-How can I upload photos of students and teachers to Edupage

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You can upload photos of students and teachers with "Basic school data" window. Login to Edupage as Administrator. Choose Modify - Basic school info - Basic school data - Students/Teachers - Edit. Window will open with data of selected student/teacher. In the upper right corner there is a place for a photo. Prepare a file with the photo on the disc of your computer in JPG format. Now drag this file with a mouse to the place for photo. System will automatically crop/resize picture to square format (128x128) and set it to selected student/teacher.

Where are these photos used?
Photos of students are shown in class register when selecting absent students on a lesson.

How can I remove photo?
You can remove photo by clicking on it and selecting "Remove picture" from menu.

Can class teacher upload photos of his/her students?
Yes. When you login as teacher, in the left menu choose Settings - Students. You will see a list of students in your classes. To the right of each student there is a "more" button, that will open window with student's data. Now follow the same instructions as for Administrator.

Use Agenda Online to set photos
Schools that use Agenda Online can set photos also in student/teacher window in Agenda Online.