1 Teacher details
... C: In the third column you can assing teacher to the approbations (groups of teacher, who can proffesionally substitute)...

More results in categories

Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 Approbation
...approbations directly in aSc Substitutions Online...

1 What is shown in the top right corner?
... The color bar next to teacher's short names: Green - teacher is teaching in this class Orange - teacher has the correct approbation Dark Blue - teacher is the class teacher in this class...

1 What's new in Online substitutions
... Approbation You can create groups of teachers, who can substitute proffessionaly by creating approbations...

1 Teacher details
... C: In the third column you can assing teacher to the approbations (groups of teacher, who can proffesionally substitute)...


1 Approbation
...approbations directly in aSc Substitutions Online...

1 Contract planning in Lesson grid
... - Teacher's approbation (green strip) - if teacher belongs to selected subject's approbation, - Teacher teaches in class (blue strip) - if teacher has already some lessons in selected class, - Previous timetable (red strip) - if teacher taught this lesson in previous school year to the same grou...