
Move the mouse over the course tile and the setting wheel appears in the lower right corner. Click it. You will see the basic course settings...

1 How to change the type of absence from excused to unexcused and vice versa?
... they can change it at any time...

1 Student switches students' group in the course of the school year
... The teacher needs to register this change in their course...

1 Why students can't change the answers to previously answered questions
... That's why it is not possible to come back to the already answered question and change the submitted answer...

1 How to assign an online test to students
...Select the test you wish to assign to students and click on the 'Edit assignment' button: At the left side of the screen click on the '+Create a new assignment' button ... ) - You may change the predefined duration of the exam according to your consideration...

1 How to change the title Award Certificate to a different title
Select the "Customizable title" option in the templates overview. The system will display only templates with customizable title. Click and select your template. Type in the title in the Title field...

1 Teacher - login
... If you want to change your EduPage password, we do not recommend changing it on your school account...

1 A student's parent have changed their e-mail address. How to change the login name to parent's account
...changed their e-mail address, the class teacher can just rewrite the previous one with the new one in the "Settings/Parents" tab...

1 Class teacher - overview
Accounts for parrents Grade boook Class register and attendance Electronic absence notes Communication with parents and students Payments Other ...

1 How to use signature with transparent background
... The deleted white background will change into chequered, i...

1 'Select category' question card
... This type of question card is suitable when elaborating the assignment on mobile where dragging may be difficult for students but it is easier for the teacher to sort the options to the categories when creating the question card rather than creating the 'Select the correct answer'...

1 How to disable displaying questions or correct answers
... To change this default settings...

1 Why does EduPage create a new event in the Grade book for each assignation?
... Advantages of a new event for each assignment: The student receives information about the new grade...

1 Changing the classroom
... Teacher assigns the classroom swap in the class register by clicking on "Change the classroom"...

1 How to make a test invisible for students?
... it is not necessary (nor advisable) to change the test visibility...

1 How to prepare and print out a test with EduPage test questions
... To inform students about the upcoming exam, create an exam event for the assignment...

1 What to do, if I want to cancel some of the targets (few registered students)?
... If you cancel this target, students who have been registered, will get the opportunity to change their selection (round 2)...

1 How to create new test from prepared questions cards?
... If do not want to assign the test to students (just want to prepare it) choose Do not create a assignment - marked in yellow...

1 Overview of the use of EduPage preparations
... If the teacher assigned homework, the student can see the assignment in EduPage and can work on it...

1 Two teachers teach a subject divided into groups in one class. What about the plan?
... Note: If a course has been created (in an incorrect way) with two teachers and you wish to change it, we advise this action: The first teacher removes the second teacher from the course...

1 Can I manually adjust the curriculum in class register?
... The new text will be recorded in the class register but your plan will not change...

1 Versions of printed tests with question groups
... A new assignment with the name of the test will be automatically created in the Results section ... Save changes...

1 How to create new question card?
... Note the card information and options that are on the right of the screen: - visibility for students (highlighted in violet color) you can change it - standards attached to the card (highlighted in orange) - you can add / remove standards - topic from your plan...

1 Case 4 - Registration for elective courses
... To publish the registration, return to the upper part of the registration and change the status to "Published" and press Save...

1 Case 2 - Registration for a skiing trip
... To publish the registration, change the status to "Published"...


1 Payments - overview of payments for parents on the web
...payments in the "Payments" module...

(parent´s account, web, fees, bank accounts, payment plan, teacher´s payment plan, payment settings)

1 Parent - how can I change my password?
... Here you can change your password...

1 How to change the language of your application?
Press "E" icon in the left top corner. Find the "Settings" at the end of the list. Select language...

1 How a parent can change the password on their child's EduPage account
... An e-mail with a link for password change will be delivered to your inbox...

1 I forgot the password to my EduPage account, the password doesn't work
... If you already have an account, the system will send you a temporary link to change your password...

(password, forgotten password, I don't know my password)


1 A message to me / my homework assignment got lost
If you feel like a message to you or assigned homework have been lost, you have probably marked it as "done" (perhaps by mistake). These types of messages / homeworks do not appear in the list...

1 Where can I view the results from submitted homework or test in the application?

1 I can't remember my EduPage password. How do I reset it?
... if they provided the school with their email address, they can change their password by clicking on the "I do not know the login name or password"...

