Teacher - Creating a noncash collection in the mobile application

mobile application, class account, collection, noncash collection, excursion, photo shooting, workbooks, cinema

English Slovenčina Deutsch

A class teacher can easily create and manage a noncash collections for different purposes (e.g. photo shooting, workbooks, excursion, trips, etc.). Parents will receive notification about new collection and they do not have to send cash to the school carried by student. Teachers save time and they do not have to carry greater amount of money.

To create a noncash collection by the teacher there is need to set up the class account first. This can be done by the administrator or by the teacher. Please follow the help to sep up the class account: Setting of school bank accounts and rights in payment module.
Class account can be bank account of specific teacher or special school account created for class collections.

Creating a teacher´s collection in mobile application is fast and simple. The teacher works in his/her teacher EduPage account in the module Payments and follows the steps:

Teacher´s collection is created and teacher can easily mark the students who paid already. As soon as all students pay the collection will be displayed as finished.

Check also further helps regarding the teacher´s collections:
Teacher - Creating a cash collection in the mobile application
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