How to log in to EduPage as parent with one or several children

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The login name to parent account is the e-mail address you provided to your school. The system will send a password set up link to this e-mail address.
Please, enter the log in data here:

If you have provided your school with your e-mail address, but you do not know/remember the password, you can request it from the system at all times.
Please, follow these instructions: I forgot the password to my EduPage account, the password doesn't work

If you have several children, EduPage can display information all those children that have had your e-mail address entered into the system by the schools.

If your school has not yet entered your e-mail address into the system, you cannot log in to EduPage as a parent. Please ask your class teacher to enter your e-mail address into the system.

If the school has handed out a printed piece of paper with a name and password into a student account, you can log in to EduPage as a student (your child). You can view grades, but you are not able to sign them, nor can you input absence notes, or communicate with the school as a parent.

- If you have provided different schools with different e-mail addresses, please repete the process for each of them.
- If you have been logged in the EduPage mobile application as a student and the school has sent you login data to your parent account, we recommend to remove the student account from the application and log in as a parent.
- If you already have a user in the application, you can add another user:

Parents with more than one child