(forgotten password, I don't know my password, I can't remember my password)

1 Login - student
... The student can also log in to EduPage via mobile application: If you want to change your EduPage password, we do not recommend changing it on your school account...


1 How to set exact date to change the week or the term in published timetable
...change of the week, term or just change the timetable in one day to another day...

1 Print date or remark bellow timetable
...change in the bottom left corner of the timetable...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 How to change the week for more lessons at once?
... Select the mass change you wish to do (4) - in this case it will be "Change week"...

1 How to change the language in the program
... You can change it in program anytime you wish to...


1 How to change merged lessons in Timetables Online
... Then you can: A - change the entire merged lesson (single AND double) (e...

1 Teacher must have some lessons in the morning
...3: Notes: - you can of course change the time map to better reflect your definition of morning...

1 How can I print summary timetables for teachers/classes/classrooms?
... You can change the height of rows by dragging the lines 3...

1 How can I assign classrooms to more lessons at once
...change the available classrooms for multiple (or all) lessons at once by using the menu Specification - Change...

1 How can I change/remove the design?
If you do not like the selected design, you can simply press right mouse in printpreview mode and select Remove design...

1 What happens when I change school type?
...change the school type combo box...

1 How can I change the color of class?
...change the pre-defined color of the class in this way: This color then can be used for printed layouts, or for displaying on the main screen during your work...

1 I want to change the header above printed timetable
You can go to Print Preview, then click icon General Settints...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 How to change the timetable's name and its dates of validity
... In the new dialog you can change: - the name of the timetable - the school year - the state of the timetable - the note - the dates of validity "From - To" Confirm changes with "OK" Note: - If you are changing the dates of validity...

1 How to change/reset structure of the printed layouts in TT online?
... Confirm your changes with OK button...

1 How to publish another timetable in case of change during the school year
...changes in your timetable (e...

1 Working with classrooms
... change or remove already assigned classrooms...

1 Each teacher shall have one or two free afternoon
... You can change this by clickin in the time map...

1 How to change weekend to "Friday-Saturday"
The weekend is set on "Saturday-Sunday" by default...


1 How to show the timetable colored by buildings
... then sometimes it is convenient to change the default view to display buildings colors on cards...

1 We need Day 1, Day 2... rather then Monday - Friday
...change this in the menu Main - School:...

1 How to print wallposters, for example 3x2 papers
...Then you change the column widhts and heihts:...

1 We have different recess times in parts of school. How to input it? (Solution 2)
... Change time of periods for first group of classes...

1 How to merge already created lessons in TimeTables Online
... Confirm this change for selected lessons...

1 Customizing printouts
... Using Printout designs allows to you to change the surrounding of your timetable...

1 The student’s timetable view
... You can just drag his subjects from bottom or move his current assignments in his row ... Note that you can’t actually change the position of the lesson in this view; you only can change the sections where this student belongs:...

1 Quick modification of the onscreen view
...change the current view of your timetable in this way: You can specify the texts and colors, which will be used on cards...

1 Editing lesson - Options
... Change division - With this option you can change division of already divided subject...

1 Modifying the time format
...change the time format...

1 We use 7 days cycle in timetable but we need a free weekends (online).
... and so on, then all you need is to add the change for the first day of the school - "Day1"...

1 Modify the heights of rows or widths of columns
... IF there are more rows, the printout will continue onto the next page: You can change if the printout must fit width of height in the Modify current icon...

1 How can I sort teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms?
... For classes, teachers, and classrooms, this will also change the order of timetable rows on the main screen in Whole/Teachers/Classrooms views...

(sorting, order,)

1 How can I assign students to groups manually
... It can even change the group for student if more gorups are availalbe (unless you lock the students in that group of course) The regular version only assigns the students before the generation then it cannot change the groups...

1 What is new in ASC Timetables ONLINE
... New Administration window with timetable preview now you can see quick preview with changes you did in your timetable Students' groups selections In the "Students" window you can assign individual students into groups you have created in classes divisions...

1 How can I modify the print-out design?
... If you press right button over the timetable itself, you have another option TimeTable properties that allows you to change the look of the timetable as described in: Once you are happy with your changes you can press right mouse button and either Save changes or Cancel changes Notes: - each ...

1 Working with timetable - general information
... You can generate a timetable and subsequently, if necessary, change it by moving cards with the mouse...

1 Generate room supervision
... If you find something you do not like, just change the criteria accordingly and generate new supervisions, or simply change supervising teacher...

