Substitutions / cover

Substitutions / cover - Basic information

English What is aSc Substitution software good for?
English How to access online substitution

Substitutions / cover - Input the data

English Teacher details
English Subject details
English Defining reasons for absence
English Defining types of substitutions
English Approbation
English Copy duties
English Events in substitution

Substitutions / cover - Working with substitution

English Creating a remark for each substitution.
English Creating a remark for one day
English How can I remove the substitution?
English How can I cancel the lesson
English What is shown in the top right corner?
English Substitutions during quarantine
English How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)

Substitutions / cover - Working with substitution - Somebody is missing

English Inputting absent teachers
English Adding more missings at once
English How to specify that Class/Group is missing the whole day
English Generate the substitutions for one day
English Specifying substitutions
English Move the lesson
English Replace the lesson
English Moved, replaced and swapped lessons.
English Missing teacher and classroom on same lesson
English Substitution collisions
English Swap the lesons
English Substitution of long lessons (double, triple, ..)
Greek Πως μπορώ να χωρίσω ένα τμήμα σε δύο ή περισσότερες ομάδες;
English Long time absence
English Teacher's absence on supervisions
English More substituting teachers, more classrooms
English Lessons with 2 teachers - how to cancel it for just one teacher.
English Events in substitution
English Supervisions substitution

Substitutions / cover - Working with substitution - Nobody is missing

English How can I create new lesson in Substitutions
English Add the classroom change into the substitution online
English How to change timetable for specific day to another day/week/term
English How to change the lesson in selected day if nobody is missing?
English How to change particular lesson if nobody is missing

Substitutions / cover - Publish

English When are the changes in Online Substitution published to the webpage
English How to enable substitution viewer on the school website?
English We don't want the substitutions to be visible to public
English Improvements in the substitution overview
English What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution

Substitutions / cover - Notications

English Send notifications about substitutions
English Instructions to substituting teacher via application
English How to confirm substitution

Substitutions / cover - Printouts and exports

English Improvements in the substitution overview

Substitutions / cover - Other

English How to set teachers right for Adminsitration of substitution
English Is it possible to use both online and local version?
English How to get interest group's teacher to substitution

Substitutions / cover - What's new

English What's new in Online substitutions

Substitutions / cover - Substitution - teacher's view

English Teacher - Check the daily substitution:

Substitutions / cover - Substitution in the mobile app

English Administration of substitutions in the mobile application - Overview.
English How to set teachers right for Adminsitration of substitution
English How can I get to Substitution in the mobile app
English How to add missing teachers/classes/classrooms in mobile app
English How can I edit or remove missing teacher in mobile app
English How to specify substitution in mobile app
English How to add new lessons in substitution online in mobile app
English How to publish dayily substitution in mobile app