Teacher - login

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Teachers receive the EduPage login data from school administrator.
Log in to your school account:

Teacher and student can log in to the school account or to the personal account.

If your login name is your email address, your school account is identical to your personal account.
If your login name is NameSurname, you can create your Personal account. Persönliches EduPage-Konto einrichten

If you want to change your EduPage password, we do not recommend changing it on your school account. Should the new password be forgotten, school administrator must be contacted to change the password.
For whatever reason you think that your school account has been compromised, please ask your school EduPage administrator to supply you with a new one.

Password to your personal EduPage account can be changed in the 'My Profile' section:

You can change your login name when creating your personal account. If you want to make a change again, first disconnect your school account from your existing personal account. Then log in to your school account and create a new personal account with new login name.

More help:
Eltern - Einfache und sichere Kommunikation im Schulalltag mit EduPage
Persönliches EduPage-Konto einrichten

Anmeldung - Lehrperson
Anmeldung - Schüler*in