1 Why there are questionmarks in my timetable?
... This can be solved by change of displaying your timetable as "Standard"...

1 How can I print days in columns and periods in rows?
... More complex solution is via "Modify structure" button - you can drag the columns and rows to change the width or height of columns or rows...

(Print preview, Global settings)

1 Right-click on card or free positions
... Classroom - select the one of the assigned classrooms for this lesson or change the classroom to another (classroom has to be assigned for the lesson first)...

1 Changing the look of the timetable on the screen
... If you for example choose color by buildings you can quickly see when the studetns are in 1st and when in 2nd building: You can also change the texts that shall be displayed on the screen...

1 How to apply a print design
... teacher or classroom to which you want to change a design...

1 Our published timetable should start with "Week B"
... You can set it during the publishing process in the second step - Dates (validity settings), or simply change it in timetable's "properties" anytime later...

1 Why to test the timetable?
... Do it every time after some relevant change (change the lessons settings, adding a new or editing already created constraint or relation,...

(basic test)

1 Time-off
... You can also define so called "question marked positions", where lessons can be, but you wish to avoid having lessons there: You can click on an individual cell to change its status, or you can click on a column or a row header to change whole day status...

1 Starting the generation
... You can also change the generation parameters...

1 How to delete teacher from Timetable
... Change the view to "Teachers" and select another teacher...

1 How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
...change the texts in the printed timetable...

1 What's new in version 2012
... TimeTable assignment overview New dialog now provides more detailed information about what timetable are you using on which day ... You can change the days, weeks, terms here easily...

1 Delete all unplaced cards
... Program just change the definitions of the lessons for classes and teachers in a way that there will be no unplaced cards, so basically decrease the counts of periods per week...

1 Working with divided lessons
... Now you can select the lesson teachers: Notes If you want only one group to have this lesson, then simply unclick the corresponding checkbox: If you want to change the division or clear the division...

1 Modifying the structure of the printouts
... You can change the look of these reports...

1 How to delete subject
... Change the view to "Subjects" and select another subject (simply click in any other row )...

1 What’s new in version 2019
... You can change the rooms even in the already generated timetable ... Now you also can allow the generator to change classrooms that were already assigned, this may create a better overall rooms assignment: Of course...

1 I want to print also classroom/teacher/subject for each lesson
... See also: You can also change the texts for each lesson...

1 Class XY contains a window
... You can change the MUST and CAN have section by changing the education block manually and allowing students to come later or leave earlier...

1 How to generate timetable with students
... This option is good when you for example have already distributed a master timetable to teachers and you cannot change it...

1 How can I copy lessons
... Here you can change more then just class before the lessons are added back into the timetable...

1 How can I define weeks?
... If you change this to lets say Any week, the software will allow you to place this lesson into week 1 OR 2...

1 Swap two days in timetable
... Cards in remaining days will be untouched and also this command will not change the Time-offs...

1 Export to XML
... These ids may change over the lifetime of timetable (they are not persistent, they can change e...

1 Can I rename the days?
... You can change the names of the days in main menu School - Rename days - select the day and click the Edit button: For each day you can specify the long name and abbreviation You can simply switch to numbered days - "Day1, Day2,...

1 Download & Installation of PC version
... Choose your language first: Note: you can change the language anytime later in the software...

1 Print legends below timetables
... You can also add other legends(teachers, subjects) or change the look of the legend by right clicking on it...

1 We need one free Math teacher for every period in week
... - change teachers - specify all these 5 Math teachers all other settings you can leave to default...

1 What’s new in ASC Timetables version 2023
... For example your teacher teaches Math and PE lessons and you want to give them time to change clothes...

1 What’s new in version 2017
... Quick rooms assignment You can right click on any card/lesson to quickly add/replace its classrooms ... For example possibility to change single lessons into double lessons and reverse...

1 I have Geography two times per week. It shall not be on consecutive days.
... Then change the Default carddistribution over the week to "Ideal/No Consecutiive days": Then: -if you have this subject 2 times per week it not placed on two consecutive days...

1 I overwrote my timetable with the new version by accident
... Open the previous version of your original timetable - it means the one before the change was made, please see this: 3...

1 How to add a new subject
... You can change any value anytime later so do not be afraid...

1 Biology has to be in the afternoon in certain classes and in the morning in other classes
... Note: - you can change max 0 to max 1...

