=Checking of attendance input

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In Edupage it is possible to turn on checking of attendance input. Small icons will be shown in class register that indicate whether teacher has inputted attendance for the lesson. With this there is a lower chance that teachers will forget to input attendance of students on their lessons.

You can turn this function on in Class register - Settings - Class register - Check input of attendance:

Since the day you turn it on you will see these small icons near students icon in class register:

Meanings of these icons are:

- input of attendance is OK

- input of attendance and curriculum is missing

- curriculum is inputted, but attendance is missing

- this will be shown near lessons that were not held yet (future lessons).

Note: if there is nobody missing on a lesson, you have to confirm that by clicking on students icon and then OK.

This way you will confirm that nobody was missing on the lesson. You have to do that only after the lesson started. You can not do that e.g. during the break before lesson.

This function will not work for lessons in the past - icons will show only for days after you have turned this function on.