How to copy a teaching plan with preparations from another teacher?

English Slovenčina Čeština

Choose a class and select Plans and preparations from the top menu. Select "Create a Plan".

Choose "Copy from another plan"

You will see a list of all plans that are published. Select the one you want to copy from the list (depending on which teacher and for which class). If you want to copy a plan from another school year, change the school year in the upper right corner.

After clicking on the selected box, you can view the plan and decide whether you want to copy the entire plan or only some topics. Once you've decided on the entire plan, choose "Copy and replace the plan".

When the given teacher also has preparations in the plan, a dialog box appears with three options - Copying preparations. Choose the appropriate one and select "Ok". After that, just confirm by clicking on "DONE" and you have copied the plan with preparations (or without them).

Note: The default setting of a plan (lesson) is that other teachers can only copy plan topics from another teacher. In order to be able to copy the preparations from another teacher, this teacher must change the lesson settings and explicitly allow other teachers to copy the preparations as well.
Sharing the plan with other teachers

See more: Teaching plans - teacher's view