1 Advisor - Overbooked class/teacher/room
... Either raise the amount of periods per day or change the contract of this teacher: Another example: This teacher teaches just 20 lessons per week...

1 Synchronization with database
... Your task here is to review or change actions 8 for each row in both lists...

1 How to specify that class can have max one 7th lesson or max one 0lesson?
... Notes: - you can use the same cardrelationship for teachers, just change 'Apply to' combobox...

1 How can I rename days?
... The software allows you to define your day names and short names in case you want to change the defaults: If your school has 2 different days Day A and Day B where DayA is Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Day B is Tuesday and Thursday...

1 Subject's classrooms
... Of course, you can always change these classrooms, if particular lesson requires it...

1 Custom views
... By clicking on Change you can specify which classes or teachers you want to see in this view...

1 Adding more lessons at once
... Then use SHIFT to change columns if needed and add the modified lessons to the timetable:...

1 How can I specify default (usual) classrooms for certain subject?
... If you want to change the classrooms for already inputted lessons you can use the button "Set for all...

1 What are seminar/course lessons for?
... Then the specific algorithm for individual students timetables checks collisions between lessons according to assignment of students to seminar lessons...

1 Can I reuse last year data?
...A and change the name to 6...

1 Is it possible to reuse last year data in Timetable online?
... After saving your work and closing the window do not forget to change the school year of your newly created timetable...

(new year, new timetable)

1 What's new in version 2010
... Other smaller improvements Besides the above, we have added other impovements like new advanced cardrelationships, grades, better import of student choices, customizabled export of students in seminars and more Substitutions: Change lesson It is now possible to change any lesson in the substitut...

1 Test says there is some problem. What next?
... Your task at this moment is the same as with the first option - complete the timetable of this item (and possibly change constraints or data), so that the program will accept your solution...

1 What’s new in version 2016
... New modules in the mobile application The mobile application now handles teaching plans, lesson preparations, the teachers can assign tests, kids do do online tests directly on their mobiles, it is possible to view payments and more...

1 What's new in version 2013
... Change collision While doing the substitution, you can now directly go to the collision substitution and change it...

1 Is it possible for two or more colleagues to work on the same timetable?
... if you move the cards manually - it can happen, that your colleague will see your change after a few seconds)...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
... At the first run it will probably offer you to add your teachers, subjects, classrooms etc from timetable to EduPage so that you have these data available on EduPage as well: When you change the timetable and publish the changed timetable sometime later, the system will check the names of your te...

1 Additional data synchronisation
... In the verifying dialog, the tab "general" allows you to change the order of weeks or the validity of the timetable...

1 Moving the cards manually
...change the timetable by simple movements of cards...

1 Adding and Editing a lesson
... You can change them with the Change button...

1 Multi term timetables
... If you change this to lets say Any week, the software will allow you to place this lesson into week 1 OR 2...

1 What's new in version 2008
... See: Other notable additions: Possibility to change line widths in printouts...

1 How can I input students picks
... C: Enter all students who requested for the same subject At first change the view to "Subjects in column"...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
... At first confirm or change timetable, you wish to publish...

1 How can I display timetable for current week
... They can also change the view into Regular timetable: Notes - If items from your database are not properly linked to Edupage database, some timetables may not show in the viewer, you may see numbers instead of names on some lessons, etc...

1 Add timetable to your calendar application (Google calendar, Outlook, iPhone calendar...)
... due to substitution or change of the timetable) you will need to download the calendar again...

1 aSc TimeTables online – main advantages of the online version
... Any change can be easily published to your students...

1 What's new in version 2015
... The biggest change in this year’s release is the new timetable generator: Self-modifying generator When you start the generation of your timetable the software first checks your data, your lessons, your constraints and then in literally generates a low level processor code that is tailored to you...

1 Divisions
... If you edit division group names and you don't change the number of groups in the given division, everything will be preserved...

1 What’s new in version 2009
... This allow you to quickly define colors, sizes of timetables and new features like Extra columns and headers that can provide your custom information for each row/column in your timetable More complex printouts and extended customization It is now possible to change the layout of your timetable...

1 How to create sections of courses for subjects
... Note: - You can change the lessons (courses) setup anytime later in the lessons dialog...

1 Digital screen
... You may change texts and colors by clicking the advanced settings button...

1 What’s new in version 2018
... He or she doesn’t need to contact you every time she wants to move one lesson or just change something in the printouts ... We have added several new card relationships that deal with student-teacher assignments...