Calendar and events

Calendar and events

English How to input a new event into the calendar
English Teacher - Calendar
English How to input an entire day event in the calendar
English How to input an event when only part of the students take part and the rest attend lessons with another class
English How to input events/lessons with class teacher en masse
English The means of informing parents about events organized by the school
English How to send a message to participants of a particular event
English How to input school holidays for the current school year?
English Switching to different views of events (view by day, by week,...)
English Teacher - Room bookings/Classroom change
English Teacher - Book a new classroom
English Teacher - Teachers’ meetings
English What are the conditions for displaying an event in the webpage calendar?
English How to record distance education in Class register
English How to enter Mass absence note in EduPage
English How to enter when some students attend an event and some have lessons in another class? (function "join classes")
English How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)

Calendar and events - Plánovanie písomiek

Thai วิธีวางแผนแบบทดสอบ/การสอบ
Thai ภาพรวมของการวางแผนการสอบ
Thai ข้อมูลโดยละเอียดของกิจกรรมในหน้าต่างการวางแผน